The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 07, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner
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"The Unforgettable Book
The. Jungle
Author of "Manassatu "Prince Ilagan,"
"King Midas," etc.
J '' .
Th former Pastor of Mr. Arm
our, Church wrlt to th
1 "Tolstoy, Zola, Gorky
these are the men with
J WnOm I CUmjcU OJfUU, xi v
lof them has done anything
greater; at least more sig
nificant." Signed). . ; .
Jrttimas Jedn IlCtynes.
f .vbU ' ' ' """" " l,tt 4 0tWV
-flJJ ".? Vw -rf y lfcvll 2Z- ,
I W 'fru.,). V ,. m. 'mi LiuninVnn, ,. Lid
,H -..,
tf .,!
All Book Scores $1.50 or write
Dept. B.
cowmrr urt
Captain Nathan Apploton, famous as
a publisher, died in Boston.
An Associated Press dispatch under
date of Chicago, August 27, says:
"Ten indictments, containing 6,428
counts, were returned against the
Standard Oil company today by the
first and second grand juries before
Judge Bethea in the United States
circuit court. The indictments are
all in connection with the granting of
rebates. Thq maximum penalty 'in
case of conviction is "$20,000 on each
count, or a possible aggregate of $128,
660,000." Edward Keating, managing editor
of the Denver News, was elected pres
ident of, the international league of
press clubs in session at Denver.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Montgomery, Ala., says: "The demo
crats of Alabama today elected state
officers hy a primary and also voted
for two candidates for United States
senator. Owing to the great age of
present senators from Alabama, who
had no opposition to re-election, two
candidates for alternates were voted
:for. These alternates will be appoint-
a prominent candidate for the nomin
ation for United States senator before
the republican convention, which met
; recently at Lincoln, Neb. His defeat
was a great disappointment to him,
and It is believed that the worry
coupled with over-exertion in his cam
paign for senator Drought about ms
The coroner in Philadelphia now
say that Frank K. Hippie, late presi
dent of the Real Estate Trust com
pany, that failed, committed suicide hy
blowing out his brains. It was re
ported at the time that Hippie died
from heart failure. The coroner says
he suppressed ,the truth for fear of
a run on the banking institutions.
ly forbidden. In other cantons a pri
vate school pupil must secure a for
mal permit from tho local authorities,
and In somer'cantong he must pay a
charge to the public funds. The idea
is that the public schools are good
enough for all; the rich and poor are
to meet there on even terms; that
the public school is the nursery of
democracy, is the lifo blood and
strength and very soul of the republic,
and the republic is Switzerland, and
without the republic Switzerland is
nothing. Private schools for Swiss
children are few in number, and such
as exist are under the strict super
vision of the state. Education is a
serious matter in Switzerland. There
is no escape from it. A parent must
send his children to school or go him
self to jail. They kept a Seventh Day
Adventlst in jail for two years be
cause he refused to let his child at
tend school on Saturdays. As it then
seemed likely- that he would spend tho
rest of his life in a cell he surrend
ered. Everybody's Magazine.
ii AM flR wanted. to travel, dlstrlbuto samples
Ifln Utl and employ ngontb. $18 a Wook,
oxponsen advanced. Local manager
and canvaBSors also.
ZI1CGLKR 00., 297 LOCUST ST., rmtiADJiliVUIA,
Willi An oxponsen advanced.
ed by the governor or elected by the
legislature In case of death .or dlsa-runion of postal clerks in affiliation
An Associated Press dispatch from
Washington follows: "The principle
of the 'open shop' will be applied to
the postal service according to a de
cision reached at the department to
day at a conference between Post
master Fred A. Russe of Chicago and
Acting Postmaster General Hitchcock
and Second Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Shallenherger. The action of
Postmaster Russe was Drought about
by the recent announcement of the
proposed formation of a national moor
Froo roport as to Patentability, Illustrated Gnldo
Book, nnd Iilst of Inventions Wanted, sont froo.
EVAN8, WJXKENB & CJO.,AVaHhnfrtonl.C.
bility of the present incumbents, For
United States, senators, John T. Mor
gan and Edmund W. Pettus had no
opposition. . For alternate . United
States senator Joseph F. ' Johnstone,
John H. Bankhead and John A. ICnox
are in the lead."
a. h vnMW AvnunnAii ndttflnnnrt. lifnti ti t.rft.
.K1I vol. advortlBO. Boot BlcilBand leave taraplos1
w w Saunders Ob.,Dopt.6,JackHon JJlv'd.Ohlcago.
The new railroad rate bill went into
effect August 28.
R.TWKT T.nnrn tVirt TlOW UUBlnCBB In OnO dT. Wlj
mnnov. Pormarient work In your locality. Inves
tigate." 1'nrttoularB' for stamp. V. R. IUttor, 8,
ColuiubuB, Ohio.
General von Liarllarskl, acting, gov
ernor of Warsaw, was assassinated.
with the American Federation or
Labor. The determination, they say;
was that so-long as the postofflce em
ployes conform to the rules and regu
lations and do not attempt to molest
those who do not enter the union
there will be no objection to the em
ployes affiliating with labor organiza
tlnmn Tr. wjih exnrGsslv stated, how-
I ever, that the department would ac
cord jthe fullest protection to those
who for reasons of their own do not
see fit to join the union."
OOO AGUES fonood, 500 cultivation, 300 bottom
balancotlmbor pasture, can bo cultivated, 4 largo
barns, good Improvement R. It. town 2 miles;
County Boat C miles; Wrlto for photograph of build
ings, platt of farra oto. A bargain for stock or grain
farm; como soo tho crop; wheat ylold this year 25
busholB, hay 2 tons per aero. Trlco $25 ncro. N 111
divide. Other farms, all slzos, Wrlto It. S. Phillips,
Marshllold,Mo.,Montlon this papor when answering.
It Will Pay to Consult This Bulletin
To New England and Canada
Daily low excursion rates during Septorabo"
to Canada, and on Sept. 5 and 19 to New Eng
land resorts.
Cheap One-way to Pacific Coast
Cheap Colonist rates, daily to San Pranolsoo.
Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and
other Coast Territory, also cheap one-wn to
Montano, Wyoming. Big Horn Basin, Utah and
Western Colorado daily to October 31st.
To California, Portland and Puget
Round trip Sopt. 3 to 14, $50.00 to California;
one-way via Puget Sound, $63.50. Lust chance
this summer.
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo
One fare round trip, maximum excursion rate
$15.00 from Nobroska Sept. 10 to 22 incluslvo.
To the East and South
Cheap excursions to various destinations dur
ing September.
Homeseekers' Excursions
Frequently each month, to Western Nebraska,
Eastern Colorado, Big Ilorn Basin, dry land
fanning destinations or irrigated sections.
Free Klnkald Lands
Write D. Clem Deaver, Agent Burlington's
Homeseekers' Information 3ureau at 10M Far
nara St., Omaha, about getting hold of a free
section of Klnkald lands now being restored
to the public domain.
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket Agent from
time to time and see what one-way und round
trip rates he has available for your immediate
L. W. WAKELEY, G, P. k,
A Terre Haute, Ind., dispatch says
that the Standard Oil trust is seek
ing to extend its domain so that it
may control the production of alcohol
in the United States. This dispatch
says that a price has been set on
every distillery in Peoria, 111., atid
the indications are that the control
will soon pass into the hands of the
oil trust.
The situation in Cuba is said to be
growing more serious. There are
thousands of armed insurgents
throughout the island, and some claim
that the Palma government is doomed.
The Real Estate Trust company of
Philadelphia has failed for $7,000,000.
Its president, Frank K. Hippie, died
recently, and it now developes that
he was a suicide.
Walter Wellman has postponed his
polar expedition until next year.
A committee of the American Bar
association has framed a uniform di
vorce law. This will be presented to
the divorce congress, which meets in
Philadelphia November 12.
The democratic and populist con
ventions for the Fifth Nebraska dis
trict have nominated R. D. Sutherland
for congress. Mrf Sutherland served
two terms in congress several years
ago, and made an excellent record.
Omaha, Nebraska.
In the South Carolina democratic
primaries M. F. Ansel was nominated
for governor and J. Fraser Lyons for
attorney general. Tho dispensary law
suffered reverses and the new legis
lature will probably be against that
Paul A. Stensland, president of the
Milwaukee Avenue State bank, Chi
cago, who has been a fugitive from
justice, was traced to Tangiers, Mo
rocco, by a reporter for the Chicago
Tribune. He was placed under ar
rest, but is fighting extradition.
In all the heavens, with the excep
tions of passing meteors or meteor
ites, net one hody occupies a position
closer to earth than the moon, which
is some 340,000 miles away very far,
of course, side by side with any earth
ly distances? but a mere fraction Bide
by side with other astronomical dis
tances. Next to the moon our nearest
occasional neighbor is Venus, and then
Mars. Both Venus and Mars, how
ever, are often farther away from us
than the fcUn, which remains always
at somewhere about the same, disr
tancerroughly at from 90,000,000 to
93,000,t)00 miles.
This dividing space between sun
and earth is of great' importance in
thinking about the stars, and it should
be clearly impressed upon the mind.
Next to the sun in point of nearness
come the more distant planets Jupi
ter, which is about five times as far
from the sun as our earth is; Saturn,
nearly twice as far as Jupiter; Ura
nus, nearly twice as far at Saturn, and
Neptune, nearly three times as far as
Saturn. All these planets belong, to
our sun, all are members of his fam
ily, all arefpart of the solar system.
The size of the solar system as a
whole, consisting thus of the sun and
his planets, including our earth, may
be fairly well grasped by any one
taking the trouble to master two sim
ple facts. They are these, that our
earth is roughly ahout 92,000,000 miles
away from the sun and that Neptune,
the outermost planet of the solar sys
tem, is nearly thirty times as far dis
tant from the sun as our earth is.
Chambers' Journal. s
Charles A. Walsh, Iowa's member
of the democratic national committee,
has resigned. He was secretary of
the national committee In 1896. Mr.
Walsh says he leaves the party be
cause the national committee is con
trolled by representatives of special
interest. .
An examination of the GarretBibll
cal institute discloses a tangle in the
affairs of tho former treasurer, Dr.
Robert D. Sheppard. It is claimed
that $50,000 is involved.
One reason why the Swiss fare well
is that their public school system is
probably tho best In the world, and
with them public school education is
practically compulsory. You can send
your child to a private school (in some
cantons) if you insist upon so doing,
but the face of the government and
the force of public opinion are sternly
against the practice, In. the canton of
Edward Rosewater, editor of the
Omaha Bee, died suddenly of heart
disease at Omaha, Neb., on the night
August 30. Mri Rotewater wu J Solothurn private .schals are abaelute. git wiu Mpurnyp.r money.
Two Ways
Have you noticed a difficulty in breathing -short,
quick breath when you are walking, go
ing up stairs, singing, or are angry and excit
ed? You may not think what this means, but
doctors will tell you it means weak heart ao
tion, Take Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure at once. It
will strengthen and build up the weakened
nerves and musoles of the heart, nnd make you
strong and healthy
This is one waythe right way. , A,
Neglect it a little while, and you will then
notice Fluttering. Palpltation,Dlzzlness,Fa1nt
ing Spells, Pain in region of heart, side ana
shoulders, Stomach and Kidney troubles. Tula
It is the other way the wrong way,
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
s a sofo. sure remedy, and Is curing Heart Dis
ease right along, as thousands wiu testify,
?Iha enlargement of the heart, The doc
tors said I could live but a short time. I
took Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which re
stored me to perfect health. '
A. is. BASSETT. WellinKton, Ohio.
The first bottle wJH boneAt, if not, the tlru-