The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 26, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
VV. Va.
On April 18, tlio people of Snn Fran
cisco celebrated the unnlvoraary of the,
great carlhiiuako by appropriate rellg-'
lou i services and commemorative vox
oreises. y
The Nebraska railroad commission
hfiH InhiioiI mi order ubollshtni' free
pusses on
Jill strcot railroads.
Mr. Bryan addressed the Connecti
cut legislature April 18.
The governor of Michigan signed
tho two-cent; passenger faro bill, whieu
becomes effective' in September. It
nppllcs to all lower peninsula roads
earning more than $1,200 per mile on
passenger trains. Upper peninsula
roads are reduced from 4 cents to 3
cents, find lower peninsular roads un
der tho .$1,200 'limit cau charge a
Grand Master Van Dyke of tho An
cient; Order of United Workmen In Ne
braska, Is dead.
Tho assembly of the New York leg
islature passed, with but one dissent
ing vote, tho bill providing for a flat
rate of two cents a mile on all rail
roads In tho slate.
Regis H. Tost has been Inaugurated
governor of Torto Rico. Post is tho
fourth civil governor of the island
since 1000. . He succeeds Beckman
Winthrop, yho will become assistant
secretary of the treasury at.Vashing-
I.DJ1" - -"--. - . ' . - .. ' "1
"arc stirring tho people to the stern
realities In a greater degrco than they
have been stirred for fifty years or
more, and all this la fruit of seed sown
in 1808 and 1000 and kept alive ovor
since the eloquence of W. J. Bryan, a
grandson of Virginia, und encouraged
by It in voico and mandate, and who
w'U probably be nominated for the
presidency." Mr. Tyler went on to say
that tho people of tho south are prac
tically united for Bryan, and that tho
mention of his name is as potent in
flashing a magic spoil of enthusiasm
us It was in 1808. He believed that
millions of American -voters would
never forsake tho banner of Mr. Bryan.
A message from tho southern de
mocracy was delivered by Representa
tive James of Kentucky, who added a
word In behalf of tho old democratic
failh. "Wo would guard with vigilance
and courage," ho said, "state rights
and local self-government, but the
southern democracy believes the dem
ocratic parly stands as a great divide
between monopolistic greed on the one
hand and socialistic ruin on the other."
Mr. .Tames hailed Mr. Bryan as one
of the pioneers of the democratic party,
and added: "The southern democracy
is tonight gathered about W. J. Bryan
und from the blooming flowers of Flor
ida to tho waving blue grass of Ken
tucky tho democracy of all Dlxio pro
claims that it wants Bryan to lead in
the next great fight. The south says
of Bryan, 'For twelve long years we
have stood all kinds of weather, but
in all those years Bryan never broke
Ids vow and wo would not change for
by O. D. Hill, Kendalia,
God's Aero. By Rev. .Tames Burrell,
LTj. D. Tiffany Studios, New York.
Morgan Shepard Co., Parker Bldg.,
225 Fourth ave., New York.
Tho Annunciation of The Eden Age.
By S. O. McOluug. Williams, Ind.
edited In memory of her noblo hus
band. By Mrs. Josephine Rosana
Lecouvreur. Translated and complied
by Julius O. Behnke, professor of mod
ern languages, Occidental College, Los
Angeles, Cal. Angelina Book Concern,
New York and Los Angeles, Cal.
Social Economy, on
of Social Production.
Adams. Tho Appeal
rard, Kan. DO cents.
the Economics
By Cornele B.
to Reason,- Gl-
Book Co.,
rrice, $1.
Published by
200 William
N. Y.
Government Regulation of Railway
Rates. A Study of the Experience of
the United States, Germany, France,
Austria-Hungary, Russia and Aus
tralia. By Hugo Richard Meyer, Asst
Prof, of Political Economy In Univer
sity of Chicago. The Macmillan Copj
pany, New York.
Faith and the Faith. By T. T. -Eaton,
D. D., LL. D. Baptist Book Con
cern, Louisville, Ky. "-' '
McDonald of Oregon. A Tale of
Two Shores. By Eva Emery Dye.rV A
O. McClurg & Co., Chicago; $1.50. V . ;
Divine Healing Under the Leiis: By
A. Berean. Charles O. Cook, 150 Nas
sau St., Now York. Price, 50 cents
First Report of the Welcome Re
search Laboratories at the Gordon
Memorial College, Khartoum. By the
Director, Andrew Balfour, M. D., B,
So., M. R. O. P. Edin., D. P. IT.
Camb. Department of Education, Su
dan Government, Khartoum.
A Sentiment in Verse for 13 very Day
In tho Year. Ethical Year Book, No.
2. Compiled by Walter L. Sheldon.
120 pages. Half cloth, 50 cents. S.
Burns Weston, 1415 Locust St., Phil
Fishing and Shooting Sketches. A
Guide Book to tho Spirit ,of True
Sportsmanship. By Grover Cleveland.
The .Outing Publishing Co., New York.
Price, .$1.25 net ,.-
Tho Dangers of Municipal Owner1
ship. By Robert P. Porter, director of
Eleventh U. S. Census, author of
"Commerce and Influstry of : Japun'v
"Industrial Cuba," etc. The Century
Co., New York. Price, $1.80 net. ."-'
Samuel Allerton on Systematic
Farming. A Short Treatise on Present
Farming Conditions and How to Im
prove Them. Rand, McNally & Co..
From East Prussia to the Golden.
Gate. By Frank Lecouvreur. Letters
and diary of the California pioneer,
Newer Ideas of Peace. By Jane Ad
dams, Hull House, Chicago. Author of
"Democracy and Social Ethics,"' ctcf'
The Macmillan company, New York.
Price. $1.25 net.
Tho Distribution of the Produce. By
James O. Smith. Kegan Paul, Trench,
Trubner & Co., Paternoster House,
Charing Cross Road, London, England, i
Governor Hagerman of Now Mexico
has resigned and Oapt. Goo. Curry had
been appointed by tho president to
succeed him. Capt. Curry was a
rough rider. Hagerman's resignation
was requested.
Tho interstate commerce commis
sion has 'found the Union Pacific Rail
road company guilty of granting re
bates to the Peovy Elevator company.
The fifth son of the Emperor of Ger
many, Prince Oscar, nineteen years
old, will enter Harvard college next
Mr. Bryan was the guest of the
Brooklyn democracy on tho evening of
April 10. Referring to this dinner an
Associated Press dispatch says:
Besides Mr. Bryan the speakers in
cluded E. M. Shepard of New York.
George Fred Williams of Massachu
setts, Former Governor Tylor of. Vir
ginia, Colonel John W. Tomllnsoh of
Alabama, Governor Warfleld of Mary
land, August M. Thomas, the play
wright, and Congressman Ollle James
of Kentucky. Other guests were J. IT.
Blount of Georgia, formerly United
States judge of tho Philippines; Chas.
F Murphy, loader of Tammany, and
Lewis Nixon, one of the democratic
leaders In New York.
In extending the welcome to tlie
guests, Mr. Shepard paid a tribute to
Mr. Bryan, whom ho welcomed with,
tho words, "Brooklyn democracy de
clares its strong und loyal hope that
Mr. Bryan would lead the party in
1J08." Cheers followed Mr. Shepard's
Mr. Williams of Massachusetts dis
cussed government ownership of rail
roads. Former Governor Tyler of Virginia,
in the course-of a humorous speech,
declared that a revolution new and
'powerful, is pulsating in the nation's
issues, or rather the enforce-
old ones," said Mr. T.vlor.
a iVovr'tendor, even If "wo could.'
This southern sentiment was warmly
Govornor Warfleld of Maryland de
livered still another message from the
south. He said the democrats of that
section continued to support Bryan
and that tho south was for Bryan for
the presidency.
It was midnight before Mr. Bryan
began his address. When he arose to
pwi . it . i ; !- ' j i ii-i ii iiiiin
ovation. For several minutes the mem
bers of tho club Btood on their feet
und cheered while the band played
"Hall to the Chief."
Mr. Bryan said his sole desire was
that the democratic party should enter
the next campnign with the strongest
democratic strength it could find, In
order to bring out a triumphant vote.
It was not necessary for him, he
thought, to bo a candidate for any of
fice, as there was joy enough for him
In private life, provided he could got
his Ideas into operation.
"Of Such Is the Kingdom
By Richard L Metcalfe
Second Edition NOW OUT. Read What Others Say of If-
The United States supreme court has
sustained the fine of $1,000 levied by
tho Colorado stnte supreme court
against Thomas M. Prttterson, former
United States senator.
meat of
At a dinner given in London, Alfred
Deakin, premier of Australia, predicted
that during the next one hundred years
there would bo war for the supremacy
of the Pacific with Germany and Ja
pan taking part.
London cablegrams say that the
famine in Russia is as serious as that
in China, and that twenty million Rus
sian i)Ooplo are near to starvation.
India and Her People. By Swaml
Abhedananda. Published by tho Ve
da nta Society, New York.
Lectures and Life of Lyman H.
Johnson. A series of lectures on the
Church' of the Bible and Its Apostasy.
Governor Beckham of Kentucky: "I gladly
commend It to all us an Interesting aad valuable
NowoU I) wight nillla, Plymouth church,
Brooklyn: "It la a suggestivo and Inspiring
it Gen. Charles F. Mandcrson, Omaha, Neb.:
"Your sweet book, 'Of Such Is tho Kingdom'
came to mo like a blessing: and has aued my
homo with lasting perfume. Tho first chapter
won mo; and my wife and I, in joint bondage,
have remained your wMlng and contented cap
tives." David J. Brewer, Associate Justice United
States Supremo Court: "It Is ono of tho most
onjoyable books ire have lately seen. There Is
something: about it which makes tho strongest
appeal to every sympathetic heart, toovin-y one
who believes In his roUowmon and t&e possibili
ty of a better life."
W. J. Bryan, Lincoln, Neb.: "To thoso who
havo read theso stories, thoy need no praise; to
thoso who havo not read them, I commend
them as soothing, strengthening and inspiring.
They are reaUy hoart talks and explain.the sec
ret of Mr. Metcalfe's success as a journalist. H6
knows human nature and Is universal In his
sympathies," &
Jolin M. Harlan, Associate JusUco United
SUitos Supremo Court: "Your littlo book, 'Of
Sucli Is tho Kingdom,' has been read by me
with moro than ordinary interest Indeed, I
have read It through twice. No one can read
thoso stories from lire without both Interest and
proflt,.or without lowing n higher conception of
his duty to God and to his followmao."
E. Benjamin Andrews, ChanceUor Nebraska
State University, Lincoln, Neb.: "When I had
read a chapter in 'Of Such Is tho Kingdom, I
said, 'Hero Is a Jewell' Heading on and on I
changed to 'Hero Is a wholo casket of Jewels!'
The, book is rich with ane thought and tender
and elevating sentiment. It win have a host of
readers; nono of whom win givo it up UU ho has
read it through,"
Albert Leonard, Editor American Journal of
Pedagogy, Boston: "I like tho tone of tho book
from flrst to last. The author clearly recognizes
tkctrua values of. human life, and his lucidity
of bxrcsslon and sincerity of purpose win teach
ethers to And la llfo theso values. It is good to
havo a book of this kind, to turn to, for wo tOl
aeed to have- our attention called to what la sano
and. wholesome in human hTe. Tho author has
dono well to publish this book, and I trust that
other books rrom his pen wai follow in, duo
Louis J?. Post, in Tho Public (Chicago): "When
Jh2ra,8a.,d U""10 Kingdom of HcaVen is of
nttlo children, tho alluslou was not to children.
In years alono, but to that quality in us all. Utile
and. big, which has tho genuineness of chMdhood.
This idea, is Illustrated again and again by Mr.
Metcalfe In hla collection of essay stories. They
aro atodea of child-like alTccUon, sometimes In
children and someUmes in grown-ups, which
havo been lovingly gathered and touchlngly
phrased by amanoftendnr thnnMit nri qm
l' h El10 oftno great publishing houso
of Funk & WagnaUs company, Now York: "I
havo read aloud to my family with Increasing
pleasure and cdiacaUon 'Of Such Is tho King
dom If he is a philanthropist who makes two
blades of grass grow whore ono grow before, ho "
who doubles the quantity of sunshine in our
homo should, bo regarded as chlefest of tho ben
efactors of mankindand you certainly havo
increased the sunshine in every homo in which
your book is read. Your book should havo a
placo in every family library, and it should bo
read whenever .shadows thicken." x
209 pages, cloth-bound; sent prepaid on receipt of $1 .00.
Care Tho Commoner
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