r- - ft The Commoner. VOLUME 7, NUMBER 10 l !' ; WEIGHING THE SOUL 1 A peculiar and Interesting dispatch la printed by tho Now York World, undor dato of JJoston, Muss., March 10. Tho dispatch follows: Five iMasHachtiHotlH physicians of tho highest professional standing have Just attained what tlioy believe to bo decisive results In tho investigation, rovorently undertaken, to dctormine lho existence or non-existence of a soul In the human body, and to deter- .. Trp?wx' wk? m Try a HATCH-ALL MACHINE Wo want every fnrmor mid poultry nti.sor to not our 11)07 catalog. It won't ooHt you iinythluix. THOUSANDS USE THE HATCH-ALL iintl undid monoy from oiirly clilokd. Got tho catalog and find out all about thlH lino. HEBRON INCUBATOR CO.. Box No. 27 Hobron. Nobrnska RKrnmxxu "'" i-rtmrrtrmiimij!ijrmnTWTi "Letters to a Chinese Official" Being a Reply to "LETTERS FROM A CHINESE OFFICIAL" By William Jennings Bryan "A miporb vindication of Anglo-Saxon civilization and ideals, written by Mr. Bryan in answer to lho famous Lkttkks Fkom a Ciiinksk OFiaciAL,' an inspiring and eloquont confossion of faith in tho standards and purposes of our rnco, and moro particularly those of tho Amorican people, pormoatod vith a wise and sorono optimism. Tlioro aro passages that no man can road without olovation of his moral nature" ,i . Substantially Bound, Postpaid, 55 Cents ' address THE COMMONER &&& i-' . -, 0ifrfi "4. '""g P c 1 i ', rv.. Buy a Home in Nebraska FINE FARM LAND VERY CHEAP. FOR SALE A number of one-quarter, one ,;7 ; half and whole .sections of farm land in Perkins r ,; y ' uouiity. Nebraska. L ' Tllls ,nml lii H Iclt prairie land, every aero of , . . . which can bo cultivated. The soil is black sandv lAllltl ilt.,1 .1.. II tu.uii .urn vury prouueuvc. Tho country Is healthful, tho land beautiful, and' suited to diversified farming. There are well Improved farms, good nqlgh- bora, good schools, good churches, and a good ' town all in sight of this land. . This land Is located from one to (lvo miles from a thriving town on tho Burlington railroad. There aro throe other good towns in Perkins county. If. BUSHELS OF CORN PER ACRE WAS TlVlS1LANDST YEAU N LAND Am0;NING ' GO IJUSllisLS OF WHEAT PER ACRE RAISED ON THE SAME KIND OF LAND IN THE SAME COUNTY IN 11)00. ALFALFA GROWS IN PROFUSION NEAR BY ON THE SAME KIND OF LAND. For each year during the past three years 'the crops" raised on land In Perkins county sold for more than tho COST PRICE of Uio same land. Farm this land one year and its present selling price would bo doubled. It is as productive as tho best land In Iowa or Illinois. Sell 20 acres In those states and your money will buy a quarter section of the land I am offering for sale. lpxcclleut water at a depth of 40 feet. No bettor country on earth for raislmr all kinds of stock. Oats, barley, and ryo aro profitable crops. . Do you want a farm while this lane1 Is within your reach? Cheap farm lands will soon bo a thing of tho past. A quarter- section of this land . will make a nice nest egg. I am offering this land lor less than one-fourth what tho same kind of soli is selling for no miles distant. VI can verify every statement made jibovo. If interested call on mo or write for prices and detail description. As an investment or for a homo It will pay you to investigate. Co-operation with other atrouts solicited. Audross b lle:inj, - Room 305, Fraternity Bldg. . If. - ..' ' ,;- - . LINCOLN, NEB. mine also whether 'the departure of that soul from a human body is at tended by any manifestation of a na turo that can bo made evident to ma terial senses. These investigations, guarded with tho utmost privacy, have continued about six years in a sanitarium in this state. The results are known to but half a dotfen scientists, although" it is planned to intake the whole discovery public sooii. . ' Tho nhyslblahs say that through their researches the human soul hn at last been catalogued upon sclen-i tific principles as an actuar material thing, that when this soul Hits from tho body It diminishes the weight "of the body by a certain measurable amount and this amount can ber weighed in actual o.unces. ' The difference between the weight; of the live human body and tho body a moment after death, or when thej soul has quit it, was found to be from half an ounce to one ounce, and .td I his it is said there can bo no other, possible explanation than that it is tho weight of tho human soul. In every case tho loss was shown after all known scientific deductions, such as the loss of respiratory air, of moisture and of all excretions and excretions of tho body had been taken Into consideration. In order that the experimenting physician might accurately ascertain that this unaccountable loss was not ditp to sonic peculiar physical charac teristic of sex, both men and women have boon subjects of tho experiments. Tlio method of finding this result, as followed by tho doctors, Avas to place tho dying patients in bed upon one of tho platforms of a pair of scales made expressly for the experiments. Those scales were so delicately constructed as to be sensitive to a weight of less than one-tenth of an ounce. It was the desire of Dr. Duncan MacDougal, of Haverhill, to give no publicity to the facts until they wove established beyond all doubt. He ex pressed surprise that his discovery should bo known outside the Research club, but reluctantly consented to an interview. He is a believer in neither spiritual Ism nor mysterious psychic phenomena except as they can bo dealt with by science, and he began his statement with the declaration that his experi ments were made purely, with the idea of establishing scientific facts. ' "During my practice among hospital patients and at the bedside of the dy ing my curiosity was aroused as tp whether there might be some material change discoverable by actual tests which would throw a new light upon the mystery of tho flight of life," he said. "When a person dies the current be lief is that his spirit, or soul, continiWs to live. My first though was: Has continued consciousness and nersonal individuality any existence? Can tt exist In space as nothing? It is known as a force, as a personality, real and actual. It is impossible to think of it as not occupying space. It must be a space-occupying body. With that granted, tho next' query was: Has it weight? Is it gravitated matter . or some other form of unknown defini tion? Forthwith I began my experi ments? "Four other physicians, under my direction, made tho first test upon a patient dying with tuberculosis. This man was one of the ordinary type, of the usual- Amorican temperament, neither particularly high-strung nor of marked phlegmatic disposition. We placed him a few hours preceding deaUi upon a scale platform which I had constructed and which was ac curately balanced. Four hours later with five doctors -in attendance, -iio died. The instant life ceased tho op posite scale foil with a suddenness that was astonishing, as if something had been suddenly lifted -from the "Immediately all tho usual deduc tions were made for physical loss, of weight, and it was discovered that there was still a full ounce of weight unaccounted for. "My fellow physicians were mysti fied and only half convinced. I, my self, had grave doubts, that our -calculations were correct. Otherwise, how, was it possible .t,o acqount for this, strange loss? There was no known scientific manner of doing "so. . "As a result of this doubt I sub- knitted another subject afllicted with the same urease and Hearing- death to the same experiments. .He was a man of much the same temperament as the preceding patient and of about tho same physical type. , "The same result happened at the passing of ills life. The instant the heart ceased to boat .there was the sud den and almost uncanny dimlnish ment of weight. . As experimenters, each physician in attendance made Jigures of his own concerning this loss, .and, at a consultation, these figures were compared. The unaccountable loss continued to be shown. "Tlio question then arose as to what the loss meant. If was a loss of sub stance, which could be obtained in known figures, and, which was also such a singularly appreciable loss as to place it beyond all doubt that it might be due to any error-4n calcula tion. The two separate differences obtained correspond, each being of about an ounce. But this was less re markable than what took place in the third case. Tho subject was that of a man of larger physical build, witlt a pronounced sluggish temperament. "When life ceased, as the body lay In bed upon the scales', for a full miu ute there appeared to be no change in weight. The pliyslcians waiting in the room looked .into each other's faces, silently shaking their heads in tho nnn- iviction that our test had failed. , "Then suddenly, the. same thing happened that had occurred' In' the other cases. There was a sudden di minishment in weight, which was soon found to be the same as that of the preceding experiments. "I believe that in this case that of a phlegmatic man, slow of thought and action the soul remained sus pended in the body after death, during the minute that elapsed before it came to tho consciousness of its freedom. 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