The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 25, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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JANUARY 25, 190V
The Commoner.
If you have ever sent an order to Sears. Roebuck & Co. you may be entitled to receive from them, FREE OF ANY COST TO YOU OF ANY KIND, one or more of the
valuable articles illustrated hereon, this by reason of our LATEST REVISED AND MOST LIBERAL PROFIT SHARING PLAN, far mono liberal than ever before.
mounting to as much as $25.00. you con now receive from ua frco la
exchange for your $25.00 1a ProQt Sharing Certificates, your choice ot any
ot the articles illustrated hereon, or your choice ol many others, as shown
la our new rovisca ana improved iree .trout onariag jmkjk. wnws ana osk
for our NEW FREE Profit Sharing Book and learn about our latest plan.
C fifl not only set far more valuo for their money than they can set
KuUi elsewhere, but they get a Profit Sharing Certificate for the lull
amount of each purcliaao, and now for the first time they can exchange
the Profit Sharing Certificates when they have amounted to only $25.00
for their choice ot an almost endless variety ot very valuablo poods. In
this way you savo two-fold, make a big saving In cost on tho Roods you
buy and you havo returned to you a liberal portion of all tho money you
Bend us in the valuo wo now give to thoao who havo purchased as much
as $25.00 worth ot goods front us.
IIIUY IRTIPI C that formerly required $100.00 In certificates to
rnriri I finilulLkw secure are now given for only $25.00, many
that more recently required from $50.00 to $100.00 In certificates to
secure, are now given for only $25.00 In certificates. A great many
mora valuablo articles are now being given, wonderfully valuable articles,
including pianos, organs, buggies, sewing machines, rich and valuablo
furniture, watches and other goods, aro now given free to our custo
mers for a surprisingly small amount la Profit Sharing Certificates. It's
&H explained in our frco Profit Sharing Boole. Possibly you already
havo as much as $25.00 la ProQt Shoring Certificates; If bo, and you
wish any of the articles shown hereon free, send us $25.00 in cer
tificates, Btata which ot theso articles you want, and it will be Bent to you
free at once: or, better still, U you havo $25.00 or mora in our Profit
Sharing Certificates write for our frco Profit Sharing Book and mako your
This rich, bis
gold finished metal
stand or parlor
table, with a hand
some, rich, onyx
Ized top. a beauti
ful stand, 30 Inches
high, top 15x13
inches, is one of tho
richest gold fin
ished metal onyx
ized ton stands
made, will be sent
free to any cus
tomer of ours In
exchange for Profit
Sharing Certifi
cates amounting to
This handsome fur
piece, a fino brown Bel
gium coney fur, Is mado
In tho very latest style,
and has two tabs, ono
overlapping the other,
trimmed with silk orna
ments in front and
chenlllo trimmings at
bottom of tabs, llnod
throughout with sateen
to match, an up to date,
Btyllsh neckpiece and Is
flvcn free In exchange for
'rout Sharing Certifi
cates amounting to only
I nr' All i fA-'M-M
This big, rich, beautiful
banquet lamp will be fur
nished frco in exchange for
Profit Sharing Certificates
amounting to $25.00. The
latest style for this season,
beautifully decorated 1 n
floral decoration ; has a very
large base and globo, rich,
heavy metal stand, extra
high grade burner. Lamp
stands 20 Inches high, and.
Indeed, is a valuablo lamp
and goes frco for $25.00 in
Profit Sharing Certificates.
This handsome new
style ladles' mackin
tosh or raincoat will
bo furnished free in
exchnngo for Profit
Sharing Certificates
nmountincto only
$25.00. Tills 13 a
very handsome gar
ment, made from an
extra quality Quaker
pray Berkley cloth.
Tho inside ot tho
coat Is a light
weight brown cloth,
It Is beautifully
finished throughout;
a handsome, stylish
garment. Comes In
Blzc 32 to 44 bust
measure, length 54
to 58 inches, is really
an exceptional valuo
and we give It free
In exchange for
Profit Rharlnc Cer
tificates amounting to only $25.00.
T hi a handsome,
big, beautifully em
bossed and decor
ated cobbler seat
rocking chair, an
extra large, hand
fccnic,. stron? and
well finished chair,
a chair suitable for
any home, is now
5:iven In exchange
or Profit Sharing
amounting to only
Tills complete and handsome violin outfit,
a real Straalvarlus model violin, complcto
with case, bow, resin, instruction book and
all. all-given for Profit Sharing Certificates
amounting to only $25.00. Fully described
This big,, handsome, latest style
men's waterproof mackintosh or.
raincoat, a coat that can bo worn
cither as a raincoat or overcoat,
a really nigh grauo ana val
uablo article of wearing ap
parel, will bo sent to any
customer in exchange for
Profit Sharing Certificates
amounting to only $25.00.
This coat Is mado In tho
very latest style, made from
a good quality gray covert
waterproof cloth, fancy
plaid waterproof lining,
mado in tho latest double
breasted style, with velvet
collar and three outside
pockets, a handsome, large,
showy and durable coat,
nnd if you will send us
Profit Snaring Certificates
amounting to only $25.00,
state your size, height and
weight, number ot inches
around bodv at breast, wo
will bo pleased to send you tho coat free.
This handsome boya
two-piece knee- pants suit
mado ot wear resisting
union casslmcre, for boys 8
to 14 years of age, given free
in exchange tor Profit shar
ing Certificates amounting
to only $26.00. Send us
your certificates, state ago
of boy. be sure to order
No. 40PSI0O, and get thla
suit free.
Thltblg, handsome, prac
tical, substantial, full sized
washing machine given f-co
In exchange for Profit Shar
ing Certificates amounting
to $25.00. Wonderfully
more liberal than ever
before. This washing ma
chine is made of carefully
selected lumber, has heavy
rustless galvanized iron
bottom, remov
able corrugated
rubbers, la nicely
finished outside
and In, all Iron
parta are Japan
nod; Inside
dimensions aro
10x28x13 Inches;
the machine
weighs complete
45 pounds, Is ono
of the strongest,
simplest, most
durable and
practical washing machines on the market,
and win be sent ireo u
any customer of ours at
any time m excuange
for Profit Sharing
Certificates amount-
ing to only
This handsome,
extra large, high
cradc. beautifully
decorated bronze
finish metal
mantel clock, a
clock standing 18
Inches hteh, 15
Inches wide, an
excellent time
keeper, a really
valuablo ortlclo
given inexebange
for Profit Shar
ing Certificates amounting to only $26.00.
selection from the enormous assortment now shown. If you have never
sent us orders borrow a catalogue from your neighbor or rend to us for
a big 1300-pago catalogue, which wo will mall you frco, Btartntoncc, and
na soon as your orders havo amounted to $25.00 or morp. you can
exchange tho certificates wo nend you for your choice of on almost end
less variety of valuable merchandise.
RilRC that we liavo now gone on to a $25.00 basis, and that many article
DU3W tliat wero h rctoforo furnished on tin basis of $60.00 to $100.00
aro now furnished for only $25.00 In certificates. If any ot your neigh
bors havo Profit Sharln-c Certificates amounting to $26.00 or more, tell
them to bo sure to wrlto to us nt onco for our latest Krro Profit sharing
Bjt Don't fnll to first wrlto for our latest new FUKK Profit Sharing
Biok, Just off tho press, and sco all tho valuablo articles you can now get
ritKK for your certificates amounting to $26.00 and upward.
This beautiful golden
oak parlor tabic, latest
style, 30 Inches high,
top Is 24x24 Inches, a
very attractive plcco
of furniture, is given
frco by us for only
$25.00 In Profit Shar
ing Certificates,
wonderful offer.
This magnificent turned glass bowl and
stand and twelve beautiful cups to match,
Is now given by us free for Profit Shar
ing Certificates amounting to only$26.00,
a moro generous share of our profits
than ever before. Bowl is OH inches
high and 10 Inches in diameter; cups
aro full size, all latest pattern, bcautl
tully cut. very brilliant.
A crayon portrait, a
pliototraph of any indi
vidual, enlarged to life
size, framed In this rich,
gold finished framn and
given frco In exchange
for Profit Sharing Cer
tificates amounting to
only $25.00.
-HBMli V
Sewing Machines, Furniture, Buggies,
Harness. Organs, Pianos, Fine Curtains,
Rugs, Silverware, Watches, Dinner Sets,
etc, are now given FREE by us for a sur
prisingly small amount in Profit Sharing
Certificates, all explained In the FREE
I his fino rifle with steel barrel nnd
seasoned valnut stock, will shoot cither
22 short or long cartridges, is now given by us frco for only
$25.00 m Profit Sharing Certificates.
of valuablo articles, many of which were heretofore furnished at $50.00 and upward in
certificates, which we now give to our customers in uxcuuhku or j-ruiit wiannK i Trun
cates amounting to only $25.00. Many moro aro ottered in our big. free Profit Sharing
Book, still moro valuablo articles, at $.J0.00, $40.00 nnd upward; rich, valuablo parlor,
bedroom, dining room and other furniture, a vast variety of merchandise now given la
exchange for n surprisingly small amount In Profit Sharing Ccrtflratrs. ....
prised how much moro your Profit Sharing Ortlflritcs am now worth than when you
received them, and if you aro holding Profit Sharing Certificates amounting to $25.00
or more, don't fall to write for our latest freo Profit Sharing Book. , Write us on &
postal card or in a letter and simply say: "Send me your free Profit Sharing Book," and
you will get tho big, new, revised book by return mall, postpaid, free.
until you seo In our free Profit Sharing Book what wo
arc giving to our customers free. If you need anything
of any kind today send your order to ua. If you
haven't ono ot our big catalogues and can't borrow ono
In your immediate neighborhood, wrlto for It, Wo will
send you theblg 1300-page book by return mall, postpaid,
free. Just write us a letter or a postal and say, ' Send
me your Big Catalogue," and the big 1300-page book
will go to you immediately by return mail, frco and
postpaid. It is a better catalogue than over, tho great
est money saving book In tho world. Then get your
order to us. get your Prollt Sharing Certificates started,
and when they amount to $25.00 or more there Is hardly
any end to tho variety of valuablo articles you can
get free. You will bo surprised what n big part of all
tho money you send us will go back to you ip your own
selection of valuablo articles wo will send you frco of
cost, the articles that you may choose to select from our
big free Profit Sharing Book. ADDRESS,
mm m t tftfm m mu tmm mw m
In a secial article printed in an
other part otthis issue of the Journal
Hooper Alexander proceeds to demol
ish several pet fallacies of those who
op'pose the extension of the state road
to the sea.
"One of the most common of these
errors," he says, "is the assumption
that when the state operated the road
It was the common subject of graft;
constantly lost money, and was al
ways calling for an appropriation or
a bond issue to repay the losses of
operation. .
"Pick out any average, fairly-informed
man tell him that
the road was not only run by the
state to better relative advantage
than its contemporaries, but that it
actually paid into the state treasury
more cash money per annum fifty
years ago than we get from it today,
and he will make it manifest that he
thinlcB you are romancing. In its
Issue of October 5, the Railway Age
gravely published an editorial dispos
ing of the whole Subject of public
ownership by the announce
ment that the state of Georgia had
encountered an annual deficit and
finally abandoned the attempt and
leased out U19 property in self-defense.
The facts are' so utterly con
trary to these asesrtions that
I am moved to collate and publish
the figures for the use of thosp who
nay care for the information."
Mr. Alexander than takes up the
history of the road from 1845 down to
the present time, showing by the pub
lic records just what the property
naid into the treasury year after year
during the time it was operated by
the state, and citing testimony more
than sufficient to establish his
He shows that, as a matter of
plain fact, the state got more money
out of operating the road Itself in 1860
than it does now from the lease, and
the volume of business now is four
times as great as It was then!
These are not vaporings, but facts
and figures. And the logical infer
ence is that if the former generation
could do so well in spite of all the
difficulties encountered, and at a time
when the Western and Atlantic was
less of a key to the railroad situation
in the state than it is now, the pres
ent generation should be able to do in
calculably better with the extended
and completed property. Better In
the sense of direct profits paid into
the state treasury,, and better in the
sense of exercising an influence over
freight rates throughout the state and
thus contributing to the general pros
perity of the commonwealth.
It is not a question as to whether
we can do it. It Is not a question as
to whether we have the courage to
take hold of it. One tithe of the con
fidence possessed by the builders of
the state road in their own ability
will pull the project through to a
splendid success. We have allowed
interested parties to say what the
state can do and can not do for so
long that we have forgotten what it
used to do, and through sheer laziness
fallen into the habit of believing In
the croakers without investigation.
Mr. Alexander has patiently dug up
the facts, and most encouraging facts
they are; and we advise our readers
to familiarize themselves with them
In order to meet intelligently the in
terested opposition to the extension
plan which is sure to wax strong when
that plan comes next before the people
in such a manner that they may ap
prove or disapprove of it. Atlant?
(Ga.) Journal.
I come to fetch you a message from
God's country, and as the walking lady
in Proctor Knott's delightful story do
clared, "I mean to fulfill my prom
ise to the people of this village at the
risk of my life." Don't forget the
homely, tho homespun sources from
which we draw our inspiration and
our life. Don't forget Aunt Betsy's
Christian preachments, nor Cousin
Polly's complacent and wise rusticity;
for the buttress and the belltower of
Kentucky's fame, the verdure and tho
bloom of Kentucky's manhood and
womanhood, were, and are, and will
ever remain, tho Holy Bible, the old
field school, the patriot's call to bat
tle and the song of the Greenwood
tree. From Colonel Watterson's New
York Speech-
The late Frederic R. Coudert, tho
noted lawyer and wit, had a great
kindness for children. He collected
indefatigably the quaint sayings of
children, and one of the treasures of
liis library was a small manuscript
"olume filled with- definitions that chil
Iren had composed. This volume was
called "A Child's Dictionary," and
hese are some of the definitions that
vfr. Coudert would read from the
"Dust Mud with the juice squeezed
mt of it."
"Snoring Letting off sleep."
"Backbiter A mosquito."
"Fan A thing to brush the warm
off with."
"Ice Water that went to sleep In.
the cold." 1
"Apples The bubbles that apple
rrees blow," Judge's Magazine of Fun.
"The people are demanding that wo
take them Into our confidence," com
plained Senator Slickun. J
"They are demanding too much."
said Senator Graball. "They should
be content with the fact that we sim
ply take them in." Ex.