t'Jff M S ! ! -i" i i v 'VOLUME 7, NUMBER q K, " J '!l$ Jf 'WfW 6 fD M M f! P Si ft W if! M Si 'i If l! r ' 1 f' i The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. Wil.MAM .1. HllYAN Keillor Hint l'i(iiililir. KlCIIAIIti I , MiitrAI.CK Awmcliili' Killltir. MIAIll.RH W. I1ICYAN lMllillHhur. Kc'.llcrlnl Kooiimnnil Hiislnew oiiuo :wi-:co s iaui street. Kiitrtml ill llii' I'oKleilllt'ii tit I.I ncolii. N( 1)., as hi fotiii-rlniHiimll matt or Olio Vcnr - - SMiO Mx.MoiiIIih - - .bo In CluI'Mot live or mom, Per Ycnr .75 Tin oo MoiiUih - n KIiikIii Cony - 5o Saiiijili' OiplcH Krc. K(ircli:n I'irotnRO .V2 CpiiIh Kxtrn. KIJIlKCltl J'TIO.NS din liCM-Hl dlKfl toTllKCo.MMONKIl. They rrii iiIhi lip h nt ll.iMiclitmsM'iin'itMUiU'l' liuvo mhcrtlHcdfldulililiiK rnto, or llirniKli l( rl iibciiIh, wIiito Hiib-ncPiitH linvu bcciiniipoUUoil All rpinlttniKiH (.liiitild lie, Kent by iiuttofllco inotioy onlor, oiprcw) (iidoi, cr ly 1-r.nk dinft on New Ywk tr Chicago. JJo not howl IndUldiiiil (I.ccKh, kImiij Mir money. DIKCOV1 IKVAJH KK.-lt In fdii:d Hint a Inrno majority of Mir MiliWillii'iH iiicfcr not lo hnvo IhclrMil ccrliitlniiH Interrupted and their (lien biolccn In nn tlipy fall In iiinlt bPforo expiration. It Ih llieiefuro nimiined that cnntlimanco Ik debited iiiiIchh MibKcrllieiH on'cr (IImuiIIiiiuukt, i Itlur ul.en hiI.m rllilm: ir at any ttmo during tliojpar. I'iijmntatmw (oi'iKi;; JWiiny pumhihmiIjM'iIIio for frk-nilH, InteudliiK tln.t Hip pm er Nlmll ntop at Hie ( nil ef tlie year. If liiHtruc tldiHnip Ipii to thlH rlUcl llit-y wlllrccclv. attpntlon at tho proper Mini). J! KNK'Wil I.S. Tlio dale on jenr vnpp(r eltown when jour rul'EtilMlMi will explip. TIiiih .lanutiry III, '07, iiipiiiih tlint pajinmt lino b(cn Kichpil lo ami IkIimIIiik Hip If.Ft luiio of .lamiary, lt07. 'Jwo wpdH am K(iilip(l nfKr iccmy linn I ecu iccoIumI tof(ro tho (Into on wrapper can be cliniiKod. CIIANiiF. VV ADDIlhSS. FiibucrllprH rnjueUliiK n cliniiRO tf iiddrem mint ivo 01.1) iih veil as tho NKW addreus. AI)VHUrl'JSIlSi -JtatPH fiirnlfihed upon application. Addrcm all comnninleatlonB to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. The spring hat will soon be sprung. The Jp war scare seems to have exhausted Itacir thundering in tho naval appropriation hide v. A scientist tells us that a twenty dollar gold piece has an odor distinctly its own. So has a cent. Now York has six living ex-governors, but this . Interesting fact was not gleaned from the New 1 (rk newspapers. An exchange mourns the lack of a rhvme for bwooloiiham. And that, too, when we are all busv In lorgettin' "Ham." rlho energy displayed in digging up the facta about the Rrownsvillo affair would have excavated about one-half of the Panama canal. "The House of Lords may fall," savs sin ex change, well, ,t wouldn't make much of dent in the ground If It did. ii,. ft, 7n tla n ,() loml tuo world in arconau t es. Hit they ought to watch some of our modern financiers "ballooning" stocks uuli.i A scientist asserts that the germs of iimnilv may be found in certain grains and vegetal Sure-corn and rye, for instance. l"u.s. The Commoner. Japan's refusal to grow excited over war talk In this country must be taken as an indication that Japan has been reading up on our Ilobsons and Perkinses. It is barely possible that Mr. Rockefeller ex pects his donation to result in turning out a lot of unhorsily men like the chancellor of Syracuse university. It seems that until we have solved the problem, "What shall we do with our insurance companies V" it will not be necessary to worry about our ex presidents. 4 Mr. Harriman sarcastically declares that the interstate commerce commission ought to give him a Job. Isn't the commission keeping him pretty, busy as it is? As long as the 5,000 a year collectorships hold ? ', nl0ml r!;,(!VnH mul l,"hcr8 will I e wil m -for the Uoosevelt-Foraker scrap to go on. no tan?' 'TT my thAwrlcan women can not talk, it Henry can ever llnd an end to one ot his sentences he might listen for a bit. nnnw!lR?(,n0,nor's b,B donation to education can ie aw lully near crowding a murder trial out of ilrst place in the slug head department. February 13 was the ninth anniversary of I ho sinking of the battleship Maine. Consider able 1 is tory has been f.uule during the nine years The czar has one advantage not possessed hv American politicians, if he does not like tho 5 suit of the election he merely dlams it void. A Russian general was shot as he loft tho to JlMi A l f "S W0llld ther be slSt thin to sit through some performances at the thifres! If any of those Rockefeller stnei- i,m,i.i i anectcHl by legislation, woidi tc cile boll n tl,sprefer honest legislation torSSlS tl.M?rysUlf Siol"!? frh;?H WOOO to eduea. ii mi. i in s in uie slue of tho sea e containing tu- widow's mite continues to be lowest. b Educational institutions like the one presided over by Chancellor Day will not need for funds as long as they are presided over by men like Chancellor Day. "The river and harbor bill is reaching for tho 100,000,000 mark," observes the St. Louis Globe Democrat. This is due to the 85,000,000 easy marks in the country. A man was sent to jail In Washington the other day for sleeping on the treasury department steps. He wasn't a congressman interested in the river and harbor bill. The second number of Tom Watson's Jeffer- sonian is a delightful magazine. It is full of the sparkle and brilliancy which characterize his speeches and writings. Senator Dryden's physician said he was suf fering from a malady that prevented him from entering the race for re-election. Was it a case of congealed extrometies ? A great many republican organs observed Lin coln's birthday by printing his picture and care fully refraining from making quotations from his speeches and messages. Oklahoma need not hesitate between the mis tletoe and the alfalfa as the state flower. Just think of how many men have gotten into trouble because of tho mistletoe. The Colorado senate, which voted to send Gug goniicini to tho senate, has expelled a member 'or accepting a bribe. The bribe was offered and ac cepted two years ago, however. An appalling feature of Mr. Rockefeller's re doLS aS C(lucatlon is thG volume of vociferous defense of corporations and trusts that will flow from tho lips of Chancellor Day. is an VonnilTr yS th ipre80nt f row trouble ill. nl,lt ot,tl10 1)eoi)le- 0f course the peo ple should have hustled harder and made moro money to turn over to tho railroads. Rut could not the general public give moro to educational institutions If they did not avo o pay men like Carnegie and Rockefeller sucllmio commissions for handling the money? a Now that diey have raised their own .w perhaps the members of congress will conse, M Chicago's socialist dully TOln0,. ,,. ..w , l.uve $(1,000 before the eml of next veek' He t Start It "rSt "P f,ml lws WW ", The publishers would like to be Xn Ty C",n,'y the output of cougresslZl wludjCning, ,'eSt,',Ct It having boon reported that Pi-pairtonf t velt declared that the place for S'l Roo;,G Home, Secretary Loeb m ight jusJ as will VY Proparations to assume rcpQnXill'ty Joftlfe'e- The Sioux Gity Journal says that few mon would give ?32,000,00'0 to education, as Mr. r0(4 feller has done. This is very true, -but there ju tJiousands of men who would dearly love tn i able to do it. ,)0 An eastern man bought a railroad ticket ami because he wanted to lide on top of the coah liJ was adjudged insane. Perhaps he was sensibio enough to want to get us far away from' tho wJieels as possible. Tho administration opposes tho iinn r a full report of military Ss in tlio i?hiiV,nIf,lls on the ground that it would ie furnil ihu Llipi)lnes information to Japan Thr roii In K t0 ,m,CH in that It would bo1 Krnlslung f ffiSformiffi to the taxpayers of the United States. ' Congress experienced great difficulty in distrl buting tho river and harbor appropriations. Tho difficulty was not in ascertaining where the nionov .was most needed -for river nnd harbor improve, meiit, but in ascertaining where it would do tho most political good. It will be very generally admitted that Mr Harriman was not egotistic when lie remarked that lie could run the interstate commerce com mission fully as successfully as tho commission lias run the railroads. President Orr of the New York Life Insur ance company says that if his wishes are con suited his official connection with the company will be short. A lot of policyholders are short without being consulted. A Detroit newspaper man has won a prize of .$250 by writing an arllcTe about Colorado. There are men in Colorado who could make more than that by writing an article on the state, provlilod they told what they know. Noting the fact that the naval appropriation bill carries $95,000,000 the Knoxville Sentinel wants to know why one new cruiser should not be named "Knoxville." Squandering money like that certainly "Knocks all." The house judiciary committee has decided against a national child labor law. The interests that maintain an iniquitous tariff seem able aloo to prevent anybody disturbing their plan of em ploying children at starvation wages. No, Rinaldo, the Nebraska legislature whMi is demanding an income tax", begging for a reduc tion in the tariff on lumber and .denouncing the ship subsidy steal, was not elected by democrats. It claims to be it republican legislature. Ihe workmen who have succeeded in stopping the flow of the Colorado river into the Salton sea should be hurried to Washington and set to work on the break in the treasury that is flooding the districts represented by the "pork" congressmen. Wo are not yet ready for a censorship of The press. The proceedings of a court are public prop erty and the public can be trusted to rebuke a newspaper which in publishing them uses lan guage which offends the moral sense of its reader. Judge Parker has upheld President Roosevelt's right to discharge those negro troopers. Yes, Alton R. Parker. The flowers of which James A. Garfield spoke seem to bo blooming verv pro fusely over the garden wall of politics these'bright days. Electricity as a cure for disease is being used more and more every day, says an exchange, borne very bad cases of disease have been cured by electricity in New York, most of the cures be ing performed at a famous resort upon' the Hud son river. Women ticket sellers are to be employed on the New -York Elevated road. The reason given is that they are more dexterous in handling and making change than men. The real reason is that they can be secured for about half the wages that men demand. A newspaper declares that there would bo moro Rocket oilers in tho world if young men apunt us mucn effort n mmiov mm.-T, ,, timv love making. Perhaps, but there is some wrong abOUt tho vniin ,o ,.,ir. -rtrrtiiM . .., . ' "" " 1IKU1 MliW V-l.v. niiier miiKo mono, than to make love. Resides, haven't we enough Rockefellers now? do in tiling A republican member of the Nebraska legisla ture deserves the medal as the most consistent 5;S1? ' i J'le yoiQl nSl"st the adoption of a esolution asking congress to take tho duty off of lumber and steal, saying that while ho "favored e moving Hie duty on lumber lie did not want the I ,!? f 101U0VG(1, lrom Rtoel- 'And. his lumber costs v "I hventy ti,nos wmit "Is steel costs him every fe i - L. dtatek-