fiW''''. ' ' " i . , JANUARY 25, 1907 The Commoner, 13 dJlTOT Brain Leaks Those who walk by faith are never alone. Straight voting often makes crooked politics. Agitation is the deadliest foe of stagnation. The door of hope has no locks, bolts or bars. An honest workman never steals his employer's time. Some men mistake moral dyspepsia for sanctiflcation. Sunday piety is not an antidote for week day depravity. A boost is better than a thousand knocks in any market When doubt enters the door faith flies out of the window. When a man begins wondering if he looks his age he does. Now if it had only been a green persimmon that Eve plucked! Some people make no bones about the skeletons in their closets. Men who fear death are those who are always looking backwards. A receipt for the pew rent is not a pass through the heavenly portals. It's hard to make your boy believe the stories of your early struggles. The man who declared that "talk is cheap" lived before the days of telephone bills. When a man is convinced that he is right he can submit to a great many wrongs. The quicker you lift a fallen brother the less 'danger there is that he will drag you down to his level. Every time you see an undersized man married to a big wife it's almost a cinch he calls her "Birdie." If we were worth 'steen millions we. would take great delight in talking about the blessings of poverty. Many a fool has secured a reputa tion for wisdom merely by knowing enough to keep his mouth shut. There will be something new under the sun when some multi-millionaire admits that poverty is a hard grind. Job acquired the reputation of be ing a patient man, but -he lived before the' days of flats and amateur cor netlsts. i Right now is when the city man puts in his evenings planning how he Mr. Metcalfe's Book "OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM" I I I I I III ! I ---- H And. Other Stories from LIFE NOW READY FOR DELIVERY Clmncollor Andrews, of tho Stato University, has written to Richard I Motcalfo tho follow ing noto: "When I hart read a chapter in 'Of Such Is tho Kingdom,' I said: 'Here Is a Jewel V Bonding on and on I changed to: 'Hero Is a wholo caskotof jpwolsl' Tho book is rich with lino thought and tender and elevating sontlment. It will havo a host of readers, none of whom will tflvo it up till ho has read it through." Oloth bound, printed from clear type on heavy paper, gilt sldo and back stamps. 200 pages. Sent postage prepaid on rocoipt of 11.00. Address Richard L. Metcalfe J Care The Commoner LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. would make garden in the spring if he had land enough to begin on. You will cheerfully admit that tho printer earns good wages after you have tried to read some "popular novels." Gold minted from tho toil of child ren does not have a musical Bound when dropped into the church collec tion box. Some men never look into tho Bible until they want to find some scripture they can distort into an excuse for their meanness. A lot of homes would be happier if some husbands would treat their wives as well and as often as they treat their friends. Mr. Harriman may not know it, but he is showing Uricle Sam how easy it is for one individual to take control of all the railroads. Isn't it funny how well preserved a man's summer trousers look to him when the thermometer is pointing to ten or twelve below? People who have tried fighting the devil with fire have gained some val uable lessons in the handling of the devil's favorite weapon. , In this golden age there is no doubt that the lamp of knowledge will continue to burn as long as a trust can make us pay any price it sets on the oil it sells. A whole lot of men who talk loud and long about civic righteousness are responsible for a lot of bad lan guage by neglecting to sift ashes on their icy sidewalks. Deserves a Medal Years ago a little woman in north west Missouri was left a widow. The long illness of her husband exhausted their little resources, and when the husband and father was laid away the widow found herself penniless with four little children. She did nob sit down to weep and repine. Her grief was deep, but her duties were heavy. She faced those duties bravely and performed them well. With her own unaided hands she provided for her little flock. She kept them well fed and well clothed, and gave them every educational ad vantage. During all these years of strenuous labor and heavy responsi bility she found time to scatter sun shine into many dark places. Her example was an inspiration tp the peo ple of her community. Her three boys grew to young manhood and started in life for themselves. All three of them are model citizens and have achieved success in their chosen pro fessions. One Is a prosperous lawyer, another a successful physician and the other a civil engineer whose abil ity is recognized throughout the coun try. The youngest child, a daughter, was a successful teacher for several years, and a few weeks ago was mar ried to a wealthy merchant. The little mother, old in years but still young in spirit, is now enjoying the evening of her life, free from worry and from care, and happy in the knowledge that she has performed her full duty as a mother and as a citizen. In the distribution of hero medals should this noble little woman be overlooked? Judged The Pompous and Self-Sufficient Man, after years of posing and activ ity, found himself at last before the gato presided over by St. Peter. "You will havo to show cause be fore you enter in," remarked the guar dian of the portals." "I was a big man among big men while on earth," said tho applicant "Men are all of one size inside these gates," said St. Petor. "I gave millions to educational in stitutions," said the applicant. "There are no millions to give hero." said St. Peter. "I furnished employment for thou sands of people who otherwise might have suffered," said the applicant. "You made your profit from their work, and have nothing more coming to you from that source," said St. Peter. "But I paid heavy taxes on my property for tho support of public schools," pleaded tho applicant. "Speaking of public schools," said St. Peter, "reminds me of children; and speaking of children reminds mo that you mentioned manufacturing es tablishments. I'll look up the record." Calling tho Recording Angel to bring the books, St. Peter turned to the proper page and scanned it for a long time. Then pressing a button he called the elevator up from below and said to the man: "You paid taxes for public schools, then brought about industrial condi tions that forced the little ones into your factories and shut tho doors of the schools in thoir faces. I find tho page, in the record devoted to you stained by tho blood and tears of lit tle ones from whom you stole the play time of youth. The elevator on your left will carry you down. Step lively, please." Different "Did young Kickerly work his way through college?" - "No, le kicked his way through. He was the star punter of the football team." Best Scheme "BIngerly made a fortune out of automobiles last year." "'".' "Selling them?" '' - "No." "' ' "Repairing them?" "No." "How, then?" "Advertising them." :"' Satisfactory "Look here, Swiggins; did you tell Biggins I was the biggest liar on earth?" "I did not, sir. I merely told Big gins that a gas metro was the only thing that could beat you at the lying game." "O, well; if that's what you said, all right. But I won't allow any man to call mo the biggest liar on earth." In a Hurry I do not know that money talks. If it does 'twould appear it Goes through my hands so very quick I never get to hear it. Judd Lewis, in Houston Post. It doesn't talk, that I avow, When down my way it flutters, I've got to shove it on so fast That it just fairly stutters. Great Scheme "That young Dr. Sraoothun seems to be getting a splendid practice." "You bet he is, and the scheme Jie works entitles him to it." "What's the scheme?" "When a man or woman consults him he pretends to believe that their nerves are all unstrung on account of speeding too rapidly in their auto mobile. It tickles the patients so much to think that any one imagines they own an automobile that they recommend Dr. Smoothun to their friends." THEY MAKE TRUSTWi COMPANIO QRXHYT-SC ffl M n -. LLUM-W--i i VJw- ' WrXitfkmW STEVENS FIREARMS "STAND BY A MAN" Made for father, for son for service. Our new boy's rifle. "Little Scout, No 14," ,it $2 25 is a marvclously fine firearm for th price. If yonr dealer cannot supply, order direct from U3. Write for Dor H0-pag Free Catalog Any man or boy Interested In firearm will find it full of helpful information on hunting, proper care of weapons, notes on sights, ammu nition, etc. Why net write to us to-day? Send four cents in sumps to cover postage. Kor six cents in stamps we will mail you our artistic ten-color lithograph. It is an attractive hunting scene worthy of space on any wall. J STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO. MU Pino Stroot Chtoopoo Falls, Maoo., U8tu H111 11 in 1 1 WW m mi nionw CPATENTS that PROTECT n.S.&A.O.tACEY.Washlngton.D.C. j Ruin Your Uni rv, GlSFB H3m TatSiaxr .,SA,FE;-SURE-PERMANENT 2. ,1,,,cr,,C cur" ordinary cmci. if l neuueo cures any cao or monor refunded. POSTPAID on RECEIPT of PRICE AGENTS WANTED WUTEItAL IlEAVB HE MED Y CO. 42- fourth Ave, PitUburtr.Pa. mineraC ntAVE KEMEDY rrvw w3S Vjf white Ifflfl ,U TODAY lJ H fur FREE Dji Booklet 40, 60 or 90 Days' Trial on 99, Old Trusty'5 Try chicken raining on tho John noti plan. My peoplo aro an cn thtiiiUfttlo lot. Wo tret tho results. Jflhaian 1 u 2.yeur Kuarantoo. Low price. Old! )'yi ttiftJI 'iniBty cataiotnio toiio uic wiioio Krelxut V fliory h'b rimr. tvriMJiuritvway. "m. M. JOHNSON CO., CLAY CENTER. NEL. Apple 4c, I'euch Cc, Flunui 12c, unorneH iac. man, quality j ."-- " " ..r'- m. mt 3& ' vW-O tlV . VSV W -A 4k cy IntfE. SS Block, not ecedl Concord Orancs 2c UniTH ftl.00 THJl- XiViP rt" lUYlim Wn .'t b . j. . ' pay U10 Cr-gUt. iV? &W have a corn' Into lino of Vecretablfl. low or and Fann Eccdx. Our lanro illustrated cat aloft tree. &P GEBMAH HTJR8ERIE8. 'Box 85, UEATIilOE. Neb. ff ,l 'vPilivfmJmMresiA I 4 Mk MbV 1 TIi.liAaf in 4-ti A n.Ts1 A 1. X .1 t with cvcry order. The biggest and best seedJ lnmr pvi'r lSowfl A nnofilii!llfinn. it i RATEKIN'6 SEED HOUSE, ' UIIUIUUHHUUI, WWi If rgest Seed Corn growers in thcAvorld) ms PPl WiT Hrf fjfif EALTHY TREES TXr uroituu ajjpHMc, uucicieu peach4c, budded gherry i5c. concord irrapcH $2 por 1(0. BlaclC JOCUfltSl DBr 1000. Cnmnlftto Anlnrnrl cakfreo. QalbraithHurscrios,Boz84,Jt'aiibuiy,Holi, rm SEEPS, PLMFS, Roses, Bulbs, Vines, Shrubs, FRUIT Alt D ORNAMENT AL TJtEKS luiro beta the ntandard of czcellenco for OTor half a century. You take no ckaarbfl in buying of n, ui no fuiror sriocn aro quoted on high Quality koouj. Tho beaturo always moat at irfaetoey in roaultn. We mall p4tttpaM. S4, Kmcb, Plant, fculbd, Vine, Etc!, and guarantee Bfe arrival and DatHfuetimn, larger by jtvMMi a. ...-1. .1.. ir.. niii bo Interested In our extraordinary cheap ofli rs of oyer half .a hundred cholco collection)) of 6ce-. I'hmia, Hones, Etc Yoar uddrej on a postal will brln yon u- elegant 1 GSyun Oataloeue JTKEE. Bend for It today and see what valued to rIto for a littlo money. 63 yoars. 44 grecnliou-ea, 1200 ocreu. TJDCE. STORIES fc UAItJEISN CO., BOX 405, PAINE8VILLE, OHIO. JF-g -5 '?- ? e ,i fc -. rtx -Wi.r "V- .. I4-