.j- 1F NOVEMBER" 16, 1906 The Commoner. A REPUBLICAN PAPER ON GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP . .The New York Press 'is a stalwart republican paper, having In recent years strong anti-monopoly leanings. In its issue of September 9 the Press printed -the following editoriaJ: The -corporation -organs are going rather tobfasl; in "proving" that Mr. Bryan'q; -public;-ownership- of railroads is the most revolutionary thing that ever happened. There is nothing about this suggestion nearly so radi cal as Mr. Bryan's preposterous prop osition -of ten years ago that it was possible -to put more than double its value Into silver merely by fixing a stamp on- ikt Public ownership of rail" ways id n& new thing in the civilized world. Most-of the railroads of the worm, outside of the United States, are public property and are operated by government The principle of public ownership of the public high ways and the railroad is the modern public highway has been recognized and ob8eryp.d in our own country from the very-$ banning of the republic jThe. wairon rpads were built bv the public ppjsraVd by the public and the tolls "wera paid" intothe public treasury.- Sorwitn the 'canals, whch wrp the next development of the public bicmway -for 'enlarged mens of trans nortfition. 'There is nothing revolu tionary ntt trfe ida that the state should ' provide the highway, whether' a pike, 'a canal or a railwav; operate t afifl ma'ke!the trn flier rates enual tn all whd-use ifc. Judge Oavuor has nointed ouVthat this fundamental principle eoverns all the judicial de cisions'rwhich,,have' been given on this sitMedt. h'e matter- of operating thse rail road hiehwavs as public property or as private- property iq merelv an economic q?jesli on.--1 The. American It's: Easier , - 1 tq cure, th,ari endure,, those dreadful sick or nervous headaches. , Jt'saUJnTtrjoyrlnjrhow. n jiivtja few.min trs without any other ef fects but just to cure the pain Dr. Miles' Anti Pain Pills will relieve you of your suflrinjr. If lt- any pain, anywhere,- or from any cause Just take one of Dr. Miles' k'r ARtiPaih Pills tji people are not yet convinced that the public can administer a railroad so efficiently as privato management' can. But the Issuo is not only the cost of operation; it is the cost to the general public of the service per formed, both directly in the rato charged on the transportation and in directly and of vastly more conse quence in the cost to that general public of having its production, dis tribution and marketing controlled by Standard Oil trusts, coal trusts, steel trusts, etc It is of slight satisfaction to the gen eral public to have privato manage ment operate transportation lines more cheaplv than public administra tion when all the benefits of that more nfllqlent private management go into the pockets of the private owners and operators. It is of incalculiblo Injury to the general public that allies of the transportation trust can be so favored that all their competitors can be exterminated and that the con suming public can be placed completc- iv at the mercy of the sugar trusts, the oil trusts, the steel trusts, the coal trusts and the beef trusts in the prices extorted for heat and shelter and raiment and food. A publicly owned and publiclv operated national transportation svstem mleht actually ratee freieht charcres, because of the 'nahHUv of the government to con duct railroads so successfully as the "Hills and Harrlmans, and vet confer Inestimable blessiriirs.on the nation bv crfvinr to every, one. a- "square dalf" wberev there could be an.eoun.Htv of transportation rates and consequent competition in producing and in "seir ine. -Tbe-ereat evil of privato ownership of railroads. In narfnerRbIn wlh othfr trusts, is that discriminations in rates make it impossible for any one but te trust partner 'to do business. Wbon cornnMtinn is dpstroved and when a market is cnn'trolld the public mav. and vory often does, pay four and five times as much for wht is consumed as is theoretically saved In lower traffic rtpq than could be ob tained from public ownership of trans portation faculties. Tt makes no dlf forpnep to the Independppt shlnner how mueh lowpr his rafp is than the rate of tbo sbipnpr in TCurone if the trust which is eliminating him gets a still lower rate than he dops. If Tip has to pav a binder frIebt rate fbn the trust hp must oult trvlng to opll apfnst the trust. ."When hp milts THE HARVEST THAT NEVER ENDS ,rh.r0Mh fnlI, w,ntcr sI)rIoff and summer the harvesting of ;..,, crop contlnues year In and year out. Tho over faithful cow novor falls to add a goodly sum to each year's rovenuo from tho farm. Yot how little many do towards making the most of her product Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost yearly by cow owners through failure to employ a centri fugal cream separator and thereby securo every particle of cream from the cow's milk. Over 700,000 DE LAVAL usenr are dally proving that tho increased gain In tho quantity and quality of tho "milk crop" is from $10.- to $15.- per cow each year when tho DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR is UBed, to say nothing of the time and labor t-yed. Isn't it worm your wnno to investigate such a saving? If you own three or more cows the practice of economy and good business methods in tho care of their products demands a DE LAVAL machine. Remornber that ono will last from fifteen to twenty five years, and that it can bo purchased upon such liberal terms that it will earn Us cost and more while you aro pay ing for it Illustrated catalogue and full particulars sent free upon request. Write today. The De Laval Separator Co. General Offices: 74 COrTTLANDT STREET, NEW YOflK. RAMseum fc Canal Sts. CHICAGO ISIS FlLBCRT BnttTT PHILADELPHIA . e & 1 1 Dhumw St. , BAN FRANCISCO 1091 IS Yowvux SquAM MONTREAL 7S A 77 Yoik Strut TORONTO 14 A is pimccm Strut WINNIPEG J and in a verr i ew minutes you will hav nn 7orSWu yl Tth Usher prices Tfn yenrs ago nrf tfy nfflrly all the peopip of the United States were $513: Profit in Fifty-one Days on an Investment of $150 was the result of the operation of one AMERICAN BOX BALL ALLEY In Sullivan, Ind It will make biff r. wnkh money In nny town. These Alleys nay from 125.00 to ?05 00 per week. It Is a logltlmito enterprise and uundrisof men aromaklng iiinall fortunes runnlngthein. YYcwantyoa to uct Jnto this business. Itwtli mnki you n ore profltthannny Inrestmenl you erer had. Hun Box IJall A leys alone or In co nectlon with Tool ami Billiards. OIkox storei. Barber nboos. et. Oulckly In -tailed. Conveniently portable. No Pin Uoynoodod. ltooolptro all profit. o hayo cur omors operating from PATtWTK!)r Rf)f RLI I Is the most popular Bowllnir Game In existence. ono to ten Alloys ouch. Nearly 3,000 sold. V7o eoll on payments and our catalogue It free. AMERICAN BOX BALL COMPANY, 1CSO Van Quran St., Indlanaaollt, fnrf. OOOPOOOOOOOOOOCOOCXDOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOB TAYLOR'S MAGAZINE AND THE, COMMONER from suffering or distress. Poryearisppjls of nervous headache would ly me up for two or three do yt. at a time. I have nn mnrisnnh ln.v I t.n.U nnn n fna a tl nnw TMii n i ..KHi i & - ' oo"tAA7 4-Tio4 fTirk Trmir aiii rP 4-Vi(rf rftA aUy S'JlHPCmTx n dfromPTir; for the penerp dii?)Hc vrns' ft you are-not -satlsfled with first box, your TO )PrTni; T"p I'r'vaifi OWT,Prs lo rptnn druifBlat will return your money. and onprnfe tbnfr rairnfW, bnt for 25'doses. 25 cents." Neversold in bulk. trm povprnmpnt to fepnilate the rates Both One Year for Only REGULAR PRICE $2.00 $1.50 TPfcil IT1 i lie; f : . i ? I tl 1 I flI A I m I k. I ; I 1 1 I 7 rrKiiTiKi rtciuc 1 l I'PTSHl-l1 tOj attend AlMhe primaries of tny party tobe held between Jnow andllie nekt 'Democratic Notional Convention, unless unavoidably' preventedy-and-to; use my influence to aecure a clqar, . honest and,, IraihtfopJYard'dicraratipn o.f the party's position on-jevery question, i upon ,Qiich, the voters' of the patrty desire to, speak. i' , ' 1 l f :'- i - ' .... -- - ..... : l. jr Street ;i.-.v; ;........... r, . Postoffice, ,... ....... . ........ . . . County . , . , Sta.te ;... Voting 'precinct 'or ward .......... , . t , ' i r i'. Rill otrt Blrrtk- and mail to Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska. ... K - - " BOD TAYLOIt'B MAGA2INK 1? the tjroat Sonthnrn Majcarflnw. Tho personality of Ita odltor-ln-i lof, ex-GoTernor Bob'iHiylor stampn It, domlnatoa It and differentiate It from all other periodicals. It Js not political, but literary, and It diffuses sunshino, hope and happiness la every foral y It enters. TD18 combination furnlnbes a mental feast for erory man, woman and child, and tho coat, 11.50 for an entire year. Is within tho reach of all, THtf COM 11 ON KK, 63 time, arid KOM TAYLOK8MAGA2IN15,l2tImes,all forfl.tO. Bend today.' Don't delay, lest you forKet. . t . Address THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. oOCXJOoLAJOCOCOCCOOCOdCOC -TT Omahd t i Wdr1dlymld BOTH SI. 25 e ABLT EDITEA JEWSY. DEMOCRATIC. ' OUR SPECIAL-OFFER The Commoner and World Herald (Sflrti-wiikly) Send Subscriptions NOW to THE COMMONER LINCOLN, G NEBRASKA a i iet vt- 'fc" ' - ' "VJ2U