The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 03, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner
vwyH '
The Commoner.
Kdltornmll'roprlotor. " Pullllior. '
IticiiAiti) I. Mrtoai.v-k JCrtltorlnl Jlooms nnd Buslncwi
AHHodnU) Kclltor. Onicu 324-330 South 12th Btruot.
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THE COMMONER, L'ncoln, Neb.
David was general, but Theodore .scorns beat
on being specific.
The "Ohio Idea" seems to be to grab the posi
tion in, tho spot light. " f y
- (. - i
., Mr.Xarncglc owns the' 44maglc lamp."' and
Mr. Rockefeller owns the 6(1. k
Every congressman walked up and receipted
for tho increased pay. This is not a news Item;
Johnson had Ills Boswell, and Roosevelt has
his Jake RIIs. It' this bo treason, make tho most
of it.
The peace congress and the Daughters of tho
American Revolution might profitably effect a
The railroads arve experiencing difficulty In
hypnotlzlugJeglslntures. Their "passes" no longer
take effect.
Tho Sioux City Journal is thirty-seven years
old, and in all respects save ono is a mighty good
newspaper. b
'A little armorplate and a twelve-inch rapid
lire gun will be among the necessaries of future
peace conventions.
If Mr. Ilarrlman called at the White DTouso
after election Secretary Loeb forgot to make pub
lic mention of tho fact.
The peanut crop has been" cornered again. The
same old- corner in "goober politics" is still in con
trol in Washington.
"Get busy and do things!" exclaims Chicago's
mayor-elect. But isn't tlmt a rather harsh name
to apply to Chicago taxpayers?
By the way, Mr. Roosevelt, did Mr. Ilarrl
man accept your invitation .to call after the elec
tion and talk over some matters?
If Colonel Harvey will call at headquarters
he will be given a nicely engraved certificate of
membership in tho Ananias club.
A supply of porch swings having been or
dered by the canal commission we mW expect
the work to proceed without further delay.
Mr. Carnegie has been (lecorategfey tho French
republic. But he got JUs first one from Uncle
Sam, wrapped in neat, clover tariff schedules;
0e New York Waitorfyio struck John. D.,
Itocketeller for a ten-cent Upland got It merely
cost tho rest of us about 'steen million dollars.
Teary says $100,000 must bo forthcoming be
foro ho will start for the north pole. A whole
raft of men will start for half tho money.
A former "Rough Rider" has been appointed
governor of Now Mexico, Tho battle of San Juan
or was it Kettle has been terrible in its results. '
The report that Secretary Taffc will not de
bate with Senator Foraker is another evidence
thai Secretary Taft Is considerable of a diplomat.
By the way, Abraham Reuf of San Fran
cisco and Edward II. Uarriman of New York were
delegates to tho republican national convention in
1 004.
Just as soon as the president 'can grab off
enough adjectives he will probably- tell us what
kind of a prevaricator Colonel George Harvey
reully Is.
Mr. Ilarrlman breaks silence long enough to
say that he Is a railroad man, not a politician.
This Is calculated to sound to Mr. Roosevelt like
an Insinuation
If Senator Borah is indicted he will not worry
about the fact that his case will be tried beforo
the judge who was appointed on the Borah endorsement.
Mr. Harriman is now pondering over the
iruth of tho old adage that there are- only two poo'
paymasters tho ono who pays in advance and the
one who pays not at all..
I, have seen three kings and two queens,"
said Mr. Stead at tho peace conference. That is
a sight calculated to make men mutter to themselves.
An order has 'been Issued to the effect that
newspaper reporters must not call at the White
House after dark. Might get the same results
by pulling down the blinds.
The Birmingham Age-Herald says
VGlt'S friend ft niV I'flllvliirr nrnnnrl mn.
"" jj ( ia.vuai& JLiVL
Tf fhnin
are enough to go around thq Taft boom certainly
juu uutiiu on mrge proportions.
A Johns Hopkins professor has proved that
starfish may be taught to turn somersaults. A
lot of republican leaders have been doing the
educated starfish stunt of late.
Congressman Tawney says the Panama carial
can be completed In five years. Prebumably with
the porch swings and rocking chairs recently or
dered by the canal commission.
Boss" Cox of Cincinnati was robbed of ,$0,000
by New York crooks recently. Men who could
turn that.trlck would do well to begin some "hlch
financing" stunts on Wall street-.
" The Washington Herald Insists that the pres
ident Is not the ruler of the United States. Funnv
how a great newspaper occasionally overlooks a
'big Item right In its own bailiwick.
OJho Panama canal commission has made e
qulsltlon, for 4,700 gross of pens. It certainly
takes a lot of correspondence to keep the annro
prlatlons coming through fast enough...
Tho Age-Herald says that Birmingham has'
a Greek waiter who make figures backwards and
ups do down., What an excellent advocate of the
protective tariff that waiter would make!
The Ohio 'Penitentiary News" has suspend
ed owing to the fact that there aro no nrlnters
incarcerated in the "big stir." There arc plenty-of
opportunities, however, to start bank there.
Tho presidential Tacation begins May 12 and
the telegraph operator at Oyster Bay is lookhi"
up his .'code book for signs for "liar," "poltroon"
and other much-repeated words,
. . r
"The Wisconsin legislature will have trouble
In, finding a man who can fill Spooner's shoes"
says a contemporary, Perhqps,- but there are
number of men in Wisconsin who can fill Spooner's
All the mirrors have been removed from the
government printing office. It is claimed tfiat fhe
women employes lost too much time- "prlniphw
before them. The .use of mirrors In other depart
ments would be a good thing if it,rcsulled in the
chiefs. seeing themselves as others see them.
Paragraphic Punches J
The Root resignation rumor can also h,o char
acterized by a shorter term. Boston Herald.
Tho shortage of tho peanut market may bo
partly due to tile demand caused by Forakera
political methods in Qhio. Louisville Post
Pessimists who think the Panama canal will
never be finished probably forget that the Chicago
postoffice has been completed.-Chicago Record-Herald.
The "discharged stenographer" who sold that
Harriman letter to the newspapers seems to recog
nize a hot document when he gets hold of one.
Washington Herald.
If the court should impose fines against the
Standard in the aggregate sum of ,000,000,' we
believe it will be a sign that the price of oil is
going up. Houston Post.
Former Governor Odell of New York refers '
to political reformers as grasshoppers. They
seem to have done a good deal of damage to lila
crops. Chicago Record-Herald. : '
Former Senator Patterson of Colorado paid .
his fine of $1,000 and remarked that the Colorado '
supreme court was worth just about that amount '
of contempt. Minneapolis Journal.
Mr. Rockefeller will probably refuse toworr7
over the charges that he is a party to a polltinjil -conspiracy,
inasmuch as the offense alleged isii't "
indictable. New Orleans Times-Democrat ' ',
Revised returns show that Chancellor Day
has not quit smoking, but lias stopped smoking -cigars.
His public utterances are proof that he
still occasionally hits the pipe. Omaha Bee.
x Ex-Governor Swe6tenham Js to take a lone
tour, and will visit Canada. He probably will not
come to the United States, much as the United
States would like to see him. Sad!-oston Gl6b
"Gypsy" Smith is conducting revival meetings
in Philadelphia, and the papers of that city say
he is arousing the people. If this Is true he must
possess almost superhuman powers Chicago
Record-Herald. b -Atv
From the silence which emanates from Chan
cellor Day's corner since sthe, .Standards recent
conviction, we infer that Mr. Rockefeller has not
been mailing checks to Syracuse university lately.
Houston Post.
John F. Dryden has fully recovered from the"
illness which suddenly made him retire last win
ter from the senatorial race. .Anyhow, It saved
him .tne trouble of standing up and being'beaten.
New York World. . - --"
The secretary of war has furnished enough
dope to the Cubans to keep them on good be-'
havior for five or six weeks. Their amiability will; "
last only till they discover that they are not to
have spoils. Cincinnati Enquirer.
senator Stone says he will not assert the '
president told an untruth, but he does declare that
Mr. Harriman's letter was "very convincing " The
Missouri statesman is following Mr. Roosevelt's " '.
injunction to "walk softly."-St Louis Republic.
The worst relic of barbarism remaining in '
the American system of administering criminal
law is the treatment of juries. If the Thaw" trial ,
results in some sensible reforms, it will - have
kBCT"su "" uuu purpose, at least Buffalo Et-Dress.
The ivill of Silent Smith, which disposes of
$75,000,000 dollars that eminent Inheritor lef to be
hind him is to be shredded in court, as a matter
of course. Every man who leaves $75,000,000 la
of. unsound mind, on the face of It St. Louis
That same force which pushed up the rocks
and dirt that forms the Rocky mountains Is now
shaking tho continent as it used to do long ajro
There-is a range of volcanoes along that ranee
that at times destroy cities, and sometimes slnics
an island, or raises one. It is tho old earth hav
ing a spasm, and that great range of mountains
. shows what it can do whei it tries. Birmingham
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