T7t" ry " T y WJWM IJWpvn ' t. The Commoner. 11 AUGUST 24, 1906 WXm ' ing, they more than repay in-the length of life and usefulness. Information as to sorts suitable for different regions, how to plant and care for them until well started, can be had by addressing the Department of Agriculture, "Washington, D. C, asking for printed matter touching upon the subject. Farmers do not avail themselves of this printed mat ter nearly as freely as they should. Write for the monthly list of publi cations; itiwill be furnished you each month, free, and from it you can sup ply yourself with much information at little or no cost. For the Home Grounds Now is -the time to send for .the fall catalogues, and to study their contents. You can .not have too much beauty about you, and beauty, in what ever form, pays a big dividend on the time, care and money spent to pro cure it. If any of these publishers promise you "something for nothing," send your order to the other fellow. Select what -you want, if it is but one plant, and pay honest prices for it; you will thus be apt to get what you buy. Many reliable florists and nurserymen advertise "collections" for reduced prices, to be delivered after their heavy trade is over. Many of these collections are very valuable and may suit you better than you can suit yourself, if you are just awaken ing to the needs of your grounds. Tell, the nurseryman what you have, in the way of grounds, what care you can give it, and what you think you want. You will receive . courteous treatment. Many firms advertise "trial" collections, sent out in order to introduce themselves to your fa vor, and most of them give what they promise; but there are many irre sponsible people who will not deal justly by you.. Order of an old, re sponsible firm. Elsewhere is a list of old, tried sorts of shrubs, hardy in our northern states, and generally satisfactory. I can not give you a dc scription of them, for lack of space; but they are about all listed by re sponsible firms, of good size, and at reasonable prices. In the spring, many of them can be had, well-rooted, but quite small plants, for ten cents each, and with careful planting and tend ing, will make good growth during the season; but these will hardly do for fall planting; the one, two or three-year-old size is better and surer to stand the winter. The nursery man will send them to you at the earliest possible date for removal, and you can order them as soon as you see fit tree ten feot high and as many through; blooms in August, from every twig-end flower-panicles as big as a baby's head. Blooms last a long time. "One of the finest." Per fectly hardy. Mock oranges can not- have too many of them on large groun'ds. Get all sorts; always white, single or double, deliclously fragrant. Purple plumr-foliago particularly fine. 4JS0 thejpurple-leaved' Filbert. Yellbw-flowerYhg currant; blooms soon after the snow leaves?, highly perfumed. All the splreas. Some sorts" are al ways in blopm. 'All are fino; Hady hibiscus, crimson eye. Blooms in autumn. Fine. Snow'balls old and new variety. All grand.' Double scarlet plum, and fringe tree-all magnificent. !. Some Fine Hardy Shrubs One of the finest shrubs is the hardy evergreen, Mahonia; blooms in May great, golden balls; a northeast angle suits it best, as the winter sun shine works harm to it. Bush Honeysuckle, red, pink and white flowers, profuse bloomers. All the lilacs thirty or forty sorts; some better than others, but all good. Berberry; native of England, but acclimated to our woods. Requires a moist, cool spot. Several dogwoods natives; likes damp spots generally, and is fine in blossom, foliage and bark. Japanese quince three colors, scar let, pink and white; blooms" in May. Fine for hedge or screen. Wigelias, white, rose-colored and variegated foliage. Flowers after the lilacs. Rose of Sharon Hibiscus; fine; long-blooming, in many colors. Makes a large shrub or small 'tree if trained to. one trunk. Exochorda Graniflora rare and beautiful; blooms in May a perfect cloud of large, white flowers. Slow of growth, unless given care. Hydrangea paniculata; grown to one stalk in good soil will make a "Race Suicide" American Motherhood says: "Much has been written of late concerning 'race suicide,' This expression is used to refer only to the failure to bring children into the world. Noth ing Is thought about the race-destruction that comes through the death of children as a result of the ignor ance of mothers; nothing of the les sening of the vigor of the race through the undue taxation of the strength of the mothers. If the government was awake to the realities of life, it would recognize mothers as the greatest wealth of the nation, and would see it as a more wise economy to so care for them fdiit their health, vigor and happiness would be insured, rather than to' care only for the wrecks of humanity that come through the ig norance, overwork and illnesses of uncared-for mothers.' Women and girls who would scarce ly be given the slightest responsibil ity in matters of the smallest impor tance,, and who are in no sense deemed- fit to manage their own af fairs, are given the care-ot little chil dren their own, or another's In the capacity of "nurse-girl" without a question. Girls; although bright enough in other lines, who know noth ing of the needs of a new life, are allowed to marry and become mothers with the utmost indifference, and with no effort on the part of any one to advise or educate them. In thousands of cases, the children die; in other thousands, they grow up, warped and dwarfed mentally and morally, if not physically, and become "driftwood on the world," while the women age rap idly from neglect, ignoranee and in attention to their own needs, suffer ing from maladies which are forced upon them through wrong living, yet many of them giving to the world large families of most undesirable progeny. Many of these women, if even a little care was given them, would be a blessing to the world and to themselves, through added intelli gence and ability to care for them selves and their children. daub of color in the other field to bo rose-leaves or ripened fruits. No mat ter what our vocation, wo think the "other follow" is having all tho fun, and, in our unhappy envy, wo loso tho good wo might find at our feet, if wo would but stoop to pick it up. Few stop to remembor that tho wearer of tho other coat will, from pride's sake, seek to cover up the patched elbow, or hido the rips and holes in the pocket. Tho garment wo so covet may not be suitable to tho need we have, and f given to us would fail us in more ways than one. We should try to feel that wherever we are is the best place for us at the moment. Iffwo would make tho best of every moment, always keeping the higher paths in sight, we shall find ourselves climbing, getting nearer to the coVoted goal because, or , tho strength our altitude is bringing to us. If we roach upward, wo shall grow upward; if wo r6ach downward, wo shall never find tho use for wings. "Whatever is, is best," and if wo want better in future, we must work to tho higher aim. Appreciating Our Own An exchange, in illustration of the tendency of human nature to under-1 value its own, while magnifying that belonging to another, tells of an ani mal who stood at the fence, neglect ing to eat, and looking longingly into a pasture across the fence where it thought the herbage was more ten der and plentiful than that which grew in its own lot. The story goes on to say that, bye and bye, the dis contented animal died from starva tion, while the animal it envied, tired of its own scant pasturage, broke through the dividing fence and fat tened on the richer grasses that the other had scorned. It is, unhappily, thus through life with a great many people. We see only the thorns and thistles, the rocks and the bare places about our feet, and imagine every Pickling Time Bean Pickles Boll young, tender beans in salted water until tender; drain well, pack in glass jars or crocks and pour over them hot vine gar in which has been boiled, to each quart, one tablespoonful of sugar, one each of vanila and cinnamon. If wanted to keep for some time, seal hot in glass jars. Sweet Tomato Pickles Slice half a peck of green tomatoes on a slaw cutter, or with a sharp knife; pour over them one quart of water in which a teacupful of salt has been dissolved. Let it stand two days, then drain in a sack until quite dry. To one quart of good vinegar add one pound of brown sugar and one table spoonful each of mustard, cinnamon, allspice, cloves and pepper. When it comes to a boil, add the tomatoes and boil ten minutes; then simmer until the tomatoes can be pierced with a, straw; put away in a Jar and cover with a plate, lightly weiglited. Ready to use when cold. R. L. Ripe Cucumber Pickles Pare largo, solid, ripe cucumbers, cut in rings. divide into smaller pieces and remove tho seeds. Cook very slightly in weak vinegar with salt enough to season well; drain as soon as tender, and put into a jar with layers of sliced onions, a few cayenne peppers,' and the usual amount of spices whole allspice, clove cinnamon and celery seeds, usu ally one tablespoonful of each to one quart of strong vinegar. Then cover with a syrup made of one pound of good brown sugar to one quart of vin egar, boiled for five minutes. B. L, Ripe Cucumber Pickles No. 2 Pare, quarter and remove the seeds from a dozen large, solid, ripe cucumbers; sprinkle with a teacupful of salt and let stand over night. Then take them out and drain; cook them In very weak vinegar until tender enough to eat well; drain them in a colander, and to two quarts of good vinegar, add four pounds of sugar, one ounce each of "nutmeg and mustard seeds, two ounces of whole cinnamon, and boll together; place the cucumbers In a jar and pour the hot syrup over them, covering closely. In quarters, drop in strong boiling salt water and cook thrco minutes; tako out and drain, and sprinkle woli with salt. Sproad in the sun to dry;, who'n dry, shako off tho tfalt and cover with cold vinegar In a Jar. In two weeks drain off the vinegar, and pour over tho cabbage vindgar pre pared aa follows: To' two gallons ofl vinegar add ono pint of mustard seeds, four pounds of sugar, three lemons sliced thin, two ounces of celery seeds, half a cupful of scraped horse-radish; ono largo red onion, chopped fine, two ounces each of whole popper, tumeric, and clovea; ono ounce each of nutmeg, mace, all spico and ginger. Lot this just como to a brisk boil, then set away a day or two, re-heat and pour over tho cabbago, covering and slightly weight, Ing down to keep tho cabbago under uio pickio. o Canning Tomatoes Whole Small, solid tomatoes, should bo chosen for this; they may bo put In to a wire basket and plunged into boiling water, peeling them quickly and packing In Jars. Add half a tea Hpoonful of salt to each jar, and fill to overflowing with water that has been boiled and cooled; adjust tho rubbers, lay the tops on loosely, and put tho Jars into the wash boiler la tho bottom of which a wooden rack has been placod to keep the glass jars from touching the boiler bottom; surround tho Jars with cold water, up to the neck, bring the water to the boiling point, boil rapidly for five or ten minutes; fasten tho tops of; ' tho jars without lifting from the jars-; let stand in the water until cold. An other way, but ono on which tho to matoes, unless carefully handled, are apt to be broken, is to bring tho to matoes to a boil in a porcelain ..ket tle, and then dip carefully out, ono ' at a time, filling and fastening ono Jar before beginning a second. Mr. Roror. Requested Recipes Cauliflower Pickles After soaking for half an hour in salt water to force out any insects, wash well and cut fine and stew until tender in salted water; for each head of cauliflower mix to a smooth paste one-half pound of mustard, one quart of vinegar and one-half pound of sugar. Let this mixture come to a brisk boil, then pour it over the cauliflower whicli has been well drained and packed in jars. Pickled Cabbage Cut the cabbage GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP No Medicine so Beneficial to Brain and Nerves Lying awake nights makes it hard to keep awake and do things in day time. To take "tonics and stimulants" under such circumstances is like set ting the house on fire to see if you can put it out. " The right kind of food promotes re freshing sleep at night and a wide awake individual during the day. A lady changed from her old way of eating, to Grape-Nuts, and says: "For about three years I had been a great BUfferer from indigestion. After trying several kinds of medicine tho doctor would ask me to drop off potatoes, then meat, and so on, but in a few days that craving, gnawing feeling would start up, and I would vomit everything I ate ancf drank. "When I started on Grape-Nute, vomiting stopped, and the bloating feeling which was so distressing dis appeared entirely. "My mother was very much both ered with diarrhea before commencing the Grape-Nuts, because her stomach was so weak she could not digest her food. Since using Crape-Nuts she is well, and says she don't think she could live without it. "It is a great brain restorer and nerve builder, for I can sleep as sound and undisturbed after a supper of -Grape-Nuts as in the old days when I could not realize what they meant by a 'bad stomach.' There is no medi cine so beneficial to nerves and brain as a good night's sleep, such as you can enjoy after eating Grape-Nuts." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." .- - -1 4 i, JV jfejg'V