rmvmmKW V ' K-. .f v-.-.W w- ' v-f, 12 The Commoner. VOLtfMH 7,: NUMBER If? - V ; ,. j Uvrlr&i: "ZZZ : ' All i SP,WW"-'I j- .i r - a m hhi mi n a. bi Tlio Hhoilo Islnnd -legislature ad journed Hlno dlo without (selecting, h United Stales senator. 4 Former Judge Abncr Smith, late president of the Bank of America Chicago, and Gustuv IP. Sorrow, vice president, woro Vacli fined $J,000 ami sentenced for two years in prison. Mrs. Julia Sheldon, mother of Gov ernor Goorgo L. Sheldon of Nebraska, died at her homo at Nehawlca. , Tho Rhode Island superior court has held that tho proprlpior of a place of amusement Is undor no obligation to admit any person he may choose to exclude, and that the person wearing n United States uniform has no more right to admission than anyone else., Tho Oklahoma constitution has been formally signed by tho delegates to the constitutional convention. A Guthrlo, Okla., dispatch to the Sfe Louis Globe Democrat, savs: "Tho final vote on tho constitution, as Interlined, changed and added to during tho past week, was taken just prior to its being signed by President Murray. Tho to tal vote was elghty-iTvo nycn, no nays, and twenty-seven absent. Delegate Oioud of Wellston, the only republt ean present, voted for tho constitu tion on final passage. Thus it received every vote cast. Tho signing was completed at 4:10 o'clock, when Sec retary Charles Fllson o Oklahoma at tached tho Oklahoma seal. When tho Signing began, Delegate Harrison of Snyro called attention to the fact that the signing -was being done on the an niversary of the battle of Lexington, in 1775, when tho first blood of tho revolution was shed. Delegate Bryant of Gotobo mentioned that it was the anniversary of tho opening of tho Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indian coun try to settlement, In 1892, at which time ho made tho run for a homo. Tho republican delegates, in caucus as sembled, agreed not to sign the con stitution, and only Hudson of Hen rietta was present when the signing was in progress. It is understood that two republicans were not bound by tho party caucus and will in all probabil ity sign the constitution Cobb of Sa pulpa and Cain of Oktaha. The latter recency wrote to President Murray asking him to attach liln nnmo constitution. None of tho other repub- lii-uua, uuwever, wm sign. ho sold and out of ilio proceeds tho court will pay all coats and damages duo tlio state. If it 1$ necessary to send tho militia to enforce tlio order tho defendants will pay the bill. Jt will not bo necessary to do this, how ever.' Tlio brewer' property In Kan sas consists of warehouses and saloon fixtures and is valued at many thou sands of dollars." James Bartlott Hammond, Inventor of the Hammond typewriter, has been sent to an asylum on complaint of his brother. He Is sixty years of ago. John Mitchell, tlio labor leader, is reported to bo seriously ill. , Washington dispatches report that William Loeb, secretary to the presi dent, may bo chosen president of tho Washington City Railway and Electric company. sight. Tlio nature of tho girl appealed fo tlb chivalry of Dr. Garvin, himself a southerner of the old-Xashloncd type, and through his efforts she was sent to tho Perkins 'Institute for the Blind at Boston, where she took a full course, afterward studying" music at the same Institution. Dr. Garvin took Intense interest In the 3roung woman, whoso attainments wore such as to m'nko her a valuable friend, and since the death of Mrs. Garvin, half n dozen years ago, he has spent considerable time In her society, tho close acquaintanceship culminat ing in the announcement of their en gagement. Miss Tomllnson is 33 years old and Dr Garvin was born In 1841. He lias throe daughters Edith, Ethel and Florence Garvin all of whom are close friends. of .Miss Tomllnson. Providence, R. I., Dispatch in New York Sun. Two members of the marine corps wero ojocted from the congressional ifUKujr uuiiuiiig ut vvasnington. They claimed that tlioy were ejected be causo tlioy were in uniform. Library authorities claim, however, that they wore ejected because they were "flirting." . Gilbert . Laws, at one time a mem ber of congress, of Nebraska, died at his home in Lincoln. , In a letter written to George E. Pow ers of Orange, la., Governor Cummins says that Mr. Roosevelt ought' to bo a candidate for a third term. , An Associated Press dispatch from Topeka, Kan., follows: "Attorney General F. S, Jackson, by securing an Injunction against nine foreign brew ing companies to prevent their own ing property and operating saloons, and In obtaining an order for an ap pointment of, receivers for tho brewers' property, has taken the most offcetlvo rjoasuro that has ever been Invoked to enforce the prohibitory law in Kan sas. He Intends to push tho crusade to an active conclusion and todav in mi interview said: 'When tho receiv er is named ho will proceed to locate nud take under his control all prbn orty of tho defendants found Injihe state und thus will bo able to sd every place where tho defendants' aro in any way carrying on business1 m Kansas. Any attempt to conceal tho sale of llmiora win ni.iA , ,,!", um ,i .tu .."" ?" ",v- "UlUIUl- I ninX l . " anticipating ngentsN h. V u suue lu contempt of JO, Klini'rmin aahiiI. mi.. .... . . 'v vt -..wu wuii. xuu property wul President Roosevelt and partv left Son April 4r Jamest0WI1 exPsl- n?i10 -?imMtoYn oxI)0slon was op cued with great splendor April 2G. An Associated Press dispatch from Upper Alton, 111., 8nys: "SvlngX elded in favor of tlio sopnomores m an oratorical contest at Shurtleff col lege last night, which decision was Mugan of St. Louis and E. M. Dev general advertising agent for the Mis' sourl Pacific system, two of the three judges, were seized by the freshmen, tied to trees on the campus and left helpless until morning. Attorney Har old Johnson of St, Louis, tlio third Judge, who rendered a devlsion in fa vor of the freshmen, was not molest- h i"r;rV "u? IWI Mr. Dey : A " i , ,. uoulH to iiee tnemaelves after being tied to tlie trees, but to no avail Before dawn thoy' were leased and permitted to return to St. Louis, chilled and chagrined.'' The Santa E3 railroad company has been indicted at Los Angeles for giv ing rebates. hV ,A yieJlim cablegram says: "Prof. Albert Rlttor Von Mosetig-Moorhof, the famous surgeon and introducer of Iodoform, threw himself into the Dan ube today while suffering from mental trouble and was drowned DR. GARVIN'S ROMANCE Ex-Governor Luclous P. C. Garvin of Rhode Island has announced his en gagement to Miss Sarah Emma Tom llnson of Lonsdale, who Is just half his owir age, and who has been blind since she was seven years old. The date of tlio wedding has not yet been fixed, but Governor Garvin in an nouncing the engagement said that the ceremony would bo performed soon. When Governor Garvin first mot Miss Tomllnson she was a small child ,... ..uiuuu uw uu uor VJlVSlelnil. TTn wns t off,,i. i tP illness which deprived her. of,, eye- ROSCOE CONKLING'S QUO TATION Thoroxis a vast amount of discus sion going on about the poetical quo tation made by Senator Roscoe Couk Img in his speech at the Chicago con vention in 1880 Whmi lin r1nnr1 Tr ident Grant in nomination for a third term. Ho wound up his great speech with these stirring lines: "When asked what state he hails from, Our sole reply shall be, Ho comes from Appomattox, And its famous apple tree." This was called "doggerel and "stuff" and the like at that time, and occasionally nt iha ftmo nni w tributed to Conkling himself. Of course Mr. Conkling himself knew better and well-read people, as a rule, know better,, and knew who therenl author wjis, tand knew what it was that evoked the entire poem in 18GS(, m responding to a toast to the name of Gen. U. S. Grant. It was a military banquet at Sher ry's In New Vnrlr In IfifiQ r Charles G. Halpin, "Private Miles y avuxiv yub unexp.ecteuiy called on to respond to the toast. On the back of a menu card he penciled some 20 or 28 lines of verse winding up with tlio lines above quoted. It was one of the great hits of the evening, and as an impromptu poem has probably never been equaled. The late Robert B. Ttoosevclt, the democratic uncle of the president, was at that time associated with Gen. Hal p n, and edited one of the volumes of his poems. Now Mr. Roosevelt hated doggerel" with an implacable hatred, and the fact that he asked Halpin to add a few prefatory lines, and then placed it conspicuously in tho volume, auswers fully the suggestion made by several writers that it was mere "dog gerel." Columbus Press-Post. OBSTACLES TO SELF-RULE The Porto Rlcaus who-want a na tive of the island appointed colonial secretary should remember that the"& are several Harvard graduates, rough r'dera and congressional lame ducks who need a job just about that size. Washington Post. MILES' THOROUGHNESS Some years ago General Hiles started to drive from Red Lodge, Mont., to Cody, Wyo to see his friend, Buffalo Bill. The road was rough, and the reckless driving of the man holding tho lines made it seem rougher, but the Indian fighter compressed his lips and clung to tho seat without com plaint. When near Cody, the general suddenly prodded the driver in the hack with his, walking stick and said curtly: "Driver, turn around." "What?" exclaimed the astonished driver. mDo n , to11 you" commanded Miles. So tho man turned the horses about and started. back to Red. Lodge. "Now turn here' ordered Miles, - after they had driven a few yards. convinced that his distinguished pas senger had suddenlv Instills mti'irl flT driver turned about once, more and - .. started for Cody. ' "There!" exclaimed kilos, In a tone of satisfaction, as the side wheels struck a stone and he boundeiUnto" the', air. "You hit itl Nowr. driver, you can go back to Red Lodcro'stuf nii them that you drove seventy-five miles'. f 1 ' lK :v. iuiu never missea a pock. You've ult7A. them, every one." Lippincott's. ",; "W . ? THE INSIDE OF THE PAINT QUESTION Mr. A. L. nice, a prominent manufacturer of Adami, i n",Pu?,tnJ one of the most valuable books CJ.f jP "TL t ' , , ,,a?,!? CL Proe$rty ownera . . It la en", titled, The Inaidc of the Paint Quetion," and contain, a vat fund of information upon this Important subject never before publiihed, together with many valuable iecreti that paint manufacturer do not usually tell to the public. To everyone who ha bufldingj to care for, thit book will gave a large amount of money and at It iiaent en tirely free, every property ownerhould take advantage ot the remarkable free offer and write for it at once. Ad- ;, nt .. luce, 06 norm ot., Adami , N. I. PUZZ Can you do it? Try anyhow I A serious puzzlo for grown pooplo sndthoolderohiiaren. it will afford you hours of entertainment. Cures tho blues In no time. Price by mail, postpaid, 1(S; PUZZ PUZZLE CO., Che.1. Hill, PWU., p. ASSETS OF $1,327,179.94 is tho Statement of The Old Liiie Bankers Life of LINCOLN "Salary and commission will bo paidto"an "", wuuwu, JwuuraKa. POLLED JERSEYS -Rioh mllldnir beauties" Bred for business. A ?ow youncr bulls for sale. Chas. S. HA.TWELD. Kouto i, Sprlngflold, O, YK Travel np; Position ylt o Mnu- " ,W,,"S wauiun faoturer now open. Good pay and promotion. If Industrious and cnorcQtIo oxperionao Is not necessary Danville Tobacco Co., Box D 50, Danville. .VaV uvii1B PA T P II T SECURED OR FEB M 1 k II I O , RETURNED. SSr : t?if?t of invontloDB Wanted, sent free. EVANS, WIX,KBNS CO., WaHhinKton,D.O ,-.. life and Speeches of W J, Bryan SS'whft.SW0' 465 Paces, published in SSiSJt-111?1'' n?thIn in print more 2?mW- 'A,few SOPies. last of publisher's G.H. WALTERS, ma& ; &?.. -, ( V: : MR, METCALFE'S BOOK "OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM" And Other Stories from Life NOW REALTY FOR DELIVERY JOHN M. HARLAN, Aocute Ju.tfce. United is i the Kinidom.' has been read by me with more han ord.nary interest. Indeed. have re. ft n Ate ia!"et ai pro.fit-or ,hout hv" Cloth bound, printed from olear tvnn nn S Paen't8l!?fiand KtoSK 200 pases, bent prepaid on receipt of $1;00. Address RICHARD L. METCALFE CrQ The Commoner UNCOLN, NEBR -.": -t w ' j.W ' - -' .v v . v """An -, -r4 ... 'v ; -' ? "";5 , u f ' .AiTr7Ti i;.. ImiL. a-j- 2l '' vvZ; ill. 1 . "' ..... jm.. vkiv.-.aj,.v .a .i . . ...j...f. i-, .. . ; t:?.itrtT.; ''? a iBllHHH