-' "'s(rM?wr-3.r" j"-' K4!?ipm -- NOVEMBER 3, 1906 The Commoner 15 HEAVES Ruin Your Horse GUPQ Hint Today - SAFC-SURE-PERMANCNT 41 Package cant ordinary csmS. 0K Package en re any cao or moaer refunded. POSTPAID en RECEIPT f PRICE AGENTS WANTED V tAI. HEAVE KEKEDT CO. 422 'osrUi Ave., EitUbarir.a'a. MINERAL HEAVE REMEDY lVa, W WKITE 1KB ,jH TODAY ffij JA for FREE MJ Booklet fir HOG CHOLERA The Hog Worm Is the Most Dangerous Foe of the Hog In almost every outbreak of cholera you will find the hogs very wormy. They get a hog out of condition and unthrifty. Then he is an easy prey to disease. The Snoddy Remedy will destroy every character of hog worm. Even the liver and lung worm, which are the most dangerous, are easily destroyed with the Snoddy Remedy. It also prevents and cures hog chol era. Any practical farmer can stop the worst outbreaks of cholera that ever come with it and restore his herd to thrift in a few days' time. It Is used and endorsed by the lead ing hog raisers of the country. Snoddy's free book on the care and management of hogs, so as to keep them thrifty and clear of cholera, will be sent to you free, by return mail, if you send your name and address to the Snoddy Remedy Co., Box 22, Alton, Illinois. HI GENUINE 21 JEWELED! XOUmUU tilSLU WAiUifm WJ.7& tuj aa qlttmlly ts(TMd Pounyjatomm Cm Watch fitted -Ufa aa awuratrSfui WIr ana BIT, &Itt-fria Hoir-tfiwiUD morcmTat, CUARAHTEBITFOR 2SrTARS ad a tiallOOl t'-a old" witch ehiln ufektm. 64D4 Ul tjli'id and wrIU If jn vlatndUs rl 0sU,mth ft vittb dula.ft will jotd lira , Cv Fau Kummiioit affct you ItQila Old anttb awauh ohiln at jour eiprtu tllti s Sad I U tqotl to a 81 J.w.l.d liaWOili WaUb B J V3.7S aadqiprtn-ckfrfttaad th,j arayvara. IARUC WATCH CO. Dtpt, nn7 CklMf' IpmR rV w JZi jufltS Hi; fAirs THE FKazlUHT HO --.-ra', Will get one on trial from JONES OF BINGHAMTON eox 389 A Binghamton, N. Y --" fto Lff S fhuMUEb K.MLMWMMML MADE. Bun awwaaa tfv mUUmUM strong chick on-tlcrht. Sold to the Fanner at 1 ;Wko!r .IaPi-Ifm. FmIIvw amntrd. OtttalOBf fr- - -t j -" V COILED SPETNO FEHOK CO., r Sox 23 Winchester, Indian. XT? iikflMlMiAi .M.MMMAA fA a iVi ciVinrf IlllllilAAtMnUtaiM tt!i n,H Vnil lfltt l.flfH ' in spare time in your own home, no matter 1 wnere you live. o neea to spenu muuuu as with old systems. Boyd's Syllabic System la iH(rmn In nrtnnl fmm nil other fiVH- tcms. The first radical improvement in shorthand since 1839. It is easy to learn- easy to write easy to read. Simple, rrac ticai. Speedy. Sure, No ruled lines no positions no shading; as in other systems. No long list of word signs innnnPiiQ.' Aaln ntn. rhara(tra tn Iiirtl and you have the entire English language at your absolute comssaad. The best system tor stenographers, private secretaries, news paper reporters. lawyers, minlsters,teachers, physicians, literary folk and business men may now learn shorthand for their own use. Thousands of business and professional men and women find their shorthand a great ad- ndtifoffA PKl Ttn1 Q.frfm Jatll ritllvSVStem suited to home study. Our graduates hold lucrative, high grade positions everywhere. Send to-day for free booklets, testimonials, guarantee offer, and full description of this new Syllabic shorthand system. Address CHiCAQO CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS t) fj I Cklcate OpenrBewe B!k., Cklnpt, luV October 27 ho spoke at Athens, Lan caster, CIrcleville, Washington, C. H., Wilmington, Middle Junction, Middle town, Franklin, Miamisburg, Dayton, Troy, Piqua, Sidney, Versailles, An sonia, Celina and Vanwert, On Octo ber 29 he spoke at Grinnoll, la., in the afternoon, and at Des Moines in the evening. On Tuesday, October 30, Mr. Bryan began his final tour of Nebraska, speaking at Springfield in the afternoon and at South Omaha in the evening. Wednesday morning he began his tour of the Third con gressional district, taking a special train provided by the congressional committee, and being accompanied by the democratic candidate for congress, Judge Graves. Wednesday he spoke at Wahoo, Fremont, Hooner. Scrlbner. West Point, Beeraer, Pilger, Stanton and Norfolk. On Thursday he spoke at Battle Creek, Meadow Grove, Til den, Oakdale, Petersburg, Albion, Neligh, Clearwater, Ewing, Atkinson and O'Neill. Mr. Bryan's itinerary for the re mainder of the campaign beginning with November 2, the date of this issue is in Nebraska, and is as fol lows, the time of each address being given: Friday, November 2, Wayne, 10:30 a. m.; Wakefield, 11:45 a. m.; Emer son, 12.30 p. m.; Pender 1 p. m.; Ban croft, 1:45 p. m.; Lyons, 2:15 p. m.; Oakland 3 p. m.; Tekamah 4 p. ul; Blair, 5 p. ul; Omaha, auditorium, 8 p. IE. Saturday, November 3, at Falls City some time during the day, the hour yet to be fixed, and at Lincoln in the evening. Monday, November 5: Tecumseh, 11 a. m.; Auburn, 1:15 p. m.; Peru 3:30 p. m.; Nebraska City 4:40 p. m.; Plattsmouth, 7:10 p. m. "DREAMER" AND "OBJECTOR" I have read an account of one of Senator Beveridgo's speeches in the Chicago Record-Herald in which ho says that Mr. Bryan is a dreamer, but that President Roosevelt does things. Yes I suppose the president does do things. I notice ho has been trying to carry out some of Mr. Bryan's dreams and people praise him more for that than most anything elso that he has done. When 1 say people I do not mean corporation people. When a republican says people they generally mean those few people who control the wealth of the country. I do not think they regard ordinary human beings as people. Mr. Beveridge also says that Mr. Bryan is an objector. Well to look at it from his standpoint I suppose that means that he is a bad man; Mr. Beveridge is an objector also, but ofa different kind. He objects to pun ishing those who commit frauds on the people, especially when those frauds are committed by the trust corporations; .ho objects to govern ment ownership of railroads; but I have never heard of any objections that he has made to the government granting the railroads enough land, the sale of which must have paid the price of several railroads. He ob jects to reducing the tariff on the nec essaries of life, when .he knows that it benefits only a few millionaires, while it is contrary to everything that goes to, make up a republican form of government Would it not be a good plan for the people of his state, the state of Benjamin Harrison; the state which was the home of Thomas A. Hendricks; the state where D. W. Voorhees, the Tall Sycamore of the Wabash, for so many years represent ed the people, insist that Mr. Bever idge do a little dreaming and also a little objecting? Indiana had a man who, for many, many years, was a member of congress from one Indiana district called the watch dog of the treasury; to anyone who had llvod ,us in ine state it would not bo nec essary to mention his uamo. It was "Bill" Ilolman. He was always ready to champion the cause of the peoplo, I mean the common people. I think ho was also called. tho objector; will tho people of Indiana forgot him? Now there is no watch dog In con gress it seems; there is no ono tr object to republicans purloining tho Insurance policyholders' money to buy votes with; If there be such thoy aro so weak voiced that wo do not hear of them any more. What wo want Is a good dreamer, a good strong ob jector in tho Whito Houso, and a good many of them in congress. Al though President Roosevelt has found a few of tho plunderers gull'y he novor oven dreams of punishing any of thorn; he seems to think all that Is necessary is to let tho peoplo know who tho guilty ones aro. I myself think it is good to let us know who is robbing us. I also think wo will settle with a few of them. One would hardly think that a man who had been found guilty would put himself up for office again, but we have some who havo ouch contempt for tho peo ple that have the hardihood to do so. Tho Commoner is doing a great good and I hope It will continue to blow its bugle horn until everyone of the rascals have been driven out and honest men put In their places wheth er they bo so called democrats, re publicans or what not. THEVMAKE TR' COMPANIO T V J .wV -M- 0Pf0W W3BBaF-f' CiVV-1 BEm C. A. D. COLEMAN. Peoria, 111. CERTAINLY "Say, Squlggs, what d'ye suppose that salmon canning factory is adver tising for carpenters all the time?" "Why, ain't y on? Thoy want 'em to cut up the carp." Toledo Blade. rSTEVENS FIREARMS "STANDBY AMAH" Mnde for father, for son for ncrvlcc. Our new boy's rifle, "Llltlc Scout, No 14," at i 25 is a manrelou&iy una firearm for th- price. If your denier cannot supply, order direct from us. Write tar Oir Ml-ptfe Free Cattkf Anr man or boy intercntwl In firearms will una it lull 01 neipiui information on hunuog, nition, etc. Why net write to us to-day l Sesd lour cenu ta stamp to cover pooufc. For six cents in otanaps we will mail yon oar artistic ten-color KUiorraph. It Uan attractir hunting sccac worthy of space on any wall. J. 8TEVENF 1RM8 AND TOOL CO. 630 Pine Street Ohloopew mils Mass., UaSA NO FRACTURES "It seems his uncle fell out of a hotel window in Europe " "Gracious! Any bones broken? "Not one." "No?" "No; he was merely drowned. It happened in Venice. Philadelphia Leader. TasgegJ LA U-" ' 4-Ji-' -gl'SjiJjSttaaaaiaiaaf wf.i.Vlf't. I BiHiaHHiuiHitf aiMfla'wHi s fKfr WtTirill Li P"' I il"Mr'-MIIII"''1'"T"'''' aw I 3UR itunUUnP! paaaaaaaaaaw wnmueuaaM aaaaBMBM3 inl WffJh"JdaaaamaBWWHsaHaaMBMaeMas!2 "uaayPLHlaHaLiBHH MAN l.OVIC KKLF-OPICNIKG OATB ALWAYS In order. Thh jrato can be placed at any driveway entrance, attached to ordinary posts and oon pays lor itself In tfmo Band. It N opened or closed br any vehlem without nftil.itnnce or stopping. IJy lt una run away accident aro nvoided. Machinery Is all above ground and so pimple It never Rctoutof order. It adds to the beauty, value, safety and convenience of any home. Address MAyLOVEOATECO. 272E.lIuronSt..ChlcagO ECl!ltl'I OH FKK itKTiTttvrn Freoropnrt auto Patentability. Illtintrntrd Gnldo Hook, andLlstof InTontlonn Wanted. nt free. EVANH. W ILK ENS & CO..WiiHhltiKlon,I.C PATENTS PtA-HP pi Af?PTi rv THEIR HOMES THE WORLD-FAMED PUBLICATION Ridpath's History of the World This means that practically as many Americans have Rht nidpathas ha' bv0"K J1? the great Encyclopedia Briiannlca and tbe Century Dictionary COMBINED. Can you imagine any greater testimonial torany ooou. The Publishers' Failure Places In Onr JlnndM tho Remainder of tills oren tin in '"" n. o mnivroval octavo volunwu. 4000 doable-column imgea, ,2000 saporb IUutmtlon. New. perfect books, latest edition. Dcauiiiuiiy bound In Half Morocco, at LE S S than oven DAMAGED SETS were ever old. Weight C6 lbs We will name our price only In Hrci Iattr to those sending US the Coupon bolnw. Tear off tho Coup.B, wrlio name and addraaa plalaly, and mall to aa aw before " or- Dr. Ridpath's family derive their Income from his history, -...,. nrlnl nnr nrlMllllilllMll fnrthA BflUf OI inOTC quickly selling these few sets would cause ifraat lajury to future attlna. The reason for Dr. Ridpath's cnvianie position us an historian Is his wonderfully beautiful style, a style no other nistonan nas cverequaieu. xxv vmv ures the great historical events as though they werehippeningbeiore your eyes; he carries you witn mm to see inc natues ui oiu, w iuuok kings and queens and warriors: to sit in tbe Ro man senate; to march again.st Saladin and hla dark-skinned followers; to sail the southern seas with Drake: to circumnavigate tbe globe with MaueUen; to watch that thin line of Greek spearmen work havoc with the Persian hordes on the Held of Marathon: to know Napoleon as you know Roosevelt. Ilecomblnes absorbing In- tercst with supreme rclla- I billty, and makes tbe heroes CC'l of bLstory real living men M I and women, and about them he weaves tbe rise and rail of empires in such a fuBclna ting style that history be comes Intensely Interest ing. tid Coupon 're clay, and vr will mail gam-pi- page free. Srlr.ES tbe eompltti tif, bilinci snail turns eoatblr pKanuRl ?!9aBBKBWa9dBH VjK3laVlKHa9B iwlKiuKnyQ i-SliH tk tiienaBVBleaLjfcKBwlJ Vnfx. M iyygyBKgfg-j te fttaVvflBBHrCk iyaa-WBBajl7" 5TrWeefc-l-j ES3wPtSssBS5a7a y.rxri WicMCfW3filBmBftWK7 .V nut MKjiliFlgjJgP 5" CODPOA BBBCAfMKSaWa35gS5g5Ht Jbr WESTJCK.'. mm lte9l5afls3R3l r x puau RH S9WSSMrHR? v CoeM -W tfffT-T-W-afc' O0, Vinm J .lo-jj 3BjS&erB t im RUpttt wrap tfiHKfil ? tf 4 '-U fntn tn fm ifl59Hw I " TiaJ ttw i Co&- mm IP'9Sa9l &' MUa. miKl & ntM in WS A0DKJE89 i 'pi A i . -. Mt.li. IriAJi $