The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 25, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
volume 7, Dumber a
1 ,SaWIJ
b,:f Tie
" "it i z&'x
i - v v I lis II t .x N
vu;sLL-n in vr-- -- j w.n
VC mill . . ,n i .., ,fcm iii !!! iwtipiPpniwMaiM wwhiii la'i if"
Davlil I Ilycsr, Jr., former receiv
ing toiler of tho sub-treasury at St.
JmiIm, who 1b cliargod with omhozy.ling
$01,500, Was iu!(iiiLtO(.
Jam oh H. Kitchen, an old-time real
dont of Omaha, and well known by
wontorn democracy, Is dead at. the
ago of aovonty-llvo yearn.
Thd Alahania legislature Ii:im adopt
ed a resolution calling for an Investi
gation of tho methods in vogue at
Booker T. Washington's school.
Tho Missouri house of representa
tives ovor tho protost of republican
tnombors endorsed tho action of Pres
ident Roosevelt in discharging the
negro soldiers.
A terrible railroad accident oc
curred on tho nig Four railroad near
Fowler, lnd January 1!). Twenty
three persons were killed and many
othors Injured.
Forty-flvo newly ilnished Pullman
cars were destroyed by flro at Wil
mington, Del. Ono boy lost his life,
and upwards of $500,000 worth of prop
erty was destroyed.
Tho lower hoiiso of tho Toxns legis
lature has adoptod tho Kennedy sub
stitute to tho Duncan resolution look
ing to tho investigation of Senator
Tho refugees at Sing Klang suffer
ing from huugor have been visited
with an opldcmlo of smallpox, and
Shanghai dispatches say that there
aro throe hundred thousand destitute
Sonators Tillman and Spooner en
gaged in a heated discussion on tho
discharge of tho negro troops. Mr.
Snoonor mado a bitter attack on Mr.
Tillman ami tho lattor said ho would
tako occasion to reply.
Horbort U. D. Piorce, American
minister to Norway and formerly third
assistant secretary of state, has been
charged with serious offonses in con
nection with tho hearing on a resolu
tion for the protection of fur seals.
The Nebraska Historical Society in
sosslon at Lincoln elected these ofli
core: Dr. George L. Miller, president;
Robert Harvey, first vice president
.Tamos 13. North, second vice presl
devn I J. E. Gelsthardt, treasurer C.
S. Paine, secretary.
A Guthrie, Okla., dispatch carried
by tho Associated Press follows- "Tho
special committee of tho constitutional
convention on segregated coal aid
asphalt lands In the Indian Territory
today made its final report to the con
vention in tho form of a
memorial notifying congress mi
Pros dent Roosevelt that the slate o
Oklahoma desires to open ncloHn
lions with tho federal government mi
Free from harmftd drugs.
ZQ c?uhs and fcoarfe
ness. keheve Asthma.
of the most valuable mineral deposits
in tho southwest and tho state pro
poses slate ownership and state operation."
A Dos Moines, Iowa, dispatch to tho
Omaha World-Herald follows. "W.
M. Narvls, supremo grandmaster of
tho Ancient Order of United Workmen,
a fraternal insurance society, re
cently delivered a speech in which
he urged tho passage of a. law which
would compel a man to take out a life
insurance policy for at least $1,000 be
fore he could be granted a license to
get married. . Ho says that he will
have Introduced in tho legislature this
winter a bill which will make tho car
rying of Insuranco by married men
A Smolensk, Russia, cablegram un
der date of January IS, follows: "The
chief of the rural administration, N.
Krollau, was killed Thursday night
by a school boy named Boriookof, as
tho chief was leaving a concert hall.
The boy, who fired five shots from a
revolver at his victim, was immediate
ly shot and killed by an officer who
was In attendance upon M. Krollau."
Representative Shoppard of Texas,
speaking in tho house, ridiculed tho
republican stand pat policy. "Coward
lips," he declared, "will stand pat
although the tariff law itself provides
for a reduction of its charges; stand
pat although the enormous rates ex
cite the antagonism of tho world and
Imporil our foreign trade; stand pat
although McKinley pleaded from the
doorstep of tho grave for lower tariffs;
stand pat although patriotic repub
licans of Iowa, Massachusetts and all
tho country unite in the genera.l pray
er for less oppressive schedules."
Representative Smith of Towa
speaking on the fortification appro
priation bill, said that to man the
guns (hat the Tuft board wants
mounted would tako more than fifty
'housand men and would cost $GG -000.000
a year. "It is because of tho
rapid growth of an institution whicn
is expensive," remarked Mr. Smith
nui in wiiiu ir. costs to establish it,
but what II costs to maintain it, that
I have always resisted too rapid pro
gress in fortifications. T am a hearty
believer In tho 'big stick,' but I do
not believe in carrying a stick so
argo that we will bo worn out with
Its mere weight and can not wield it
when the hour of emergency comes."
ITnitod States senators have been
elected as follows: Nebraska, Norris
Brown republican; Colorado, Simon
Guggenheim, republican; Idaho, W E
r."' t0 recced Senator
- um, .losopii M. Dixon.
now member of congress, republican
Massachusetts. W. Murray Crane, re
publican; Maine, Senator Fry, ronub
icau, re-elected; Tennessee Robert
Henrv w moc"at Ncw Hampshire,
Homy, w. Burnham, republican; Del
aware Henry A. Richardson to suc
ceed Senator Alice, republican; North
Carolina, F. M. Simmons, democrat
e5ecSeil: IlllniS' Setorme:
Tmmediatolv nnnn ,.. . ,,
"ows of the' disaster at Kingston
'amnion. Admiral Davis o the u, tmi
Stf i,thnvL8,tapi0d for the st
Alrt n!,(lifnl sPUes and food.
inl lu DRV,a ,laml0(1 ,uarlGs to pro.
eot io American consulate, and to
help in recovorlngand burning tho
bodies of the dead. Governor Sweet
en ham of Jamaica protested and asked
Admiral Davis to withdraw tho ma
rines, also notifying Admiral Davis
that his assistance was not in any
way required. Admiral Davis at once
complied, notwithstanding the hospital
opened by the Americans was crowd
ed with sufferers who could not be
taken caro of by the local hospitals.
Tho British press expresses great re
grot over the incident and Governor
Sweetenham is being severely criti-cizd.
Tho state of Arkansas is moving
against the trusts. An Associated
Press dispatch from Little Rock says:
"Suits for alleged violation of tho anti
trust laws of the state were filed yes
terday by tho district attorney against
Armour & Co., the Waters-Pierce Oil
company, the Hammond Packing com
pany, Morris & Co., and the Cudahy
Packing company for amounts aggre
gating $1,8:53,000. Tho present action
is based on the alleged continued vio
lation of tho Arkansas anti-trust law
after tho first suit was filed last Oc
tober, the judgments asked for being
in the nature of penalties. What was
regarded as a test suit was decided
by the supreme court last week in the
case of tho state against the Hammond
Packing company. Tho validity of the
law was upheld in that case."
An Associated Press dispatch says:
"After a fight that lasted all day
and extended to the floor of the house,
threatening to bring much filibuster
ing at ono time, tho house committee
on merchant' marine and fisheries fin
ally decided at 6 o'clock p. m., by a
vote of S to 7, to make a favorable
report on a ship subsidy bill prepared
by Representative Littauer of New
York as a substitute for the Grosvenor
bill, which has been under considera
tion for many weeks. The members
of tho committee supporting the meas
ure were Representatives Grosvenor
Miner, Littlefield, Fordney, Wachter
Humphrey, Watson and Littauer, all
republicans. The negative votes wore
cast by Representatives Birdsall, Wil
son and Hinshaw, republicans, and
Goulden, Maynard, Shirley and Patter
son, democrats. Seven subsidized
mail lines aro provided for, with an
annual subvention estimated at $3
750,000. Two of tho lines are to be
from tho Atlantic coast to South
America, and one from the Gulf of
Mexico to Colon. From tho Pacific
coast there are to be three lines to
the Orient, and one line to the west
coast of South America. Only two
changes wore made in the bill as or
iginally drawn by Mr. Littauer. In-
Sm? i mlly flXins San cisco
and the Paget sound as the points of
departure of the two lines to Japan
China aml Philippines, the co
mittee amended Mr. Littauer's bill
so that one of the lines is to start
'ndmtLPntt n0,rth f Cape Mendocino
and tho other from a point smith f
Cape Mendocino. At tigZrSto
io ?" tjsrtx "
the committee by M, uStue and
several democrats voted for it r
publicans changed their votes in order
to defeat it and get a compromise bill
under consideration, which ? was
thought would have a better chance
with republican house leaders The
committee adjourned to meet againa?
4 o clock and when an attempt wa
Hia thnohHV ,the h0Use aflouWTt
that time, tho democrats began a fili
buster n an attempt to keep the house
in session, thus keeping the merchant
marine and fisheries committee from
meeting and reaching an agreemen?
The minority leader, Mr. W Hiams de
manded yeas and nays on tl o aujoufn
ment vote, but a count showed that "i
quorum was not present and the house
adjourned by a vote of 143 to 77"
By a vote of 133 to '92, the house
adopted an amendment?' to an appro;
prlation bill which increases the pay
of vice president, speaker and mem
bers of the cabinet to $12,000 per
year, and that of senatbrs and repre
sentatives to $7,500 per year. The in
crease takes effect March 4, 1907.
There was no roll call on the adop
tion of this amendment.
The senate confirmed George B.
Cortelyou as secretary of the treas
ury, and James R. Garfield as secre
tary of the interior.
A letter addressed by President
Roosevelt to Chairman Foss of the
house committee on naval affairs has
been made public. In this letter the
president endorsed the plan for the
building of two great battleships sim
ilar to the "Dreadnaught."
Senator Blackburn has offered an
amendment to the Foraker negro
troops resolution, expressly disclaim
ing any intention to "question or deny
the legal right of tho president to
discharge without honor enlisted men
of the army of the United States."
Senator Foraker declared his opposi
tion to the amendment and other re
publican senators said it was the re
sult of a democratic caucus. Senator
Blackburn denied this but expressed
the opinion that his amendment would
have practically the unanimous sup
port of democratic senators.
The fuel famine in the northwest
continues and it is reported that Pres
ident Roosevelt is considering taking
arbitrary steps in the hope of giving
the people relief.
A Rock Island engineer at Hering
lon was talking about the duplicity of
farmers who bring claims against rail
road companies for the killing of
blooded stock when, as a matter of
fact, the animals were walking scare
crows. "About four years ago," said
the engineer, "before the Rock Island
bought the Choctaw, I was on an en
gine on the Choctaw Northern run
above Geary. Gray daylight was just
coming on, so as one could see pretty
well ahead, and I noticed two horses
on the track. They didn't appear to
mind the whistle or the bell and-J
slowly drew up to them and stopped.
The horses, two poor, old, worn-out
plugs, wore still standing across the
road, and on climbing down off the
engine to drive them away I found
that the hoofs of their forefeet were
spiked down to the planks at the road
crossing the track. How's that forJa
civilized country?" Kansas City
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