The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 10, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Tho Now York insurance superin
tendent has made public reports of
tho companies showing a not loss of
tho San Francisco disaster of
Five thousand people attended the
funeral of Joseph Rodecap, a farmer
living at Anderson, Ind. Mr. Rode
cap weighed 460 pounds, his casket
was three feet wido, twenty-eight
inches deep and seven feet long. Ten
men wore required to carry the cas
"kot, and sixteen to lower it into the
The Washington correspondent for
the Chicago Record-Herald says that
George L. Meyer, ambassador to Bus
sia, is expected to bo appointed secre
tary of tho navy in a short time. At
torney General Moody plans to re
tire, and his place will bo taken "by
- John A. Cooke, former circuit court
clerk at Chicago, has been convicted
of conspiracy. The jury fixed his pun
ishment at five years in the peniten
tiary and a fine of $2,000.
Senator Dick of Ohio held a con
ference with President Roosevelt at
Oyster Bay. In a newspaper inter
view the senator said "it would be
practically impossible for the Sixtieth
congress to revise the tariff."
at tho state department this after
noon and had a talk with the acting
secretary of state. The return of the
baron indicates that the German gov
ernment places the first importance
upon its latest tariff move. The baron
Ib understood to have informed the
secretary that his government felt
that It has gone as far as it can in
tho way of maintaining friendly and
amicable trade relations with this
country, and that, wh'le fhere is no
hostile intent in its present move, yet
self-interest and the preservation of
the newly created tariff system of the
country make it necessary that- the
preferential treatment accorded to
other nations which recently entered
into treaties with Germany shall not
be accorded the United States. The
acting secretary of state could give
Baron Sternberg no assurances as to
what course this government would
pursue. He explained that, under our
system, the executive is powerless
to make any trade concessions with
out the approval and formal action of
congress. The call of the ambassa
dor had two effects. One of these
was to serve notice on the United
States that the German emperor,
after considering all phases of the
auditor of-state, B. F; Carroll; treas
urer of state, "W: W. Morrow; attorney,
general, H. W. Byers; supreme judges,
E. McLean and John C. Sherwin; su
perintendent of public instruction,
John F. RIggs; clerk of supremo court,
John C. Crockett; supreme court re
porter, W. W. Cornwall; railroad com
missioners, W. L. Eaton and David
J. Palmer.
The New York democratic Btate
convention has been called for Buf
falo, September 15. The choice of
the location is regarded as a Hearst
E. A. Gage, son of1 Lyman A. Gage,
former secretary of the treasury, com
mitted suicide at Seattle, Wash.-,
August 2.
Turbulent conditions in Russia con
tinue, with mutinies in the Russian
navy, and the czar has refused to ap
prove the program of his premier
and general disorder prevails. It is
believed by many that armed upris
ings will, soon be the rule.
A riot occurred on board the Rus
sian cruiser Bogatyr.
Employes of the electric lighting
plant in St. Petersburg struck August
4. The city was in darkness for many
suicide. The bishop of San Pedro,
Brazil, also was lost and it is report
ed that another bishop is among the
missing. The remainder of the pas
sengers and the officers and crew got
away in the ship's boats or were res
cued by means of boats sent to them
from the shore. A number of fisher
men -who made attempts at rescue
were drowned."
President Roosevelt- will visit tho
Panama canal zone during the month
of November.
The seventeenth annual convention
of the. trans-Mississippi commercial
congress has been called to meet in
Kansas City, Mo., November 20-23.
t The mayor at Havana, Cuba, and all
the aldermen have resigned. Dis
jytfehes say that President Palma has
long contemplated replacing the en
tiro city government with new men.
deliberately decided- that Germany
can enter into a commercial war with
the United States, and will do so un
less steps are taken by this govern
ment to give that country concessions.
The other effect of the baron's visit
Is to make clear that the German em
peror hopes to affect public sentiment
in this country through the effect on
our export trade to Germany during
the summer, so that there will be a
demand that congress, when it meets
In tho wlntor -will tnlcfi iin the tariff
Nebraska prohibltlonlBts met at niinnfclnn ami fuithnrfcA flomft r.ono.GR-
Lincoln, Neb., and nominated the fol- aions in f avor of the' Germans. There
n. wPfilr in tho fnotnrv wn rfpplfvrfirl
question of our trade relations, hadUoid by JuBtice oimstead. It was
The state law of New York, restrict
ing the labor of women and children
to ten hours a day and sixty hours
called class legislation.
Fire broke out in the international
exposition at Milan, Italy; doing $800,
000 damages.
lowing state ticket: Governor, Prof,
vH. T. Sutton, Bothany; lieutenant
governor, J. D. Forsythe, Peru; rail
way commissioner, Dr. J. D. McCleary,
. Beatrice; E. A. Gerard, Monroe, and
, Samuel Lichty, Falls City; secretary
of state, J. M. Boll, York; auditor, W.
E. Nichol, Minden, treasurer, W. H.
Maddox, Falls City; superintendent of
public instruction, Bert Wilson, Hum
boldt; attorney general, J. D. Graves,
Peru; commissioner public lands and
buildings, Oscar Kent, Konesaw.
A Washington dispatch to the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat, follows: Bar
on von Sternberg, ambassador of
Germany to the United States, called
Grip Pedns
It -would be utterly Impossible to lmacineimy
thlnfirmore dlstressinff than La Grippe pains
nnZniW? ndes?rtoable. 1 soem to bo
0 vWioa of nlI.the IJIsery sensations known.
Dr. Miles' . '
Anti-Pain Pills
ffiSi8??81 retm,edy on earth for pains of any
iydiffeir8othinplnfluence upon tho nerves
is felt throughout the entire system,
I haa La Grippe pains all over me. and I wjw
in such distress I thought I could not endure!?
I thouKht of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pa nPUls and a"er
taldnpr three doses tho pain disappeared and 1
filept peacefully. My brother hus n fswelilSSoJ
his neck, and uses them, as "they aseth S
SSJifeYDB? lAdr Il5StBP1,k? S " Sow!
uers. ADkLTA LANE, Portape, Mich.
If they fall to help, your druggist
will refund your money on first
25 doses, 25c. Neversold in bulk.
is grave doubt whether the German
plans will succeed. The predominant
sontiment in both houses of congress
last session was clearly of the stand
pat sort on the tariff question."
Charles F. Booher of Savanah, Mo.,
was nominated for congress in the
Fourth Missouri district.
An Associated Press dispatch under
date of Cleveland, Ohio, August 3 fol
lows: "Judge Kennedy of the com
mon pleas ' court today decided that
Mayor Johnson-was not guilty of con
tempt of court as charged, in connec
tion with the tearing up of the tracks
of the Cleveland Electric company
last week in Fulton street. The court
held that W. J. Springborn, director
of public service, had violated the tem
porary injunction issued by Judge
Ford in the case. Springborn was
fined $100 and costs. An application
for a new trial was at once filed by
the attorneys for Springborn."
"She is a grass widow," said tho
professor, nodding in the direction of
a lady with yellow hair.
"A 'grass' widow? Oh, professor,
I didn't think you would use slang."
" 'Grass' widow is not slang," said
the professor stoutly. "It is, on the
contrary, a very ancient and correct
expression. It comes from the French
grace.' It was orginally written
'grace' widow. Its meaning is 'widow
by courtesy.'
"There is nothing slangy or dis
respectful in the term 'grace widow.'
A widow may call herself that with
propriety, and with propriety anyone
may call her that." New Orleans
In a letter addressed to Mrs. L. A.
Kinney of Peoria, 111., William Loeb,
secretary to tne presiuent, says tnat
Mft Roosevelt's determination not to
be a candidate in 1908, is irrevocable.
Friends of Governor Cummins of
Iowa are booming him for the repub
lican nomination for president in
A San Francisco dispatch to the
Chicago Record-Herald follows: "It
is estimated that the insurance com
panies will make a profit of $25,000,
000 from the policyholders in salvage.
Exports who covered the burned area
put the salvage total at $8,000,000,
yet the underwriters in discounting
policies have made the figures $33,
000,000 or a profit to themselves of
$26,000,000. To support the charge of
criminal conspiracy which the grand
jury is trying to fix on the insurance
brokers who have forced policyhold
ers to accept compromise settlements
a subpoena was called for today di
recting Prof. A. W. Whitney, the In
surance expert of the university of
California, to produce evidence of tho
settlements made. Prof. Whitney is
in charge of the insurance bureau of
tho Merchants' exchange."
The ticket nominated by the Iowa
republican state convention follows:
For governor, Albert B. Cummins;
lieutenant governor, Warren Garst;
secretary of state, W; C. Hay ward;
William H. Belcher, former mayor
of Paterson, N. J., who recently sur
rendered, has been sentenced to
twelve years in the penitentiary.
The Michigan republican state con
vention adopted resolutions pledging
the party to the direct nomination of
United States senators.'
On Saturday, July 28, Mr. Bryan
was the guest at a reception given
by the Irish club in London. T. P.
O'Connor delivered the address of wel
come to which Mr. Bryan replied,
thanking the members of the club and
dwelling on the important part played
by the Irishmen in building up the
United States.
An Associated Press cablegram un
der date of Cartagena, Spain, August
5, follows: "A terrible marine disas
ter occurred last evening off Cape
Palos. The Italian steamship Sirio,
from Genoa for Barcelona, Cadiz, Mon
tevideo and Buenos Ayres, with about
eight hundred persons on board, was
wrecked off Hormigas island. Three
hundred emigrants, most of them Ital
ians and Spaniards, were drowned.
The captain of the steamer committed
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Reg. Club
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Agricultural Epltomlst, mo $ .25 $1.00
Breeder's Gazette, wk 2.00 2.25
Farm and Homo, semi-mo 50 1.00
Farm, Field and Fireside, wlc. 1.00 1.35
Farm, Stock and Home.seml-mo .50 1.00
Farmer's Wife, mo , 50 1.00
Homo and Farm, semi-mo 50 1.00
Irrigation Age, mo 1.00 1.35
Kansas Farmer, wk 1.00 1.00
Missouri Valley Farmer, mo... .50 1.00
Vlck's Family Magazine 50 1.00
Poultry Success .50 1.00
Poultry Topics, mo 25 1.00
Practical Farmer, wk 50 1.15
Prairie Farmer, wlc 1.00 1.00
Reliable Poultry Journal, mo.. .50 1.00
Farm Nowa, mo 50 1.00
Reg. Club
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Constitution, Thrlce-a-week..; $1.00 $1.35
Cincinnati Enquirer, wlc 1.00 1.35
Johnstown (Pa.) Democrat..,. 1.00 1.25
K. C. worm, daily ox. Sun.... 2.00 2.00
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Thrlce-a-Wcelc N. Y. World... 1.00 1.35
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Cosmopolitan, mo $1.00
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Pearson's Magazine, mo 1.00
Pilgrim, mo. 1.00
Pacific Monthly ... 1.00
Success, mo 1.00
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Reg. Club
Prlco Prlco
Literary Digest (now), wk. ...$3.00 $3.25
Tho Public, wk... 1.00 1.00
Wlndlo's- Gatllng Gun, mo.... 1.00 1.35
NOTE. Clubbing Combinations or pre
mium offers In which tho Thrico-a-Weei:
World, World-Horald, or Kansas City
World, or Farm, Stock and Homo papers,
are not open to residents of tho respec
tive cities In which tho papers named ara
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