r- 16 !! : V m w The Commoner. VOLUME 7, NUMBER a ains in Good Reading Subscribe for The Commoner and for a small additional amount you also secure a magazine or newspaper for your friend For the accommodation of our readers who desire to. avail them oclves of a general line of reading, so far as newspapers and periodi cals arc concerned, Tho Commoner has arranged a number of special clubbing offers. This plan has proven to be very popular, and each year thousands of Commoner readers have taken advantage of the low prices thus made possible. This year we are pleased to be able to offer Com moner readers a larger list to select from and in many cases better prices. We get especially low prices by reason of our ability to send to the respective publications large numbers of subscribers, and our readers are given the full benefit of all reduction made in price by other publishers for clubbing purposes. IWtllllWI CLASS A IUpi!nr Price. Antorlenn, NnHhvllle, Weokly, News $ .50 rnnuiMTclal Appeal. Memphis, Weekly, News 60 NowBflclinltnr, MomplilH, Weekly 25 Hoy World, Klf?ln. III., Juvenile, Wocltly CO '1'hoHtnr, Monthly, Oak Park, 111 60 Modern IMIsollhi, Boston. Fancy Work, Monthly 50 !i',r. H l'"Ilnr Monthly, Men Molnos, Household.. .60 Iclc h Family Majjazlno, Dansvllle, N. Y., Horticul tural, Monthly B0 Anu-rlcnn Farmer. Indhinnnolls. Airrloultnrnl. Mo... .50 KanmiH Fanner. Tott:ka, ICan-ms, Weekly 1.00 1'rnlrlo Farmer, CMc-uko. Agricultural, Weekly 1.00 American Swine Herd, t'hleiiirn. AKrtculturnl, Mo 50 Mo.lorn I. anaor.Ht. Joseph, Monthly 60 National Farmer and Stock CI rower, St. Louis, Airrl- cullural, Monthly 50 Farm, Stock and Homo, Minneapolis, ABrl'eul'tural', Soml-Monthly ' ,50 Farm and Stock, St Joseph, Mo., Agricultural', Weekly ; 100 Homo and Farm. Loulavlllo, AKrlcultural, Semi- . Monthly 50 Mlnmiurl Valloy Farmer, Topoka, Kansas'," 'Agricul tural, Monthly ,, 25 Up-to-nato VnruiliiK, Imllanapollii. AKrlcultural,' Soml' Monthly ,..,.-. 60 Commerclar VnuHrn MM-mAN-a, iu.'.-ijofiTtry' Monthly iso Poultry Succcm, RprlnKlleld. O., Monthly do uuiiiiuio rouitry journal, Qulncy. III., Monthly E0 J UI.AH8 li " Tho World, New York, Thrlco-n-Weok $1.00 Tho Conitltullon, Atlnnla. Thrlco-a-Wcck 1.00 Tho Enquirer. Cincinnati. Wocklv . 1 nft Tho Times. Seattlo. Weekly ... . Tho Courlor-Journnl. Louisville. Weokiv "' 1'nn Amcrlcnn Uoy, Detroit, Juvenllo, Monthly i'oo Physical Culture New York, Monthly i"0o Outdoorn, New York. Sports, Monthly "' i'oo Tablo Talk, Philadelphia, CooUIhr MniruzlnV Monthly ' j 00 VoRCtnrlan, Chicago, Food Itcform, Monthly ! 100 Tho PllKiim, Detroit, Literary, Monthly ' wk Irrllintlon Airo. Clilrntrrv TrrlpnMnn ',...t, I,. ' 7. Michigan Farmer. Weekly. ............' '. ,r Fannliur. Now York. AKrlcultural. Monthly. .. .".'.'"" 100 National Stockman and Farmer, Pittsburg, Weokly .'! l'.oo 1 he Commoner J Ay ONE in cinos a AND The Commoner AND The Commoner AND The Commoner And any One m Class A LOO 1 The Commoner And any JvVO n Class A SI Jr kJt The Commoner And any Ono in Class D $1.35 The Commoner And any Two la ClussB I ;i with any ONE in Class n (Any ONE in Class A I with any TWO in Class n Any TWO in Class A with any ONE In Class B MISCELLANEOUS The $1.85 $J.60 $2J0 $J.85 Our price Publisher's with Price. Commoner. World. Knnsns Ftv. iv.n .,. 0 , ... Tom Watson's JefTorsonhui Miiguzlno. Atlanta (in MnnM.i '?'00 Tho Post, Kansas city, Djilly except Sunday th,y H2 World-llerald. Omaha. t t P(Mlll.Viintlu 'Plin YlnttiiKII U r ..!.. o. ". ;. V. v wMim,i lu. ljuuin. nr in aW An r it Tho Puhllc. Chicago, Literary. Weekly Literary Digest. Now Yorl w if Indenomlpnt. Hnw Vni.ii- 1 ,.....'. Hevlow of Reviews. Now York. Mm.M.w Current Literature N'm v.ir i-i.... " Tl, A..V. . h "... x," ."',"'. '""iiwiiy 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 ....... 1 ............. .............. WM ' M n.;,?y 2.00 3.00 00 .50 00 00 00 .00 .00 brk. Snort mii L60 Now York. Hygenlc. 'Monthly '" H2 mrnnn. nr..i.i- .WU IlOUSe noftlltlfUl, ChlCttKO. Dcrnrntlnn. SlLt:,'' LOO -ir..nM.Aii. t...i " .-- ". i ham 11 in v 'laate.. 9 v (niiu, uiilUIL 1. .1.. I .IF ntn rv UnHil.i.. ----.- w. Tho Keniler. New York. Lit-rnrv U. .,.,." y 2 Bob Taylor's Magazine. Nashviiin 1 if.- . ' V.:: : 3. HouBoJkGardon, Philadelphia Monthly ' iUO,u,uy 1. American Magazine. New Ym-u 1 lI.V'V;V,.!. ' Outing, Depoait, N. Y., Sports, Monthly "Jomn,y 1 Itocrcatlon. Magazine, N Y.. Monthly 3 Kieiu and stream. New Y Health Culturo, 1MW Vn (A Phlnnnn m. .... v.. v.iviihui idi u'runr. muuu .urnuii aiHKnr.iuo.noMr york Llternrr Mmithw ,uu Good Housekeeping, Springfield, MuVs bSl'''Xl' American Motherhood Coo perstown N J J&mnSnliV,y L; 1'00 Woman's Homo Companion, Now York nii iv mMIi0nth,3r 1'00 Tho Housekeeper. Mlnnennnll. WnnU' 55!?.LIy.'. Mo"tly 1.00 .60 00 00 Breeder's Gazette, Chicago, Stock and Farm Weekly' Hoard's Dolryman, Ft. Atkinson. Wis. Weekly ?' The Fruit Grower, St. Joseph. Monthly ...... h Northwestern Agriculturist. Minn.ni.. 1. Agriculturist. Mininonnt.'. 1.00 Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.. Weokiv 60 o,,Vm!US"tc"Sp,tho0''ffiS!;V 'telMlr-'iiiii Per odlca s mav !. nt A,-'Sr r-."" '"'" iiuiKo extra. join with you In sending for VAi 1 "?." " u.,rc"!. Y?ur. & may and if new, begin with the cVrrVnt number unlesTthTe SgL& m 1.85 2.3S 1.2S 1.50 1.60 3.25 2.20 3.00 3.00 2.85 3.00 1.50 8.00 1.50 3.00 1.83 1.85 1.45 1.S0 2.10 1.80 1.6b 1.60 1.6 0 1.20 2.00 1.50 1.35 1.15 1.25 we aro wish to one year, INTEREST YOUR FRIENDS, Commoner readers who are willing to assist in tho work of In creasing The Commoner's circulation and influence will find it easy to interest their friends,' who are not now subscribers, by bringing to their attention the extraordinarily low prices at which standard periodicals can be secured in combination with The Commoner. The Commoner SI. 00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 Home Magazlno 1.00 Farming 1.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner $1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 Thrice-a-Week World. 1.00 $S.O0 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner lt.no Cincinnati Enquirer. . 1.00 House Beautiful 2.00 S4.00 OUR PRICE $2.60 The Commoner .ti.on Review of Reviews... 3.00 Woman's Homo Com. 1.00 OUR PRICE $3.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Review of Reviows. . . . 3.00 Tho Reader 3.00 Prairlo Farmer 1.00 $8.00 OUR PRICE $3.80 The Commoner $1.00 Tho Independent 2.00 Bob Taylor's Magazlno 1.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.85 The Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. Wld-Herald 1.00 Prairlo Farmer 1.00 The Commoner $1.00 Courier-Journal 1.00 Bob Taylor's Magazlno 1.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner $1.00 American Magazine... 1.00 Outdoors 1 00 3 Aft OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner n 00 nsns City World. . . 2-.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .2.1 OUR PRICE $2.10 35 The Commoner i 00 Kansas City Post 3'.00 Farm & stock 1 00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.60 The Commoner $1.00 Tablo Talk 1.00 Boys' World.... 50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Success 1.00 Pilgrim 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. Wld.-Homirt 1 no rChristlan End. World. 1.00 OUR PRICE $2.60S'00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.10 The Commoner $1.00 American Motherhood. 1.00 Christian End. World. 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.35 Tho Commoner. .... ..$1.00 Courier-Journal 1.00 Ainsleo'a 1.80 $3.80 OUR PRICE $2.70 Tho Commoner $1.00 Missouri Valloy Farmer .25 Thrlco-a-Week World. 1.00 1 $2.25 OUR PRICE $1.60 The Commoner $1.00 Thrice-aWcok Consti. 1.00 Nat Farmer & St'kg'r .50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.75 The Commoner $1.00 Thrico-a-Weok Consti. 1.00 Farm & Stock 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.75 Tho Commoner $1.00 Semi-Weekly Republic 1.00 Vlck's Fam. Magazine .50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.75 Tho Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Weok Consti. 1.00 Bob Taylor's Magazine 1.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 American Magazlno. . . 1.00 Recreation Magazine. . 1.50 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.15 Tho Commoner $1.00 Prairlo Farmer iToo Ihrlcc-a-Weck World. 1.00 Review of Reviews..; 3.00 OUR PRICE $3.10 The Commoner $1 00 -"" MIIU Peoplo's American. Popular Mon. 50 .50 OUR PRICE $1.202' .Xhe Commoner i 00 Commercial Anneal' Farm 50 Homo & to on OUR PRICE $1.35 The Commoner $1 on r'"-a-Week Cons I Too American Boy. . . . inn Woman's Home Com:.' i0o OUR PRICE $2.654' The Commoner ji 0n American Farmor .in The Housekeeper. . . '. .50 .60 OUR PRICE $1.65 (0 The Commoner $1 on Courier-Journal 'i'oo Wor!(J,V, 50 Beautiful 2.00 Boys' House OUR PRICE $2.854'5 The Commoner $i.0o w'.ri?". Mterhood. 1.00 Health Culture 100 Tho Commoner $1.00 Nashville American.,. .50 Farm. Stock & Homo. 1.00 OUR PRICE $1.30 $2.50 The Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk Wld.-Hcrald 1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .25 $2.25 OUR PRICE $1.45 Tho Commoner $1.00 Courier-Journal 1.00 Nat. Farmer & Stock'n 1 00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.85 The Commoner jfiToo Table Talk 1.00 Vlck's Fam. 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Papers other than weeklies ... tucil iiumo CICV tlio nlinii. $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.10 .$1.00 . 2.50 . 2..00 Tho Commoner. . Tho Arena. ...... Tho Independent. Bob se- .. 5.50 OUR PRICE $4.20 Tho Commoner $1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer. . .1.00 Prairlo Farmer 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.60 The Commoner $100 Commercial Appeal... Inn Taylor's Magazine 1.00 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.75 -.l.S5Se;?!Le8 aro "quired to pay special Dost- BBS?" C,UM --liedSrVire; iP,?l" ch,ierfu,,: 9uoted on any combination of Periodicals .--.-v. ..win auuvc 1 1 si. All Orders Must be Addressed to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. r ! i 5-i in lyr ."a.T '."Ai., .to.v ft it- X