The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 25, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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The Coiiimonefo
The Commoner
Ylhi.lAM J .IlHYAH
Krilior and I'roprletor.
UlGIIAUlJ L. Mkivalvk
AmmjuIiiIu Kriitor.
Kdltnrlnl Kooms and UiiHlncsa
omcetf-M-KJOSo. IJJth Struct.
Knturudut Hie icwtofllCK nt Lincoln, Ncbrukku, an second.
cIiins mall matter.
Ono Yoaf $1.00
b'lx Monlhti 50o
In Clubfl of 5 or morn
per Year 75o
Threo Montlm 2So
Klnrtlo Copy 5o
Suinplo Coplen Froo
Forolun l'ofit&fto 52o Ex.
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THE COMMONER. Lincoln. Nob
Tho "freak legislator" is now having his
Child labor is not a necessity. It is merely
tho result of greed and avarice.
An oxchango declares that Mr. Guggenheim
.hus purchased senatorial honors. Honors?
Great hat ties aro won by thorough prepara
tion. Got ready now for tho battle of 100S.
Mr. V)lnkoy now becomes head of tho steel
trust. But tho steel trust is no "dinkey" affair.
Tito block- system is not rondorod infallible
by tho omploymont of blockheads to operate it.
Of course that oarthquaked Jamaica city will
ginger up and got back Into line without loss of
That Ohio grand jury indicted tho Standard
Oi company on 051) counts. Add the digits to
Tho railroad managers should ho notified that
they can not remedy tho car short ago evil with
a hose.
King Leopold is another eminent gentleman
rights" compluln,nB oul attacks ot "vcslod
atrain Mh,i?Vw V 1 rQyQVQnd senators will not
lotto null m y L0CS nga,,,8t t,ml UFo1-
Tho Commoner has had sufficient exnorioneo
ff rate."01111 mP ( kuow thttt " " It
Governor Hughes is doing things caloiil-itP,i
to make the corporations that e ected h n ,i
about "ingratitude." -iut nim talk
veltvlhrclischaTue1 T' 3y Pre8ldont Roosc'
honorMf he mu" c'otdd T Mmt0n "WitIlUt
boon Just plain USku5' " l0r ttUy nflmo' U has
thoyCSrtlbe?,nlSv iuoJS,;,nUUy " u"
Uioy became legislator Ul monoy befoi,
'or S" ottT"ttltpfi0,ins t0 ""
IHo scent of !!fcSow joko. l orh"' on
"1b and Sng'C breath!011 "D Wlla tho
Mr. Addicks received two votes for senator
In the Delaware legislature. It takes some men
a long time to earn tho money.
"Coal must move," declare the president,
it could move In quicker, but wo object to any
greater haste in its moving out.
Mr. New is now chairman of the republican
national committee, but doubtless Mr. New will
continue to use tho old fryingpan.
The price of gasoline has been raised a cent
a gallon. Chicago University must be well en
dowed, no matter what the sacrifice.
Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish declares that if a woman
is careful she can dress on $5,000 a year. A great
many careful women dress well on much less.
An effort is being made to introduce American
cigarettes in China. If anything will put an
end to the Chinese immigration evil that will.
Tt would take a wonderful lot of work to
build enough tank cars to carry all the water that
has been injected into American railway stocks.
Some of these days tho railroads may decide
that it is cheaper to protect the lives of passen
gers than it is to replace the smashed equipment.
Secretary Root says tho country must come
to "a maximum and minimum tariff policy." This
is calculated to make Secretary Shaw quiver with
Mark Twain declares that the American peo
ple de3ire a monarchy, and it is just about as
funny as most of Mark's recent outbursts of
The subscriptions of those who became
subscribers with the first issue of The Com
moner and have renewed at the close of each
year, expire with the last issue in
January. In order to facilitate tho
-work of changing and re-entering
ing the addresses upon our subscription
books and mailing lists and obviate the ex
pense of sending out personal statements
announcing that renewals were due, sub
scribers are urgently requested to renew
with as little delay as possible. The work of
correcting the stencils entails an enormous
amount of labor and the publisher asks
subscribers to assist as much as possible by
making their renewals promptly. The cor
rected expiration usually appears on the
wrapper of the second issue after renewal is
A,l0L0f rPbllcan legislation is cavorting
around with a renublinnn hmmi ti,.t o !..
largo ononli in nn,. " Y "'"., "UL 11UIU
cover up the old democratic
membo nf J11'8l.tIlmo " a great mW ars the
membeis of the interstate commerce commission
salaries. gmng eVl(lenCG f tlTins t0 ea S?r
republican lonrior nf h, r ,... ,.
legislature is muued Tu lie H0 T,3t e t
ItaS '" C"'"'Se 0t -""' an'evis' on "ft
SEXr tl,ej' aro r-- ESS
10,ST.oao.w,n",sLs t0 '--'
or itrwn?G,0nle7,,, a,' sravo,y '"scussing wheth-'
assiJtaof rSSZyTo? d,800Unt lhe
who protest a-nli sM Sllf S tUe corPoratIona
of the woilMngS." UUeifcrence with the rights
that'thi SSS S, --SGd fr h0pi
tiro attention of t,G iVS , " 0ccui1y the en'
and one-half years ate dUnns the nQ six
Perhaps President Roosevelt' could get an
other rise out of Senator Foraker by appointing
some colored man to the postmastersliip of the
senator's home city.
Of course Mr. Rockefeller's gloomy view of
the future is not the 'result of pondering on tho
possibility of being heavily fined on every count
in that indictment. v
The discovery of some letters written by Cap
tain Kidd has not startled the world. We have
some pirates today who have backed Kidd's rep
utation off the boards.
The alfalfa plant has been adopted as Okla
homa's state flower. Here's hoping that .Okla
homa's democracy is as well rooted as the well
established field of alfalfa.
The Pittsburg Dispatch says that reform is
the watchword of the Pennsylvania legislature.
That is good. It has been a byword in Penn
sylvania about long enough.
The victim of that Iowa mob was a white
man, therefore Messrs. Foraker and Spooner will
not proceed to make the incident a basis for
throwing a few political fits.
The Denver Republican bids the earthquaked
city of Arica, Chile, be of good cheer because it
has no Reuf or Schmitz. Let it rejoice all the
more. It has no Guggenheim.
It must make some of the old time "populists"
rub their eyes and wonder if they are awake or
dreaming when they read the inaugural messages
of some of the new governors.
We gather from- the interviews with promi
nent railroad managers that the shippers are to
blame for the car shortage because they insist
on shipping too much all at once.
It would seem that Mr. Fairbanks is content
to wait and make the second bid for the colored
delegates. By the time the convention meets Mr.
Foraker will have tired himself out.
An adequate navy is the best guarantee of
peace," says President Roosevelt. "Minding your
own business" is another way which" time has
demonstrated to be quite effiicacious.
' '
The railroads have pretty generally granted
a ten per cent increase in wages, but that is such
a slight evaporation of the moisture in the stocks
that the stockholders will not notice it.
Senator Tillman says that every senator
knows that negroes are not allowed to drink at
the bars in Washington's best hotels. Of course
the senators know it only by hearsay.
A couple of French duelists made the mistake
oi using American revolvers recently. The result
was a badly wounded Frenchman, and that is
quite contrary to the French code duello.
It transpires that an alligator on the isthnius
SeoinSarieti?si conSressman during the late
official junket to the canal site. After all there
may be something good about that territory.
If President Roosevelt officiates as judge at
lnhvPSSwU Jamestown exposition international
San TnnTum6 YV ?Z the feat wil1 mal that
San Juan hill stunt look like playing jackstraws.
The city which offered to furnish the most
race SLtS1 V6 ternaUonal alShS
lace meet. Strange to say Washington n n
with its wonderful advances did iSSt comieS:
The money that a battleshin like Oip "rroi,i.
iTof $ ,vou,d H ooDo,ebaox
cais, oi 10,000 coal cars. And we need box cars
naUt" Ca,'S mUh mre than -we a "Dread-
And to think that ninety.flve Jananosp -,t.
all' at Vr SnC,SC0;S ",'bli0 K r!toSd
.ui mat luss. Still people wonder at the slye
negr'oer6 P''0blem that '"'"Pnds mVooo
The chief difference hetweon the rhI, i rn.,,
the 1 a,VCilted by the OmZ platto m and
taSW Ef AT"10'1 "V P-esent Say
s ssrs srssr z M