The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 22, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner.
J ,n
The Commoner.
Vt'll.l.Wlt J. IlllYAN
Kdltor nud Proprietor.
itriMi(i) 1.. iMfcTdiii.n:
Awtoolnt" Alitor.
ClIAltl.M V. IlllYAN
l.YdU rlnl Hooiiih aiiiI IIiihIiicm
(mid) JiZI-SW) ho mill Hlrrrt.
Kntr icd tit llio I'liMufllco At LI nroln, Mi ., an t f oinJ-cltfH mail innttor
n Year - - SMiO
MxMuntliH - - .no
Jn ritiliH of live or more,
1'or Year .75
Tli no AIoiiIIih - !&o
Miitflo C'jy - 5o
Kniniilo CoiiIvh Krco.
yorclKii 1'oMnuu 62 OMfi J!xtra.
hiniM.'ltl I'l JOJs'S cnn IckiiI (Unci to'IiiK Commonwi. 'Ilicy
(in rim h mii( II i(rnln.(wfiij(ii v lilt Ji Imr niUortlprilarliibMnj; flirt tiuli I c it 1 rcetilH, Ml.ui);( Mb linvo bct-n apt (dntod
411 KiulllniKCH Humid lie hi lit l,y i ft( Mlcu inoiiuy older, express
uiloi, r ly brnk ilirft on bt Yoik ir Chicago. Do not oiid
lidhU'unl (1 k!i, Mr ii.) net ir.uiiy.
1JJM OVJJNl'AMl'-.S. It Ib fund II nl n Inrce majority of
m Mil m1L ih jncfir i.ot to limn tlirlr tul Frrlitloii8 tntcmiMcri and
tlulr r.kK In (ken In fnn tliey (nil to if mil Ufoie miration. It In
Ihcicoio nt mimed Hint cotitliitimico Ik dcBlrod iitilcwt ntiliacrlliors
oner (lit niillnttiirc, cllliir Minn tut m ril Ii u r at nn tlmoduilnir
tl.cjmr. 1I1HN7ATJON (emu Mn ji iiuiMiiUcrilo forfrlrndH,
li:t( ni'li k tl nt tin-1 r i cr FUJI M( i r.t Hie ( i.d f llio eiir. If luntnic
fiiRtic ilun to llilFdlKt ti:c wlllmulv. nttontloii at the luojicr
J I'M "1 1 1.K. 'Jlif (!(' (ii jmr vrijipfr Miowh when jour
Mil Kil) din Mill cxiilie. 'JhuH .iPimtiy HI, 'C8, irontm that nayim-nt
lifB lirn ir((lcd lo ni.d lndiidliir llw ka luuo of January, 190&
'JwoMdU nc ln.ulud iilKriidiiy 1jh lien rrcultcd lofcro tlio
title ( n m rawer can bo chaiiKed.
:ilAN(;r. OF AI)Ii:i.i,s.-iilKrllKrfl rcfjiicBtliiK a cliaiiRo
(1 Mluitn mut nlo OLD ah well i.h llio NKW addicHs.
A J)VIC11TIHIN; llntcH ftnnltilicd tiiion application.
Addii'tn x-11 coiLintiiilcatloiiH lo
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
And (ho ilarriman (hat onino to boss ronminod
to plead.
Is It not about times that Uio "unwritten law"
bo written?
It Is to be hoped that the Sixtieth congress will
not spend mony like it.
It took Elisor Burns but a few minutes to raise
the ltuef in San Francisco.
Doubtless all Paris was much shocked when
the electrical workers went out on strike.
Mr. Perkins has put it back. But Mr. Cortoi
you and Mr. Bliss continue to hang on to it.
Now will the president kindly give his atten
tion to the protective tariff "mollycoddles?"
Mr. Ilarrimnn seems to lmvo had a few "brain
storms" while kiting those railroad securities.
The Republic of Columbia Is doubtless chuck
ling gleefully over the Isthmian canal situation.
By the way, did an embezzling bank cashier
over start to embezzling with "criminal intent?"
As long as it Is cheaper to kill than to adopt
safety devices we may expect the wrecks to continue.
In some quarters Mr. Oliver's complaints are
doubtless taken as an exhibition of "mollvcod-dllng."
The latest reports from St. Petersburg arc to
the effect that the duma Is no place for "mollycoddles."
The railroad magnates are bogging for a bettor
understanding. What they need Is a greater comprehension.
"Taft is looming up as a presidential candi
date," remarks an exchange. Mr. Taft looms u
almost anywhere.
Contractor Oliver says he was "whangdoodlod"
out of that canal contract. Is the "whangdoodle"
worse than the "flim-flam?"
Speaker Cannon spent a busy day trvlu ti
' avoid the quarantine at Colon. But lie had come
' to a full stop, just the same.
, There wouldn't bo much need for a "people's
' lobby" if the people exorcised more judgment ut
the primaries and at the polls.
Are ex-secretaries of the treasury taken to
Wall street because of what they know, or be
cause of what they have done?
The Cannon isthmian parly was caught In a
heavy storm, md "Uncle Joe" said it reminded
him of a brisk session of congress.
Professor Frederick Starr declares that poetry
Is a relic of barbarism. Professor Starr of where?
0, University of Chicago, of course.
Mr. Perkins has put 54,000 of it back, Mr.
Cortelyou, but there Is 102,000 or more yet to bo
uncounted for by you and Mr. Bliss.
President Eliot objects to college cheering.
We've often felt the same way about it when our
team had the short end of the score.
"We are all on a common ground," said the
railroad magnate the other day. This is an im
provement over lailroad common stock.
The reports of famine In China are sufficiently
horrifying to awaken the American people to a
sense of their duty. Feed starving China!
At first Mr. Ilarriman stood on his dignity.
When he slipped and fell the distance was so great
that he made a huge dent in the ground.
! i ii i ,m
There is a Joke concealed somewhere in the
statement that the equal suffrage bill before the
Britisji parliament was talked to death.
What this country needs Is the certainty of
the enforcement of written law with as much cer
tainty as the "unwritten law" is always enforced.
"Sinuosity of explanation" is Mr. Cleveland's
latest phrase. "Duckin' the responsibility" may
not sound so good, but it explains 'it a whole lot
Now that the states have shown a determina
tion to control railroads within their confines, the
railroads are showing fight. .We pick the states
to win.
Wo kill too many people," says Harper's
Weekly, a journal of civilization. But Harper's
Weekly fails to tell us just how many we ought
to kill.
The Pittsburg Dispatch avers that there was
no "criminal intent" about. Mr. Perkins' return of
the monej'. It does scorn that it was merely an
evasion. "
"Where can this winter's continuous north wind
come from?" plaintively queries the Boston Her
ald. Gracious! Is Boston forgetting the points
of the compass?
The railroads did not give excursion rates out
of pure benevolence and they will find it to their
advantage to grant them again when they get
over being mad.
The man who guessed exactly the number of
paid admissions at the St. Louis fair, probably
forgets to post his wife's letters just about as often
as the rest of us.
Will the present secretary of the treasury now
hasten to reimburse Mr. Perkins? It was tiie pres
ent secretary of the treasury who handled the
money in bulk last.
The New York Coffee Exchange is preparing
to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary with a
banquet. We'd like to be there, just to get one
cup of real coffee.
Residents of New York city pay 31 a year per
head for their municipal government, but as it
seems to be the kind they want they are not wor
rying over the price.
Down in Kansas the legislature passed a law
prohibiting high school fraternities. Can it be that
shingles and the paternal razorstrop have disap
peared from Kansas? l
"We men at the head of the great corporations
are coming to a better understanding of what the
government expects of us," says Mr. Ilarriman.
All right, son. It hurt us much worse than It d i
you to impress that little lesson upon vou In the
woodshed, but here's hoping you will not forget it.
Roferrlug to the fact that a surplus instead of
a deficit shows up despite the extravagance of the
Fifty-ninth congress, the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
says: "The Dingley tariff is equal to the
emergency eve.ry time." The Globe-Democrat
Jails to properly locale the responsibility it
should have stated that the American people have
not yet realized Ihe futility of trying to tax them
selves rich.
President Eliot says football is "fierce."
language, ill becomes a "rnollycoddler."
"A comet is soon to touch the earth," declares
the Atlanta Constitution. Well, Well! And just
after we have been touched by Mr. Rockefeller
and Mr. Ilarriman, too!
A gentleman of the east tells us that the south
pole will be discovered by automobile. Perhaps.
A lot of new asteroids have been discovered with
the aid of the automobile.
An esteemed contemporary says that "Gov
ernor Magoon may sit down on the Cubans' fav
orite sport of cock fighting." That would settle
that particular amusement '
Word comes that the railroad managements
are going to make the 2ceiit fare laws "obnox
ious." They may succeed only in making the 2
cent rate seem a little too high.
They are talking about removing the bronze
heads from the Pennsylvania state house. What
they need to do is to remove a lot of doughheads
from the inside of the building.
Before taking up temporary quarters in Goth
am Mr. Shaw will visit in Denison-Ia., and give
personal attention to the security of the lightning
rod upon the old home building.
President Roosevelt might turn his attention
for a while from the football "mollycoddles" to
the "mollycoddles" of the protective tariff. That
would be something worth while.
Postmaster General Cortelyou wound up his
administration of the postofflce department just
like Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou ought to
begin the duties of his new position.
The Minneapolis Journal ventures the disturb
ing information that the ship subsidy scheme was
not talked to death, but merely talked to sleep.
Some papers are the genuine pessimists.
The Kansas City Daily Post has blossomed into
an unusually good newspaper and an unusually
strong champion of democracy. The Post is de
serving of the support of genuine democrats.
Rhode Island is going to limit the speed, of au
tomobiles to fifteen miles an hour. At that rate
the autoists will be compelled to spend at least a
quarter of an hour amidst Rhode Island scenery.
We have had some samples of depravity as ex
posed by witnesses upon the stand. One was re
cently given in New York city. The other was
given before the interstate commerce commission.
"Take a book with you wherever you go" is
the advice of a southern minister. We always do
and before we return so thoroughly have the con
tents been mastered that there is seldom anythiu"
in it.
The railroads that are engaged in "gettin"
even" with the states that have enacted the 2-cent
fare law may learn a few things about the "get
ting even" business before they are through
with it. h
Doubtless General Grosvenor will be willing at
any time to take his eyes off that 300-piece silver
service and hark back to Washington to bay de
fiance at those who would lay desecrating handa
upon the tariff.
The United States supreme court has decided
that the railroads must pay their taxes in Ne
braska. The mere citizen cannot hold his taxes
until the court nets. With him it is either nav or
be sold out. L
If these Russian generals who want to firfit
dues with Kuropatkin had shown half as much
willingness to fight a year or two ago, that Ports
mouth conference might have brought Russia more
satisfactory results. "ubbiu moie
Ihe last congress appropriated 177,000,000 for
the army and navy and 8,000,000 for igricultu"
The armor plate manufacturers and the irun
smilhs and shipbuilders wonder why olcht million
should thus be wasted. g ut mI11Ioua
It Is reported that much dissatisfaction exists
among he laborers in the canal zone. The near
approach of the time when army en-inoerq wm
take charge of the work means the near annro.
of he time when the employes Ull h vo Pto eaiL
at least a part of their wages and salaries
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