Vj 10 The Cbiftmoner. VOIiTJMH Ti.NUMBJlR 17 I p v is'; te. a w&j R. - r-' SERMONS IN SONG The Candle "Nor do men light a candle and put it under a bushel." Matt. V. 15. Your candle 1b so small, so small, It makes scarce any light; The feeble word you may let fall Has neither strength nor might? And there ho many greater ones Who outshine you by far, As do the sky-lllumlng suns Outgrow the farthest star? But of all good sounds over heard There Is nono half so fall As one unealeulated word That soothes some dim despair, And what a dull ,sky It would be If all tho points of light Were gone, and wo might, only see The suns of wondrous might He who holds up Ids little flame Knows not what straining eyes May find It guiding them from shame Into a paradise; All may not climb the lofty steep, All may not lead tho throng But each" may shelter and may keep Aglow some word or song. We know not, how our candle gleams, It may be sconced In gold. Or It may send Its cheering gleams From some cup worn and old, . And that which fate has hphV;..apnrt 1'vom pathways wide and grand, May glow with light which finds tv heart Attuned to understand. The little word, the little smile, Tho little song you know These make tho candle all the while That we must keep aglow, And we may think jts" trembling light Unnoticed by all eyes But there Is greater dark of night When that lone candle dies. W. D. Nesbltt, In St, Louis Republic. Women Seeking Work Since telling you of tho two women who wanted "easy places," I have had many letters from overworked or lone ly housewives, offering homes. But I must tell you, these women did not want homesthey wanted less work and larger pay. The letters were placed in the hands of a benevolent society, and good situations were free ly offered them, in homes- where "as sistance" was greatly needed, and where tho salary was reasonable. But in every case, the work was consid ered too hard, or not congenial, aud those offered from the suburbs were not even considered. As to such wo men going to the country they would treat such an offor with contempt. There Is absolutely no reason why a girl or woman should remain Idle, in any city, If she would do housework. But they crowd to the shops, factories, offices, and public places, willing to work for merely nominal wages, rath er than go Into the homes where every comfort and convenience for lighten ing labor is to be found, unless, in deed, there are many employes, and their duties clearly defined. Of course In' such families, they cannot hope to be treated "as one of the family," and even among the employes there are grades of "social standing." Every employment is crowded but housework. Reliable, trustworthy help AN OLD AND WELL TRIED REMEDY Mas. Wxnblow's Soo-raiNo SYimpforchlL drcn teethtnir should always bo Sled for 288" dren whilo toothlusr. Itsoftens tho minis, allaya ?Wn vurcs ,TJ,nd c?1Jc and Is tho best remedy tordtarrhoB. Twenty-Qve cents abottl is almost impossible to secure, and the demand is never half met. A girl or woman who understands her. busi ness, and will attend to it as a busi ness proposition, can set her own price as to salary, and will never have to hunt work. As to treatment tho lady who "employs" will hardly dare utter .the word "servant" In the hearing of the housework girl. If the mistress of a- homo should treat her help as tho employer in other business treats ills, she would almost be "lynched" by lior Indignant servitors; she would certainly be left, and that without cere mony. Why women will accept work, oftentimes only on condition of its be boing within tho city limits, is in no way explained by any balance in fa vor of the city service. The basement kitchen, tho attic sleeping room, the bad air, tho many stairs to climb, makes in favor of the country homo; nd if it were only the young and com pany-loving who choose the city sur roundings, it would not appear so strange. But sedate, middle-aged help present tho same objections to the country service, and simply shake their heads when It Is proposed. They do not like the country. They do not want tho work. 'Meantime, the world is seeking for metiious. by which the home can bo. run without Individual housekeeping. Many plans are being suggested; many methods are being tried. Inventors mid architects are turning their atten tion to. "ways and moans" and much. Is being done. It is wonderful, when or.e reads of broomloss and dustless house cleaning, iireiess cookery, and tho services and conveniences to bo had by those who have the means to t.ay for them, without a care or a worry on their part. Tho new ideas, Ike tho new garment, bind and pinch n some places, and do not "set snug y in others;' but little by" little, the easy places" are coming to the front even In housewifery, jftid while try ing to got used to "doing their own things," they must cut out the unnec essary, and get all tho conveniences in the. way of machinery, which thev can reach, and then make use of It. lho useless and unnecessary must go. system of .the country, each state is supposed to provide for its own, and it does so, in a measure. But in too many instances, children who should be in school have to work for a live lihood. In too many instances this de- piorauie condition cannot be avoided. It is impossible for the parents to clothe and feed and keep the children in school on the wages of one or both, while the mother has enough to do without trying to earn the support. The printed pages are fill! of scoldings for tho mother who neglects her home In order to earn tho pittance which is absolutely needed for the comfort of Che little school children. No woman .can be a perfect housekeeper and care properly for her children, and at the same time go into the labor market as a wage worker even as a laundress or seamstress at her own fireside". If the children can not work, and the parents can not supply their needs, then the schools must be deserted Many a poorly-clad and poorly fed child learns to hate the school be cause of being subjected to the ridi cule of more fortunate companions. Compulsory education may be all right with the child who has "good clothes" and a love for study, but for the hun gry, ill-fed and Ill-clad little body, it seems a cruel hardship. If the state could feed and clothe those who can not supply themselves, or compensate the parents for the time 'of the child so ho or she may be kept decently lii school, it might lessen the burden: but this seems as yet to bo impracticable, and as things now are, the educatidn of file children seems a burden Svh'ich the hardworking parents of large families find it hard to carry. Not every child wants, or will take an education. Many are kept in the school room, year In and year out, aiid what they do memo rize is joyously forgotten when the age of freedom" is attained, and the cramped little qul is let loose to en ter into the labors of the world. think, half-heartedly, "will do," for ten chances to one, it won't. Remember that "paraffin wax, poured over your jelly will keep it from moulding, and have a supply of that on hand. If you have taken care of that you used last j ear, it is just as good for use this year, if kept clean. If you can have a pair of good household scales that will weigh true, it will be found a ' great help In your "work, but you will want your graduated measuring cups, too. Remember, you will get out of your jars, etc., only what you put into thorn, be that good or poor, and a lit tle of really good quality Is better than a great deal of Inferior grade. The "Lost Art" If our girls, whether contemplating marriage or not, who have homes and mothers, would study the "lost art of housekeeping," and seek to render themselves efficient and proficient in the business (for It really is a busi ness) and profession of housekeeping and homo making, there would be few er sorrowful sinntngs and unhappy, broken-down lives because of trvlnc to "make a living" in the mad scram ble' for situations which are alreadv overcrowded, and af best poorly paid. J he young wife who has found that life is something of a failure when soggy bread iind muddy coffee is tho rule, or when "store-cooked" foods are all that her table can "sot before its king," should learn' to eliminate the mc-rely ornate, rind do first the everyday-essentials, perfecting herself in tho few substantial and keeping with in the limits of her untrained strength. Simplify and systematize should be her watchwords. - Educating the Masses A German scientist, traveling through the United States, speaks of the munificent gifts of the monied men to bo applied to the advance of higher education, yet finds the proyl Sions for tho ednnnHnn f t mnaaM to be very defective. Under the school Getting Ready for the Summer While the season, in all parts of the country, is remarkably "unseasonable," and we are warned, from all quarters, that our frut supply will be limited, it is as well to lie getting ready "to make the best of what we- may have Some fruits will undoubtedly be verv scarce, but of many others' we shall have enough if not an abundance, and It Is well to be prepared for what may be given us. The stoclc of jars, iiA g asses and fruit receptacles of evefv kind; should be looked over, thorough ly cleansed, aired and fitted with new rubbers, tops, or other parts that mav be found injured or lacking. Do not put this off until the fruit is ready for use, but see that everything you have is available. If you find that you will need more later on you can 'get them. But have what you now have in good-order. See that your preserv ing kettles, spoons, and funnels, or other utens Is are In good order, and Unit the spice box, and sugar can Is refilled. Have the spices as fresh as1 possible, and do not try to make the old, tasteless things "do," Make your flannel jellybag, and your fruit-strainers, and have them where you can set thpra when -wanted. Have your chop ping bowls ot machines in hand, and bo prepared to make good the lack of fruit by a good supply of canned, dried, preserved or pickled vegetables. See that your supply of sealing wax is sufficient, or your soldering outfit In working order, and don't forget that you must have good, clean tin, If you want to keep your work from spoiling. Don't use any old, rusted tin that you How Names -gnd Addresses Are Obtained . Many families are literally "snowed under" with circulars), advertising sheets and pamphlets, for which they have no possible use, and they wondeV how such people obtained their ad dresses. Some time ago, I ordered an article of household necessity, and in sending it out to me, a peculiar error was made in my name. As an error made no difference as to the delivery of what I had paid for, I paid no at tention to it. But it was but a short time until the carrier began bringing me letters, pamphlets, cards and sam-. pies of many thingsall directed to my address with that peculiar error in the arrangement of my name. I at. once recalled the circumstance of the -order. Later, I learned that this firm - kept a list of their, customers names -j unci addresses, and sold the addresses? to "Whomsoever will," or wanted to J" buy them. Because of their thriftlness ' I: am supplied with, an abundance of it. paper material fpr every use known toifr7 housekeepers, from; starting the fire toitt-J' polishing-the,' windows, free: .of. cost?u p?he peculiarity in the name.; gave the iwu mvuj. . .'.,.., -;v K.-.r.; ... -. .. -' 5 '- : r i . '.jtiiAt . a Going iri Debt One of the very worst things one can do is to spend money before if is earned go in debt buy on credit. Tho astern is one or the greatest causes. . of "hard luck," or financial straits. To ;& buy things and settle for them with Aj&JB "promises to pay" will surely bring ' m trouble, no -matter how. large a salary C,, one has.. By thus tvlhcr un our i-n-.". 'sources, we are never in a position. 1.. to jneet me tuture with anything like " a comfortable condition of mind, anil " V r if for any reason our earning ability ; ' is cut off, it places, us in, a very dis- f agreeable position. The only sane, sen slble way to live Is to set aside, every.-:-pay-day, some portion of our earnings,' ' -ana force ourselves to live strictly ' within the limits of what Is left We- '; may want more than this balance will -buy, butlt won't hurt us half as much to want, as to face a deficit with no prospect, or a distant one, of being able- r to meet our obligations. We' all have ? t',o much, as it is. We could do with much less, and still be happy: tU Helps for the Home Seam- stress r' For holding your shirt-waist down " ' to the skirt, get a piece of eotton (not ."" . silk) elastic, half to three-quarters of " an Inch wide, remove the gathers from' --"' the front of the shirtwaist; letting it .' -.. hang-loose, then draw the' elastic tighti and pin through your shirtwaist ana r A your corset. uuu;,, Be sure to. remember that iri'malcing ' ai.?rop,8rfc,'foF au organdie or jawT &'X dress it is -best to include ftf In the' k : band with the skirt proper. If &"- : 'ffifr,!8 'gore mftke the d, skirt from the same pattern, sb'Wo, "V- seams will match; turn up tl e dro-fei sk rt around v hAffAm A x.. n .; i - :v, . ii , i""""1" uie sauievjS-'.'-K- " time as the outer skirt, to make the length exactly the same. " 'r'v' Thfi nlrltfoHhlnnnl on,t i.t..a . " ' i grandmothers is again In use It i "t-C made so thnt if TOni B -"!:' Ihr sfWl or the ledge of a desk, and while heinr; yt?& '$ . 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