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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
(7, "tSnMJ ' JTJIiY 27;-1906- The Commoner. i T;pn7j??r;?.JHsT'T? GOOD REPORTS FROM COMMONER READERS There are good reports of the way Commoner readers are working to increase, The Commoner's circulation, and many are taking advantage of the special subscription offer. The following letters are self-explanatory: A. D. Saxton, Lansing, Michigan Send me ten cards. I think I can dispose of that number for the paper. I believe you are doing a good work. Your paper ought to be in every democratic home in the United States and as many republican homes as possible. I have taken The Commoner since it fir3t started and I should feel lonesome without it. I. W. McOlary, Huntington, W. Va. You will please And enclosed money order for $17.40 for which you will please send The Commoner to the following names on the enclosed list. You will please Bend me some blanks, I think I can get you another list next mouth. E. W. Best, Cunningham, Wa3h.- Please find enclosed draft for $3.60 to cover the enclosed list for The Commoner for one year.- This is the result of five minutes work. Will send more in the future. T. E. Moore, Lexington, Ky. Enclosed find list of 20 subscribers with check for same. I re-, gret that I will not be able to give the matter much time in the near future, but will try to send a few at intervals. I sincerely hope you will do all you can to increase your subscription list in every county in Kentucky. Your paper would accomplish much if it could be read by two or three million. This would be an enormous cir culation, but if enough energy were put into it, why should not two or three million more bo added? Such an effort would bring into line" the weak kneed, floating element as well as vacillat ing committees. (Mr. Moore recently sent 50 subscriptions and this number makes a total of .70 he has sent in during a few weeks.) . Ida Alice Westerfield, 130 North Nineteenth etreet, Lincoln, Nebr. The Commoner voices the sentiments of true and earnest democrats. Why can not it reach a major part of them through earnest democratic agents? , I am passing my paper along each week, and will strive with better effort to extend The Commoner's influence. H. R. Wayman, Princeton, Mo. I take pleas ure in contributing a mite to the circulation of The Commoner by the enclosed check for the new subscribers named, and will venture to suggest to you that it seems now an opportune time to make a thorough canvass for this paper. No one cares .to make the required sacrifice of time to go over a whole country, but if there could be somo plan organized that every school district could have an efficient agent to take subscriptions, there would be quite an awakening -for what I call "higher democracy," as I consider The Com moner the cleanest, and most reliable of all po litical papers I am acquainted with. The "calam ity howlers' are surely abroad in the land now, for all the papers are telling of the great frauds In high places, although many of them have to "whistle" to keep their courage up, while they try to keep in line with the great onward move ment of the people, in their effort to turn the rascals down. A Commoner reader, living at Audubon, la., writes: "Please allow me to make a suggestion to the readers of The Commoner. If, after you have read your copy, and digested it thoroughly, you put a one cent stamp on it and send it to some ' republican who is wavering or to some weak kneed democrat, you will have doubled the work ing force of The Commoner. Then see these fel lows occasionally and many of them will order a copy of their own.. I have done this for a long time and think it has resulted in adding quite a number of subscriptions, although my business will not permit me to be too enthusiastic in a republican stronghold. The Commoner will be the means of landing many of the progressive republicans in the democratic ranks, where they ' fcelong." .' - The following have sent subscriptions in num ber as follows: Robert Bean, Gainesville, Tex., 6; A. McMullin, Skiatook, I. T 7; A. L. Freehafer, Council, Idaho, 8; H. B. Riley, Windsor, Mo., 6; J, J. Armstrong, Alliance, Ohio, 8; John A. Standt Manitowod, Wis., 8; J. P. Grubb, South Omaha, Nel)., 6; Charles B. Stillwell, Bryan, Tex., 6; A. D. Chase, Ardmore, I. T., 19; J. M. Blair, Logan, Utah, 7; B. D. Sharpe, Stamping Ground, Ky., Q; R. H. Arnold, Peoria, 111., 6; J. F. Cun ningham, San Jose, Cal., 13; M. D. Lemond, Duff, Ind., 7; S. O. Lewis Sr., Villa Ridge, 1., 7; A. F. Clark, Antlers, I. T., G; George O, sperow, Mar- tinsburg, W. Va., 9; N. B. Ear ly, Jr., Dawsonyille, Va,, 7; C. W. Allen, Merriraan, Neb., 7; N. E. Weaver, Ft Wayne, Ind.', 6; George White, Rome, N. Y., 6; Carl Scott, Copperstown, N. D., 7; J. S. Westhafer, Tonkawa, Okla., 7; E. R. Houchin, Metropolis, III., 7; A. Pridgen, Lake Park, Ga., 0; G. P. Williams, Hinsdale, N. Y., 7; R. Tweddle, Delhi, La., 12; C. H. Wells, Dlvermon, 111., G; D. B. Lee, Triplott, Mo., G; Tom H. McDonald, Em pire, Colo. 7; J. M. Russell, Altus, Okla., S; H. C. King, Williamsburg, Kentucky, 22; J. R. Armor, Burgettstown, Pa., 17; J. A. Crulk shank, Blair, Neb., 10; W. H. Polton, Canton, S. D., 10; W. B. Wilson, Huntington, W. Va,, 10; F. G. Schmebzel, Morris, I. T., 9; C. L. Douglass, Bradford, Pa., 9; W. L. Bryan, Boone, N. C, 9; Waller Shobe, Helena, Mont., 8; S. K. Young, Carlisle, Ark., 7; A. P. Clark, Antlers, I. T., 7; S. C. Wllkins, Stanwood, la., 7; M. E. Cady, Cam den, 111., 7; J. L. Kllnger, Lyons, Kan., 6; George Watson, Verden, ,Neb., G; Dr. F. P. Stukey, Lan caster, Ohio, 6; David Lyall, Rosedale, Mich., 6; F. M. Usher, Fulton, Ky G; Thomas Austin, Darien Center, N. Y., G; W. F. Holland, Wabash, Ind., G; John Koons, Itlslngsun, O., 6; H. M. Long, Iuka, Illinois, 6; Robert Bean, Gaines ville, Texas, 10; Francis B. Carter, Marianna, Florida, 11; J. A. Benson, Howard, Kansas, 10; H. R. Thomas, Logan, Ohio, 10; Thomas Farry, Green Sulphur Springs, Florida, 10; J. D. Carney, Clinton, Mo., 10; J. F. Griffin, Quinton, I. T., 10; S. A. Graham, Audubon, la., 8; C. K. SItton, Portland, Oreg., 7; Nathan Mann, Gwynnoville, Ind., 7; C. N. Ogden, Alma, Nebr. 7; J. W. Walup, Terlton, Okla,, 7; I. D Spearman, Mansfield, Texas, G; W. G. Stevenson, Tuskegee, Ala., G; John T. Tansey, Albany, N. Y., G; Wm. Elklns, Ottumwa, la., G; A. II. Giboison, Bedford, Ind., 6; D. P. Weems, Newtofcia, Mo., 6; Samuel E. Parr, Ottawa, 111., G; W. R. Drake, Georgetown, Ohio, 6; Jonas Goeller, Reynolds, Nebr., G. The following have sent in five each: J. M. Cole, Dover, Del.; Benjamin Smith, Bellerive, III.; A. Chlumsky, Brenham, Tex.; B. D. Clarke, Oak wood, Ky.; Walter Dlckeson, Mechanicsburg, O.; C. J. Proser, Altoona, Pa.; P, R. Pearson, M. D., Celeste, Tex.; E. L. Durham, Evansvllle, Ind.; D. P. Lloyd, De Leon, Tex.; A. B. Burke, Partridge, Kan.; L. P. Lewis, Centralla, Mo.; H. J. Bedwell Chicago, 111.; W. A. Larkins, Larklns, Fla.; F. S. Carr, Brookllne, Mass.; R. E. Shafto, Browning ton, Mo.; W. H. Stark, Purcell, Mo.; Earle Fil son, Worth, N. Y.; John P. DIckley, Calumet, Mich.; Charles A. Doudrick, Kansas City, Mo.; J. H. Pelly, Pellyton, Ky.; Floyd lies, Pilot Mound, Iowa; A. D. Baker; Oaldand City, Ind.; D. L. Anvil, Iaeger, W. Va.; Abel D. Chase, Sr.; Ard more, I. T.; W. C. Parham, Natural Steps, Ark.; M. Ubellor, Siberia, Ind.; J. Walter Smith, Stock ton, Cal.; L. D. Mudd, Montgomery City, Mo.; W. T. Baraett, Terre Haute, Ind.; George B. Mc Clelland, Greenfield, 111.; M. J. Flynn, Cincin nati, O.; A. T. Massey, Naugatuck, W. Va.; J. W. O'Brien, De Haven, Pa.; L. S. Patterson, Unionville, Iowa; L. C. McNabb, Paris, Ark.; Charles Schilling, Craig, Colo.; Marvin Gill, Elm Creek, Neb.; F. E. Keith, Mapleton, Minn.; George B. Conklin, Plaquemlne, La.; John M. Meyer, St. Louis, Mo.; P. C. Hampton, Linevllle, Iowa; L. H. Harrison, Santa Anna, Texas; W. E. Hicks, Ponchatoula, La.; Elisha W. Pike, East port, Me.; M. C. Pettier, Fruitland, Wash.; Lee N. Wallis, Anadarko, Okla.; A. C. Peters, Woods field, Ohio; S. A. Graham, Audubon, Iowa; R. F. Caffry, Oklahoma, Okla.; J. H. Willis, Atwell, Mo.; J. E. Downing, Dayton, Ohio; S. B. Light foot, Trinidad, Colo.; Ole Frislie, Wentworth, S. D.; John T. Tansey, Albany, N. Y.; W. B. Crab tree, Weatherford, Okla.; T. J. Bevins, Canada, Ky.; P. C. Hampton Lineville, Iowa; G. W. Nor ton, Clayton, Ala.; J. W. Parsons, Morgantown, W. Va.; A. G. Chappelle, Birmingham, Ala.; W. M. Watts, Mexico, Mo.; F. W. Laufketter, Slo cumb, Ark.; John C. Giesler, Payette, Idaho; J. B. Weber, Palisades, Colo.; W. H. White, Chris man, 111.; Jack Quayle, Moberly, Mo.; Dr. B. F. Wolfe, Carthage, Mo.; T. W. Sutherland, Kansas City, Kansas; R. D. Cotter, York, Montana; G. L. Hettick, Quenemo, Kansas; Robert Preston Pool, Herrin, Illinois; B. F. Davis, Canute, Okla.; W. H. Russell, Warrensburg, Mo.; -Elisha W. Pike, Eastport, Me.; J. A. Gilbert, Waco, Nebr.; Frank H. Garrett, Council Bluffs, la.; G. G. James, Exeter, Mo,; Harvey Kephart, Franklin, Ind.; John W. Mitchell, East St. Louis, 111.; Samuel E. Parr, Ottawa, 111.; J. L. Ballard, Willets, N. C; Jas, Moore, Newark, N. J.; G. M. Breakey, Alma Center, Wis.; E. J. Hall, Marion, Ind.; J. H. Bryan, Glenwood, W. Va.; J. E. Jack son, Des Moines, la,; V. B. Gray, Earlsboro, Okla.; Guy Stnrchcr, Altlzor, W. Va.; Clement Bros., Hubbell, Nob.; C. S. Shepherd, Covlngtpn, Va.; Thomas Cass, Elm Crook, Nebr; Jacob Bandfleld, Hicks, N. Y.; JeremlaR McNamara, Fountain town, Ind.; Waltor Whitlatch, Columbia, la.; V. E. Jowoll, PIggott, Ark.; Sol J. Hershoy, Now Bedford, Pa,; A. J. Henderson, Superior, Nebr.; J. O. Wyckoff, Mexla, Tex.; George II. Phelps, KIngsloy, la.; D. B. Thomas, Murphysborro, III.; D. W. McPhorson, Sedgwick, Ark.; John E. Sund blade, Jamestown, Kan.; W. II. Schildor, Chilli cotho, O.; W.V. Wund, Now York City; D. S. Lips comb, VIsalia, Calif., S. O. Melz, Mamiington, W. Va.; N. A. Norrls, Rochester, Ind.; W. J. Lowry, Upper Sandusky, O.; Otto E. Goobel, Alton, Iowa; Geo. W. Adldns, Pnrsonsburg, Md.; R. A. Atkin son, M. D., Newport News, Va.; A. D. Saxton, Lansing, Mich.; J. H. Schaaf, Delaware, O.; W. E Ewer, Corry, Pa.; C. Walluntlne, Paris, Idaho; Peter Wlckhorst, Hooper, Nebr.; N. O. Bell, Yankeotown, Ind.; S. P. Head, Mammoth Spring, Ark.; J. E. Downing, Dayton, O.; Geo. W. Moore, Greensville, O.; Wm. H. Childe, Gainesville, Ala.; G. R. Busklrk, Matervan, W. Va.; G. L. Blake, Oronogo, Mo.; Morgan Wright, El wood, Ind.; S. B. Bivin, North Middlctown, Ky.; A. W. Biddlo, Parkorsburg, W. Va,; M. H. Kraxborgor, Gothen burg, Nebr.; A. J. Norrls, Ash Grove, Mo.; E. H. Gillette, Valley Junction, Iowa; T. A. Roy, Perry, Oklahoma; S, M. Carnahan, Vandorgrlft Heights, Pennsylvania; Henry Jacob, Applo Creek, Ohio; J. W. Reay, Orient, Ohio; John Curran, Leesburg, Ohio; Jas. A. Tool, Mon roe, la.; Valontlne ZImmormann, Jr., Milwaukee, Wis.; Levi Clark, Winchester, Ind.; S. B. Dauben hoyer; Versailles, Ind.; J. C. Starr, Canfield, Ohio; J. S. McKibbin, Clyde, Kan.; John McKay, Ra venswood, W. Va.; J. T. Smith, Burnt Prairie, 111.; John P. Clendenln, Harrison, Ark.; A. G. Rucker, Louisville, Ky; John i. Granger, Alle gan, Mich.; Wm. McKown, Plattsburg, Mo.; Ed ward Taylor, Chicago, 111.; D. S. Maynard, Gas ton, Ind.; John H. Bell. Huntingdon, Pa.; R. Turner, Avery, Ohio; L. S. Dickey, Qhlcago, 111.; E. P. Hughes, Wheeling, W. Va.; R. A. Manches ter, Canfield, Ohio; John I. Lee, Cordell, Okla.; R. M. Brann, Anson, Texas; C. E. Benton, Shelley, Idaho; Jesse Olive, Eddyvllle, Ky.; D. "P. Taylor, Furches, N. C; J. S. Tyler, Dublin, Idaho; B. F. Seymour, Cleveland, Ohio; James Daniel, Web ster City, Iowa; George A. Roynolds, Hockman, Va,; K. W. Barnes, Lucoma, N. C; Dr. J. R. Martin, Merwin, Mo.; V. B. Gray, Earlsboro, Okla.; Wm. Bays, Valparaiso, Neb.; Samuel J. Blaok, Upper Sandusky, Ohio; J. M. Blalcock, Bybee, Tenn.; Robert Bean, Gainesville, Texas. Everyone who approves the work The Com moner is doing is invited to co-operate along the lines of the special subscription offer. Ac cording to the terms of this offer cards each good for one year's subscription to Tho Commoner will be furnished in lots of five, at tho rate of $3 per lot. This places the yearly subscription rate at? 60 cents. Any one ordering these cardB may sell them for $1 each, thus earning a commission of $2 on each lot sold, or he may sell them at the coat price and find compensation in the fact that ho has contributed to the educational campaign. These cards may be paid for when ordered, or they may be ordered and remittance made after they have been sold. A coupoi Is printed below for tho convenience of those who desire to par ticipate In this effort to increase Tho Commoner's circulation: THE COMMONER'S SPECIAL OFFER Application (or Subscription Cards . Publisher Common en I am Interested In In- -i r creasinc The Commoner's circulation, andde- -U sire you to send me a supply of subscription 1 , K cards. I agree to use my utmost endeavor to 10 sell -the cards, and trill remit for them at the . rate of CO cents each, when sold. 20 1 j Nam 25 cq Box. oa StbjktNo . 75 P. O..... Statu - nn Indicate the number of cards wanted by 1UU marking X opposite one of the numbers print- edon end of this blank. " If you believe the paper la doing a work that mer its encouragement! fill out the above oupon and mall It to TH COMMONER. Llncelo, Neb. - it 'VS