The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 19, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
it was tho greatest personal loss the
public .service of the country could
Mr. A. L. Rice, a prominent manufacturer of Adam,
h.nmrr'0-' ' . y., V. . ri . . v rW
After yIbUIhk Cuba, Secretary of
War TaL't intimated pretty strongly
that American occupation would con
tlnuo for at least another year and
might go on past tho presidential campaign.
Former United States Senator Olnrlc
of Montana, had a juirow escape
from drowning while crossing a swift
river near Trinidad, Colo.
(jlovornor Folk of Missouri has com
muted to life Imprisonment the death
acnlenco of Mrs. Aggie Myers.
Tho United Slates supreme court
has decided that the laws of Mexico
should he considered In trying a suit
In American courts where tho cause of
action occurred In Mexico.
Twenty-five persons woro killed and
a large number wore Injured by a tor
nado which swept through Louisiana,
Mississippi and Alabama, April 0.
iTames ' H. Hcklcs, former comp
troller of the currency, died In Chicago.
A Now York dispatch says: "Judge
Hough, in tho criminal branch of tho
United States circuit court today im
posed tines aggregating $31,000' against
tho New York Herald Publishing com
pany, .Tames Gordon Bennett, its pro
prietor, and Manloy W. GUlam, adver
tising manager. Mr. Bennett appeared
in person. Tiio lines which wore Im
mediately paid were Imposed as a re
sult of pleas of guilty Interposed to
indictments charging uso of tho United
States mails for improper purposes,"
Tho war in Central America is at
an end.
holding that slock quotations are prop
erty, decided Unit tho case was one in
which It could take cognizance. ' Tho
court also took account of tho fact
that the Tennessee state courts had
the case under consideration, but held
that the circumstances could not pre
vent action by tlio federal courts."
Reports show that the famine in
China is growing In Intensity and that
70,000,000 people are in danger of
A St. Louis dispatch says: "A small
package, apparently containing dyna
mite, exploded while It was being1
stamped in tho St Louis postofllce to
day. The explosion blew uway a por
tion of a finger and thumb of John G-.
Bayer, the clerk who was stamping
the package. The explosion destroyed
all trace of the contents and all the
address excepting the words, Inde
pendence, Mo." Bayer was given
medical attention and taken home."
An Associated Tress dispatch from
Washington says: "In an opinion by
Justice McKonna of the supremo court
of the United States today tho decision
of tho United States circuit court for
the Western district of Tennessee was
ntnrmca in tho case of Clarence P.
Hunt, a cotton broker of Memphis, vs
tLo New York Cotton Exchange. The
suit was brought in the circuit court
by the exchange to secure an injunc
tion against Hunt, prohibiting him
from receiving or using quotations
contrary to the regulations of the ex
change, and the injunction was
granted by that court as prayed for.
The principal point of controversy was
that of jurisdiction and the court,
Tho president lias announced the
American delegation to the peace con
ference at The Haguo as follows:
Joseph H. Clioate, former ambassa
dor to Groat Britain.
Gen. Horace Porter, former ambas
sador to Franco.
U. M. Rose of Arkansas, former
president of American Bar association,
and now , president of the Arkansas
Bar association.
David Jayno mil, American min
ister to Tho Netherlands and former
professor of international law at Roch
ester university.
Brigadier General George B. Davis,
judge advocate general, United States
army, and formerly professor for In
ternational law at the United States
military academy.
Rear Admiral Charles'" S. Sperry,
United States navy, president of tho
naval war college.
William I. Buchanan, formerly min
ister to tho Argentine republic and to
raniuna, ana chairman, of the Ameri
can delegation to the Rio conference
Secretary, Chandler Hale of Maine,
formerly secretary at tho American
embassy at Vienna, and the son of
Senator nalo of Maine.
Expert in international law, James
Brown Scott, solicitor of the depart
ment of state.
Expert attache, Charles Henry But
ler, reporter of the United States su
premo court.
Tho delegates will sail from New
York for The Hague about tho middle
of May.
The president has appointed Ralph
W. Tyler, a negro of Columbus, O., to
bo auditor of the treasury for the navy
department. Tyler Is the man who
was talked about for surveyor of cus
toms at Cincinnati as a rebuke to Sen
ator Forakor.
NY. ha BublUhed
one ot ine moit vaiuaoie oooki
ever placed in the handi or property owners. u en
titled,. "The, Iniide of the Paint Queition, and contains
a VOJl I
Denver is after one of the national
UI1U o miuriuauwu umn ... ..-' ... -.v.-j
never before publuhed, logeiner win many voiuaoic
ccret that paint manufacturer! do not usually tell to
the public. ,.,.,,. , i . i .
To everyone who haj building to care lortnw book
will lave a large amount of money and ai it ii lent en
tirely free, every proporty owner should take advantage
of the remarkable free offer and write for it at once. Ad
dress, A. L. Rice, 02 North St., Adams, N. Y.
Write us what musical I nstrament you nra
IntcrcsUdlnand wo willaond you a copy.
Contains illustrations, descriptions and
tho lowest prices on 25,000 instruments
and supplies of artistic musical quality.
Also much vftluablo information. Onr
nntno for H yoarsns been tho standard.
PlanoaTVIollns, Mandolins,
Band Instruments, Talking Haefalnes, cte.
Everything known in music is sold by us.
Writo today. World's UrjeilMurio IIoum
40. 9 er SO Bays' Trial m
sevii nr4hsr9f
Words of tho Wood. By Dr. Ralcy
Hasted Bell. Small, Maynard & Com
pany, Boston, Mass.
JokBtOD 1 "
rjs tb)l
rrelaht 9
pM. M.
Advanced Civics. Tho Spirit, tho
Form, and the Functions of the Amer
ican Government. By A. B. Formau, '!
Fa. d. The Century Company, New
Lost in tho Forbidden Land. By
Edward S. Ellis, author of the "Deer
foot Series," etc. John O. Winston
Company, Chicago, Philadelphia, Tor
onto. Cloth, $1.
Shells Gathered. From the Shores of
Life or Stepping,. Stones, to Happiness,
and Contentment. By Francenia. Car
roll Hamilton,. Bristol, Tenn. .'The R.
L. Bryan Company, Columbia, S. 0.
Price, 75 cents.
'Old Trusty"
Try chicken raising on the John
con plan. My peopio are an en.
thuslaatlc lot. Wo get, the results.
2.ycar guarantee Low price. Old
Trusty Catalotrne tolls the whole
Btory It's FRKJJ write for it today.
aaan '
irra i aawwavu
jm . 4y W1
Tolstoy on Shakespeare. A Critical
Essay by Leo Tolstoy, ittink & Wag
nails Company, New York. Price, 75
cents net.
Samuel W. Allerton on Systematic
Farming. A short treatise on present
farming conditions and how to Im
prove them. Rand, McNally & Co.
now to speak in Public. By Gren-
The New Jersey state senate has vllle Kloiser. Funk & Wagnalls Com
passed a bill Imposing a life sentence
for kidnaping.
Can't Do It
Heart affections will not irot woll of thorn
selves; neither do they remain Inaotlvo. If tho
cause Is not removed, thoy continue to grow
In numhor andsovorlty,
Thoy aro tho outgrowth of exhausted norvo
f orco, and the hoart oannot stop to rost, as do
tho othoronmns, but must continue to strutr
ulo until completely disabled, and that's tho
On tho vory first indications ot heart troublo
you can stop all progress and otTeot a cure bv
tho uso of
Dr. Wiles' Heart Cire
tho most offeotlvo heart rcraody known It
builds up. foods and strengthens tho nerve's and
muscles of the heart, and restoros it to norfeot
health, '
"I had serious heart trouble, for two months
my llfo seemed to hang by a thread, when mv
attention was called to Dr. Miles' Heart Curo
I commenced taking tho Heart Cure and Nor
vlno. and in two months thoy rostorod mo to
comparatively good health."- l0
REV. V. A. ROBINS. PnrhTCtcH. ..
.?;-10n,rst)0ttlowIllbcneflt' "not, tho drug
gist will return your money.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Chicago says: "Tho Chlcacro fWlorii-
tlon of labor is endeavoring to place
I'TGHiacnc uooseveit on record regard
ing his reported opinions of Moyer
and Haywood, officials of tho Western
Federation of Miners, charged with
complicity in tho assassination of
Governor Steunenberg of Idaho. E.
N. Nockols, secretary of the local la
bor body, sent the Dresldent tho fniinw.
mg telegram: 'The newspapers report
you as saying that Moyer and Hav
wood are undesirable citizens. Tn vir'w
of the fact that these men will soon
De put on trial for their llycs wo be
lieve their chances for a "square deal"
would be considerably lessened if the
reported statement Is true. Wo there
fore ask you for correct information
on tliis statement, believing a man is
Innocent until ho is proved guilty."
A London cablegram says: "For
eign Secretary Grey made the most
unexpected announcement in parlia
ment today tlmt Lord Cromer, Great
B'-itain's plenipotentiary qn the Nile,
had resigned. Secretary Grey on mak
ing tho announcement and ox-Premior
Balfour who followed him, spoke with
deep emotion of Lord Cromer's unex
ampled services to the empire and
voiced tho nation's regret at his leav
ing his post during such a difficult
period. Tiie foreign secretary declared
pany, New York and London.
1.25. Postage, 15 cents.
John Sherman. By Theodore E.
Burton. Houghton, MIfller. & Co., Bos
ton and New York. $1.25, net.
Onr 3 oeoks for InTaniarsmaiUd-on receiptor Oats, stamps
Lunr 3 bcoxs for lnTaniaramailsd-on receiptor Oats, stamps
R.S.&A. P. LACEY, Washington, D.C. Estab. 1869.
POLLED JERSEYS Rich milking heautloa.
Bred for business. A few young bulls for sale.
Chas. S. Hatfield, Route 4, Springfield, O.
JTrnn wnnrt nn tn PAtuntalillltv Tlltiafni S1..1.4-
Book, and LlBt otlnronUons Wanted, sentfroo.
EVANS, WIIiKENS & CO., WaMhinCton,D.O'
The Fact of Christ P. Carnegie
Simpson, M. A., Minister of Renfleld
Church, Glasgow. Published by Flem
ing H. Revell Company, publisher of
Evangelican Literature, New York,
Chicago and Toronto. Now Popular
Edition, 75 cents net.
Life and Speeches
of W. J. Bryan
?istraAc? octavo, 465 pages, published in
1900, nothing later, nothing In print moro
complete. A few copies, last of publisher's
atook at greatly reduced price. Substantially
bound in cloth, by mall, prepaid, $1.00 copy.
S?or f ohIClt8hil P609 have boon B0ld d1"6 'm our factory to
approval and guarantee Bafedellvory. You, are out noUdHK
.--.w. ww.wuvv wj kvnvjiw, HUUV UUU IHILU,
We Are Tfce Largest Jlanaf actnrers la The Werl
llID tn lt)Altnn.11fnAlanlllatirnfM ..l.... AAA lt
vohlcles, 65 atyloa o narnosa. Sond for largo, frco catalogue. Ku&SX?
m lfcmjti!l
( w ti TT ""cies,oostyioaoiuarnoBS. Bona lor largo.frco catalogue. VJft V Ndj37l?r
iWaShipii 30DavsTriiiF
i Ana na agar ain yu mww rtmtl BIHHM ,
ITifiliIiM! Bil
Wo carry tho boat types of cod corH
grown, vrory variety, uniform gmln, large ,
gorm, carofnlly grown, woll graded. No corn I
can be bettor than Iowa corn. Write for cat-1
alog, Information, etc.
Box 22. Farragut, la. j
a day SURE
Basy -work with horse and buggy. .
..guv nuu.uvujiivmunuuiiug
ourironing and flutinc'machlnct ".
jOno agent says: "Made $50 in 8K-
dRVH J' Wn Tiav 7fi r mnnt'h nnrt '
expenses; or commission.
JlkSi MPQ.JIO., Dipt, 25 OinoinaU. QUol
v.. totmWSitoJLTid&lbB