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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
iii: ' r k a ' ht u. Bf Ml 14 The Commoner. VOLUME 0, NUMBER 23 A GREAT GATHERING IN LONDON mi.n .... i.--.J.u -, r .-.- -,-r - flm tn. torparliamentary union was ppenod at London, July 23. Extracts from an Associated Press dispatch follow: "Adherents of international peace from all the parliaments of Europe, as well as several of thoso of the west ern hemisphere, were present, but hardly had the conference opened lmn nmt1-- n nnmm nP nnnctlnrnhln excitement, Prof. Maxim Kovalevsky, a member of the lower houso of the Russian parliament, announced that he and his colleagues, representing, until yesterday, the youngest parlia ment in the world, would be obliged to withdraw in consequence of the dis: solution of the body they were official ly appointed to represent. "There were about 500 delegates present, the American representation being headed by Congressman Richard To Get More Strength from Your Food. W ''HEN the Bowels are filled with undigested food we may be a great deal worse off than if w wr half f starved. Because food that stays too long in . the Bowels decays there, just as if it .stayed too long in the open air. Well, when food decays in the Bowels, 4, through delayed and overdue action, what jhappens? -'. fn The millions of little Suction 'pumps ,(ttiat line the Bowels and Intestines then draw r Poison from the decayed Food, Instead of the Nourishment they were intended to draw. i . This Poison gets Into the blood and, in Bartholdt, while William J. Bryan oc- ...l-.i I A1. 1AJ uuiuuu u seax oa uiu piuiiuriir. "Lord Weardale (Sir Philip Stan hope) opened the congress, his pre liminary sentences of welcome being specially addressed to the Russian delegates, whereupon the delegates rose in a body and, turning toward the delegation of the late parliament, t:iii'i-ri'ri i nnm rn rno nniisi i ni Weardale also incidentally mentioned President Roosevelt as having been associated with them in the work of peace. "Premier Campbell-Bannermann, in reply, reminded his hearers that King Edward had always been a great ad vocate of peace. The British govern ment, he said, was in entire sympathy with the object of the conference, whose work had already aroused among the nations a strong feeling in favor of peace. The world had far too long been nothing less than a huge militarv canm. Tho nromior on. pecially greeted the members of the I PllOoInn nnnltnmAnl. J. -. 1 .v.uu.u.u i,mjlttmcni preatjuu, una aiso Paid a tribute to "PlmnPrnr ISTiMinloa who had done so much towards the en hancement of ideas of peace. It could, he thought, be safely asserted that the Russian parliament, although dissolved, was sure to again come in to existence. "Then the premier, in a sudden ac cess of enthusiasm, shouted: "La duma est morte! Vive la duma!' (The Russian parliament is dead! Long live the Russian parliament!) "The delegates rose to their feet and a storm of cheering continued for a couple of minutes. '('fn conclusion the premier said he hoped that at the next peace confer ence at The Hague . a general act would be drawn up providing for the submission of all questions of dispute without restriction to The Hague tri bunal for the universal good of hu manity. "Count Apponyvi, the Hungarian minister of worships, followed, char- uuiui iiug me premier's speech as a v"-v.u uiv-Dougc irora ung Jimward. met with a storm of protests and shouts of 'No! No!' and attempts on every side to induce the Russians to remain, but the latter insisted that mey no longer nad any official status and must leave England for Russia this evening and return to the 'bat tlefield.' "Tho Russian delegates then left tne hall and the conference then set tled down to business. But the inci dents attending the dissolution of the Russian parliament were for some time discussed far more eagerly than the business ' of the conference. "Lord Weardale, who had in the meantime been elected president, had some difficulty in getting the excited delegates quieted, but ultimately at tention became absorbed in the dis cussion or the reports of the commis tion to the powers and the second adopted'.0 ereDCe at Th6 Hasue' lowing ZeposIlsalS adPted the "First-That it would be advantage ous to give to The Hague SS a more permanent influence in the od ganized 'functions of diplomacy and that the powers should agree in m tablishing periodical meetings of tho conference. c "Second That in naming their ren resentatives to the second Hague cori ference the powers may usefully givo them instructions to ascertain the best means of constituting a consultative commission charged with the dutv of preparing the codification and develop, ment of international law. , time, spreads all over the body, unless uie Cause of Constipation is promptly removed. , That cause of Constipation Is Weak, or Lazy Bowel Muscles. ' WhTTour BftwUM..w om. e.?atter announcing on his own in- '.l.thev need Exercise to stren;hftn; " Z li 5J!! toii to the t-u a "ulu " Lue cumerence." .rnyaw ro pamper mem. "The count went on to say that the British premier's appeal for the relief of Europe from the burdens of their military budgets could not be fruit less. The parliaments must follow suit. "On Count Apponyvi's suggestion a telegram was sent to King Edward as follows: '"The inter-parliamentary confer ence received the king's adhesion with profound gratitude. May he long be spared to promote the welfare of his people and the cause of international peace.' "Then came the most dramatic mo ment Of tllfi nnonlncr rP li Professor Kovalevsky rose, but some minutes elapsed before he could gain a hearing, so prolonged was the cheer ing. Finally, in a voice somewhat broken with emotion, he announced the necessity for the withdrawal of the members of the Russian parlia ment. He said: "'We came here in behalf of the Russian nation to partake in the great work of the conference. The Rus s an people desire peace. The mis sion of the Russian parliament was to snatch a great people from a regime of violence and substitute for it a sense of reality, liberty and justice. We hoped to take an active part in your work, but our mission comes to a sudden end, as our parliament hav ing been dissolved, we are no longer official representatives. Our sym pathy remains. We return home with the determination to continue the great struggle for freedom, liberty and justice.' Kml. me announcement nf tim Wimv , There's only one kind of Artificial Ex ercise for the Bowel-Muscles. Its name Is "CA3CARETS" nnrl price Is Ten Cents a box. t So, if you want the same natural action that a six mile walk in the country would give you, (without the weariness) take one ' Cascaret at a time, with Intervals between, 'Jllyou reach the exact condition you desire'. One Cascaret at a time will properly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue. A coming Headache can be warded off in short order, and the cause removed. Don't fall to carry the Vest Pocket Cascaret Box with you constantly. " All Druggists sell themover ten million boxes a year. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling RemfiHvfw pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet RlCUllUU UOU FREE TO OUR READERS hcUtinniu?i?Fan6fd,to free a nrettv ?& ro ?' hC-onamcJed in sions on the American proposals for to temnrnnfSfoHal8ed. to J prI)osal an international Jn ,i 'i t0 a"empt unification of national laws uii.i.i.. !.. , . "uulr.muuci as utonian and if-. -nmr, tji , . - - o CUllIIllil I Oil arbitration treaty to be submitted to me next conterence at The Hague. Mr. Bartholdt expressed particular gratification at the solution suggest ed by the committee appointed at oruaatus or tnis most perplexing prob-' lem. The scheme to convert the next Hague conference into a permanent body, which would meet at stated periods, and to create a council for the codification and development of international law, he considered so thorOUChlv nrnoHnnhlo -! ?lr 4-i.-i. ii jf-'-""' U.UU nuioij maii uw WCll UIHIHJKfifl P-nuornmOtif nnnM M a -. w wuw vwuiu I BV aw U . -'I p,rince Hilkoff, a member of the Rus- oiux. uoi6aaoa trom the upper house of parliament, this evening announced Ms intention to remain and partici pate in the work of the conference. It appears that Count Benkendorff the Russian ambassador here, urged' the former minister, of railways to adopt this course. The prince has been an pointed a member of the international council." object to it. "In conclusion, Mr. Bartholdt said: '"What we want is a world organi zation and a system of law in order to replace arbitrary power in interna tional relations.' "The former Austrian minister of commerce, von Plener, presented the report of the Brussels commission, giving the proposed model treaty of arbitration. He said that while it was impossible to recommend the Amer ican proposal in its entirety some of the features were good, notably the means by which it proposes to de crease the cost of arbitration. Herr von Plened moved the adoption of the model treaty as amended by the com mission, together with a recommenda tion urging on the powers that when arbitration is impossible to have re course, singly or jointly, to the media tion of a third power before declaring war. ."At this juncture, William J. Bryan rose, his . appearance being heartily cheered. " T can not see,' he said, 'that the people have aiiy justification in killing each other before investigating the question involved. There is no ques tion of the sufficient importance of this. I want to move an amendment to Her von Plener's recommendation, to be appended to the commission's report. It goes further than this without going too far. This is my res- "lif 1An 1 ULlUii - '""If a disagreement should occur between contracting parties, which in the terms of the proposed arbitration treaty need not be submitted to ar bitration, they shall, before declaring war or engaging in any hostilities whatever, submit the question to The Hague court or some other impartial international tribunal for investiga tion, and report, each party reserving the right to act independently after wards." . " 'This resolution I PUt in order that there shall be no more shedding of human blood.' Mr. Brian's amendment and Herr von Plener's recommendation were rtnSPrmdi bVhe German delegates, and will be discussed tomorrow , Congressman T. E, Burton of Ohio vice president of the American dele gation, moved the inclusion in the treaty that questions relating to con sular and diplomatic privileges and the collection of debts shall be sub mitted to arbitration nniiio , - , t?L9QRovt ? the committee SECUR1CD OR FEE Frno rnnnrt n - n.7....-.,. .V"R K" - . Book amir ! X T.T.; :."? ""istratca Uuldo PVAiw xvTr?-,10,?8 Wantd. sent frco. I-VANS, WII.KEN8 & CO.,Washln,'ton,D.C. ,TMr9DrOR. COLONY-BO mUo8 from -,. ,. a?,'u ,'7JC(V .fi mUo8 fron Kallroad. 191,000 ncruw caSS1aVt1ain6,0C,rO tmcts' boIn sJldto Amori: fn tfm wnJi?imm,nl ?rI? on. easjr torms- "'chest land Hit- JUtStA Wl f rult9' 'LV crops corn annu information, Jno,g. Bolchor &Sons, nonriotta.ToT. NEWTON'S Heave and Cough Cum A VETEJIINART SPECinc. S" Call. Of ripnlpm. nr omrou prepald. Send for booklet. TbNantonKe-KdjCo.tToldolO. Qt HEATH TO REAVES E?BMD ' LOW ROUND TRIP RATES TONEWJERSEY.LONGISLAND and New England Coast Resorts. 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Price for a lim ited time, U0 per acre. sJSasy terms. 30 other flrnwni nf i, i , , W1WIV uo au" tile report of the pnmtnfffoo tft8. ln Kansas Cit territory. w. drawal of the Russian delegates was appointed at Brussels to SS2S?iit0? ' 5?.. - oomlhi Dwlirht Bidsr.. Kan- "T.FAGNET SALVTC OTTrrrrrr.v nrrnTrc: jlTX Boils & Carbuncles. Often opens Boils m one night. . Try it.- You will be pleased. Price 35 cents postpaid. Address Magnet aalve, Shenandoah, Iowa, Box 71. 'XfiT ATER PROBLEM SOLVED. MACHINE TT for domestic well-maldng, cheapest by half, most practical of any. catalogue free. Koger & Sons. Mooresburg. Tonn. 1 K JEWEL ELGIN OR WALTHAM - movement, Otted in 20 year open face case, 59.40, send for our watch catalogue. Ad dress. G. H. Goodwin Co.. Tracy, Minn. BETTER "WAGES-FRAMING CHART 2d Cents. Frames any roof . O. M. Osborn, .uwi.iu.iu, j-iuuoin, xNeorasua. GOITRE CURE. TREATMENTINTERNAL. Cure by absorption. No patent medicine and no danger. Thirty days' treatment free. This offer good till Aug. 27th, 1900, Dr. J. W. Binokley. Kenton.Ohio. FOR SALE 1C0 ACRE FRUIT FARM-ALL or 80 acres pr 40 acres. For particulars uufs a. u. j-owis, r.. vma mage, in. - r'Vwu u, fcr.. w.-j i .uw. iSaijSjfei2-