9 JANUARY 25, 190? The Commoner. that they should he obedient to our laws when a had example is 'being set for them by the trusts and corporations which flagrantly violate our laws not ajone violate, but deliberately ignore the laws. Wheh men of high standing in our business life at the head of corporations and trusts set an example, of disobedience to laws it is nat ural the growing community should follow suit. In this connection I refer to the New York Central Railroad company, a most disobedient corporation. "With the children of my district looking on this corporation deliberately defied all laws when the city authorities sent men into Twelfth avenue to rip up the unlawfully laid railroad tracks; and, in disobeying the law they went further and rushed freight cars along the line into crowds of workmen to prevent the tearing up of tracks with no thought "of the possibility of life being crushed out by the methods they employed. No attempt was ever made to improve the main road in Eleventh avenue or to minimize the dangers. As a result the list of killed and injured is long and continually increasing.' Mr. Rockefeller, jr., listened intently to the denouncement of trusts and corporations. The address was the cause of considerable comment by members of the Bible class after the meeting and was talked of bymem bers of the congregation in the vestibule at the conclusion of the morning church service." AN AGITATION FOR a reform in the practice of law is now on in Missouri. The Kansas City Journal says that at a recent meeting of the bar association there a proposed legislative act was presented for consideration by one of the members of the association which provides that np judgment of a lower court shall be reversed by an appellate court because of errors unless those errors are so great, in the opinion of the appelate court, as to justify the belief that a .new trial would result in a different verdict. In other words, the evidence adduced at the trial, as crystallized in the verdict of the jury, will be paramount as against the technical blunders of the court or attorneys. REFORM IN LAW practice has, according to the Austin (Texas) Statesman, long been a favoritev topic ( in the legal circles of the Lone Star ' state. Referring to the reform as outlined "by the Kansas' City 'Journal, the Statesman says: "That this will be a very proper and sensible step all laymen will agree, however much lawyers and judges, who are proverbially jealous in pre serving the so-called science of law as related to pleadings and practice, may cling to the opposite view. The necessity for such a reform is apparent to all litigants whose cause is, under the present system, at the mercy of chance, or good judgment if you please, in selecting counsel who will not commit these technical blunders or in having the case tried before a judge who is letter perfect in the bewildering niceties of precedent and prac tice. The uncertainties of the law on this ac count are fully confessed when the foremost law yers in the country frankly acknowledged that even the best lawyers could not be reasonably sure of the law in any case until that particular case had been finally decided by the supreme court of the land. Under such loose and inexact conditions the eyes of justice may well be band aged, for litigation becomes a lottery and justice a game of chance, as uncertain and often as dis appointing as a church social's grab bag." CENSUS BULLETIN sixty-one makes inter esting reference to the canning industry. The Baltimore Sun makes this summary of the bulletin: "In 1904 there were 2,703 canning es tablishments, with capital of $70,082,000, employ ing 53,8G2 persons and producing goods worth $108,505,000. Except in numbers employed, there is a marked increase in 1905 over 1900' Canned vegetables were produced to the value of. $45, 262,000; canned fish, $10,983,000; canned oysters, $3,799,000. California led with canned products valued at $24,820,000. New York came next with $12,910,000. Maryland was third with canned products worth $12,705,511, and was the leading state in the canning of vegetables, putting up vegetables to the value of $9,556,011. In the can ning and preserving of fruits and vegetables the leading states in all products are in this order: California, Maryland, New York, Indiana' and Illi nois. Maryland led in tomatoes, her product in this line being-, worth $5,000,000. In quantity of corn cannedMaryland ranks second, coming after Illinois. In peas Maryland ranks third, coining after New Yorlrand Wisconsin. In fish Alaska led, her salmon being worth $7,618,570. Maine does nearly all the canning of sardines, reporting a product worth $1,291,324. Massachusetts led in salt cod, worth $2,511,159. In value of oysters canned Mississippi led, being followed by Mary land, South Carolina, Louisiana and Georgia. It is to be hoped that our oyster-planting law will restore the leadership in this industry to this state." THE REPORT OF the director of the mint at Washington relating to the production of gold and silver in the United States during the calendar year of 1906 makes this showing: Gold Silver. State: Value Fine Ozs. Alaska $21,251,100 191,700 Arizona 3,233,800 2,747,800 California 18,633,900 1,564,500 Colorado ." 22,771,200 12,248,100 Idaho 1,093,700 8,267,200 Montana 4,585,800 11,47S,700 Nevada 9,815,800 6,742,900 New Mexico 255,900 356,200 Oregon 1,369,900 100,000 South Dakota 6,822,700 157,500 Texas 280,100 Utah 5,172,200 11,538,000 Washington .' 352,600 140,500 Wyoming 269,400 1,300 Other states 429,000 80,100 Totals ' $96,101,400 56,183,500 Of the more important increases in the production of gold as compared with 1905, Alaska stands first with a gain of $6,316,000, Nevada comes next with $4,500,000 and Arizona third with $532,000. Colorado shows a loss in gold production of $2, 900,000 and California a loss of $564,00Q. In silver production Montana sho.ws a loss pf 2,000, 000 ounces, Oolbrado a loss of 695,000 ounces and Utah a gain of 2,217,000 ounces. The figures for all the states show a net gain in gold production of $7,920,700 and a net gain in silver production of $82,100. ON JANUARY 9 John A. Johnson was for the second time inaugurated as governor of Minnesota. His message contained some strong recommendations which, if carried out, will work to the great advantage of the state and people. He recommends taxation of iron mines on a tonnage basis, Increased taxation for express and sleeping car companies, payment of railroad taxes semi-annually, taxation of tele phone companies on interstate business, further reduction of freight rates, anti-pass and a two cent passenger fare law, a reciprocal demurrage law, orders of railroad commission to take effect at once regardless of appeal, private banks abol ished, thorough investigation of the lumber trust, primary law amended, but not to include state officers, fellow-servant liability rule to be abol ished, state to conform with uniform divorce law plans, Mueller law of Illinois to be adoptod to aid municipal ownership, revision of pure food laws, lobbyists to be required to register and make all arguments before committees. THE CONGRESSIONAL committee appointed to investigate the labor question in Panama has returned from its labors and reports that President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft are wrong in declaring that Chinese labor would be needed to complete the ditch. Every member of the committee is opposed to importing China men to labor on the canal, saying that it is not only unnecessary but not advisable. Spanish laborers have been found efficient, and they are being secured in increasing mzmbers. A famino in the northern part of Spain has made it easy to secure workers at 30 cents an hour, an almost unheard-of wage in that section. Sixteen hundred Spanish laborers are now enroute to Panama. Labor from Spain, Italy, Martinique, the Bar badoes and Jamaica is becoming more plentiful, and as long as laborers from these places can be kept coming it will not be necessary to call upon China. At present there are about 7,000 laborers on the canal, and 15,000 more are need- ed. Jackson Smith, manager of labor headquar ters, says it is necessary to have 30,000 laborers on the isthmus if 15,000 are to be kept at work, the desertions being so numerous. A FORMER BRITISH army officer is authority for the statement that the United States will be at war with Japan within two years' and that the contemplated immigration of 20,000 Japa-' nese laborers to Hawaii isf in strict accord with a woll;daflnod plan on the part of the Japanese government to seize the Hawaiian islands at an opportune time. Those 20,000 laborers, the officer asserts, arc trained soldiers, and once the word is given the conquest of the islands will ba a comparatively easy matter. Referring to this opinion the ColumbuH (Ohio) Post says: "While there appears to bo much food for thought in the above prediction, little if any heed will be given it. If 20,000 soldiers of the Japanese army, disguised as laborers, will only agree to work for low wages, they will be accorded a royal welcome by the 'captains of industry in Hawaii, who, like the 'captains of industry' at home, throw patriotism to the wjnds when profits are con cerned. If the prediction is based upon fact then the Japs are certainly bringing their best general ship to bear against the point of least resistance. They have become acquainted with the money mad proclivities of our leaders. of finance and commerce and propose to make easy their con quest through the medium of 'cheap labor.'" THE KALAMAZOO (Mich.) Daily Gazette lias inaugurated a novel custom. The Gazette is a morning paper and the real work of the edi torial and reporlorial staffs begin at 2 p. in. The editorand publisher, John A. Ross, has invited the ministers of the city to 'alternate each day in opening the day's work of the staffs with prayer. Rev. R. S. McGregor, president of tho Ministerial Alliance, was the first to begin. Ho was introduced to the newspaper men by Mr. Ross, and all of them bowed their heads while the reverend gentleman invoked the divine bless ing. The ministers of the city have signified their willingness to accept Editor Ross' invi tation. , T17 A. CROFFUT of Washington, D. C, V writes to the New York World to say: 'The president has issued his decreo, dictum, command, order or edict that nobody has any right to quote anything that he has said in a conversation, but I happen to have heard him say something that is so timely and apposite in view of his arbitrary discharge of the colored soldiers of the Twenty-fifth regulars that I have the temerity to repeat it. In behalf of the Anti imperialist League of Washington I called on President Roosevelt in March, 1903, and asked him why the murderer of Private RJchter was retained in the army, it being well known that under his order the unfortunate victim had been put to the torture for two hours and then choked to death with a wet towel jammed into his mouth with a club. Mr. Roosevelt did not deny the charge of death resulting from this inhuman treatment, bur simply denied that he had any power in the matter. I alluded to his being commander-in-chief of the army, to the guilty officer being In the line of promotion to the highest rank, and I added that the people of the United States believed their president to be a strenuous man who had the habit of bringing himself to bear upon affairs so vigorously as to get the things done that he thought ought to be done. 'In this matter,' he repeated, 'even if this man is a murderer, as you claim, I am perfectly help less. I have absolutely no power to dismiss any body from the army in time of peace.' I hope that the president will not object to the conclusion that he has apparently changed his mind." T N PRACTICALLY the same condition as when 1 it was used by its distinguished owner, the sword of John Paul Jones is now in the library of the New York department at Washington where it was placed by Commander Reginald Nicholson. An Associated Press dispatch from Washington says: "It is believed that the weapon originally was given to Jones by the North Carolina family of that name at the time he changed his own name in compliment to them. The sword was given by Jones to Theodosia Burr, daughter of Aaron Burr. Theodosia Burr, after marrying Joseph Alston, a wealthy and talented young planter of South Carolina who, in after years, became governor of the state, presented the sword to Judge Mathew Davis of Charleston, who gave it to Rev. Dr. Ducachet of Philadelphia. The latter gave it to Commodore Summerville Nichol son. It is thirty inches long, beautiful in design, very strong, highly tempered and still very mild. The hilt is of white brass, with the portion known technically as the basket broken away. The tang is wide and strong and the grip piece of the handle is of wood covered with twisted copper wire." "1