rr?! 15"' "" '-vy&8?!qW9!M$ lWl'-lffl(rp(j8Hjsw ,V j . jUw r. ' . WW; l'lki'' I 'J,' ft ; R ' 'Vlt, tfc... ,-& pi ; & I' .'! i- .( h' '11 ?l 5 I'. .4 SiMfe .1, -: ; v? ".' ' . if,KJ fl&i Mftt wwu v'wu'u ...& m:M k -. :mitu . faUN'ttlllB . . . ' .- K, -? 'S .Ii I 'A' i" ,ru i,Wfi u . i r.: .-! a- -' i..l .iT'Tl' :KV-L;! h.i wi. .r: mj j!,j, ; Mil ' '!... h1 'i i1 1. i M fi .it f. .!,"!.";1i, i 4 r ) : : .' 1! . 4. i . ;t m . 'LI'i Ml i ai V Jl. " !','.. f. M' ('.(. .:h.i hj a-, HWIA fr3 ',11811 tm .Wile! " Pi? I 'Ml ' ' if' ,!: ' ' IS ': ' has recently been restored at a cost of more than a million dollars. The race course Is six hundred and seventy feet long and a little more than, a hundred feet in width, and the seats aro of Pcitfolic marble. Notwithstanding its great capacity it can not contain the crowds that assemble to witness the athletic games, renewed there- in 1896 by the International Athletic asso ciation. Our country has the distinction of hay ing led in the contest of 1896' and again in the PrtTifhHf liGifi nt Athens last April. Our repre sentatives won eleven prizes each time and I ' found that these victories had very favorably im pressed the people of Athens. The stadfiitn is not the-only splendid monu-.-ment to the public spirit of the modern' Greeks. ' The academy of science and the library are mag nificent buildings, each costing more than the restoration of the stadium. They illustrate the best in Grecian architecture, reproducing the Corinthian, the Doric, and the Ionic. They are-' oY Pentellc marble and would be worthy of a ' place in any city of the world. The library con tains several hundred thousand volumes and has all, the modern equipment. Athens has a popu lation of but little more than a hundred thousand, and.it is doubtful whether there is another city of its size that can boast of as large an expendi ture of private capital in public buildings. The mountain which has supplied Athens with marble for twenty-five hundred years is only a few miles from the city and its quarries are still unex hausted. Modern Athens is very attractive; its streets are paved and clean; its business houses are large and well built; its government build ings are substantial, and its private residences give evidence of taste. We were there in the season of flowers and we saw them blooming in profusion everywhere. Numerous statues adorn the streets and parks, the most noted being the statue of Byron, erected in memory of his .unselfish devotion to Greek independence. The soldiers and policemen have adopted the costume of the ancient Greeks, but other wise the people dress like the people of northern Europe. As one approaches Athens for the first time1, his eye is sure to search for the "temple-crowned" Acropolisthe hill which art and religion- com bined to make immortal. It rises from the plain much as Chapultepec rises from the plain of Mexico. It is about five hundr-ed feet high and at the top two hundred yards in length. It must have been surpassingly beautiful when the Par thenon was completed, that great treasury which, has not only supplied the art galleries of the world with, marvels of beauty in stone, but has . given law to the architects from that day to this. Pericles, who deserves the credit for the con . structlon. of the Parthenon, can be pardoned for exulting in his work. Today, the Acropolis is a picture of desola tion, but the few columns that remain bear wit ness to its departed glory. Lord Elgin carried away at one time two hundred and fifty feet of the sculptured frieze, and scarcely any of its columns, capitals, cornice and pediment would have remained but for the size and weight of the masses of marble. The pillage that for nearly twenty denturies has been robbing Greece of her priceless works of art can be understood when it is Stated that one Roman conqueror celebrated his victory by exhibiting in his triumphant pro cession two hundred and fifty wagon loads of Greek pictures and statues, and that these wagons were followed by three thousand men each bear ing some trophy taken from the cities of Greece. And yet, in spite of the grand larceny which has been perpetrated against this unfortunate land, the museum at Athens contains enough of the beautiful in marble and bronze to make any nation conspicuous in the realm of art Within two years some notable additions have been jnade to the collection; a life-sized bronze statue has been unearthed and a marble figure half buried in the sands of the sea, has been rescued xuo uuior is perfect m t&e portions protected by the sand but was disintegrating where it came into contact with the waves. The readers of those articles aro too well informed in regard to the discoveries of Dr Schliomann to make it necessary to refer to his work in detail. One room of the museum con tains the ornaments which he gathered from five tombs, and they are sufficient to show the ex tended use made of this metal in the arts. They consist of ear rings finger rings, bracelets, neck laces, head ornaments, vases, cups, coins, etc. A pair of cups which attract special attention bear in relief the figures of bullsthe animals being The Commoner. equal in form to the best breeds of today: On one cup they are being led to the sacrifice; and on the other they aro bound at the altar. Besides original statues of renown and the casts of those which have been removed, there are many specimens of ancient "pottery by which one can trace the rise in artistic taste and skill. Some of the earliest statues in stone and clay bear a, striking resemblance to those of Egypt. Second only in interest to the Acropolis is Mars' Hill a rocky summit two-thirds of the height of the Acropolis. Here the ancient court of the Areopagus, composed of the most eminent of the Athenians, held its sessions. Here under the dome of the sky tle most important cases were tried and life and death hung upon the .decree t pi tko court. Here, also, Paul's great speech,' to the "men of Athens" was delivered, . his text being found in the altar erected to "the unknown god." Only a little distance from Mar's Hill is the stone piatrorm irom wnich the orators of Greece addressed the people. A level, Shelf-like space was formed near the top of the hill where a few thousand could congregate, and here the citi zens listened while the greatest of all the public speakers poured forth, his eloquence. It was worth a trip to Athens to view this spot where : Demosthenes delivered the oration on the Crown and the philippics which, have been the pattern set before the student for twehty-two hundred years. In the marshalling of facts, in the group ing of arguments, in the use of invective and in the arranging of climaxes he is still the teacher. Someone has drawn a distinction between Cicero and Demosthenes, saying that when the former spoke the people said: "How well Cicero speaks," while, when Demosthenes spoke, they said: "Let us 'go against Phillip!" Demosthenes' style was more convincing than ornate; his pur pose was to arouse, not merely to please, and from the accounts that have come down to us his delivery was suited to his language. He, in fact, gave. to action the highest place among the requisites of effective speech. We recalled this saying of Demosthenes when we listened to the excited tones and watched the. gesticulations of the boatmen who thronged about our ship in the harbor-of Piraeus. The physician who came aboard to examine the passengers gave us even a better Illustration of "action," although his gestures were more forcible than graceful, pos sibly because he addressed himself to the cap tain of the ship instead of to the multitude. On the shore of the Aegean, sea, between Athens and the harbor, at a place where De mosthenes may have tested his voice against the. tumult of the waves, I gathered some pebbles. I can not prove that they are the identical ones uSed by him to overcome the impediment in his speech but they are at least a reminder of the toilsome struggle through which he passed be fore his name was known to fame." It was a -disappointment to find so little to mark the site of the academy where Socrates and Plato met their disciples. These philoso phers have made such an 'impression upon the thought of the world that I had hoped to find some spot clearly identified as the place where they taught. An old house stands now on a tree less tract over Which they are said to have walked in their daily discussions but it is a niodern one. A gate admits to the grounds al though no, wall incloses them. It is much easier to picture Demosthenes speaking from the ros trum which still remains than to image Socrates propounding here his questions and elaborating the method of reasoning to which his name has been given. There is an old cemetery within the limits of the present city where recent excavation has brought to light numerous tombs ornamented with sculpture. Some of the groups of statuary and urns have been left where they were found while others have boon given a place in the museum These are additional proof of the num- 1)Jr,ihose wll handed the chisel in the days of Phidias. J No spot is identified with Herodotus th Father of History, or with Thucidfdes who, with EfJd0t?.8' ha? KCen the instctor of later ihwta clers Except the remains of the theaters there h3 nothing to recall the tragedies of Euripides Eschylus and Sophocles or the comedies of Aristo- S?lS,?If!in,? n,PTlaCe !S poInted out as 'he Bite of the studio of Parasius or Zuexis, though the cssons which they taught the world have not been forgotten. While the guide does not pre tend to know the house in which Homer lived or where he wrote his deathless songs, the traveler wlm passes through the Hellespont can see the Plains of ilWatea Troy, and during his stay in WOIiTJME'G, NUMBER 3 Greece his memory runs over the heroes of thd Illiad and the Odessy. There are no physical evidences of the life work of Lycurgus and Solon, yet the laws which they promulgated are the heritage of mankind Salamis remains, and if the naval battle which Themistocles won had had no other effect than to furnish -Pericles with a theme for his great funeral orations, it would still have been worthy of remembrance.. The battlefield of Marathon whh3h gave Miltiades a place among the world's generals is unchanged.. It is about twenty-five miles from Athens, and the story,- told in marble, of the Greek who carried the news of the victory to Athens and died from exhaustion amid the shouts of his countrymen has led to the incor poration of a twenty-five mile race in the athletic games when they are held at Athens. In 1896 the race was won by a Greek (much to the satis faction of the audience), who made the run from Marathon to the city in two hours and forty-fivo minutes. The pass at Thermopylae Is aiso to be seen and the heroism of the three hundred Spartans who, under the leadership of Leonidas, offered up their "lives there for their country continues to be an inspiration. They failed -to stay the on ward march of Xerxes, but-who can measure the value of their example? Corinth, now as of old, guarjds the entrance to the Pelloponesus but notwithstanding the canal which at this point connects the Aegean sea with the Gulf of Corinth, the city has only a small population. Corinth brings to memory the part Greece played in the spread of Christianity. It was not enough that this country led the world in state craft and oratory, in poetry and history, in phil osophy and literature, in 'art and in athletics, she was also one of the first mission fields of the apostles. It was to the Corinthians that Paid wrote the Epistles in Which love is given the first place among the virtues, and it was Greece that gave her name to- one of the great branches of the Christian church. A democrat may be pardondd for cherishing a high regard for. the land that coined the word, democracy. v The derivation of the word from demos, the people, and kratein", to rule makes , it an appropriate one to , desbribe a government based upon popular- will. And as governments more and more recognize the citizen as the sov ereign and the people as the source of all po litical power, the world's debt to Greece will he more and more fully appreciated. She not only gave to language a word accurately expressing the idea of self-government, but she proved by experience the wisdom of trusting the people with the management of all public affairs. Copyright. EASY MONEY The republican convention for the First Ne braska district renominated Representative E. M. Pollard in face of the charge that, although Mr. Pollard who succeeded to .a vacancy was not elected until July 18, 1905, he drew $1,900 cover ing the period from March 4, until July 18, or pay for more than four months of 'time before he had been elected. Mr. Pollard admits the charge but pleads that others before him have been guilty of the same offense. Precedent is not a good defense for wrong doing. But already the v republican politicians are appealing to the voters of the First Nebraska district to "stand by Roosevelt" by re-electing E. M. Pollard to the lower house of congress. It would not be difficult to find in Mr. Roose velt's speeches, bitter condemnation of such prac tices as that in which Pollard engaged. It is more than likely there will be many re publicans in the First Nebraska district, who will be inclined to resent the claim that it is neces sary to re-elect to office a man who proved false to the public trust in order to "stand by" the president who insists that he favors a "square deal." - - JJJ r LET. CONGRESS DO IT David M. Perry says that refusal to revise the tariff is inviting radical action at the polls. He thinks that the tariff should be removed from politics and that this revision should he entrusted to a commission whose business it will be to make the necessary changes. , What about congress doing the work? That is its business and It would be much more sat isfactory to have the work entrusted to men who depend upon the people for ' their commissions rather than to a board chosen largely with the view of "letting well enough alone." ' ' 111. ', p 4 1; ' ".VJi.tt.i4t..j(jsatota f.ftBtoiiliMiMViniiuirfnfo,