The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 15, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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    " I
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The Commoner.
n .
11 ,
Jlnrhor bill. iipproprlnlliiK ln,n'lt llllin
clKlil.v-lliiw million cliillnrH Tor rivi-r
IlllIll'OVCMllC'lllW. t
The pi'oHldciil Ims ij?iinjl Mo gonornl
BtM'Vlcc pi'llNioil bill.
A WnxliiiiKloii tllMpiilrh lo flic Now
York Worlil Mtiya: The Honnte lotliiy
luiil coiiHldcrnblc fun nl the expense of
Mr. Depew, who bulled in on the In
(linn Appropriiilloii bill and made bis
IithI Kpccch In two yours. A provision
IiikI boon Inserted permilliiiK some In
linns In New Mexico lo have a real
lotnienl of llielr lands. Senalor De
pew said Ibis was Konoral legislation
and should be carried In an appropria
tion bill. Mo deprecated addiuu;
"riders" (0 appropriation bills. The
item was eliminated.
(Miriousiv enough, the next para
graph was a "rider" lo pay the Sen
oca Indians of New York $M8,():H) In
New Cure
For Rupture
Now Scientific Appliance, Al
ways a Perfoct Fit -Adjustable
to Any Size Person
Easy, Comfortable, Never
Slips Costs Less Than
Many Common Trusses
Made for Men, Women and
Send it on Approval You
Wear it If You Are Not
Satisfied, I Refund Your
1 haui Inventinl n nijtiuo irpllnnco that I can
HJifelv Hay. by :) ynuH' oximilniico in tliu rntituro
biwlnewi, Ih tliu only oho that will iilmiliitolv hold tho
ruittiiiuiiitliiiui'Hll) mill jot ltt cool, coiiifnitahlp.
coiiroiiim to uuny movement of tho body without
chiifliiKorliiirtliiKfliiddiHtH lo)H ih 111 main ordinary
trushCM. I havo 1 ut tho pilco m low that any pi'iHon
C. E. Brooks, tho Invontor.
rich or pour, can buy. ami l absolutely guarantee It.
wi .r . iT l .8:,tlsfy (!" B01"1 ,l lPk to mo and 1
1 j ... , 1 ,yV" mmwh T,mt lH t,M' flr,,t ITODOSl
., I , ,,, 1 i1m l,J? nmt.uro Ww-Uillst. Tho DunkH or
any lOHpom-lbi citizen In Mathhall will toll ou that
lSSo!uly l ll hmUms "hwos '5"S
wM.fn,ou!lnvo I1-1.1)'! ,nnst P'rythltiR olso, como tome.
W rlto1 oh !, ' 1"? "V" l1.VnVl, my W'nteblHmwM
wuto 1110 today and 1 w Hond ou my book on
llniumo and lis due. hIiowIuk my am llanco a 1 1 K v
h Z 1 '" "-tnt rt'llor whfii nil others 0,V lianu'Bs. no Ilea.
Just a straight busliu'hs dual at a Reasonable iirlc
0. K. DHOUKS. ;5M llrookH uuie , Marshall, Mich
rfP3355?w ooe3
jffiKwSwa5Sk. .a
Mura'i.rAi rviinv jw e
Acmssyvvcx y?rsiw "
tnsMmnnisi tTKLYxmvuimtis.T$
WjHII-VM m1v .rvt ?tf TUTT 1 vVMV f I f bT'flVmt.
VM UAliIirfX.i&4riHriV"Vf JWJ
V3j?l.rWf TtJsMiIJfVft iiiiiiiitrrcvtod
M J j
IIKT1 Ml Oina
... , ..u. mj. w asn ivia-
It B I"3.108 nl1 "J
lii 1"n-1V,nf nltanro. Sum
"Inslnu. LlKhtnliiK l'root,
ery l'owi'rlul.
Our Uulletiu No. 8
I rIP IVRcrn f inr.. ..
"iWorih, Texas . Louk u.
-,,, -wl
hpI I lenient of their accoiinl with the
Jri'HHtiry depart inent. Senator Mc
Ciiinher said this item was Himilar to
thai against which Mv. Depow had
spoken. He asked Mr. Depew if hl
t l)eetion extended to the allowance for
New York. Air. Dopow replied
his objection was to general legisla
tion on ap)ropriation bills and if tho
paragraph indicated Avas sndi it would
meet with his approval. Ho hesitating
ly said that he knew little about the
Senaca appropriation.
lOvor.vbody in the senate grinned.
'I he Senaca Item was accepted.
Senator Warren of Wyoming, lias
reported (lie army appropriation bill.
The bill carries $S 1, 000,000, an Increase
of .$0,000,000 over the amount as it
passed the House. Two-thirds of the
increase is for the artillery.
An amendment was reported provid
ing that the Railroad Kate law shall
not be held "to prohibit the allowance
of reduced rates to the government for
the transportation of persons or prop
erty, or to prohibit the transportation
of officers and enlisted men in the ser
vice of the I'nited States or their fami
lies, free or at reduced rates."
The commit lee met the demand for
idler In the matter of heat and light
by the adoption of a general provision
"that hereafter the heat and light ac
tually necessary for the authorized al
lowance of quarters for oillcers and
enlisted men shall be furnished at the
expense of the United States."
2mi. 1 Mi ir.llrv ...ww. J rt.l i- J1.A
..V.....W. ii.iii; nan Illl-Ml'muil LO U1U
senate detailed plans for the big bat
tleship which in the language of one
statesman "is intended to frighten the
world." The Washington correspond
ent for the St. Louis ! lobe-Democrat
The plans call for a battleship
.IS a-L feet long, with beams of S5 feet
1 inches and draft of !) feet 5 indies,
with everything on board. The arma
ment will consist of a main battery of
ten 12-inch breech-loading rides,
mounted on live electrically controlled
turrets on the center lines; two for
ward above the forecastle deck, the
second tiring over the first; two aft
on the main deck on the same level
and one amidships, tiring over tho two
alter turrets. There are to be two
submerged torpedo tubes. The second
bat ery will consist of fourteen 5-inch
rapid-tiro guns, four H-pounder salut
. I8, 1lol,11;l)oumlor semiautomntic, two
i', I!1 Xl tCOii aml two """Aline
-Inch guns will be on the gun decu
forming two broadside batter es of
seven guns each; the corner gins w?
lo equipped for head and stern Sphi"
rcspec t lyoly. Smaller guns wYd bel S-
to 2v , (;omml,ullS Positions, so as
She a large, unobstructed range of
constitution and state government for
said proposed state; and
Whereas, Said constitutional conven
tion is attempting to evade the act of
congress by making distinction in civil
and political rights on account of race
and color; and
WhorcasSaid convention has squan
dered the people's money appropriated
bv congress in unnecessary political j
bickerings, thereby leaving no fund to
hold an election for the ratification or
rejection of tho proposed constitution;
Whereas, The said convention lias
wholly disregarded and ignored the
disbursing oliicer of the government as
provided by congress; and
Whereas, The said convention lias
demonstrated its untitness and inca
pacity lo frame a constitution for said
proposed state; therefore, be it on
acted That tho act entitled "A act to on
able the people of Oklahoma and of
Indian territory to form a state gov
ernment," etc., approved June 10, 1000,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
Murphy is a republican.
vidin" tb!!;U, todny pasSGd W" Pro
i) no. "omostend entry on the
l..ffi,!S.l'. of Missouri,
onvo.HI. ni'nl",'1. ''
lorrllop ,uT ralioa to comprv w,af '
condi ions or iim intnz Jl?y. W1u tll(?
Mr. Murphy's'liir follow r0U aCt
t.on o7tTh0 conatonnl conven
on oi the proposed state of nVin
On Saturday evening, February 0,
the employes of The Commoner mot
for tho sixth consecutive time to cole-
biate an anniversary of the paper's
founding. The celebration this year
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Bryan, Fairviow, and was at
tended by nearly fifty employes to
gether with members of their immed
iate families. A trip around the
world "by proxy" was enjoyed, Mr.
Bryan acting as guide and showing
to the employes the many " quaint,
curious and handsome souvenirs col
lected while abroad. Anecdotes and
incidents of tho tour were hugely en
joyed during the two hours consumed
by the journey. Light refreshments
were served at the proper hour and the
time for taking the last car in came
all too quickly.
Every year upon tho date of the
first issue of The Commoner the em
ployes gather to celebrate the event.
The date was January 23, but it was
delayed throe weeks this year upon
request of Mr. Bryan, who wanted
the employes to meet at Fairviow.
His recent Pacific coast trip took him
away on tho anniversary date, hence
the meeting on February 9. But the
postponement only added to tho inter
est of the occasion and tho sixth an
niversary celebration was uuauimously
voted to be just what each of the pre
ceding ones had been "the best of
mem an."
their toy babies "poppets" or "pun
pots" instead of "dolls." Probai.u-"popsy-wopsy"
is simply another for 1
of the word. "Puppet" is descend.-1
from the French "ponpee" and ",o
Latin "pupa," a little girl or doll, fr j n
both of which have come other Eng
lish words. "Toupee" has giv i
"puppy," so called because the tbiv
dog was naturally potted as a pl.-u.
thing: and the Latin word survives in
the sense of a chrysalis, and has i
descendant in the "pupil" of the o.
the "baby" that any one may see v
fleeted' in it.
"Helpmeet" has had a curious his
tory which began with the biblical ac
count of the creation, when "the Loi
iJod said, It is not good that the man
should bo alone; I will make him an
help meet for him." That is to say a
tit assistant. But tho two words haw
become curiously combined into .i
4 helpmeet." and they are constantly
used as one. Moreover, the confusion
is increased by the corruption of tho
words into "helpmate," and Mucaulay
writes of the waiting woman who was
"generally considered as tho most suit
able help mate for a person." Chicjago
Romance of Language
"Influenza" was originally an Ital
ian word for "influence," and, among
other tilings, for the "influence" of the
stars, which manifested itself bale
fully in epidemics of disease. Hence
IInfluenza di febbro scarlattina," for
instance, meant an "epidemic of scar
let ever." And so, when eighteenth
century Italy was prostrated by the
sneezing, snuffling scourge and passed
it on to England, it was naturally
spoken of as "the" Influenza-' W'
epidemic; though on the way throuch
France it acquired also the name of
wavte''-111 n.!!U8,?n t0 its ferocious
May of seizing its victims.
Lwo centuries ago little girls called
A Companion
A delightful Httlc traveling companion, in
dispensable to many who travel, are tho "Little
Comforters" Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, by
their soothing tnlluence upon the nerves of the
brain and stomach, they prevent dizziness, sick
stomach and headache car sickness,
Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills
cure all kinds of pain quick and sure, aro per
fectly harmless and do not affeot you in any
way, except to soothe the nerves and cure pain.
For real comfort never enter upon a journey
without first securing a paokago of these
t,".1 n" l)lesed to recommend Dr. Miles' Anti
Pain Pills. They not only cured a chronic head
ache, but since, if my head shows a disposition
to ache, one tablet stops it. I give hundreds
of them to sufferers on trains, and derive much
?4Vr ?&mtTTJl &om thc ra110' thy afford." M. H.
7m 3 us-Traveling Salesman, St. Louis, Mo.
The iirst bottle will benefit, if not, tho drug
gist will return your money.
-o doses, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk.
Subscripts' flqwtisinq Depf.
Tills tlOnartmnilt in fnr thn nrnlnalvn no, n fvtt.t.
monor subscribers, and a special rato of six coats
word por lnsortlou tho lowest rato has boon inado
for them. Address all communications to Tub
Commoner, Llncolu, Nob.
pOR RENT-Two good farms, northwest No-bra-ka;
rango with running wator; will
furnish seed first year to roliablo partios. No
boozers or deadboats need apply. Goo. P.
Comer, Rushvillo, Nob
OR SALE-Farms. homos, and investments.
qf J5 "TO-0?' ? t xt Jamostown Exposition.
btowart & Midgotto, Newport Nows, Va.
orLiRa?,b(?rry; Asparagus- Mlon perfect, no
S nS i0l?vH'e,avyi onw early-No seed-
x Colvenbach, Perrysburg, N. Y.
-'' for sale, or exchange for good rontal
city property Nice laying land. 5,000 young
MlS5uff08,i5SiSPP05 .lQ oxtrcino southwest
i mi Dol11chttul homo among good peo-
SaV ri Qm,ns r,om raIlroad and ooun&
scat. A. J. Sellers, Monctt, Mo.
prevented ancl to omvnn?o;n Convention, unless unavoidably
forward J la ata1 tl " !-?" " ' hnSt and Strai
the voters of the par Z D Very qUestion wMoh
CUnty Slate Voting Precinct op Ward.
i i i ii "in) ijii;
0utankandmal.toComm0norOffiCB LIncoIn N