The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ' Lincoln, Nebraska, August 17, 1906 Vol. 6. No. 31 Whole Number 291 CONTENTS - Mb. Bryan's Lkttkr Wilat is Shaw Afraid or? Oiiasb for Soapjcqoats Mr. Bryan's Speech . EUROPEAN" Newspaper Comment The Moral Foror Cummins and the Tariff Senators and Salaries DEMOORATiq State Conventions Comment on Current Topics . Home Department Whether Common or Not f News of the Week v A GOOD EXAMPLE Perry Craig, president of the Cass Land and Cattle company of Pleasant Hill, Mo., has set a good example to all those who believe that The Commoner Is engaged in a good work. The" fol lowing letter is self-explanatory: X & W & & & & & & & & Pleasant Hill, Mo., August 6, 1906. & Editor Commoner: I received yours of July 16 asking for renewal to my subscription to The Commoner. I wondered then where I could get up a club of five. But I had such good luck before the first mail train ' that I became very much interested and ' decided to hold the list for two weeks and see how many I could get. I send my own renewal together with the names of j$ 254 others with bank draft for $152.40 to Jt cover the same. PERRY CRAIG. & x& &&&&&&&&&&&& DON'T FORGET IT The New York Mail (Rep.) asks: "What does It mean to stand pat?" The best definition we have yet seen was given by the Lincoln, Neb., Journal, a stalwart republican paper. The Journal said: "Thus it comes to pass that a 'standpatter' in Iowa "and in other states as well is now generally under stood to be a man who opposes any radicaf change in existing institutions. Because of inertia, or ingrained conservatism, or his personal relations, he is willing to allow InteresVs with a cinch to hold on to their advantage indefinitely." Let the members of the rank and file of the republican party men having no axe to grind, buWwhose welfare depends upon the general wel farekeep this definition of "standpat" well in mind. Let it be written in the highways and the byways so that every free American may read, that the standpatter Is one who "because of inertia, or ingrained conservatism, or his per sonal relations, is willing to allow interests with a cinch to hold on to their advantage indefi nitely." JJJ MR. BRYAN'S DATES From Paris Mr. Bryan cables, fixing the date of his arrival in New York as August 30. He will visit New Haven and Bridgeport, August 31; Jer sey City, September 1; Chicago, September 4; Lincoln, September 5; St. Louis, September 11; Louisville, September 12, and Cincinnati, Septem ber 13. i i it I, i ii i i , , u i . 1 I I" ' I ' . J". 1.' ' ! tSr ' ' ; L i M0m&BMJ&Bmm- tKzhL "r ."MvWf,.:-, far Merely an Annoyance GREECE, The World's Teacher Mr. Bryan's Thirty-first Letter Nothing so impresses the visitor to Greece not the waters of the Aegean sea, with their myriad hues, not the Acropolis, eloquent with ruins, not even the lovely site of Athens itself as the part which little Greece has played in the instruction of the world. Less than twenty-five thousand square miles in area, less than half of which is productive, and with a population of less than two and a half millions, this diminutive nation has a history without a parallel. There is scarcely a department of thought in which Greece has not been the pioneer, and in many things she has set an example which sub sequent generations have but imperfectly fol lowed. If in Egypt one is awed by the evidences of antiquity; if in Palestine he is made reverent by the spiritual association connected with Judea, Galilee and Samaria; in Greece he bows with profound respect to the mighty influence exerted by this single people upon civilization, The signs along the streets recall the alpha bet with which the student of the classics strug gles when he takes up the dead languages and yet, the Greek language can hardly be called dead, for while it is the spoken tongue of but a comparatively small number, it has found a glorious resurrection in nearly all the languages of Europe. In fact, it had so many merits that we are constantly complimenting it by returning to it for the nomenclature of philosophy, science and art. Of those who-still speak the language of Herodotus, Homer, Socrates and Demosthenes, a majority live outside of Greece, for the Greek colonies planted around the eastern end of the" Mediterranean form a considerable as well as an influential portion of the population Greek colonization, by the way, was of an enduring kind. Those who went out into distant fields did not go as individual bees (official or commer cial) to gather honey and return with it to the parent hive; they went out rather Jn swarms to found cities, develop countries and establish new centers for the spread of Greek Influence. They identified themselves with the land to which they went; they became an integral part of the pop ulation, and by virtue of their inherent superiority they gradually substituted the language, the ideas, and the customs of their native land for those which they found. So securely did they' build that neither the Roman nor the Turk was able to obliterate their work. The people bowed be fore the storm, but continued Greek, and today in Alexandria, Asia Minor and Constantinople, Hellenic influence is still felt. The ancient Greeks sought to perfect tho human form, and it Is not to bo wondered at that the marble models of strength, grace and beauty have been unearthed where the Olympian games inspired a rivalry in physical develop- ment. The games were established nearly eight hundred years before the beginning of the Chris tian era, and during tho nation's independent ex istence they were held in such high esteem that the laurel wreath of victory was the greatest reward within the reach of the youth of the country. Each city had its stadium, some of them of Immense size. The one at Athens seated fifty thousand spectators, and the enthusiasm aroused by the contests was scarcely less than that which at Rome' greeted the gladiators. By the gen erosity of a rich Greek the stadium at Athena n&tn -tfjg$flftt.iaiirffe x? b" "j4. - v - - ., n. i& , jh. , k-. a . .'jC- .v. 4 jM&fiwMXr .a--j. dtAitmLti