ji--- J " m j k I The Commoner. VOLUME 7, NUMBER f 12 Lt "K h y i v? IN w-mmfr L-ZL V rtl " t" Tho Hhnli of PorHlu Is cleiid. Ho wn horn In ISM mid micccodcd IiIh futhor iia Hhnli in 1890. John ft. Wllnon, a prominont demo cruL and lawyer of Doadwood, S. IX, In (load. Ernost Howard Cronby, well known for IiIh ploiiH In holialf of republican government and peace, died at, Baltimore. Attornoy General Jackson of Now York has begun (uo warranto proceed ings to test Mayor McGlellan's title to his oNlco. Tho will of tho lato A. J. Cassatt, tho railroad inagnnto, loaves a fifty million eslato to tho widow and threo childron. Corporal Knowlos, a negro of com pany A, Twenty-lift h Infantry, has boon placed under arrest at St. Reno, charged with shooting Captain Mack lln, Docombor 21. Company A is ono of tho companies not Includod in the president's order discharging negro troops. Lewis do Larlo was burned to death In a lire which broke out in a Pull man Bleeping car and destroyed tho car at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Congressman William Alden Smith was nominated by tho republican caucus In tho Michigan legislature to succeed United States Senator Alger. Tho nomination is equivalent to an oloctlon. An Associated Pross dispatch under date of Chicago, January 10, follows: "An excited crowd of West Side cltl 'zona took forcible possession of the council chamber In tho city hall to day and virtually compelled tho mom hers of a council committee to floe from tho placo. Tho membors of tho crowd wore protostants against a pro ject for wldonlng of Ualstead street. Tho committee having tho matter un der consideration mot today in tho council chambor and finally voted to postpone action until June. This was highly unsatisfactory to many of the cltlzcnis present who wished tho mat ter settled at once. Crlos of 'Coward! 'Thief!' and 'Robber!' wore hurled at tho members of the committee as they hastily lort tho apartment. Tho citi zens came rushing down from the galleries and poured in from tho halls, taking complete possession of tho chambor. They then organized a mooting of their own and formally protosted against further delay in set tling tho question." Tokio cablegrams say that tho Jap anese irnvni'iminnf lmn ,i.i.i . . . K II I '- i. nan UUUUIUU UOL ID Willi na training squadron to the Pa cific coast. Tho squadron will ko only as far as Honolulu. The tobacco trust was found guilty in the United States circuit court of Now York on tho chargo of forming Soothe the throat and stop a hacking cough. A safe and simple remedy, in boxes only. an illegal combination and being a monopoly. Tho verdict was against tho corporation, a verdict of not guilty being returned against tho individ ual defendants. Many places In Pennsylvania re port an earthquake January 10. Five thousand kegs of powder ex ploded at the powdor plant at Ilor rel, Pa. No lives wero lost. In a message to tho legislature Gov ernor Deneon or Illinois asked for an appropriation of $50,000 for tho pur pose of prosecuting the Illinois Cen tral Railroad company for taxes and other claims due the state. The gov ernor says the railroad misrepresents its earnings. Governor Davidson of Wisconsin lecommended to the legislature a con stitutional amendment providing for an Income tax. Tho Wall Street Journal says. "It Is gonorally believed in well informed quarters that one of the results of the investigation of tho Union Pacific and Southern Pacific by the interstate commerce commission and their at torneys will be an order from the com mission to command the Union Pacific to sell its Southern Pacific stock. In fact, as a result it is possible that tho Union Pacific will bo ordered by tho commission to sell its Atchison, St. Paul, Chicago & Northwestern and perhaps oven Chicago & Alton stocks in addition to its Southern Pacific stock. This would have no material effect upon tho Union Pacific policy. Tho Union Pacific ownership of these stocks is chleily of an investment na ture and will bo a small matter, as it could invest in other securities pay ing an equally good return. Aside from these two issues, the chances are that tho interstato commerce com mission will recommend further legis lation governing railroad corporations, attempting probably to define the scope of their financial operations and tho power which may be vested in any ono official. If the commission orders tho Union Pacific to sell its Southern Pacific stock there is little doubt that the order will bo contested to the last ditch by Harriman people, just as the Northern Securities case was contest ed in tho courts for several years. An eminent railroad lawyer says: "If tho Union Pacific is ordered' to sell its Southern Pacific stock there is no reason in the world why most of the big railroads in the land should not bo compelled to take similar steps in connection with stocks in subsidiary lines. Tho sale of this stock would, of course, in many cases dissolve tho entire system. It appears to bo a question of only making the investiga tion and then applying the principle which the supremo court may lav down." J Congressman Charles Curtis was nominated by the republican caucus to succeed Senator Benson as United States senator from Kansas. Benson was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator Burton. An Associated Press dispatch under date of Great Falls, Montana, Januar? 11. follows: "The Montana Central Mrs wnSd tr?! Vn wWoh Ir Mis. William J. Bryan were passen gers, collided with a switch Engine and stone cars in the Great Falls yards today. The engine of the pas- sengor train was damaged, the bag gage car was wrecked and several persons were shaken up badly. Mike Connolley of Glasgow was Injured se verely about tho head and shoulders, but not fatally, while, soveral others were bruised considerably. The pas senger train was moving at only about ten miles an hour in a blinding blizzard and the engineer could see only a few feet ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were both thrown from their seats, but received no injuries other than the shaking up." After the Banquet "Whew!" exclaimed Rounder, as he came down to breakfast blowing the tips of his fingers. "I tell you it is an outrage the way they are running cold cars in Chicago. Why, I had to stand outsido on ono last night and I almost froze to death getting home from the club." "I don't doubt it," snapped Mrs. Rounder. "I stood at the window and saw you stopping off a snowplow." Without another word Rounder grab bod his hat and started for the office. Chicago News. Not Skeptical "I suppose now," said Miss Augular, "you would hardly believo me to be 32 years old." "Oh, yes," rejoined Mr. Bifllngham, "I would have believed it ten years ago." Chicago News. Mai Hfc Write Me A Postal rora rrice Rnv"nnntfl mn nrtnnn fin vonf ci(il TTi.i . tr..t.ii ft rr !.- I nil you ncod to do. I will eond i you free my big 1W7 Split Hickory Vohlclo Book. It Is bigger and i bottor this year thnn oyer bofore, : nnd contains photqgrnphii of over i 125 Split Hickory Vehicles also pnoiOgrnpiiB 01 u mil iihu ui uinu- grade JlarnOBS. I will quoto yoa. direct prices from my inctory.wnicn will oavo you from 80 to 60 oa Hlgh-anulo Split JtlicKory uuggios. I Sell Direct to You on 30 Days' . FREE Trial My big Buggy Book gives nil kinds of buggy information how hlgh-grado buggies nro nmrtn. how thov nro upholstered. how thor nro trimmed, how they nro rmintcd. It tells tho wholo buccv storv. Spilt Hickory Vehicles nro guar ant ood for two years. My 1007 SDlit Hickory Sncclal Tod Buggy has. moro exclusl'o features thua any other buggy on tho market 40 moro. I run ono en Mm fnetnrv for tboxcla. oivo manufacture of this npoclnl buggy. Ait upnt JiicKory voniciOH nro maue to ordor, giving you choice of finish, nnd other options. Address mo Write mo --HaBMb nnrasinitMv. n postal BHB H.O.Pholra. ,W )rr,.BW!rWB Pros. Ohio jjuvv, wiuo -v Carriage, about It. XxXvHfiB Station 12 Cincinnati, unia. STEEL Mosl economical and durable rool covorlno known. Easy to put on; roquiros no biuia uHin nnicnoc or a nammcr. wun ordinary caro win outlast tiny otnor Kind. i.nouRand8 of satisflod customers oTerywhoro havo proven its virtues. Suitablo for eovorlnKany building. Alsobostfor colling and Biding. FIro-proof nnd water-proof . jjnuuiiuruiiumuruinsiingwinnsningies. wiunouinincrain-wnier. junicesyour Duua i ot,rf.r.,co foVPur NP 15 Rrado of Pint Scml-HardonodBtool roofincand Bldlnc.ench iiiuui..tiiH. wiuo nnu a ins. long, unr prico on tno corrueatou, liko illustration, Bhoots 22 ins. wido x 24 inB. long, $ 1 ,7Q. At 25c per Bqnnro additional wo will furnish Rlioot8 6nnd8footlone, Steel pressed brick sidlnc, nor squar. 92.00. Pino Steel "uniieii iwiine, per square, 92.00. Uan also furnish Btandlncrsoam or"v"crimned Tinnf lrr rii "i-iT ""' v" umu xuiiiiait ubiiuuiiiK uuuni ur v uriiiinuu wt rHi incrnmuni iu ALLrusiraii tAbl ur bULUKnuu intr. OXCOpt Okla.. Tox. and Ind. Ter. Onnhntlnnn t.n ntVinr rmlnf a nn nnnllflnn Satlfacllpn ouaranteed or money refunded. Wo will Bond this rooflne to nv one 25 of tho amount n?wSlBiuVs uUi'i , D' wi5.h PriY11?'?0 of examination if you will send us fouVdVsXTos . K&i&KvazoQ Direct to You IBwfl KffiLi HHn HHH -mtfzi3a&W:Li-it-4.M2 mmam Hf rfeB j Xvl Kalamazoos aro fuel savers, They last a lifetime Economical in all respects They are low in price and high in qnnlity, lliey aro easily operated and quickly sci op and made ready for business, Your money returned if overytbing is not exactly aa You keep in yonr own pocket tho dealers' and jobbers profits when you buy a Kalamazoo. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. We want to provo to you that you cannot ouy a better stovo or ranee than the Kala- """""i ' ""jr filUC. m H, t9 jm. OAK STOVB HEATER, For All Kinds of Fuel. ROYAt STEEL RANGE rorwu Kinds olfuol. Wrt tTfflrif 4 . mm.. f "M If you think 5, or 10, or HO. worth saving Send Pnsftai fnprafiA. t op 1 Examine our complete line of st0vM:jr'r.r,irr?rTC -f mo mgn qual ty; comparo our rjrices "wHi, Vi,? i .u ' K'na?, . Wote I actual manufacturers and I save aU mlHllmin-e"' ?? lhn 4ecid. t0 buy 'rem I and sizes for all kinds of fuel. Write now SoWoS1 vnCnlaloBAshow3 2 ea I Kalamann QJa r' nwl Sold on 360 Days Approval Test. oniirMift7fc--LTjTr.r!".,'.,-.-,t',,we,,'0,joittftea "J-" '"""wusavinenvou receive them. nu i inrnieinoiir V. wwaaRu 222222K"" akJuasm..