Jt.. ftHVBr .V: The Commoner. VOLUME Y, NUMBER I 8 M. wWtMfrtirmr """"""'" 8Sirr"i mooiuT 7lriPif" w rIa V vUlvfeN I wvifl 1VC3 9gst P" ' ",r N to K: i ? '.r Mil. MTHTIOL, tho now governor of Coo inilo, Ik a iMethodlHt clergyman, and al tho llmo or IiIh noir.lnatlon was chancellor ot the Denver IIiilvcsrHlty. After his election ho ox proMHod a desire that tlio inaugural ceremonies bo hold In Trinity Methodist church, which church ho had much to do with building up. Many Colorado puoplo objected lo these ceremo nies hiking place In any church, insisting that tho stale Iiouho wa the proper place, The gov ornor had his way, howovor. TIJI3 CAUSE OF arbitration and peace is tak ing on now InipotiiM every day. The latest plan to promote the cause of arbitration Is to OMlnhllMh a "prone bureau," which shall servo to gather and convoy Interesting and popular matter favorable to tho cause of arbitration and peace and against violence. It Is also proposed to hold public meetings from time to lime, and national conferences llko those now held at stated periods In Franco and England. The American Poaco society Is promoting the plan and asks for con tributions to pay tho necessary expenses. Rev. James K. Tryon, Is chairman of tho society, 31 JJoacon street, Roston. It Is tho aim of tho so ciety to furnish matter for the press and public speakers on call, and further tho work of peace In every way possible TIIIO FIRST ANNUAL report of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teach ing has been made public. It is pointed out in this report that denominational Institutions are rigidly oxcluded from tho benefit of this pension system, Mr. Carnegio's purpose being to provide a pension for superannuated professors of col leges not dependent upon denominational support. It Is said that as fast as institutions throw off their church alllliatlons and conform to tho edu cational standards required by tho Carnegie pen sion rules, they will bo admitted to a share of tho fund. Under this rule John D. Rockefeller's University of Chicago will not sharo in tho bono ilts of this pension system. '"pi-UIS LIST OF "accepted institutions" in (ho JL Carnegie pension system now Includes Am horst, Belolt, Carleton College, Case School of Ap plied Science, Clark University, Clarkson School or Technology, Colorado College, Columbia, Cor nell, Dartmouth, George Washington University, Hamilton, Harvard, llobnrt, Johns Hopkins, Knox College, Iowa College, Lawrence University, Le high, Lehind Stanford, Jr., University, Marietta College, Massachusetts, Institute of Technology, Middlebury College, Mount ilolyoko College, New York University, Oberlin, Brooklyn Polytechnic, Princeton, Radcliffo, Rtpon College, Smith Col lege, Stevens lnstltuto of Technology, Trinitv College, Tuft's College, Tulano University, Union College, University of Pennsylvania, University of Rochester, University of Vermont, Vnssur, Wa bash College, Washington University at St. Louis, Washington and Jefferson College, Wellesley, Wells College, Western Reserve University Wil liams College, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Western University of Pennsylvania and Yale. In Canada they are Dalhousio University, at Hali fax, and McGill University at Montreal. Xy-Qy T7 1GIITY-EIGIIT professors, according lo the A annual report of the Carnegie pension sys tem as printed in rho New York World, have been retired on a ponsion. These are: William Cole Esty. of Amherst; George Huntington, of Carle ton; William Porter, of Boloit; John K. Ross and Edward II. Castle, of Columbia; Hiram Corson, Georgt C. Caldwell, Isaac P. Roberts, Charles M Tyler and Charles R. Mandeville, of Cornell James Liechti, of Dalhousio; II. P. Bowditch and Allen Danforth, of Harvard; S. J. Buck, of Iowa H. de C. Stearns, of Stanford; H. M. Baird, of Now York Univorsity; W. A. Packard, George Ma closkio and Charles A. Young of Princeton- E H. Men-ell and C. II. Chandler, of Rlpon; C W MacCord and Edward Wall, of Stevens Institute ' T. W. Wright, of Union; G. Hamhach, of Wash ington; Helen F. Smith, dean of Wells; E M Morley and L. S. Potwin, of Western Reserve ' Richards, A; W. Wright, G. T. Ladd, Mark r and Addison Van Name of Yale, bight ,t. ne M,v,rnaamu luivn linen nensioned. Of E. j, llnllnv wi.inwB nf nrnfPRsnrK have been pensioned. the eighty-eight pensioned professors, forty-five were in "accepted institutions" and thirty-five wore individual allowances to men, some of whom were not in the "accepted" colleges, but were conspicuous for services rendered to education. Among the number was W. T. Harris, United Slates commissioner of education. The Founda tion trustees have adopted a sliding scale, under which a retiring professor who has a small salary gets a proportionately larger pension than one on a larger salary. Tho pensions vary from $S00 to $3,000, and average $1,552 to those in "accept ed institutions," $1,302 to individual professors, and $833 to widows. In all, the pension list is now $122,130. Tho administrative head of the fund is Prescient H. S. Pritchctt of the Massachu setts Institute of Technology. President Eliot, of Harvard, heads the board of trustees. T HE GERMAN PROVINCE, Hanover, according to a writer in tho St. Louis Post-Dispatch, owns 1,9(57 miles of highways, on which there arc 175,79-1 fruit trees pear, cherry, plum and apple sufllcicnt, if set out eighty to an aero, to form an orchard of more than 300 square miles. Tho fruit raised on these trees is a source of in como for tho province, which sometimes makes $'10,000 a year by selling the products of this elongated orchard. The province maintains a nursery of 403 acres to supply young trees for roadside use and for promoting the interests of fruit culture. The profit of a tree is very small, but tho Hanover people do not worry about that. Shade is afforded in summer, the roadbed is free from dust, tho presence of trees retards the wash ing out of tho soil from the banks into the road side ditches, and the attractive appearance of the roadsides stimulates an interest in tree cul ture and benefits the province in many other ways. They find it worth while. THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE, with customary en terprise, gives a detailed statement of the embezzlements and kindred thefts for 1906. The Tribune presents the following figures, presum ably taken from the dispatches: "The total of embezzlements and kindred thefts for 1906 amounts to $14,739,653, about $5,000,000 more than last year. Of this total $10,745,3S7 was stolen by officials of banks, $1,684,554 by public officials other than postoflice employes, $22,585 by the latter, $379,5S1 by agents, $248,100 from loan associations, $223,6S7 by means of forgeries, and the other defalcations, amounting to $1,42S,969, were so varied in their nature that they must be classed as miscellaneous. The comparison with last year is not so much to the discredit of this year when it is remembered that more than $10, 000,000 of the money embezzled was taken by three men one in Chicago, one in Philadelphia and one in Cuba, tho agent, of a New York house. In each of these three cases the figures repre sent tho total of many years of stealing which was discovered only this year. It is unfair to charge it all against the year 1906." AN AMERICAN business man who has resided for twenty years in the Mikado's realm, made this statement to a representative of the New York Herald: "Wo are not allowed to own real property or to have any mining rights. We can only buy certain securities. Wo can not hold Japanese on certain mortgages. When, in order to do business, we place certain properties or se curities in the name of a Japanese, and the said Japanese absconds, the courts will not even con sider his act as a criminal one. Wo are not al lowed to attend Japanese schools, old or young We are permitted to reside only in certain -sections. At the theaters the Japanese rate is 60 sen. No foreigner is admitted under 200 sen The hotels are on a similar 'basis. It is a known fact that justice can not bo had except in the higher courts, and every case against a foreigner is carried to the supreme court before justice is given. The legation at Toklo knows this point only too well. In taxes foreigners pay double the rates paid by tho Japanese. On tho last steamer for San Francisco, the Nippon Maru, about eighty soldiers embarked. Dining at a tea house I hap pened to occupy a room adjoining the banquet room, where about one hundred Japanese had assembled. During the dinner a major of the regiment the soldiers belonged to made a speech in which tho Japanese were told not to forget that Hawaii was but a stepping stone to the mainland and that when they reached the mainland they must not forget that the Pacific belonged to Ja pan; that while the United States pretended to bo friendly with Japan at present it was only be cause they were afraid of Japan." THE SAN FRANCISCO Star quotes the state ments made by an American business man, and intimates that before President Roosevelt undertakes to remove the beam from San Fran cisco's eye he should try to take the mote from Japan's eye. The Star says: "We advise Mr. Roosevelt to see to it that Americans in Japan are treated with at least the same decency and respect as British residents, before he again un corks the vials of his hasty wrath and vast mis information upon the heads of Californians who object to having their little children seated side by side with immigrants from Asia, whose vices are of such a nature that decency can not name them-. Let him sauce the Japanese goose before he begins to sauce the California pedagogical gander. We may listen to him scolding us when ho has shown the courage to talk boldly to Japan concerning the mistreatment of our fellow-citizens by that power. Until then, he may as well save his breath to cool his porridge." GENERAL INTEREST in the new state of Oklahoma is felt throughout the civilized world. The Ardmore Ardmoreite gives this timely infor mation: "Oklahoma county is first in population. The census of 1900 gave it 57,655, whereas Musk ogee county is estimated at 40,000. Pottowatomio has over 44,000, Logan over 37,000 and Garfield over 30,000. Of the other new counties Sequoyah has 30,000, Hughes 25,000, Tulsa 25,000, Pittsburg 30,000, Bryan 35,000, Carter 42,000, Grady 25,000, Comanche 30,000, Caddo 31,000, the remainder of the counties running from 18,000 down to 5,000. Latimer, McCurtain .and Harper counties have 8,000 each; Cimarron county, the smallest in val uation, has 5,000 people (estimated). The largest of the Oklahoma counties untouched is Kiowa, with 1,515 square miles. A singular fact is that Custer, Dewey, Grant and Washita counties are of the counties averaging 946 square miles. New La Flore county is 1,500 square miles, Pushma taha 1,400 square miles, McCurtain 1,600 square miles, and Pittsburg 1,368 square miles. Murray and Marshall are the smallest, with 450 square miles each." POR SOME TIME the interstate commerce"" f m com1mission "as been investigating the traffic alliances and other business deals of the Harriman railroads. When the commission ad journed at Chicago it was announced that tho investigation would he resumed at New York when Harriman, William Rockefeller, H. H. Rog ers, H. C. Frick and James Stillman would bo nj-?itnesf es- The Associated Press report sas. The attorneys who are for the govern- !?iSLn0fnn?C nJ? nvestisation into the man: SS? hni w G ?ar,rlman lines announced that they had determined to take steps to prevent E. H. Harriman, Henry C. Frick and H. H Rog ers from, leaving the jurisdiction of the nterstate SrwinTlkl0 IU rder t0 PtSJ steps will be taken to cause the issuance of writs of ne exeat, by authority of which" they will be compelled to remain within the jurisdic tion of the commission." Duiisuic AN INTERESTING witness before the inter-" Q state commerce commission was James H Z LtrTvT? VllG ChicaW MiTwau: icee ana bt. Paul railroad. He said thnt h Union Pacific and Southern Pacific were former v competitors for Pacific coast business i Mr fflS Bun exist if all tho railroads in the country were