VV; ... . I." r ..' H n V 'K .' r V rf- ft 12 The Commoner. VOLUME 7; NUMBER 4 .- i ' ?"$, 7T- TW1 jW""'? MNwantBTTf;. rfii nun. .ii.i.i mil uu omiii a". I i r nriin "T"'' Jlfcv Fifty persons wore killed as llio re sult of nit explosion in (ho .Stewart mine nonr Fnyellevilie, West Virginia. The house of representatives in (lie KoliniHka legislature passed (he child In hoi law which limits (lie hours or child labor and protects (hem from vicious forms of employment. A Conslantinoplo cablegram car ried by (he Associated Press follows: "Kohinl I'asha, chief of (he secret po lice of (he palace, and a great con fidant and favorite of (he sultan, has come into serious conflict willi (he German embassy owing (o his action In causing (Ik seizure recently of a fillip's cargo destined for Hamburg. The snKan tried lo pacify (he embassy ofllclals by iininedialely ordering the release of the cargo, but CJermany, hi a forcible note lo (he por(o, now de mands (he punishment of Fohmi Pasha, pointing out Hint- In the step taken lie was guilty of an Infraction of (lie penal code, rendering him liable to life imprisonment. 'Hie diplomats here are watching wilh great Interest tills struggle between the Uermau em bassy and Clio sultan's protege." ganl.atlon, J. W. McClellan secretary, and Win. II. Zell treasurer. After adopting a constitution and by-laws, all of which are in full accord with Joffersoninn teachings, including the adoption of the primary pledge plan. The South Carolina house of repre sentatives, by a vole of 74 to 48 passed a liill to abolish the state liquor dis pensary. The state senate is com mitted lo the same policy. Eighty-four Inmates of the military prison at Fort Lea von worth, most of thorn men who had been convicted for deserting from the army, were released in one day on an order from the sec retary of wnr. The socialists lost heavily in the elec tion throughout Germany, many of their leaders being defeated. A Ber lin cablegram estimated the socialist loss at sixteen. The loss Is attributed to the slay-at-homo vote. Henry M. Field, one of the famoas Field brothers, is dead. A New York World cablegram fol lows: "The Income tax of Prussia to tals $l,(iK(),ui)(), paid on a gross income ol 2(U)S,...,000. In Great Britain there are only twonty-rour Individuals whose tnconie exceeds $2r0,()00 a year. The total Income tax paid was on a gross Income of $2,JU7,70S,U-10." The house of representatives by a vote of KM to 85 refused to approve of the recommendation of the committee to strike out the appropriation for free distribution of garden seed. The Ann been Arbor railroad lms fined $10,000 by Federal .Judge Xi. W Taylor at Toledo, Ohio, on the charge ol reuaung. General Tails Mala y Mas, governor of Caracas, Venezuela, was assassinated. mJJs' KVRRen SaS Una given" one million dollars to the Henssolaor Polytechnic institute. The annual report of the steel trust nnnnnnn0t oarn,1,es for 1000 of $150,- vv,VVV. The Matthews Indiana democrats met as early as December 8, 1000, aiul mg W. P. Allen president of their or- mmf Relieve inflammation of the throat caused by cold or catarrh. Contain no opiates. Cablegrams from China say Chinese otllciais are unable to with famine. that cope The California state senate has adopted a resolution protesting against unwarranted interference with con stitutional rights of the state and "re questing the governor and attorney general to do all things necessary to protect and save the rights of the stale of California." S. C. T. Dodtl, solicitor for the Standard Oil company, died at Pine Hurst, North Carolina, no was the most famous of the Staudard Oil attorneys. Senator Drydon has withdrawn from the senatorial contest in New Jersey. A New York grand jury has re turned Indictments against the theat rical trust. WASHINGTON NEWS The California delegation in con gress had a conference with the pres ident regarding the Japanese question on the Pacific coast and later issued a statement saying they were satisfied that a solution of the difficulty satis- aetory to all would soon lie reached. I he president of the San Francisco Board of Education and the superin tendent of schools will go to Wash ington to confer with the president. Senator Ilovbnrn nf Tiii r,n,i,.,wi the senate on Senator Carter's resolu tion milllfyinir tho nnim. ft , ,. letary of the interior, providing that no patent to public lands should be issued without an examination first being made on the ground by a spe cial agent of the interior department. Mr lleyburn took the position that tile order was legally an order of the pres ident. Ho said the president in a Snt,lL "m 8,lg0 V118 sai(1 Poetically mt he the president) had ordered the secretary of the interior not to execute the public land laws. Representative Wadsworth of New ork, who retires with the close of his session delivered a speech in the house m which he took the preside it to task bneniiRn nc i. ' T...1. last June relating to the moat inspec tion. Mr. Wadsworth asked (1,1 ot the house to read the letter and claiming credit for the bill said if after seven months' study of it's nro- iYmSsVt0? TGre stisflC(1 $Si it just as I (Wadsworth) nromfoen you gentlemen last June-o i behalf of the committco on agriculture whW without reading it you pisSS i m-' del-suspension of the ruV-lt woidd regulations governing the construc tion and filing of freight and passen ger tariffs and classifications effective March 1 next. The regulations cover joint tariffs and joint rates, through tariffs and through rates, and also In dividual rates of the various carriers. It is reported that a change in a tariff shall bo known as an amend ment and shall bo printed in the sup plement to the tariff which it amende. No rule shall be included, the circulars Minfo which in nnv wii'v or in any terms authorizes substituting for any rate named in the tariff. Every car rier shall publish, post and file sep arate tariffs containing in plain and specific form and terms all of the ter minal charges and allowances, together with all other charges and rules which in any way increase or decrease the amount to be paid on any shipment as stated in the regular tariff. If a car rier refuses to participate in through or joint rates to or from its territory the commission will give early hearing on the complaint against such action and render decisions under the law which confers authority to establish through routes and joint rates. Such complaining carriers may, the commis sion rules, use such through. rates over ihor linos of the ohinetlnff carrier or carriers as may have been lawfully published and filed, pending a decision by the commission. The pas senger tariff regulations contain gen eral rules regarding stop-overs, bag gage and excess baggage weights, and special provision is made for the arrangement for points in local and intcruivisional tariffs and for state ments showing the routing." In a recent letter addressed to Sen ator Allison from Ilia chairman of the committee on" appropriations, Secre tary of War Taft says "there is every reason why the fortification at Hawaii should now bo made ready." The sec rotary wants an appropriation of f350,000 instead of $100,000 for Pearl harbor. New Cure For Rupture Now Scientific Appliance, Al ways a Perfect Fit Adjust able to Any Size Person Easy, Comfortable, Never Slips Costs Less Than Many Common Trusses Made for Men, Women and Children. I Send it on Approval You Wear it If You Are Not Satisfied, I Refund Your Money. I havo invontod a rupturo arpllanco that I enji Bafoly Bay, by 30 years' oxporlonco In tho rupturo business, Is tho only ono that will absolutely hold tho rupturo and novor Blip and yot Is cool, comfortable, conforms to overy movomont of tho body without chafing or hurting and costs lots thin many ordinary trusses. X havo put tho prlco bo low that any person Mr. Uaynor of Maryland addressed he senate in critical review of wine he termed the "president' T usurpaHon t governmental function, not coS- rcd on htm by the constitution.'' An Associated Tress dispatch from Washington follows: 'Tho intersta o commerce commission today promui satad two tariff circulars onS Senator Perkins of California de livered an address before the National ideographical society in which he ox presed fear of the danger of war with Japan He expressed the hope that serious trouble would be avoided but said great ca.re must be exercised. It is now announced tho tho nnHw board of education of San Francisco has gone to Washington to confer with President Roosevelt on the Japanese question. The board was accom panied by Mayor Schmitz. C. E. Brooks, the Inventor. rich or poor, can buy, and I absolutely guarantoo It. ,0i1ft,toy0V5orJ!0f-80n(1 " t0 you-you wear It, and if it doesn't satisfy you send It back to me and 1 will refund yourmonoy. That la Uio fairest proposi tion ever mado by a rupturo specialist, Tho bankB or any responsible citizen In MarshaU wUl toll you that it tho way I do business always absolutoly on the square If you havo Irlod most ovcrythlngr olso, come to mo. Whorp otht w fall is whoro I havo my crrpatost success. wrlto mo today and I will sond you my book on itupturo and Its Curo. showing my appliance and civ luR : you prices and names of pooplo who havo trlou It and boon curod. it is instaut rollof when all othora fall. Konicmbor I uso no salves, no harness, no lies. Just a straight business doal at a roasonabio prico. C. E. BUOOKS, 3550 Brooks Bide., Marshall, Mich. FREE IlS, MAGNIFICENT PICTURE Thl3 picturo should bo in ovoryhomo. An Associated Tress dispatch from Washington follows: "The sub-committee of the military affairs commit tee of the house by a strict party vote laid on the table the resolution of Representative Sims of Tennessee, commending tho president for his ac tion in discharging the colored soldiers engaged in "shooting up" the town oe Brownsville, Tex. The democrats voted solidly against the motion. Mr. binis w 11 now bring the resolution before the house on a motion to dis charge the military committee from further consideration and have the resolution considered by tho house, providing the speaker will recocniQ him for that purpose." iec-S"e Senator Carter delivered a speech ?SnoCckS SeCTetary oC m InSS The interstate commerce commission has made a report concerning tho Standard Oil company which is a se ero arraignment on the trust, show ing that the Standard has built una monopoly by violating the lnw wlti impunity and become guilty of all manner of crimes. 5 idflWSiljif "P y BB.tIrS!: --il?j3 t&8fift&c- it Ij dcUshtra Cm of ft happy ftnner and hit fno llj flctuilDj la. Jlful Incident la th Urtsofftrrtftt mtay fnncn. ThepIdurW" U prlnttd Jn brlU Hint eolort; slu 10x22 Inrht. N hems ihauld b with, out It Wcwantyoa to txeome aoqunlnUd with Tlio Ctjger, hurgt montblj Jonr nJ. As a tpeciU indaccmrat r UI end it 4 nonthi o trial for 10 cenU. If you 111 alio iend ui Are ntinas we will Tn.11 vmi ,!. nlMtiT "A lUrrr FaT." Ue lure to Include Um nainei with 10 cenU Lecauie we caonot Kivejou the ptoturt without them. THE BADGER, 721 Third St., Milwaukee. Wis. CASH SALHf2Y?ndaIlczieBM ft I "'S.&A.B.UOEY.Washlngton.D.c. Estab.1869.1 BEATH TO HUVCS uuanntd President Roosevelt has in unequiv ocal terms approved Admiral Davis entire action in collection with l fg controversy with Governor Sweoten ham at Kingston, Jamaica. It is vl nortea that the Kovernnr him rirel BTEts. uuanntetd -i- KEWTOH'S HarcMM Cmm Ctfft w . ,r""""iv vim w twu cuns '& Can. Of doalKm. nr AntM prepaid. Bend for booklet. hNowtoaiUoidyCo,,'roled,tt. f.ui? '' B2l$ to th8 twiner ft? Wholt- ItPrleri. VallmarranUil. r.Ltn1ntrfra sHGasBnac. Box .wii- - - ,-r0zrkm.j 1 a jd . i Mil ft2psrr3 114- MAKE MONEY puuigBiumi)f , gb, 4&, and clearing Una for soar fWUftnd tiiett. MrrealM COultBUiocHtmiajjoah XPttzz&a&tX'zx mmmmemmmmom!, i A.tt.ol xtasd&i?.