The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 15, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner.
R -
TJL -. T -. , . ''10 Now yl'k Tribune is now occupying its
H Me IO IH IB OI16F. "ow homo. The Tribune 1ms improved very mil-
. . . . . fni'lnllv. i1tf f rf iiit llir
Wli.liUM J. 1IKVAN ClIAIll.M W. UliYAN
ICdllor ftfid J'ioirlel(ir. J'nhllslier.
IIIUJMKl) ) Mirnvtl.rK KdlK rial ItooiiiN anil liiiHlnrm
AFWiPlJilf Kdltor. OHUu Wl-.'CtO So Ulli Street.
Kiitorod al tlio I'm Ioiiicp hi J I u oln, J( l., as u u.i.d-ilaf h mull matlor
Ono V'iir - . n.o Tli i-i-ij iUontliH - S
Mx .MiiiiIIih - - .BO .Single '!' fio
In Clulw (if II vo or moio, Kniiiiilii CojiIuh Free
I'1'!' Y,,'ir "1 J'oM'lifH I'ohlttKii f)2 Cents Kxtra.
KI'HM'ltll'TIONH can ho m-iiI direct lo'JiiKCoMMONKit. 'Jliny
fan aim l,c m nt ll.roiipli imwj'iiiriMlilcli liao ndieitlttnlncliilmliur
tale, or tlirniKli heal i.kmiIu, wIicp- Mib-auento liavo lieon unpointed
All MiniltlaiireH Minnld he ncnt lij p Mofileo imuioy older, expn-HS
ordoi, or ly hunk dinft on New Voik or Chicago. J)o not eond
Imllvliliial lirr I-h. Mm k or money.
Jlh'COVJINlAN ICN.-Jt l f tiiul Hint a laico majority of
( nr Mil hoi HieiH prefer not to lian tlirlr MilwrlpllotiH Interrupted and
tlielr llli-H liMkoi in fjtic iliry fall to nmlt holoro exj Iratlon. it Is
IlKtieforo iimiiiiril Unit eontlnnaiico Ih deMied imlowt Hiifojcrlboro
order dlheinllMu.nre. Illic r uliin luImtIIjIuk .r at an tlimi fliirlnie
1 ho j ear. l'liMMAiioN((i.ij.h: Many jii rM.tiHMiliwiIno for frlendH,
InlfiiilliiK llml ilif- rm i r M.all Mop at Ihc ( ml of the year. If limtruc
tlciiH mi- uUcn tn ihlNtllicMlio) wlllreiolv nttentlon at tlio Kroner
'',':J,;iCW'AI'','---'llii' 'nlp mi jmr mepiirr Hiowh when your
ruhfcrlMlen Mill . xpl.e. ! .,, ry 31, '(,7, ,,,, that pai..H.t
Jiaa Peon ie(eled tu and Imludli.u il. Mi fM. ()f ,jflminry ,uo7.
'WMlBif.riiiiiiHi,lMirii!iiH, nan lee. locclu-d Loforo tlio
onto on uiapporean lu ( IijiiikhI.
VUAfiOK OF il 19 II( IlKS.-M1l11rrlln.iH n-wirMlng a cImiiro
I "dd.e.H , ,.,w ()U) nh mdl .. the NKW addroHs.
AJVICHMN(J- ItateH fnrnlHied uiiuii annllcnlloii.
Addrcn, nil (oiiiniunleatloiiH to
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
work omS'RE "'S""IZ" ' l """ie "'
U must gall (Colorado to be reminded that ovon
New Jersey performed bettor Work. umtCAen
Now that (ho pure food law is in force sun
pose we got a I)Ure scale law. ' '
Perhaps thoy call it the "block svsloni" 5,
cause so many people lose their lives ?lie,u
senate. "S "" ox"Hve session of the
Iho'uXi Shies" T "",' i""'m " wlrtl
tinn,,s::,T1!"r';ie:;' s'8 ,,?,miei" iwsi-
of Glbnildir. C 1"'vl"s tlle strength
.SS --"&
astcni ucvvspVwtB. tr-UHo-Hoelc Heads oC tlio
movnl of imidi air". obH1 In u,t! r0-
"o,?'L;i,ohUf;S';;!rf l,ow i
tortdlc ort to school '1' lnces' ,,m1 H'oii
SK1, , .."re
whom shall we write? ' T,mnks; nnd io
lerinlly, areliitecturally.
The people of New Jersey have discovered
they, loo, have the strength of Gibraltar when they
really desire to exercise it.
If reorganization of the canal commission hap
pened to be dirt throwing, vessels would now bo
sailing through lrte canal.
The steel trust's net earnings were $JnG,000,
000 in 1000, most of it being on its investment in
republican tariff schedules.
That Japanese war scare was evidently meant
as power for the machine that is expected to grind
out big naval appropriations.
Alfred Austin has written an ode on tlio Ja
maica earthquake. Funny how they will rub it in
on a victim when ho is down.
Those coallpss people in the northwest should
Jake courage. Spring will soon bo bore. The base
ball schedules are being framed.
One hundred street cars wore burned in Chi
enn one day last week. All Chicago turned out
to see a warm street car in February.
rorliaps the railway managers could find a
way 0 get trains over their rSids if they spent
less time trying to float improvement bonds
The newspapers have been tolling congressmen
;v to make laws, and now congress iSSgoin" to
tell newspaper men how to run newspapens
41 . Vlrgliilu mother handed her baby to a bear
uni insist that it was a very natural mistake.
nillIRh?J?,) IJamlon was in both the San Francisco
and Kingston earthquakes. We wish BlS
Hamilton would visit both houses of congress
,in J,?in D' J01"0", jr., is wondering whv men
do not go to church. They have to hiwHo Jim
money that your papa grabs as dlffdffdS JohniSS
nes?ehnh?7?0I1i. wlt,ldrw on account of ill
JjNjto so out ana whip J1)au aZSH
Wlillo liunmno societies nro agitatinc ncnlnt
Uic cruel practice of .locking horses' tills whl
ovcriook cocker spaniels, rat terriers ana buli!
notSoil.kJ"(n If ,-"1' S?'rcs' enSllencfl nations are
sonjehorty W0111a tak0 lt i aTlo ifTZ
- STlSSZ" S"S ""UA'ohraska
atlnK all (he men." The' rL "n ' m"0 1s f'
effort (0 catch . Wl,v ,lll0flst, ?"'" make an
are fair i,J&, k
liavo to be enlarge bv n.i- ? .l," v"c"cy will
lmnch over. k by mnki"' Uk otl'Or justices
Se1,geTl'SV!va:i,f "' 2-co"1 '
tliolr patrons so ,i a te Si Iv hvl, U'e ,rambo' ot'
fatal aecldenls. "lLlm"J oy a succession of
The appointment of a noro In
feiloral ollico at Olnclnn ti : n w . n ""Por''"t
lieen sometlilii" .,,' ollio' s"oms to hav
ForakerUo oiirer? Kooscvoltinn Rolau.l te
George R. Nutt lof e?r4 nnn
toys for poor cl ,lre TbZ.V,th wl"" l "uy
"ot need a nioiiTunrat"ot b a m,m who will
servo bis memory Ss 0l mnrt'o to plv-
A man with a million dollai's" of Standard Oil
stock in bis pocket was found dead in South I)
kota. Perhaps bo was biding out to keen u'
Kockefeller from grabbing it.
The proposed changes in the postal law, m-wio
by tlio congressional postal commission; are ' in
effect a press gag law that is quite equal to tii
censorsliip laws of Russia.
The president cannot scare those California
with war talk. They know that the pure fooil
law will prevent them from being fed on em.
balmed beef after they enlist.
The Missouri legislator who introduced a bill
limiting women to two bats a year tit a maximum
cost of $1.08 oacli, knew very well that Missou-i
women are not allowed to vote.
Mr. IJarriman and Mr. Gould have perfected a
"friendly arrangement." Tliis means that the
shipper will continue to get the lemon regular! v
while waiting for his shipment. '
One member of the Missouri legislature voted
against .the 2-cent passenger fare law. He must
luive labored under the impression that it might
cost him 2 cents a mile to travel.
Just as soon as he can think up enough new
words Chancellor Day will tell us what he minks
about the interstate commerce commission's re
port on tiie Standard Oil company.
New York has just been witnessing an exhibi
tion of safety appliances. It was given under a
roof. What the country wants is an exhibition of
safety appliances in actual operation.
One thousand Pennsylvania miners lost their
lives in mine accidents in innn TiW iminnr tn
the class that is drawing sufficient wage, accord-
to the chancellor of Syracuse university.
I he proposal to lop off $10,000,000 a year from
the amount paid the railroads for transporting the
mails is calculated to make Mr. Harriman talk
strenuously about "governmental interference."
If the congressmen are entitled 'to a 50 per
cent increase on account of the work they do,
then Speaker Cannon, who is the whole works,
ought to be drawing about 'steen millions a year.
in wSI flP, Missortans sometimes turn up
icrat O Ho", remai;ks Uie St Louls Globe-Dem-c?hnS
Ue' ?llt lwo years latei tte demo-
a b usually remedy the matter by electing their
whe??nmK the age millions and brains will rule " It i? nrortv
m;;r"y admiUed l,mt Syracuse university is
making a very successful bid for the iSt Llf
tlieTS?iSiCTSlSChSl,Sea,negro troopera might try
oXr- ? "e g&i
struction? l "tUnt of anthropological ln-
lL?s t0 CIi? thQ COrnG
ashes in the too of ' th ? ?m and Bo the
the two-dolla bi?ls "?e sS "Si- U,t this ay
clipping the corners. euough without
aZS vented a process
would have to do a to?Pni. aiSOU,1- He certainly
negative if he Piiapped wnv0VOlopI,,ff to gct a
men who manage om big'S"101 tue ntle-
rSrm that ap
and twenty' or' thirty1 mllansE g?lf teWn
creeks and ponds aloniM I , James Rvea
be "pork" all ri m "antl? seaboard may
of the pure food" com mLsfonut attontiofl
with regret oVer the election1 o?1 b ?ncturea
senator and a smelting tnfi? .? Z1 PW(1d' trust
ug of the retention of v 1 eilllto1'- to sy noth
tnist, oil trust, co nor i?Jle38 , tin,8t mllroad
senators. ' lpei tlusl "d shipping truat