' -1 J. in ',w$wfT;Tjsr "'.'i " " v Tipr!5 A f . . " - .j R'" fee 44 F' Iw .fc. : 2 republican leaders would not countenance . lils -candidacy In 1908, although the LaFollette element In the republican party is bound to grow. The only question is whether the republicans .will nominate some outspoken opponent of . Roosevelt ism or select a compromise candidate with the idea of keeping both elements together. If an an ti -Roosevelt man is nominated, the democrats may expect a large support from the Roosevelt republicans, provided, of course, the party so con ducts itself as to deserve the confidence o re publican reformers. If the republican convention nominates a compromise man not entirely satis factory to either side, his campaign is likely to be -as listless a campaign as the democratic -campaign of 1904. "From the standpoint, therefore, of expediency as1 well as from the standpoint . of principle the democratic party must make a' courageous 'fight in behalf of necessary reforms and take advant age of the education which has come through the radical utterances of the president. The con servatives went into the last convention promis ing victory and pointing to two democratic defeats as a reason why they should be entrusted with, the party leadership. They can not make that argument this time, for they led the party to an overwhelming defeat in the east as well as in the west. The conservatives can help win a demo cratic victory if they are willing to follow and support those who have advocated reforms: They have demonstrated their inability to lead the party to success along conservative lines. Their plans were a failure in 1904, and there has been an immense development of radical sentiment since. It is folly to talk of putting the democratic party in a position to appeal to the owners of swollen fortunes and the financiers of predatory wealth. It would be folly from the standpoint of 'expediency; it would be criminal ' from the standpoint of principle. . JJJ z :;,;: .DOWN WITH the'silVer trust - ..,- a . :M -'':if: . . --;. ?.? - 3t One of The Commoner's exchanges says: v"If ...possible, legal action will be brought :against -the mlver tnust which is boomed by Bryan." The edi tor who wrote the paragraph is guilty of a mis representation of Mr. Bryan's position, and -it would' be a reflection upon the editor's intelli gence to say that the misrepresentation- was un intentional. Mr. Bryan has-never boomed the silver trust, and he is as mtich interested in the overthrow of the silver trustif such a trust existsas he is in favor of the 6verthrow of any other trust. If there is a Silver trust, let the administration begin action against it. If there is any trust which has no friends it is a silver trust, for the advocates of bimetallism oppose a trust on principle and oppose a silver trust as much as any other trust, while the advocates of the gold standard ought certainly to be willing to prosecute this particular combination onfnindi lQtr the,1crIn?,ln"l clause of the statute be enforced. Let the silver trust magnates be.hunt- inr?Z ?? P bwl e bars. If we can not Snnf? U IS ef lrust senates, the sugar trust magnates, the tobacco trust magnates, the whisky trust magnates, the starch trust magnates, the yalt trust magnates, the cracker trust' magnates, the harvester trust magnates and the other trust SSS? 5?' V ce,;tainly &t to be able to, im pnr S0"J e silver trust magnates. Hunt them up! the TtaW Sn Vhe wtallists will be ine last to cry "Hold! Enough!" JJJ . THE PRESIDENT SUSTAINED BY THE FACTS of S?cTeSlr0ytlTSSe F be found an abstract tho nroqWent ,., . ps The mir issued by imonPfe,l8,aLuf?a.?. 5 criticism were QuMETJt. form nsDonlXVn ,been Ir,tea- th PUMc can Auirc. us opinion upon the nresidpnt'a nniu" Whatever constitutional lawyers may decide cSn cerning the power of the president to discharge ?L ofTrptate n UUbiaSed person toy Sat the offense was grave enough to justify the Presi dent in doing whatever he has Jower to do It is inconceivable that fair-minded people should Si Snu th RreIdent r attempting to reHeve trnnn " servIce of the raenace of a body of troops whose members will shield a groun of ?lmnlnalS' The evIdence shows that some ten to twenty members of the battalion' deliberately went remainder11 ol X"8 eTd,tion and fifhe gumy ones ' tto trPS refused to ,d,sclos the The critics of the president say hat the in- Commonefi nocent shbuld not suffer with the guilty. That is a sound proposition when the innocent can 'be distinguished from the guilty, but in this case the question is, shall the innocent members of the community suffer from the presence of the troops or shall -the innocent members of the bat talion suffer for refusing to join the government in the preservation of law and -order. There is no principle in law or in morals that requires that greater consideration should be shown to the innocent soldiers who prefer to conceal the guilt of their comrades than to the public in general. . . The second ground of criticism urged by those who take issue with the president is that the soldiers ought not 'to be required to tell on each other, and the case is put upon a level with the case of schoolboys who do not tell on each other when caught in some Hallowe'en prank. The cases are not at all similar. There is a very clear distinction between the sports of the school boy and the commission of crimes. If a dozen schoolboys were present when one or two, of their number killed a fellow student, no one would justify the silence of the boys who looked -on. They would be required to tell what they saw even though it resulted in the punishment of their comrades. And still more is it the duty of soldiers sworn to support the constitution and the' laws to assist in bringing to punishment those who are guilty of criminal offenses eyen though the guilty parties belong to the same company. The friends of the black man, whether they be themselves white or black, can not afford to defend crime or the shielding of crime. It may be that the president has gone beyond his author ity; if so, the question ought to be discussed as a legal one. Those who assert the moral right of colored soldiers to shield comrades charged with .a capital offense will not give any material, as sistance in the settlement of the race question. JJJ THE MONEY QUESTION I. .VOLUME C, NUMBER 4, nation is ..entirely difterAnf mt.. . wining tn TiWvr, .11 - "u wan whft ,. nds Um of necessity1' is withdrawn from thohSi1118 n cable dispatch from St. PeteSh l lh" les3' .,, I ULirey amerent. Tho mn ,. willing- to.; work is discount i,L?an the undeserving profit by his law- lv?,ds H -, wTft. $,bney .question is a" very Impudent 'thing. It "keeps 'obtruding itself 'in'the' 'most iiripolite way. Jtfstvs our financiers" k think ' they' have a satisfactory' Philippine' Currency, silver i-ises in .value and the Philippine dollars go into the melt ing pot and then something has to be done to reduce their weight and keep them in circulation. ""And then the bankers who said we had enough money ten years ago are clamoring for more in, spite of the fact, that there has been an enormous. increase in the volume of gold coin and a large increase in the silver dollars occa sioned by coining the seigniorage and a con siderable . increase in the. banknote currency. In spite of these additions to the country's currency, the bankers now demand that they be permitted to issue emergency notes at least, and many of these want a. general authority to issue aiset currency. "Why does not the money question stay settled and b.ehave itself? Even in England they are having difficulty. A member of parliament rises to ask whether the , silver dollar in the Strait Settlements has been recently debased whether the British government is tampering with the currency. One might suppose from the financial papers that the advocates of free silver were the only ones guilty of stirring up the money question, but it seems that the self-constituted champions of an honest dollar are the ones, who are always wanting something done. They want the silver dollars retired; they want subsidiary. coinage sup plemented by the melting of silver dollars; they want dollars with nothing back; of them but the banks assets. .When will they be satisfied to let the money question rest? JJJ COMMUNISM FAILS IN. RUSSIA News comes from St. Petersburg that the czar has issued ,a ukase which permits the peas ant to renounce his share in tho communal owner ship .of village land and become the individual freeholder. This change has been under discus sion for some time,- and the reformers of Russia have regarded it as one of the important meas ures of relief. Experience has shown thaf the ownership of the land by the communities has fTIIf thG IndustrIous by raakiS em pay 1 ? Idler J? Wel1 for "selves. It raises the old question a very old question namely How can you encourage industry without securing to the industrious the reward of his toil? Volun tary co-operation rests upon a sound basis and Should 'be encouraged. Under a voluntary co-oper-ation each partner is stimulated to effort because the partnership can not continue unless all parties are satisfied. Under- forced co-operation the sft. cable dispatch from St. Petersbu g sands interested in n, .m 'iy8. Thou. watch the result of the change in Ru88k7 m it throws lightupon the issue .between t?Zm ualist and the socialist." While civUi recognizes that it is right to plvce S SFfi burden of keeping the unfortunate PS t from what cause the misfortune arises, a W ferent question is presented when it , X to compel the energetic, the industrious Z t enterprising to share their profits with those 2 ack energy; industry and enterprise. While thai is a wide zone in which religion, fraternity 2 the spirit of brotherhood may work, we no found any safer principle yet for the econom world than that which insures to each Sfr of society a reward proportionate to his contribu tion to society. JJJ GOVERNOR DAVIS' PROGRAM Governor Jeff. Davis, of Arkansas, who be gins his senatorial term next March, has already laid out for himself an important work in his attack upon the bucket shop and the exchange gambler. In a recent interview he says that the senate does not need harmony so much as an old-fashioned row. He complains that "the raco of life at this time is not the fair and equal one which was in the minds of . the framers o the government; that the combinations of capital, called trusts, have defeated the objects of tho constitution and the law." Governor Davis adds: "But the trusts are not the only evil. There are the bucket shops. The bucket shop has brought more misery, ruined more homes,- wrecked more business, made more straight men crooked and destroyed more lives than any other agency." He describes the New York cotton exchange as a "bucket shop "where a few gamblers1 stand around a Ibrass railing and make a plaything' of the south's. great staple." Good for Davis! He will find' plenty, to employ -his. leisure hours if he Will .give, .his attention to the exploiters who grow rich gambling on the price of the f armer.s product. 'It is strange that the people of the' city who. live., upon what the farmer raises should be ,as Indifferent as they are to the farmer's welfare. Senator Davis can render a great service if he can awaken the people of the cities to the importance of protect ing the agricultural classes from the speculator and the market manipulator. JJJ tK WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT Among.the many letters' received at The Com moner office, an: occasional, one comes from some earnest democrat who, having, labored for many - years for reforms which to him seem manifestly just, concludes that nothing can be done becauso progress has not been as ra.pid as he had hoped. There is, -.however, no reason for discourage ment. Never has the reformer had more reason to be happy than now, for there is abundant evidence of a public awakening that presages reform. Let a few instances of progress suffice. Take the election of senators by the people. Sixteen years ago there were advocates of it, but it had never received -the attention of congress. About fourteen years ago a resolution " proposing the necessary constitutional amendment passed the house; it passed again twelve years ago. Those houses were democratic. Two republican con gresses, followed and nothing was dono, but tho sentiment continued to grow until even a repub lican house passed the resolution. Since that time two other republican houses have acted favorably upon the resolution, und the democratic national convention has -twice declared for it. Something like two-thirds of the states of the union have endorsed the proposition, and there is no doubt 01 its ultimate triumph. It does seem that a reform- so obviously necessary should be more easily secured, but it takes time to get matters before the public. The election of senators by direct vote of the people is coming, and it is coming because those who labor for it have hope, and having hope, continue to work. Twelve years ago the democratic party in cluded an income tax in its revenue bill. The measure was opposed by an element of the demo cratic party and was strenuously opposed bv the republican party. The supreme court, by a majority of one, declared the law unconstitutional, and the one vote was cast -by a judge who changed his mind between the first and the second hearing. kiii; "- trtBffifJ&feteLjji f tl K