' Hf'W,l rrjwiTTiM vi "ymfmrtt - .- tv'TiiprtytT'jnnp'i ."? ' fpp .rTTpeVWJif t W r- iVr, J" frTp --k r' ""i" 16 The Commoner. VOLUME 7, NOMBBtt 15 "fjqjaBSWty"w,vi Bargains in Good Reading Subscribe for The Commoner and for a small additional amount you also secure a magazine or newspaper for your friend For the accommodation of our readers who desire to avail them selves of a general lino of reading, so far as newspapers, and periodi cals are concerned, The Commoner has arranged a number of special clubbing offers. This plan hao proven to bo very popular, and each year thouGands of Commoner readers have taken advantage of the low prices thus made possible. This year we are pleased to be able to offer Com moner renders a larger list to select from and In many cases better prices. We get especially low prices by reason of our ability to send to the respective publications large numbers of subscribers, and our readers are given the full benefit of all reduction made In price by other publishers for clubbing purposes. - CLASH A Regular Price. American, Nashville, Weekly, News $ .60 Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Wookly, Nows 60 """ ci-iimiiir, iuompuifl, ivenKIy 26 - ."yu. xv,,,:,,, ,,,,?'"- '" luvenllo, Weekly 50 'lhn Hlnr, Monthly, Oak Park. Ill 60 Modern Prlsc'llla, Hoston, Fancy Work, Montlily 50 Pcoplo s I'onulnr Monthly. ni Mnina rimmnimM . .r.n VIPK H ItnmilV .Mnirnxnn DntiMvllln w v ri..M.,l tural, Monthly '....'...". 60 American farmer, Indianapolis, Agricultural, Mo... .50 KntisaB Farmer, Toppkn, Kuniuit, Weekly 1.00 Prairie Farmer, Chicago, Agricultural, Weekly 1.00 American Swine Ilenl. Chlr-vo. Agricultural, Mo 50 Modern I-armor, St. Joboph, Monthly 60 National Farmer and Stock Grower, St. Louis, Agri cultural, Monthly 50 FaJm'. S.tock. nnd Home, Minneapolis, Agricultural, Soml-Monthly ,50 Farm and Stock, St Joseph, Mo., Agricultural, Wookly , I 100 Homo and Farm. Loulsvlllo, Agricultural, Scml Mon.thly ' B0 Missouri Valley Farmer, Topoka, Kansas, Agricul tural, Monthly - 25 Up-to-Date Farming, Indianapolis, Agricultural, Seml Monthly - co Commercial Poultry, Marseilles, 111., Poultry. Monthly .50 rouiiry success, Bprlngueld, O., Monthly 50 I nellablo Poultry Journal. Qulncy. 111., Monthly GO J CLASS B Tho World, Now York, Thrlco-a-Weck $1.00 Tho Constitution, Atlanta, Thrlco-a-Week l 00 The Enqulror, Cincinnati, Weekly i no Tho Times, Seattlo, Weekly.... qo The Courier-Journal. Loulsvlllo. Weekly l'oo Amorlcan Boy, Detroit, .luvenllo, Monthly l'oo Physical Culture, New York, Monthly l'oo Outdoors, New York, Sports. Monthly i"oo Table Talk, Philadelphia, Cooking Magazine. ' Monthly .inn Vegetarian, Chicago, Food Reform, Monthly ?. . i.oo Tho Pilgrim, Detroit, Literary, Monthly '..,, i oo Trrlgntloh Age, Chicago. Irrigation. Weekly i'n Mloulcan Farmer, Wookly 7R . ..liiir,, nwy i urn, niiiiuununii, mommy 1,00 iuwuiiui oiociiman anu i-armcr, rmsDurg, Weekly.. 1.00 The Commoner AND The Commoner AND The Commoner AND The Commoner And any One n Class $1.00 The Commoner And any JvVO n Class A v The Commoner And any Ono in Class 13 $1.35 The Commoner And any Two In ClussB j A.ny ONE in Class A I with any ONE in Glass n Any ONE In Class A with any TWO in Class B Any TWO in Class A I with any ONE in Class B M1SCKLLANEOUS m. . a . me worm. Kansas citv. D.iiiv nrxAni $1.85 $J.60 $2.JQ $1.85 Our price Publisher's with Price. Commoner. Q..-.1 . . . Tom Watson's Jofforsonlan Mmrminn. Atinntn .r "., ''.:: $?99 Tho Post. Kansas City. Dally exwpt Sunday .y ,,M 1-52 World-Horald, Tho Kepubllc. Omaha, Semi- ' i 3.00 1.00 1.00 wr ...i. i .. fill 11. UUlill" Ik I1UKIV. . . . St. Louis. Sfiml.Wilriv nU T1..1.1I.. i.i - " 'UL"V i iiu i iiiiiii!. i.iiii'iii'n i .irnrnrti wtaaI.i - - - - w W1 kiV&lB.ATa W1ll(IW- .. Literary Digest, Now York. Weekly..... i22 Independent, New York, Literary. Weekly '.'.". 2,0v2 Review of Kovlcws. New York. Monthlv ??? .00 .50 00 00 00 00 00 1.50 1.50 1.00 vuiiuul ii LuiuLULt. ii w vnrif Mnniiiiu --.- Tho Arena, Trenton. N. J Literary. Monthly' ".'.V. I Tho Reader. Now Yorlc. T.itnrnrv T.T.ii. ,y 2 Bob Taylor's Mairazlne. Knshvin. t .u..... ' W'l.' .: 3. House & Garden, Philadelphia Monthly. ...... .7. . . "' ty ' American Magazine, Now York, Literary Monthly " ,' Outing, Deposit, N. Y., Sports, Monthly.... y ! Reeroat on. MmrnulM M v i.'.i..V 3. tft Field and Stream. New York, Sports MonthlV ;mv"v ;" ni,i " !: "e,,lc'"p 'y -.vi . V.VW ..ivukv, 4 wiuuuuiiinn Weekly ...,,,,,, .......,,.,,,, .......,,.,,,,, House BeautlfUI. Chicago. Decorations Monthlv 1,0 Metropolitan Magnslne, New York UteVliry. SSnthl ?VS uooa iioue Keeping, sprlntrneld Mn, irnmii,. Vr V. Ju American Motherhood, Cooporstown N T & JnSntiV,y ,u5 1M Woman's Homo Comnanlon.New VnVi,N,,l'..am,ll?' A1.0.?"1'- '. 1-00 The HousekceDcr. Mlnnrnnniio w-, : ..' ""!Vf' """"y. n-n-., n,... oi.ri JT-"Z '. .uaniniy trnnr.; Tinim iV,u?K;?"c,L. nnd Farm. Weekly 1.00 .60 Hoard's Dairyman. PL At n ' W r4r"r." ' weeKiy 2.00 The Fruit Grower, St. Joseph. Monthlv 1-00 Northwestern Agriculturist, Minneapolis 1,0 Democrat, Johnstown. Pa., Weekly f 60 only'VSrS11- ' ?K?Ii A?f 'th. 'name' of' a'pubilcaUon . Periodicals. may bo sent to d Iff ere'n't" ,V "" Bn,?.,W . . . !.. "-?,Vlil y .,n .""ding for a oomblna Ion: All '.Iw ",en.aJL ml ii now, uegin With the current nl.mh.. ..i. "I.r""."? i" loJ uwicrwiao airected. we $3.00 1.85 X.3S 1.25 1.50 1.C0 3.26 2.20 3.00 3.00 2.86 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.60 3.00 1.85 1.15 1.4S 1.60 2.10 1.00 1.6& 1.60 uo 1.20 2.00 1.50 1.35 1.15 1.25 are w one year. and INTEREST YOUR FRIENDS Commoner readers who are willing to assist In th work of In creasing The Commoner's circulation and Influence will find it easy to Interest their friends, who are not now subscribers, by bringing to their attention the extraordinarily low prices at which standard periodicals can be secured In combination with The Commoner. The Commoner $1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 Homo Magazine 1.00 Farming 1.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 Thrlce-a-Weok World. 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer. . 1.00 House Beautiful 2.00 $4 00 OUR PRICE $2.60 Tho Commoner. ...-. ..$1.0Q RoTlew of Rovlews... 3.00 Woman's Homo Com. 1.00 S6.00 OUR PRICE $3.00 The Commoner. $1.00 .Courier-Journal i.oo Bob Taylor's Magazine 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 A"le,rlcan Magazine... t.00 Outdoors i,oo OUR PRICE $2.003'00 The Commoner $100 Kansas City World ... 2.00 Missouri Valley Parmer J25 OUR PRICE $2.103 25 Tho Commoner i nn Kansas city Pont. "VXX & Stock i'oa Farm $5,00 OUR PRICE $2.60 The Commoner $1.00 Prairie Farmer Y.00 Thrlce-a-Wcek World. 1.00 Review of Revlevs... 3.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Review of Reviews. . . . 3.00 Tho Reader 3.00 Prairie Farmor 1.00 $8.00 ftUR PRICE $3.80 The Commoner $1.00 Tho Independent 2.00 Bob Taylor's Magazlno 1.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.85 Tho Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. Wld-Herald 1.00 Pralrio Farmer 1.00 OUR PRICE $3.00 $1.60 The Commoner $1.00 Table Talk 1.00 Boys' World 50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Success 1.00 Pilgrim 1.00 $3,00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. Wld.-Herald 1.00 Christian End. World. 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.10 , Tho Commoner $1.00 Thrlco-n-Woek Constl. 1.00 Bob Taylor's Magazine 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.15 Tho Commoner $1.00 Nashville American... .50 Farm. Stock & Home. L00 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.30 S6.00 OUR PRICE $3.10 The Commoner $1 00 NashviUo American. . .50 People's Popular Mon. iso .. $2.00 OUR PRICE $1.20 The Commoner rrfm,me"jclal Appeal. Home & Farm $1.00 .50 .50 OUR PRiCE $1.3520 American Boy ".' ? .00 Woman's Home' Com.'! j The OUR PRICE $2.650 Commnnniv . American li'arnW J ; Commercial PoultrvV" SX Housekeeper C0 The OUR PRICE $1.65 (0 The CommrniM- An ir..-.-.;::V "uu Dcauuiui 2.00 OUR PRICE $2.85'5 The Commoner. i a American Motherhood. 1.00 Health Culture i.'oo The Commoner $1.00 Pcmi-Wk Wld.-Herald 1.00 Missouri "Valley Farmer .25 $2.25 OUR PRICE $1.45 The Commoner $1.00 Courier-Journal 1.00 Nat. Farmer & Stock'nIOO S3.00 OUR PRICE $1.85 The Commoner $1.00 Table Talk 1.00 VIck's Fam. Magazine .50 American Magazlno. . . 1.00 $3.50 OUR PRICE $2.25 , The, Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Week World. 1.00 Pralrio Farmer 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.75 The Commoner $1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer... 1.00 Poultry Success 50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.60 Tho Commoner $1,00 Semi-Weekly Republic 1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .25 $2.25 OUR PRICE $1.60 $1.00 1.80 ....... Tho Commoner Alnslee's Boys' World. OUR PRICE $2.303'00 respective Ct.es ,n which the porloSfcaBfe aedcr Uur eeffi, .50 OUR PRICE $2.453'3 The Commoner $1.00 American Moth or hood. 1.00 Christian End. World. 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.35 Tho Commoner $1.00 Courier-Journal 1.00 Alnsloo'B 1.80 IS.80 OUR PRICE $2.70 Tho Commoner $1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .25 Thrlco-a-Weok World. 1.00 $2.25 OUR PRICE $1.60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Wcok Constl. 1.00 Nat Farmer & St'kg'r .50 $2.50 OUR PRICE 1.75 The Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Weok Constl. 1.00 Farm & Stock 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.75 Tho Commoner $1.00 Serai-Weekly Republic 1.00 VIck's Fam. Magazine .50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.75 Tho Commoner $1.00 American Magazine... 1.00 Recreation Magazlno.. 1.50 $3.50 OUR PRICE $2.50 Tho Commoner $1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer... 1.00 Farm. Stock & Home. .50 Hoard's Dairyman.... 1.00 $3.50 OUR PRICE $2.25 Tho Commoner $1.00 Newa-TImes 1.00 Farm & Stock 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.85 The Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. Wld.-Horald 1.00 Up-to-Dato Farming. . .50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.60 The Commoner $1.00 Weekly Enquirer 1.00 Tho Housekeeper Co OUR PRICE $1.70 .$1.00 , . 1.00 . 1.00 Tho Commoner. uutaoors . . Good Housekeeping. 1 3.0 OUR PRICE $2.10 Tho Commoner. . . The Arena The Independent. .$1,00 . 2.50 . 2..00 .. 5.50 OUR PRICE $4.20 gLn?m.atl Enquirer... 1.00 Prairie Farmer 1.00 .. .00 OUR PRICE $1.60 The Commoner $1.00 Commercial Appeal GO Bob Taylor's Magazine 1.00 . $2.50 our PRICE $1.75 lecedrl,C"mCha"ol,r.stqUOt'd " any Cmb,nat' of Psrjod.0,.. se- AH Orders Must be Addressed to The Commoner. Unc Mv J l.! 1 ' in. gamfri