The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 10, 1907, Page 9, Image 10

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MAY 10, 1007
The Commoner.
and that it-is or-ihe protection of properly rntlior
.ttianfor its'confiscatlon. There is not one, word
. in Ids 'address ' which indicates any shadow of
turnmg from the great policy of corporation re
form with which his name is identified, but he
insists that in carrying out this reform his pur
pose is to do so with a profound temperatencSs of
'spirit; with no ill will toward any individual, and
with a realization of the' fact that there Is a state
to preserve as well as a state to reform.- The
, Jamestown speech, while it does not touch upon
" 'the railroad question and leaves much foi; the
president to say in some future utterance, is never
theless reassuring to vested interests."
AN INTERESTING story is given to the Joplln
(Mo.) Globe by its New York correspondent,
as follows: "Many years ago Nathan Raphael, a
close friend of Russell Sage, purchased $080,000
worth of second mortgage bonds of the Wasatch
& Jordan Valley Railroad company, which owned
si line' in Utah. The interest on the bonds of the
road was defaulted and first mortgage was fore
closed, cutting out the holders of the second mort
gage securities. Nathan Raphael spent a large
part of his fortune trying to recover from tlio rail
way, but was unsuccessful. Worry caused his
death. A short time ago" Russell Sage Raphael, a
son of Nathan Raphael, began suit in the federal
court, on the bonds and secured a judgment for
$1,G80,7G8, including interest. This judgment has
been returned by the sheriff as unsatisfied and was'
today filed in court. While working up this case
Mr. Raphael's lawyer discovered that when the
first mortgage was foreclosed the holders of tho
second mortgage, probably by a clerk's error,
were not made parties to the suit. This, it IS
claimed, invalidates the foreclosure proceedings.
The old railroad property, which now belongs to
tho Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is said to be worth about $30,000,000. The
second mortgage bonds issued by the railroad
amounted to $800,000."
A GREAT DEAL of comment has been pro
voked by Speaker Cannon's recent speech
before the Union League club in Philadelphia, m
which he said: "In my judgment the danger now
to us is not the weakening of the federal govern
ment, but rather the failure of the forty-five sov
ereign states to exercise, respectively, their func
tion, their jurisdiction touching all matters not
granted to the federal government. This does not
come from the desire of the federal government
to grasp power not conferred by the constitution,
but rather from the desire of the citizens of the
respective states to cast upon the federal govern
ment the responsibility and duty that they should
perform. If the federal government continues to
centralize, we will soon find that we will have a
vast bureaucratic government, which will prove in
efficient if not cor-rupt."
A DALLAS, TEXAS, reader of The Commoner
directs attention to the fact, that comment
ing upon this statement by Speaker Cannon the
"World's Work" says: "True, but the obvious and
only remedy is an awakening of the people to the
proper use of local government, town, county and
state. Industrialism has run away from local
control.' This Is the most striking political phe
nomenon of our time. We may cry In vain foe
town rights, local home rule, state's rights; for the
only way to regain them is to assert them, Mass
achusetts and Texas do far better each for a
different reason than New York or New Jersey
for examples; and even Pennsylvania is showing
a quality that most men once thought she had
lost. But In most of the states industrialism
frankly rules, and industrial control tends to
centralization. The checking of this tendency Is
a duty that can be done where men live not in
Washington; for the men who do the mischief in
vWashington are sent there from states and dis
tricts that fail to do their duty. An energetic re
vival of local energy in government would make
Washington a dull capital withlri five years and
make national activity as humdrum as the activity
at most state capitals now is."
QENATOR WARNER, of Missouri, called upon
JO the president and presented a petition signed
by twenty-five hundred business and professional
men, asking for the pardon of William January.
January, it will be remembered, was convicted
yea"rs ago -of robbing a postofllce in Oklahoma. He
served a greater portion of a five year termi and
then escapedTrom jail". He began life in Kansas
City under the name of Charles W, Anderson.
January married, a child was born into his home,
and he was prospering finely, enjoying a good
reputation, when he was- recognized by an old
comrade and betrayed to the authorities. The
president 'made the following endorsement: "Do-
partmont of Justice: In view of the statements
pf the judges, bank presidents and so forth, who
know him, I think Anderson's years of life as an'
N honest citizen, hard working and of good repute,
warrant us in commuting his sentence at once, or
in pardonlug him outright. Which do you think
ought to be done? Are there sufficient reasons for. .
'doing cither? (Signed) T. R," Tho department d'f
justice, upon receipt of President Roosevelt's s
memorandum, sent letters to the trial judge and
the district attorney who tried Anderson, asking
for a report of the case and a recommendation
as to whether he should receive executive clem
ency. When these reports., are received the de
partment will make a report' to the president.
JANUARY'S WIFE and her five-year-old
daughter, carried the news to the. husband
and father in his cell at the Leavenworth pris
on. An Associated Press report says: "Then tho
wife, nervous and excited as a result of the news
from Washington, approached. After they had
embraced and January had kissed both wife Hud
child, the woman began cautiously to tell the pris
oner of the Associated Press dispatch. January
had previously been apprised of the great act
ivity in his behalf, but ho was not prepared to
hear so quickly such Important results. Immedi
ately his eyes brightened, he stood erect and his
whole manner changed. He saw himself again
in sight of liberty, in. the midst of his family and
surrounded by friends who held him in respect.
Again he gave way to tears,- but tills time tears '
of joy, and tho little group of relatives joined with
him, giving way freely to their intense feeling of
happiness.- The prison officials considerately with
drew and a lengthy, joyous family couflab ensued."
AN ASSOCIATED PRESS dispatch from To- ,
peka, Kan., says: "Kansas will probably
have an auction and a regular old-fashioned de
struction of liquor by peace officers as a result
of the ouster proceedings against the brewers.
Attorney General Fred Jackson rather significant
ly indicated today what the future course of his
office would be in the matter. The buildings, the
bars and fixtures, the glasses, the tables, chairs,
mirrors and all paraphernalia may be sold at pub
lic auction to satisfy the costs in the different
cases. But tho liquor will come to a 'violent end.'
It can not be sold. That is out of the question. -To
store and keep it would be no better. So the
way out of it will probably be to bring actions in
the district courts of the counties where it Is
found and have the peace officers take the stuff
out, smash the bottles, jugs and other containers
and let the contents help raise the Kaw, Cimar
ron, Marals des Cygne, Smoky Hill, yerdigrls, Ar
kansas, Republican, Saline, Blue and other rivers
of Kansas."
fill, ho could not afford (o give up Ills Hfc'comml.
sion In the army without some guarantee "f6V his
future. This was furnished by Thomas U.jWnn
ainaltor amfHwo others, In the shnpo "of a $75,000
bond, equivalent to a salary of $15,000 fot fivo
years. All the facts were published last falf, ana
.no attempt has been made to conceal them," Mayoi
'Royburn now removes Gillette on the plnusiblo
ground that, being bucked by this committee )!
public-spirited men, Gillette Is owned by them.
What It really means Is, that the old gang of tho
Ashbridge dajs Is on top, and that rhiladelphla'3
spasm of reform Is over, for the time."
Is a coldness between Mr. Roosevelt and
Secretary of State Root. Referring to this report,
former Senator Thomas M. Patterson, writing in
tho Denver News says: "It Is claimed by tho
close friends of Root that he protested violently
against the president's reference to llarrlman,
Moyer, Haywood and Debs in the same sentence
as 'undesirable citizens.' I have no doubt but he
did. But It was not because he sympathized with
the three latter or was solicitous about a fair
trial for Moyer and Haywood. . was because ho
felt a deep mortification that his chief should class
his friend llarrlman with Moyer, Haywood and
Debs. But the president was obdurate. Ho would
not divorce tlio quartet and he sent the four
names to the world linked together as In his opin
ion of the same class and of equal' danger to so
ciety and the country. It was reported the other
day that Secretary Root was about to resign be
cause of this last but weighty straw upon the
camel's back. But we are informed that he has,
on the advice of tho 'Interests,' reconsidered that
determination. Whetner he will resign pr not, ho
Is no longer the white-headed boy with the presi
dent, and Secretary Taf t, who rejected a Judgeship
oil tho supremo bench will, In all probability, bo
the recipient of the president's favor for the presi
dential nomination when the republican national
convention meets."
EVERYBODY KNOWS what the governor of
North Carolina said to the governor of South
Carolina. But that was .long ago, and a New
Haven dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer tells
another story: "Governor Woodruff, of Connecti
cut, was surprised on learning, at the Jamestown
exposition, that the governor of North Carolina
and the governor of South Carolina are prohibi
tionists. Governor Woodmff was chatting Satur
day at the exposition with Governor Hcywanl, .
of South Carolina, when Governor Glenn, of North
Carolina, came along and learning that they had
never met Introduced them. 'Gentlemen, when
the governor of North Carolina meets the governor
of South Carolina I expect the usual salutation
said Governor Woodruff. 'I must apologize said
Governor Heywood, 'for I am a prohibitionist and
can't offer the usual salute' 'and I must state
said Governor Glenn, 'that the governor of North
Carolina said to the governor of South .Carolina,
"It's a long time between drinks," for I, too, am a
teetotaler "
THE OLD PHILADELPHIA ring in the repub
lican party appears to be on top. A writer
in the New York Evening Post, says: "The new
mayor of Philadelphia has put himself in a very
unfavorable light by his removal of Major Cassius
E. Gillette, the chief of the bureau of filtration.
Major Gillette, it will be remembered, Is the man
who exposed the Oberlln M. Carter frauds, and
was induced to resign liIS army commission for
the express purpose of ending the reign of graft
in the filtration bureau. The .circumstances of
that resignation were perfectly well known. Major.
Gillette was on duty at gaoi Francisco when
'loaned' by Secretary Taft to Mayor Weaver. To
gether with William Barclay Parsons and J. Don
ald Maclennan, Major Gillette unearthed the
gigantic conspiracy which had resulted in a loss
to Philadelphia of $6,000,000. At the earnest re
quest of Mayor Weaver, Major Gillette finally re
signed. Since it was a political position he had to
THOSE WHO remember the picturesque career
of theilate United States Senator Tabor of
Colorado, will be interested In a Leadvillc dis
patch to the Denver News: "Mrs. II. A. W. Tabor,
widow of the late United States Senator Tabor, fti
in- a fair wily to retrieve the fallen fortunes of
her family. At present she is living In a small
cabin on Fryer hill with her two children. The
humble home Is located on the Matchless claim,
the famous mine which made Senator Tabor's mil
lions In the early days. The property Is now un
der lease, and for the first time since Tabor lost
it is producing large amounts of high grade ore
from a now vein, which has recently been opened
and which promises to develop a bonanza. The
royalties will In a short time pay off all the In
debtedness. The property was sold some years
ago to pay off a judgment against the Tabor es
tate. Mrs. Tabor appealed to W. S. Stratton to
save tho property for herself and children. The
generous Cripple Creek mine owner agreed to ad
vance the money. Other creditors, however, ap
peared, and one of them, Herman Powell of Den
ver,, believing that the Matchless property was
valuable, asserted his right as a creditor and paid
off the Stratton judgment. As no further good
angels appeared to settle the indebtedness,'
obtained an absolute deed to the property. II
agreed however, to sell the property back for
$30,000. Mrs. Tabor, on the strength of this, en
listed the co-operation of her sister, Mrs. Claudia
McCabe of Chicago. Part of the purchase price
was raised and paid over to Powell, and the
women were given, the right to lease the ground
and apply the royalties to paying Off further In
debtedness. Later further sums of money were
borrowed, and as the mine failed to give any re-
turns Mrs. Tabor's hopes were at a low ebb. Some
months ago she leased the ground to a party of
miners, and active operations were begun. In the
last month a rich1 vein of high grade silver ore
has been encountered, some of which runs as high
as $1,500 a carload. From fifty to seventy-five
tons a day are being shipped, and the Matchless
mine Is now one of the heaviest producers of rich.
ore In thd 'district. If the indebtedness is all paid
off, Mrs. Tabor will save one-eighth of the famous
SENATOR PERKINS, of California, will soon
be disciplined for speaking at the annual ban
quet of the Oakland, Cal., merchants exchange.
Mr. Perkins 'said: "It is the history of the human
race that some people talk too much, and this Is
the fault of our president. He wanted to nat
uralize the Japanese, and on this point, as you
all know, he talked too much, but the people for
gave him becausehe is earnest and his heart Is
for thejright."
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