The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 12, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner
Any ono of tho following pcrlodlcalo
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ceived will bo entered for a full year.
Our price
Publisher's with
price Commoner
Tim WmHiI Tffinnnu flllv
Dally oxeopt Sunday. . ..$2.00
Tho Post, Kansas City,
Dally oxeopt Sunday.... 11.00
WorJd-IIorald, O m a h a ,
Semi-Weekly 1.00
Tho Jtcptibllu, St. Louis,
Senil-YVnokly 1.00
Tho "World, Now York, Trl
Weekly 1.00
Tho Coii.stltulion, Atlanta,
Trl-Weekly 1.00.
Tho Enquirer, Cincinnati,
Weekly 1.00
Tho Timed. Seattle, Week
ly 1.00
Courier-Journal, L o u I h -vlllo,
Weekly 1.00
A m o r I c a n, Nashville,
Weekly 50
Commercial Appeal, Mem
phis, Weekly no
Domoorat, Johnstown, Pa.,
Weekly. 1.00
Tho Patriot, Hurrlfllitirf.', 1'iv dally '.1.00
2.1 !J5
' 1.35
f-Vl -iff " i-T -i -r r - ' -" ' ... fw ft
Tho iMiiuu'HolH legislature 1ms passed
a two-cont railroad faro 1)111.
Tho ropubllcaiiH of tho Tennessee
IcpiHliilure In Joint ciuietis liuv.o utlout
od resolutions culling upon the repub
licans of the country to ro-noininato
Mr. Roosevelt.
Senator llurkott, of Nohruska, In a
newspaper Interview, declares that IIr.
Koosevelt will be re-nominated.
Our prico
Publwher'H with
price Commoner
Brooder's Gazette, Chica
go, Weekly $2.00 $2.00
Country Gentleman, Al
bany, Weekly 1.50 ' 1.80
urnngo .imm warmer, uni
cago, Weekly 1.00 1.C0
Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. At
kinson. Wis.. Weekly. .. . 1.00 1.50
.ui-v. ji,0 prUt Growor, St. Jo
soph, Monthly .... 1.00 1.50
Farm, Field and Fircsldo,
Chicago, Weekly 1.00 1.25
National Stockman and
F.a r in o r, Pittsburg,
Weekly 1.00 1.35
Farming. Now York,
Monthly . .... 1.00 1.35
Irrigation Age, Chicago,
Weekly 1.00 1.35
American Farmer, Indian
apolis, Monthly GO 1.00
i Prairie Farmer, Chicago,
Weekly 1.00 1.00
American Swineherd, Chi
cago, Monthly HO 1.00
National Farmer and
Stock Growor. St. T-nnlM.
Monthly HO 1.00
Farm, Stock and Homo,
Minneapolis, S o in I -Monthly
r0 1.00
Farm and Stock, St.
Joseph, Weekly 1.00 1.00
Home and Farm, Louis
ville. Seml-Monthly 50 1.00
Missouri Valley Fanner,
Topeka, Monthly 25 1.00
Up-to-Dato Farming, Tn
dlanapolls, Soml-Month-ly
50 1.00
Commercial Poultry. Mar
seilles, 111., Monthly 50 1,00
Poultry Success. Sprlng-
flold. O.. Monthly 50 -1.00
Reliable Poultry Journal.
Qulnoy, 111., Monthly... .50 1.00
Northwestern Agricultur
ist, Minneapolis GO 1.15
Kansas Fannor, Topeka,
. Weokly 1.00 1.00
Live Stock Journal, Chica
go, Weokly 1.00 1.25
' n i u t , 0ur pr.Ico
Publlaher's with
pnoo commoner
.Senator Raynor, of Maryland, de
clares, in a newspaper Interview, In
favor of the nomination by tho doino
eisits in 15)08, of a southern man and
suggests Senator Daniel, of Virginia.
A Guthrie, Okla., dispatch says:
"The constitution for the new state
of Oklahoma is being printed and will
be ready for circulation the middle o
next week. It covers 12JI pages hi
book form and contains 100,000 word.
It is more than twice as largo as any
other state constitution of tho TJnftcd
States. The lougest constitution of
any existing state is that of Louisiana,
which contains 45,000 words. Vir
ginia stands second with 85,000 ami
Alabama third with 33000 words. The
shortest constitution is that of Rhode
rsland, with (5,000 words, and the av
erage length of the state constitutions
of tho union is 15,500 words. Tho
groat length of the Oklahoma consti
tution is duo to the large amount jf
pure legislation contained in the doc
ument. The railroad and pubNc ser
vice corporation chapter, for example,
contains 7,000 words, or is longer than
the entire constitution of the state of
Rhode rsliind. This chapter is almost
wholly legislative, containing all of tho
statute laws of Texas governing rail
roads and public service corporations,
in addition to a number of now legis
lative provisions."
tho United States for $3 a pair wore
sold by tho commissariat, tho con
gressman declared, at $8 a nalr. Be-
yond a poorly organized commissary
department, however, Mr. Rainey said
lie found nothing to criticise."
New Scientific Appliance, Always a Perfect
Fit Adjustable to Any Size Person
Easy, Comfortable, Never Slips, No
Obnoxious Springs or Pads
Costs Less Than Many Com- '
mon Trusses Made for
Men, Women or
An Associated Press dispatch from
Now York says: "Frank W. Hill, a
stenographer, was arrested tonight
charged with .having sold to a news
paper a personal letter of E. H. Harri
man. Tho warrant was sworn to by
Alexander Millar, secretary of the
Union Pacific Railroad company, of
which Mr. IlarrJman is president. Tho
letter In question was addressed by
Mr. Harriman to Sydney Webster, and
was first published here by the World
last Tuesday morning. Statements
therein contained called forth a reply
from President Roosevelt Tuesday af
ternoon. Hill Is thirty-seven, years
old and lives in Brooklyn. Action!
against Hill Avas taken under the sec
tion of the penal code which defines
as a misdemeanor the act of a per
son who wilfully and without author
ity either takes a letter, telegram or
private paper belonging to another, or
a copy thereof, and publishes, the
whole, or any portion thereof.' As
sistant District Attorney Paul Krotel
has charge of the case, and it was said
the arrest Will, it is believed, discour
age the publication of letters of an
other prominent man, which, accord
ing to report recently had been of
fered for sale."
T havo Invented a rupturo appliance that I
can safely say, by 30 years experience in tho
rupture business, is the only ono that will ab-
Bishop James N. Fitzgerald, of the
Methodist church, died at Hong Kong.
James J. Hill has resigned the presi
dency of the Groat Northern railroad
and will be chairman of the board of Atlanta any representative of the rail
An Atlanta, Ga., dispatcli to the
New York World follows: "Govornor-
eiect iioice sjjum nas levied on a
freight car belonging to the Mobile
and Ohio Railroad company found In
the Atlanta yards.. This car has been
chained to the tracks and a baliff
armed to the tooth is in charge to pre
vent its removal. Unable to find m
directors. Ills son L. W. Hill becomes
Frederick A. Busso, republican, and
at present postmaster of Chicago, was
elected mayor of that city, defeating
Mayor Dunne by 13,000.
-Tjltornrv Dlcost.
York. Wnftklv ...... ? nn
Youth's Companion, Bos
ton, Weekly i . 7K
ho Public. Chicago,
Weokly t.oo
ndepondont, Now York,
Weekly 2 00
Christian Endeavor World,
Boston, Weokly i 00
A. in orlc a n Sportsman,
Cleveland, Weekly 2.00
Western Horseman. In
dianapolis, Ind., Week-
A'y 2.00
American Boy, Detroit,
Monthly i oo
Bov's World, Elgin, 111., '
Weekly 5Q
Tho publications marked with a
for new subscriptions only.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
A Now York dispatch to the St.
Mollis Globe-Democrat says: "Con
gressman II. T. Rainey of' Illinois, af
ter spending eight days in the Panama
canal .one, today returned here, en
thusiastic over the progress made, but
most uniavorably Impressed with the
management of the commissary de
partment. A careful Investigation of
tho commissariat, Mr. Rainey believes,
would bring to light a scandal 'second
only to the meat scandal of the Spanish-American
war.' Tho chief trouble
he thought lay in the fact that meat
arriving at tho Isthmus well preserved
was not mot at tho dock, as was sup
posed, by refrigerator cars, but instead
was leisurely transferred in a tempera
ture of between SO and 90 -ogree's,
with the result that, unless served with
a strong garlic dressing or gravy, It,
was unpalatable, air. Rainey said that
ho would prove that .the lunch scrvtil
to tho congressional party that recently
visited the isthmus, Mind which was;
supposed to consist of the same menu
served daily to canal workers at a cost
of no cents a man, was in reality or
dered five days in advance, and cost
$1.05 a plate. While tho commissariat
was supposed to serve food at cost,
stewards, ho said, wore ordered to
i'uiui.' ii iiruiii ui ui least .ou to $(H) a
wopk. Shoes that could be bought in
road upon whom service could be per
fected an attachment against the
freight car was secured and an order
has boon taken in the superior court
directing its sale at public outcry, the
proceedings to be held pending a re
sult of a damage suit brought against
the company by Charles Brown.
London cablegrams give tho rumor
tliat the Czar of Russia is to abdicate
and that Grand Duke Michael will be
Kansas City, Mo., is after the repub
lican national convention.
Former Senator Guy says he
thought he had boon "touched" by all
sorts of beggars, but a man he met hi
Fifth avenue sprang a new dodge on
him, says the Now York Press.
'Bog pardon boss, but won't you
please help 'a sick man?" said 'the
"What ails you?" kindly enquired
the former secretary.
"Well, you see, it's tliis way; I've
got a prescription that a doctor gave
me, and "
"Oh, I understand, you want monev
enough to get it filled?"
"No indeed, sir! I've got the medi
cine, but it says on tho bottle that I
must take the doso after eating. Now
all I need Is tho prico of a meal."
Mr. Guy gave a dime to tho man.
He thinks anyone who can invnnf ai.
I a story is entitled to the money.
C. E. BROOKS, Tho Inventor
solutely hold the rupturo and never slip and
yet is light, cool, oomfortablo, conforms to
every movement of the body without chafing
or hurtimr and costs less than many ordinary
trusses. There aro no springs or hard, lumpy
pads and yet it holds the rupturo safoly and
ilrmly without pain or inconvenience. I have
put the prico so low that any person, rich or
poor, can buy, and I absolutely guarantee it.
I make it o your order send it to you you
wear it, and if it doesn't tatisfy you send it back
to me and,I will refund your money.
That is the fairest proposition ovor made by
a rupturo specialist. Tho banks or any respons
ible citizen in Marshall -will toll you that is tho
way I do business always . absolutely on tho
If you have tried most everything else, come
to mo. Whoro others fail is whero I have my
greatest success. Write me today and I will
send you my book on Rupturo and its Cure,
showing my appliance and giving you pricos
and names of people who have tried it and been
uureu. j.c is instant reiier wuen all others' fall.
Remember I use no salves, no harness, no lies.
Just a straight business deal at a reasonable
C. E. Brooks, 4774 Brooks Bide., Marshall, Mich.
n&KT3&m3k!r9nm9E9MB&m ajHMBi
Wo carry tho best typos of sood corn
grown, ivory varloty, uniform grain, large
germ, carefully grown, well gradod. No corn
can bo hotter than Iowa corn. Wrlto for cat
alog, Information, etc
Box 22. Farragut, la.
sits iiiz&i
strong chicle
on-tljrht. Sold to tho Farmer at Whole-
saiornrrg. Hilly warranted. Catalogire CT1JTin o-evrnt? rm r
I wwAAfA4 MAAbXXlu JJX1W( iiiC-
Box 23l Winchester, Indiana.
Voters of Missouri ?cstr?r. poli,!caI coup"
, , , .... t,on " sup to you. Next
general election the Initiative and Referendum "will bo
submitted to your vote. Wc want every genuine demo
crat to join our league. Send for our interesting and
valuable proposition. Referendum League, 1026 N.
Uroadway, St. Louis, Mo.
Froo roport as to Patentability, illustrator! Gulda
Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sent free.
EVANS, VVIIiKISNS & CO., Wahini-ton,D.;jO
FOR SALE OR LEASE-400 acres of land, largo
mill house, good water power, and 125 acres in cultiva-
nM pi1DtAmiHfrom Fayettcvillc, Ark. Address
B. M. FEGRAM, Faycttcville, Ark.
POLLED JERSEYS -Rich milking beauties.
Bred for business. A few young bulls for sale.
CnAs. S. Hatfield, Route 4, Springfield, O.
Subscribers mmtim Dpt.
This dopartniont Is for tho oxcluslvo uso of Com.
monor subscribers, and a special rato of six cents a
word per insortlou tlio lowest rato has boon mado
for thorn. Address all communications to Tub
Commonkr, Lincoln, Nob.
w- miles from R. R. town of COO; price $11
per aoro. Farms of all sizos for sale. W. M.
MULLEN, Mountain View, Howoll Co., Mo.
--Ir-.S . l&ie'Z'-iiittBk.i&ikK