16 X J & The Commoner. VOLUME 7, NUMBEtt 10 in Good Rcadin Subscribe for The Commoner and for a smafll additional amount you also secure a or newspaper for your friend magazine For the accommodatfon of our readers who desire to avail them selves of n general lino of reading,, so far as newspapers and periodi cals are concerned. The Commoner has arranged a number of special clubbing offers. This plan has proven to be very popular, and each year thousands of Commonerreadershave taken advantage of the low prices thus made possible. This year we are pleased to be able to offer Com moner readers a larger list to select from and In many cases better prices. We get especially low prices by reason of our ability to send to the respective publications large numbers of subscribers, and our readers are given the full benefit of all reduction made In price by other publishers for clubbing purposes. CLASS A Regular Trice American. Nashville. WmIi. mv ... .KO fommirplnl Appcnl. Meiimlili,. Wonklv. Mown BO .1 tyinnni'iiiiiinr, JHoniJUJJfl, Wcnkljr 26 Hoy World, icIbmi. Ill, .luvcnllo, Would GO Tho Stnr, Monthly, OnU Park, 111 60 Modern Priacllla, UohKiii. Fancy Work, Montlily CO People n I'nntilnr Monthly. iv.u Mninm iir..i..i.ni.1 .GO VICKS mill V MllEnz nn. Dntmvllli, M V T'nrtl.ill turnl, Monthly '. BO American Farmer, Indianapolis, Agricultural. Mo... .BO Kansas I-nrmor, Topeka. Kanias, Weekly 1.00 Pralrlo Knrmor, Chicago, Agricultural, Weekly 1.00 American Swlno Herd. Chlcaun. Agricultural, Mo 50 1 oilorn ..armor. St. JoMipli, Monthly 60 National Farmer and Block Grower, St. Louis. Agri cultural, Monthly ...... .50 Farm, Stock anil Home, Minneapolis, Agricultural, Seml-Montlily ,50 Farm and Stock, St Joseph, Mo., Agricultural', Weekly ; li00 Homo and Farm. Loulsvlllo. Acrlcultural, Seml- Monthly ....".... .50 Missouri Valley Farmer, Topoka, Kansas, Ag'ricul- tural, Monthly 25 Up-to-nato Farming, Indianapolis, Agricultural," SomV- Monthly ,,.,.. 50 Commercial Poultry, MarnclUn.f!!., Z'ouitry, Mon'thly .50 oultry FmU'vui, Si u.gucld, O., Monthly 50 i.oi.au.o Poultry Journal. Qulncy, III., Monthly 00 J GLASS II Tho World, Now York, Thrlco-a-Wcok Ji.oo Tho Constitution. Atlanta. Thrico-R-wnir 1 n Tho icnqulror. Cincinnati. Weekly ..; M- Tho Times, Seattle Weekly iB Courlor-Jounml. Loulsvlllo. Weoklv ... i'nn American Hoy, Dotrolt, .Tuvcnllo, Monthly i'oo Physical Culture, Now York, Monthly i'qo Outdoors. Now York, Sports. Monthly i"nn Tablo Talk. Phlladolnhla. Cooklne iTnr-ni.,., Monthly ' , A. Vegetarian, Chicago, Food Reform, Monthly ' i'oo Tho Pilgrim. Dotrolt. Lltorarv. Monthlv ;'a Irrigation Arc, Chicago, Irrigation, Weekly "'! i'oo 1lnulrni lilnn.HHI t l I twv """"'"Vi-.":;:;--':- 75 . uiiMiiin, iivn i 111 11, nKIIUUUUI III, ai The Commoner And any One n ClassA $1.00 The Commoner And any JVO m Class A $1.35 The Commoner And any Ono in Class B $1.35 The Commoner Monthly. J Mii.,i e. 1. ' "v,.r. .""''. a.u -U....U..U. "HII-.WHIU1 iiiui nirmur, i'lusourg, woekly. , 1,00 The Commoner JAny 0NE i class a AND I with any ONE In Class B The Commoner Any one in ciass a and with any TWO in Class B The Commoner !Any two in ciass a AND 1 with any ONE iu Class B MISCELLANEOUS And any Two In Class B $1.85 $f.60 $2.J0 $t.85 ir 11 Publisher's with Tho World. Kansas rifv. r,ii . 0 rr,co Commoner. Tom WatRon's Jofforaonlan MnBai no, Atlanta ,air,nUlt Jr00 Tho Post, Kansas City. Dally e5ccpt Sunday Mnih,r Hn World-Herald, Omaha. Soml-Wookly. S'00 The Itepubllc, St. LouIb. Semi-Weekly 1-00 Tho Public. Chicago, Literary. Weekly 1'00 Literary Digest, Now York. Weekly i00 Independent. New York, Literary. Weekly 3,0 Ilovlow of Reviews. Now Ynrlr . MV.iiy ! 2.00 Current Literature. New York. Mnm.i S.00 The Tho Arena, Trenton. N. J.. Lit vrX.:; 3.00 Header. Now York. LUornrv. itf.,n.hT,. 2.50 Bob Taylor's Maga7lno. Naslivni t .,.... V'; : IIoubo&Ganlon, PlilladelnhlaMiintiiir ' ato"iniy 1. Amorlcan Magazine, New York. Literary' MnnVAVJ 3 Outing. Deposit, N. Y Sports, Monthly Month,y L Recreation. Magaxlno, N. Y.. Monthly 8' Field and Stream. New YnriV s .."y '.''::.:J 1. Kr.r..-c c... ITcnlth Piilnr M, v-i. ;".'"."'. ",un.""y New Voc ChlpnV n'l ?' "'Benio. Mon hJy . - - -""' nnJti aiiuc, vecKiy 'New .House . . . . ..... ..... .,, ........, in ly Periodicals wish to Join with one year, ana ir new, 3.00 00 00 00 00 50 1.50 1.00 1.00 .00 50 00 00 00 CO ...... ...... 2,00 ..... .,,.,,,,,., l.QO 1.00 ....... ............ fin inn appears before the namo of a nniiioninn foreign postage extra. laAa l A ..l. j . . you In sendine for a in,ittnii T," .":.. AV"r. . Ir,cnas naV beirln win, m, ..;:""r" L" .. "". uripiions " -uuiii. uuinoer unless L Metropolitan Majfnslne. Now York LltAmrV vt....vr.l: ? Good HouBokeeplnir. Snrinirniri. m,' iZL Mi. ' ''.'"". L American Motherhood, CoopeS town M J iSn,iiSn uly ..' ! L Woman's Home Comt)anlon.NvuvVvf'.f.am'Ly' Monthly 1. The Housekeeper. Minneapolis. Family Monthly Momn,y ' Breeder's Gazette. ChlenJo hVi, -X nti,,3L, '.'. umcntrrt Ninn . ., tr -.-. Hoard's DalrvmaH. n. i,w7 Vmlu' weouiy The Fruit Grower, St. Joseph. Monthly ' Northwestern ABrlculturlst. Mlnnn-!.- nnmnArnt Tni.t. - ' ... -'".".... ...M ....,, rat veeKy. xn cacn case whero tho uniy pormuieu to nccoDt now snl,orir.ii. may ie sent to different nilflra wo (2.00 1.85 2.35 1.25 1.60 1.C0 3.25 2.20 3.00 3.00 2.85 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.83 1.85 1.45 1.60 2.10 1.C0 1.6b 1.60 1.5 0 1.50 1.35 1.15 1.25 are otherwise are for directed. INTEREST YOOR FRIENDS . Commoner readers who are willincj to assist In the work of In creasing The Commoner's circulation and Influence will find it easy to interest their friends, who are not now subscribers, by bringing to their attention the extraordinarily 0w prices at which standard periodicals can be secured in combination with The Commoner. The Commoner J1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 Home Macaaflno. ..... 1.00 Fannin? 1.00 34.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner $1.00 Cosmopolitan LOO ThrJce-n-Week World. 1.00 Tho Commoner,. ,, . . . . $1.00 Review of Reviews. . . . 3.00 The Reader 3.00 Prairie Farmer 1.00 $8.00 OUR PRICE $3.80 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer. . 1.00 House Beautiful 2.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Rovlow of Rovlows... 3.00 Woman's Ilomo Com. 1.00 .. 6.00 OUR PRICE $3.00 TllO Coffltnnnor 1 nn Courler-Jonrnal '. 100 xayiors Magazine 1.00 Bob $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 American MaKazlna. . . ion ......... 1.00 Outdoors OUR PRICE $2.00 C0 The Commoner $1 00 Kansas CRy World... 2.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .25 OUR PRICE $2.103'25 The Commoner $1.00 Tho Independent 2.00 Bob Taylor's Magazine 1.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.85 The Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. 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Farmer & St'kg'r .50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.75 The Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Week Constl. 1.00 Farm & Stock 1.00 The Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Week Constl. 1.00 Bob Taylor's Magazine 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.15 OUR PRICE $3.10 The Commnnm- . Nashville America! ' 'w Popular Mon. .50 Peoplo's $2 00 OUR PRICE $1.20 Tho Commoner ji on Commercial Anneal ' sn Homo & Farm 50 nll . $2.00 OUR PRICE $1.35 L,e, Commoner $1 05 Xrlce-a-Wcok Cons ll 00 American Boy.... 1 Xn Woman's Home Com;: 1.00 OUR PRICE $2.65400 The Commoner si on AmerlcnnFarmor.... Kn Commercial Poultry.".' .50 The Housekeeper .60 OUR PRICE $1.65 (0 The Commoner '.$100 Courler-Jo,urnal iloo wyo oria en Hou3o Beautiful. .00 OUR PRICE $2.85 '5 The Commoner $1.00 American Motherhood, van Culturo 1.00 Health Tho Commoner , Nashvlllo American. . , Farm. Stock & Home. $1.00 .50 1.00 OUR PRICE $1.30 $2.50 The Commoner $1.00 Remi-Wk Wld.-Herald 1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .25 S2.25 OUR PRICE $1.45 The Commonor $1.00 Courier-Journal 1.00 Nat. 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Prices cheerfully quoted on any combination lected from above list. $2.50 uuk price $1.75 of Periodicals sc All Orders Must be Addressed to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. . a i iUnxsattnimmmum, Mirtx 'TftirTiwTiimmnn!.!!,,, ' 4v .fc.A &H&Ull&