The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 14, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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Xhe Gomttioner.
--wju eggg seasonod win.
Pepper,, mustard, tabloL k alt.
melted butter, salad oil Sdv"1
served on- lettuce leaves Thegar'
to be. creamed rice-twn m??ero i3
fuls. of rice in ntW0, taWespoou.
three-fourths cup of susar
and fAnonnA..i -, l usai, two, .. . OI rich mtiif
and teasnoonfm r T11' tWo gs
" - w j-uui tun imiii i-kt- r. . -
MM' 1 '
f. . .'-5
The Book of the Wars
When the book of the wars of men
Is done
And the story is truly penned
From the yellowing page of the tale
To the chapter that holds The End
When the trumpets of peace the
world around
Haye blent in a chorus grand,
And the battle flag shall no more be
: As a shadow above the land
Will we keep the Book of the Wars
'?';' of Men
"-'"ft In. a high and an honored place
That .our children's sons may be
tnriuea again
With t stories their e,eS ay ff igT 5
Will, we cherish the book in faithful
That men of a future 'age
.May acquaint themselves with the
,:. ... ones who died
: That the volume might haye a page?
Will the Boole, of the Wars of Men
tell truth?
Will, it mingle the songs and cheers
With-4 the sacrifice, of the beardless
youth , ..... -tiir. ,
"And the dew of ,a mother-'s tears?
Will it blazon in gold the, noble deed
That won aTf or gotten, iame?
Will it tell of the grips of a ceaseless
p-That has wrought for a nation's
"shame? .
O, the Book of the Wars of Men- It
waits ' " - . '
:'mmnl,tlle, wnkening-of the world,
Till the banners that tell of ' scorns
,. , . and hates , '
.TT,Iwtne glory" of Peace are furled
Will -we keep it to tell of the rolling
; . ' drum
.Antf the peals that the fifers know,
Or to speak to the men of the days to
; Of the ways that they must not go?
... Chicago Tribune.
We may lose the things we strive
after today, but. if we bear patiently
the burdens, taking the heartache if it
us, living nobly to ourselves and fel
divine beauty and divine glory. M F
F uvt
to call' the attention of our readers of
u,u suxes co the instructive readinK
tw wmuu iUe Department of- Ag
riculture at Washington, D. c , is
pending out to "whosoever will at
the cost of a postal card, bearing your
Therfi ?rt reQUeSt i0r the b"S
There are many matters designed to
greatly augment the comfort and
are fully as much concerned as are
the men. These interest appeal to
vilWome' Whcther in thG C0nS S
vlllago, and very often to tho- city
waiting for ?har2 apt t0 Prcrastinate,
whinh Mihi:moro !ng season,"
eyes of their husbands, sons and
One of the': most important things
to be dealt with is the disposal of the
sewerage, and the protection of the
uiuuYius wmur, ior very oiten tney
both amount to tho same thing. Farm
ers' Bulletin No. 43 treats of this,
and gives good advice, with illustra
tions. The bulletins Nos. 154, 156, 618, 225,
treat of the Home Fruit, Garden, the
Home Vineyard, the School (krden,
and the Home Vegetable Garden.
Theso should bo studied closely by
every member of the family, and
many of the ideas therein sot forth
should be applied to the home
grounds the coming year. No crop
pays a bigger and surer dividend than
table. MOTIOV mh tin Hiir no' ,m
rf . ww UWjr U.O fjWlU Ull
the market as one can raise at home
with intelligent culture, and the gar
den should not be left to "mother and
the girls." The horse and plow aiid
the wheel-hoe should be freely used
in them. Got these bulletins and study
them, and discuss them with the whole
family children and adults.
Bulletins Nos. 142, 182, 256 are also
very valuable to ..the home-mother,
giving much information' on the sub
ject of nutrition and the nutritive
value of foods, explaining many things,
giving the reason therefore, and de
signed to be a "useful summary of
available information on tho subject,"
which will shed much light on many
a, dark problem with -which the house
wife has to flAfll. nnllnJn M ICO
.deals with the raising and care of
jiuuitiy, preparation tor and cooking
vi i ocuuv, uuu , serving as rood.
Bulletin No. 256 deals with the prep
aration of veiretahlen fnr fhn tnhio
by Maria Parloa,. and hats much of
rl Ann trf r !- I !.!.. -.
xxv-t, uicicbi lu uxtj one.wno prepares
and serves the family meals.. There
are many others, treatingjon kindred
subjects, andJ it would be well to
send for the "list of publications" for
ii ee uxsu-muLion, . cnoose what you
wish, as many or as few, and send to
the secretary of agriculture for them.
A postal card, bearing the numbers
of bulletins, wanted, and your address
will bring them to your door, free of
vutuiic' u.ii you asic better terms?
dollar upward, hnt fnr Annen .
a serviceable binding should be in-.
.,u Wu. vyueu you get the diction
ary, do not fail to --cdnsult it your
self, and encourage your children to
do the. same.
comes, being faithful in the midst of There are many of bulletins
the conditions where God has placed which will greatly interest the young
people, and they should be allowed to
ua, nvi.iB uuuiy lo ourselves and fel- peupie, anu tney should be allowed to
low-men, we shall have built up for send for them. When you get them,
ourselves characters of rUvi ftii, do not allow fmm f v,
do not allow them tn .ho Anotmr
Teach your children to use them care
fully. Refer to them often; use them
useful Reading Matter Free the subject of home discussion while
As tho season of lonir iffl.Mt.i ?IttIng .aro"nd the fire through the
tevenings is now in fn w T 7 ong VAnter evenInSs. or when visit-
bo ib now m tull force, 1 want ingwith your friends,
to call the attonHnn .
One of the most valuable aids to
mental growth is a good dictionary,
and every home should have one
There are many, cheap editions, on
me market, and with careful handling,
these books will last u long time:
Language like everything else changes
with the times; new words are coined
and old ones set aside. The meanings
of many are changed, and like other
DOOkS. tllO dlnHnnnrv I .
becomes "out of date" because Tof thete ttf' be,eff tocost ten cents,
changes. Thus, a cheaTSm SSS J Is done, there is to
up-to-date in point of time dan tn d-,7 I ncn:&W for the pie and
made to serve as long ITfi iTz.t t'Jl": making the
ractory, when a new edition can be
Substituted. A o-nnrJ hTwi ....,
SKI 5ss r:f Sainssw,
-- v tum oeiore the efllcHent edition can be hart frn 3 LU", " D spoonful of but-
. ,7 , fcU4. BB ouiau is to oe served six
The Christmas Spirit
" While making the usual preparations
for the Christmas giving, do not for
get those to whom Christmas brings
little joys because of poverty not al
ways poverty of purse. Many a one
wearing "purple and fine linen, and
faring sumptuously every day" will
find little of the Christmas spirit en
tering into their lives. They will be
expected to "give unto others," -but
few will think of their loneliness and
longing jto be remembered, even by
the simplest of tokens, for which they
would be so grateful Mnnv r. v.
heart will beat under costly garments,
and the joys of those about, them will
only add to their feeling of solitude.
Another class to be remembered is
the old people. They are grateful for
even the smallest kindnesses. Many
of them long to join in the fun and
frolic of the younger ones, and settle
back into the corners Into which they
are crowded with a heartache keener
than they would .have you know.
Many an aged body holds a young soul,
and their hearts are alive to all the
hurry and bustle about them, longing
to share with you even in the boister
ous merriment. Let them join in
your games, if they care to, and be
patient with their fphionoao tv
will be with you only, a little while
iuust:r, uuq tney were patient enough
once with you.
Remember, too, the young man or
woman far from home: To them, the
day. will be lonely enough. Even the
criminal in his cell will be remembered
on that day, but the "stranger within
your gates" may be sick for the sight
of the far away faces, the voices of
loved oues that are missed In the rush
and whirl of the crowded streets.
Many a hardworking boy or girl would
be lifted to a high pinnacle of hap
piness -by only a kind word at Christ
mas time. There is no solitnrt in
that of a great city to one lost in the
crowd. Many a good-intentioned boy
and girl havo gone recklessly "to the
bad" because nobody cared. "The
bad" is always ready to welcome the
lonely one with music and light and
laughter, and the hungry heart craves
warmths and welcome and good cheer,
for, with these, the gnawings of lone
liness are for the time forgotten. Re
member the lonely.
Those "Cheap Dinners"
r In many of our high-class magazines
we read frequently of how cheaply
the average family of two to four per
sons can be fed, and if ; one could
live as cheaply, off the paper as he
can on it, wages would soon bo a mat
ter of. indifference to most of us I
have just read directions for getting
!!JLa dinnuerr four Psons. Th6
thfiL G ffty. cents for th0 whle
thing. There ia r h o rvi
t- j- ,.. "r w -""Wiiie
as rr
Sough) nnoStimatf made 5
aough) , potatoes, two cents for half
a Peck; eggs for salad, four cents'
whole cost, of pudding x SJfr
bread and butter, six cents; the mnk
butter, seasoning used in all uS
?nn nfiHe CGnts; colery' five cents
(no mention made of lettuce-leaves) :
tea, two cents. This, the writer claims,
will make a sufficient dinner for four
persons. There is nothing said of
fuel, gas or coal.
For the farm family, who does not
have to go down into its pocket every
time a nickle is wanted, and who has
material to burn and land to scatter
the ashes on, the cost of material
might be approximate; but few farm
appetites would be satisfied with tho
amount. For even the city stomach,
there would be apt to be felt a senso
of insufficiency after the dishes were
cleaned up, while the "expense bill"
for even that amount of food would
be perilously near the dollar mark,
if not above it.
Bettering the World
"It is impossible for "the individual
to reform the world, or even to a very
great extent alter the moral status
of his own little corner of it. Sin,
depravity, ignorance, perversion and
degeneracy will always abound. We
are assured, on good authority, that
"the poor shall always' be with us."
So long as the earth follows its orbit
around the sun, so long shall the blood
burn and the life current flow laden
with passions and with pain. We can
not defeat the law of being. But
there is much of sin and shame, suf
fering and sorrow, and want and de
privation that could be averted if tho
people were more tolerant of the mis
takes and frailties of others if tho
world at large were not so prone to
judge all morals by one standard, and
to gauge that standard by the narrow
ignorance of their own placid lives.
One drop of water does not notice
ably swell the washings of the sea;
one grain of sand is never noticed on
mo ucbciu u utjacn. uno voice rareiy
makes much difference in the volume
of sound, and one ray of light does
not noticeably increase the volume of
light. One billow is never the sea,
yet. the whole could :not exist without
the particles. Whatever the quality
of the mass, it is the particles that
make It. One drop of colored liquid
will tinge the whole basinful, one
tiny 'particle will chemically change
the whole mixture. So, one person in
a neighborhood who liyes a right life,
one voice lifted for purity and truth,
one touch or tone of tenderness for
the discouraged may color the lives
of all about us,;, may Influence other
individual efforts, and, the leavening
matter slowly .spreading, may work
wonderful results in the social scheme.
As with virtue, so with vice. Wo
color our surroundings. If each in
dividual would but cleanse his. own
dooryard, square his own life by tha
measure of love and justice, the in
fluence would spread, and other lives
would catch tho light, and thus, in
time, the day would dawn in which
there would be no more tears, or sin
or suffering. Little by little, the
MHS. WiNSLoWflBooTniKa snmrfor cWldiwi
teething sbonld ajwayu be usod for children whllei
loetUing. Itsoftena the gums, allay all pain, curea
wind colla and la the beat remedy for diarrhoea.
rweHty-tTeeeate a bottle.
L "" nt. rl
t "-l "v fc, vVrna
I i'iiiifii.Hi.ftJlbitujttj,i,.
g"jflaijgaj8-..,W i,,w,.i.iJltoer. , 4.... . ..,,..