n?Kwr$y;Tir r "ffl '"ifJWBW 1 u The Commoner, 14 VOLUME 6, NUMBER 32 :' mA M IP. W & u 'K r::1 1 FM U 3 I U ', . d i it r ; ,i tj ii .v ! I d' ;t i 1 Vfil k .T . .11 'i .1 I 1 1 i Ai rflj .ik3 -J i i'j i i ; ft v',r Et M, iir; ; ?I ..i 1 1 t'V "MiM i M! I r'!F.vW feS-fl : ft '' 'hi H lfl . J, l Ml. O 4 'SVfl i !' i 'if, U ' i .' . ') .1 '' I V I, f k I ' S , I f t.trf n ii "i i JfiSfc &, r 1 1 ! ' IrlfT "! the Omaha WorMdmM ABLY EDITED. NEWSt. DEMOCRATIC. -OUR SPECIAL OFFER The Commoner and RflTU M OR World Herald CSomi-Wiokly) DU HI OliAd Sand Subscription NOW to THE COMMONER. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Nebraska Democratic Convention the NEW YORK WORLD tlirice-a-Veek Edition THIS is Events. a Time of Great Chunjes of a atirrlnir kind tiro occurlng both at home and abroad. The Thrice-a-weck World comes to you overy other day, except Sunday, with ail the news, fully, and promptly told. The Thrice-a-weck "World always has a serial story running. Special attention is also given to markets, and there are many other valuable features. The Thrice-a-weolc World'srogular subscrip tion price is only $1.00 per year,, and this pays jf, for 150 papers. We offor this unequalled news paper and The Commoner together one' year tor$l.S5. The regularsutisoription price of the two papers is $2.00. Address all orders to THE COMMONER LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. OCOCOOCOOODCOOOOCXDOC VOLUME V OF ik .Y THE COMMONER CONDENSED IS NOW READY FOR DELIVERY A Political History and Rferenc Book for 1905 As its title indicates, this book is a condensed copy or The. Com moner for one year. It is published annually and the different issues are designated as Volumes I, II, III, IV and V, corresponding to the, volume numbers oC The Commoner; The last Issue is Volume V, and contains editorials which discuss questions of a permanent nature. Every important subject In the world's nolitics is discussed in The Commoner at the time that subject is attracting ceneral attention. Because of this The Commoner Condensed is valuable as a reference book and should occupy a place on the desk of every lawyer, editor, business man and other student of affairs. Reference to The Commoner Condensed will enable the student to refresh his memory concerning any great political event invl005. For Instance, reference to the fifth volume of The Commoner Con densed will refresh the memory as to the details of: THE AGITATION OF RAILROAD RATE QUESTION. POPULAR APPEALS FOR GOVERNMENTAL REFORM. THE BATTLE FOR MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. THE EASTERN WAR AND THE REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA. - . SOME OF MR. BRYAN'S 1905 SPEECHES. SECRETARY TAFT'S FREE TRADE ORDER. THE GREAT BATTLE IN OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA. ' DISCLOSURES BEFORE THE INSURANCE COMMITTEE. Octavos of about 480 Pages Each; Bound in Heavy Cloth, and will Mako a Handsome and Valuable Addition to any Library. BOTH $1.50 BOTH $1.25 To Net or Renewing Subscribers One Year's Subscription to The Commoner The Commoner Condensed, Cloth Bound One Year's Subscription to The Commoner The Commoner Condensed, Paper Cover To Subscribers who have already Paid the Current Year's Subscription CLOTH BOUND, 50c. PAPER COVER, 25c. By Mail, Postage Paid These prices are for either Volume. If "more than one volume is wanted, add to above prices 50c for each additional one In cloth bind, ing, 25c for each additional one in paper cover. Volume I is out of print; Volumes II, III, IV and V are ready for prompt delivery. Remittances MUST be Sent With Orders ' ADDRESS, THE COMMONER, LINCOLN. NEBRASKA ococpaxxcocooooopo r The Nebraska democratic conven tion met at Lincoln, August 15. The following ticket was nominated: William H. Thompson, of Grand Island, for United States senator. Ashton C. Shallenberger, of Alma, for governor, " ' - William H. Green, of Creightbn, for lieutenant governor. , - r Carl JL Goucher, of Wahoo, for sec retary "of state. ' ' v ; Prank C. Babcock,. of Hastings, for treasurer. J. S. Canaday,-of Minden, for auditor. Lysle I. Abbott, of Omaha, for at torney general. i J. V. Wolfe of Lancaster, for com missioner of public lands and build ings. i R. H. Watson of Valentine, for state superintendent. - A. t. Fitzsimmons, of Tecumseh; George Horst, of Polk county; John Davis, of Fillmore county, for rail road' commissioners. .Thomas S. Allen, of Lincoln, was chosen chairman, any Herbert S. Dan iels, secretary of the State committee.- Messrs. ' Kennedy, Wolfe, Horst and Davis on the above ticket are' 'populists. Fusion was secured, rne lonowing piatrorm ' was adopted: "The democrats of Nebraska fn state convention assembled renew their allegiance to the party of Jef ferson, Jackson and Bryan. ' "We rejoice at the rapid growth of democratic sentiment throughout the country and appreciate the compli ment 'bestowed upon the party when, its principles and doctrines are bodily; appropriated by- the few progressive leaders of the republican party. We watch with interest their efforts to force their party to accept democratic doctrine and we deplore the hopeless- ness of their task. To their follow ers, however, wo extend a Hearty in vitation to become democrats in fact, as thev are In snlrit. and to loin the democratic ranks under the leader ship of America's distinguished states man, William J. Bryan. r "We extend to Mr. Bryan a hearty welcome home. We rejoice that he stands today as a conspicuous and central figure in the great moral and' political revolution which Is now sweeping over the country. While all the states rejoice that he has become the first citizen of the world it re mains only for our -state to boast that it gave him political birth and started him upon the highway of fame and usefulness. "We recognize that in the present campaign state Issues are dominant, -and to the people of Nebraska regard less of party we offer certain pledges and ' promise their prompt execution if entrusted with the administration of state government. "We will pass a comprehensive di rect primary law for the whole state, under which party candidates for all offices shall be nominated by the di rect vote of the people. "We will enact a stringent anti pass law to prohibit all persons ex cept bona fide railway employes and stockmen in actual charge of live stock from! accepting or riding upon .railroad passes, and to prohibit rail roads from issuing them and to pun ish railroad officials for the violation of the law, making each violation a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and 'forfeiture of office in case of public officials and by fine In all other cases, Until this is accomplished we shall en force the present anti-pass law, here tofore neglected and obsolete upon the statute books of the state. "We will pass a law providing for a maximum passenger fare within the state of Nebraska of two cents a mile including penalties for its vio lation. "We will enforce through the state board of equalization the equal aud just assessment of all property in the state, including railroad property, up. on the basis of the actual value of the stocks and bonds. "We endorse the proposed amend ment to the constitution providing for a railway commission as "a step in the right direction and pledge our candi dates if elected to give the commis sion the fullest support and broadest powers for bringing relief to the peo ple from the present unjust and ex orbitant freight rates and. discrimina tions. .. "We declare in favor of the plan of adopting the same railroad valuations for. purposes of taxation that are adopted for the purpose of regulating railroad rates 'and railroad earnings, and we demand .that the legislature empower the elective railroad com mission to appraise and. determine the actual value of the railroad corpora tions and other common carriers of the state for these two purposes. "We point to the scandalous record of the last legislature whioh at the bidding of its bosses defeated the anti pass bill, bills reducing freight"1 rates, the dlrept primary bill, the bill .to ac sess the railroad property on the value of its stock and bonds, and which indulged in wild extravagance of ap- AGENTS-rjftdlca soil Ponnywash otlBlly towns or country; Samplos and tortus 10c. Big Incomo; No outlay; Ponnywnsh Company, 1714 Lexington Ave, Nott York City, No boiling, no robbing, a trashing for a penny. JV LINCOLN to ln ; V Hot Springs ;an( return $10.00 .,. Deadwood and return $15.00.. ' Lead and return $15.00 Special Rates fronuall Points On Sale August 28th . t liimit until September 12tli For" Further Information Address Local Agents or R. W. McGinnis G. A., C. & N. W. R, R. 1021 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska Subscribes' Advirtislng Department This, department is for the exclu sive use of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per insertion the lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to The Com moner, Lincoln, Nebraska. "XTATER PROBLEM SOLVED. MACHINE IT for domestio well-maldntr, cheapest by half, most practical of any. catalogue free. Koger & Sons. Mooresburir. Tenn. BETTER "WAGES FRAMING CHART 20 Cents. Frames any roof, C. M. Osborn, Box 1020, Lincoln, Nebraska. ECZEMA, ITCH. ALL STUBBORN SKIN diseases; npply Braoy'a Germ destroyer. 25o and 50c Per J d.r. Wrlto Snodg rass& Braoy Drug Co., Little Rock, Arkansas. BEST FARM IN THIS COUNTRY FOR sale; 230 acres 'Osage river bottom, ad dress R. Cross. Inconlum. Mo. GOITRE CURE. TREATMENTINTERNAL. Cure by absorption. No patent medicine and no-danger. ' Thirty days treatmentree. Dr. J. W. BinoUley, Kenton, Ohio. . , . , 66ft TO VICTORY." POrULAR SONG. V Address the author. Mrs, H, B. Cham berjm, Storm Lake, Iowa. ' WWWWWpWWCTWWil'lljiiiij,iinmfl