jtn&mflptfa'Trf fl '" . '( 6 The Commoner .VOLUME 6, NUMBER 29 ! Wt ' iptu '' '- 1- I ". nv 1 jt iX 1 vv ( .2 1 ! t 1 li W.I t 1 'N ;ii ..hit '!'J Mi DK) (S I 1; ,.IOJ m r I'M' IP MM The Commoner ISSUED WEEKLY Editor and Proprietor. Riciiahd L. MirrcALKB Associate Editor. OUAULI29 W. BltTAK Publisher. Editorial Rooms and Business Onice 824-330 So. 12th Street. Entered &t tho rostofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. One Year $1.00 Three Month. 25o . soo issft.gssirK;";flo In Clubs of 5 or more Foreign PosUtfe 52o Ex por Year 75e r. p SUBSCRIPTIONS can be sent direct to Tho Com moner. Thoy can also bo sent through newspapers which have advertiacd a clubbing rate, or through local agents, where sub-agents have been appointed. All remittances should bo sent by postofllco money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. 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Subscribers requesting a change of address must glvo OLD as well as the N13W address. ADVERTISING rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nob self. The czar is something of a "standpatter" him- The Pittsburg date lines are good ones to miss in your perusal of the daily papers. In the apportionment pf Carnegie hero medals the base "ball- umpires should not be overlooked. To the credit of- Russell Sage be it said that he did not spend money like a Pittsburg millionaire. Mr. Rockefeller is out on $1,000 bail. It is reported that he had no difficulty in securing the hail bond. The way to win battles, either political or between armed armies, is to organize first and then fight. Russell Sage boasted that he never took a va cation. He is on one now, and he. didn't take anything elBe, either. The czar promised representative govern ment but the czar seems to be what the children oall "an Injun giver." A democratic congress elected this fall will be a good start towards the election of a demo cratic president in 1908. Stolypin is the name of the latest Russian official to undertake the cabinet business. The grand dukes stole about everything else. Undo Joe Cannon deprecating legislation in the interests of a class is another spectacle cal culated to make the hot weather more endurable. Russell Sage's fortune was considerably less tnan estimated by guessers before his death. But It was much greater than the assessor estimat eu it. flior??rlGrayr,has soner fl8hns," says a special dispatch from Canada. But his word about the big Ones that erot n.wnv will ho ,..ti. m.: ,, . . - -v - w wwnii iiu mure vtnan that of an ordinary newspaper man who w "r A4g3 Toledo is making mmo Hio 1.1.1 fSSJ' addition to sending a bunch of ice S f magnates t0, ?U Toledo failed to exhaust " al bu ldinPg rP fr a Site for a new fed' Chairman Sherman figures that a dollar ap ece from every man who voted for Roosevelt will put upwards of $7,000,000 in the g. o p con gressional campaign fund. The big trusts' may be depended upon to make up the average " Standpatism " The True "Conservatism" The Chicago Record-Herald recently and other papers also repeated a remark accredited to a well known counsel of the Standard Oil, and referring to Mr. Bryan, and to the effect that his conservatism was pronounced as that "beside the present occupant of the White House." The Record-Herald then proceeds to distinguish, be tween good and bad monopolies in the usual word stringing, phrase mongering way, and, referring to Mr. Bryan's reputed statement that "you might as well attempt to regulate burglary," takes him to task for opposing all monopoly. Of course we understand the moralization that prompts the de ductions. Dowieism were most reasonable, com mendable, if it paid and as long as it paid; but when Dowie is even thought to be bankrupt the conservative press ridicules him to scorn. In the present consideration of the question. I am in clined to think that the mental reservation of the Record-Herald is the tariff. That, I think, is the "bug under the chip." Such monopolies as fatten upon the law are held to be virtuous sinners, and if Mr. Bryan opposes monopolies that grow upon such oppor tunities he is sinful in his virtue. The Record Herald may be set down as conservative in the true American sense, particularly as applied to politics. Conserve means to serve with; conserv ative that which or those who serve with? Serves with what? Who? Money! A political conservative is one who serves with money and is governed by the influence of money; and I defy any living man to give a conservative con struction to any question now before the Ameri can people that will not sourtd in dollars and cents! Indeed, that is almost the only construc tion possible for the use of that word, and for the reason that the purpose of conservatism is to oppose any and all interference with condi tions that bear upon our commercialism or finan cial methods and purposes. Conservatism would not interfere with the present combining methods of the railroads and coal companies; the absorbing legerdemain of tax avoiding Standard Oil; nor would it have disturbed 'the management of life insurance -companies in the plundering; and it would draw the dark cloak of opportunity over the nastiness of the beef trust; as, also, sanction as, a blessing the Armour private car monopoly and commend the lying and thieving genius that determines the psycological moment of opportunity to make a splendid haul a la bank burglary. The Record-Herald was one of the Chicago papers that denied the truth of many of the charges against the' beef trust, and yet, when the Beveridge amendment wag brought to light, it was one that said that the enforcement of the amendment would make Chicago a dumping ground for diseased carcasses never dreaming that its petulant cry convicted the beef trust of every allegation against it. If the charges made were not true the inspection, as per the Beve ridge amendment, would only confirm Mr. Armour in his statements in the Saturday Evening Post, that the meat carcasses were not diseased, but were good and wholesome. The insidious methods of "captains of in dustry" are not to be uncovered nor interferred with, and for the reason that a disturbance of their monopoly, -in the control of affairs, might occasion a distemper that eventually might de prive them of such control. In other words, the Record-Herald says: "Everybody 'stand pat' in everything!" It said that the "people properly rejoice and applaud" when the United States government employs the law to surpress "the securities company." No man with as much gray matter in his head as might be constructed from a teaspoonful of wet ashes, believes that the securities company was suppressed, so far as the accomplishing of the purpose of Messrs. Hill and Harriman are concerned, though it may have closed the door to future contemplated plunder ing. The Record-Herald either knows this, or it does not. If it does, why does it practice false hood? If notwell, better give the office boy a chance. Further, it says: "Society will not ex terminate monopoly." How silly such a state mentfor how can It be proved? Again, "It will try (sic!) to control it and correct its evil3 while preserving its great economic advantages." What are its evils? Who shall determine its economic advantages? And if society "will try to control it," may not society go the full length of its right and destroy monopoly? But what is society? The "interests?" The "system?" .-Who constitute society in the sense .of the term as used by the Record-Herald? Does it mean our citizenship? Or our American civilization? Or our "captains of industry" and their ramifyW influence? Or does it mean the influential con servatives sometimes called the "safe and sane?" It says also: "The monopoly which prospers on account of merit and good service is a positive advantage." , I will venture the assertion that if the in fluence that superinduced that editorial were summoned to answer the question "What monop olies in America prosper on account of merit and good service?" the answer would sneeringly in elude the most lawless, corrupt and destructive monopolies that the people have cried out against, And such answer would be in vulgar assurance of method that, though grossly indecent, would be considered a perfect justification of its brutality. The conservative has never been other than a server-with-money, in our politics, and tho stand pat" theory of our tariff is a better illus tration of conservatism than the term itself. In deed, "standpatism" is the true "conservatism" though the expression be made to fit the party whose patriotism is always in conjuctive relation with, an appropriation. Also, the conservative is a coward. Unless Upton Sinclair had come upon the scene the people of this great government could have gone on eating carrion and putrid food for all the Washington administration knew. There was no intention to "run amuck." Commenting upon the decision of the United States supreme court in Haddock vs. Haddock, the celebrated divorce decision, Prof. Beale, in the Harvard Law Review for June, says "it is opposed to reason, to authority, and to morality." An editorial in the New York Law Journal says: " the action of the majority of the court has been unanimously disapproved as contrary to proper principles of law and - considerations of public expediency." Law Notes concludes an editorial, " it seems quite probable that the decision will be directly over ruled upon a change in the personnel of the bench." If such criticisms of the supreme court continue, -the "anarchists" of '96 may leave orders for halos and claim the veneration paid to mar tyrs. However, 'tis a good sign. The railroads have told the interstate com merce commission that to give a. schedule of rates between all shipping points is practically impos sible. Is it not as easy to give the rates to the commission as to give them to a shipper? If a shipper wants to ship to a hundred different points would he not be promptly furnished with the rates? Is it more difficult to give the same in formation to the commission? Can not the rail roads each and all list their rates as well for the commission as they do for their own guid ance? If once given, can not any amendment or change in the rates, or addition of points, be given the commission as easily as the shipper? W. S. RYAN. Indianapolis, In'd. "ABSENT TREATMENT" A great many people applauded when the war rant for the arrest of John D. Rockefeller was issued 'by the probate court at Findlay, Ohio. Rockefeller was charged with violating the anti trust laws of the state and we were told that the sheriff would welcome him at the pier on his return from Europe. But attorneys for Rocke feller appeared in the Ohio court and obtained permission to enter Rockefeller's appearance. One Findlay dispatch says: "Attorney James O. Troup on behalf of John D. Rockefeller for mally waived service of the warrant and entered his (Rockefeller's) appearance in court, and gave bond in. the sum of $1,000 for Rockefeller's ap pearance Tuesday, September 4. At the same time ' a motion to quash the information was filed and that motion will be heard later." There are many men against whom com plaints have been filed, who would very gladly "waive- service of the warrant." This is a sort of "absent treatment" in criminal proceedings and' will certainly commend itself to the law breaking class. If Rockefeller, or any other trust magnate, should ever be -sentenced -to -prison, we 'have no doubt he would -be quite willing -to nvaive service in jail. J- -jwWBfr d fa A -. V InmV i