- "fvr'PtwiMr-2- -vi JULY 20ri90 The Commoner. 5 tho soulless corporation, bo held amenable to. the law? Or the one who, in the Paul Morton case, laid down the doctrine that the corporation, rather than the individual, should be hold? By the one who insists upon the vigorous prosecution of all charged with violating the anti rebate law? Or the one who throws the protect arm of his administration around a member of his cabinet when the trail leads Indisputably in that direction? By the one who says that he means to send to prison those who violate the anti-rebate law, regardless of their position in life? Or the one whose prosecutions on this lino have resulted in only fines to the corporation officers giving re bates, and to the packers accepting them, while the only jail sentence imposed was upon the broker and his clerk who acted as the go-between in the deal among these conspirators against the law? By the one who, in public speech and mes sage, arraigns u court for holding the corporation rather than the man? Or the one whose course was so identical with that of the judge of tho court he criticises that Messrs. Judson and Har mon, special attorneys, employed to map out a course of procedure for the government, resigned in disgust? By the one who insists upon purity in the public service? Or the one who permitted the mean spirited Loomis to continue in the diplo matic service after his Irregularities had been exposed, and then permitted him to retire with honors? By the one who says that fidelity on the part of public officials must be recognized? Or the one who dismissed In disgrace the faithful Bowen, whose only offense was that he displayed his temper upon the discovery of the dishonest prac tices that had been carried on by Loomis, the administration pet? By the one who refused to give aid and en couragement to the republican machine in Phila delphia because it represented bossism, and all that is degrading in municipal politics? Or the one who permits it to become known that his sympathies are with the republican machine in Pennsylvania in spite of the fact that that ma chine, under the guidance 'of Penrose, is so rep resentative of degraded politics that the rank and file of Pennsylvania republicans have revolted and nominated an opposition ticket? By the one who professes hatred for bossism and machine politics? Or the one who sent his secretary of war to Ohio to speak in behalf of the Boss Cox ticket in the campaign of 1905? By the one who stands unrelentingly for great reforms and uncompromisingly against cor porate domination? Or the one who, in the dis tribution of patronage In Wisconsin, turns his back upon LaFollette the republican reformer; the one who permits his secretary of the treasury to enter the Iowa campaign to protest against the renomination of Governor Cummins, who is being fought by the corporations of the Hawkeye state; the one concerning whose own attitude, in that clear cut fight between the corporations and the people, the Cummins men are doubtful, but the Perkins men are confident? By the one who insists that railroads should be operated for the public Interests? Or the one who argues that the railroads should bexgiven the privilege of pooling? By the one who vigorously condemns the mis appropriation of policyholders' money by insur ance magnates? Or the one who retains in his cabinet the chairman of the national committee to whose treasury several hundred thousand dol lars of these misappropriated funds were traced? By the one who advocates the colonial sys tem in connection with the American govern ment? Or the one who wrote: "At best the in habitants of a colony are in a cramped and un natural state The only hope for a col ony that wishes to obtain full moral and mental growth is to become an Independent state or part of an independent state?" By the one who said: "Political economists have pretty generally agreed that protection is vicious in theory and harmful in practice?" Or the one who insists upon "standing pat" although a considerable part of the rank and file of his own party demand that the tariff be revised in order that the shelter the trusts find therein may be destroyed? By the one who, referring to the people of "our new possessions" in the Louisiana purchase and during Jefferson's time, said: "The essen tial point was that they had to be given the right to self government. They could not be kept in pupilage?" Or the one who insists that 'the people of "our new possessions" in the pres ent day bo kept in pupilage? By the one who protends to bo engaged In a death grapple with special interests? Or tho one who permitted tho advocates of tho ship subsidy bill to say at tho recent session that ho was very anxious that tho measure bo adopted by tho house as it had passed tho senate? By tho one who poses as tho great champion of publicity? Or the one who yet withholds from the public, the report made by William J. Cal houn who went to Venezuela to Investigate tho past and present relations of tho United States with Venezuela, and particularly tho record mado by Loomis? By tho one who proposes an inheritance tax in order to protect the public from fortunes "swollen beyond all healthy limits?" Or the one who favors a tariff system which, at tho expenso of the people, contributes to these swollen for tunes? By the one who measured swords with Sena tor Aldrich on tho railroad rate legislation? Or the one who tamely submitted to a railroad rate bill which had Aldrich's approval? By the one who is so interested in tho moth ers of the country that he loses no opportunity to pay them tribute? Or the ono who promoted to the postmastership at Washington City, tho person Barnes who directed a negro and other attendants to lay violent hands upon a woman and remove her from the White House Barnes, who made statements concerning that episode entirely at variance with the statements of tho representatives of the New York World and tho Washington Star, newspaper men whose integrity Is unquestioned and who were eye witnesses to the attack? By the one who insists upon the enforcement of the new railroad rate law? Or the ono who appoints as a member of the board charged with the enforcement of that law E. E. Clark of Iowa, who is charged with being instrumental In stirring up opposition to tho measure at the last session of congress? These facts are not cited in captious criti cism of the man to whom they conspicuously re late. They are recalled to show the utter ab-. surdity in a government whose success must depend upon the intelligent and patriotic action of its voters of the republican slogan for 1906. Because the evils under which the people suffer are real, the remedy must be real. Real remedies are not to be obtained, if men are to be elected to congress because they bear tho label of the party to which Theodore Roosevelt belongs; and elected In response to an appeal to "stand by" a gentleman who has craving all pardons faced in every possible way, on nearly every public question with which he has had to deal. "Stand by Roosevelt" means nothing more than that the personal popularity of tho presi dent is to be used to elect to congress republican candidates regardless of the position these can didates hold upon public questions. In Rhode Island, Aldrich; in Now York, Piatt; in Penn sylvania, Knox; in Wisconsin, Spooner; and in West Virginia, Elkins all of them special interest senators will plead "Stand by Roosevelt." In Wisconsin the LaFollette republicans will be asked to "Stand by Roosevolt;" In Iowa the Cum mins men will be urged to "Stand by Roose velt," and that will mean that in Iowa, as in Wisconsin and many other states, republican candidates must be elected whether as members of congress they proved themselves to be the pliant tools of corpo'rations, or the faithful ser vants of the people. And the cry, "Stand by Roosevelt," will be taken up in the school districts where well mean ing young orators will plead for republican vic tory, unconscious of their folly; and republican editors will echo the cry "Stand by Roosevelt" when urging the election to congress of republi can candidates whose entire public lives may have been given to the service of corporations. The "Stand by Roosevelt" argument is a delusion and a snare. As a description of a certain political policy it Is false and fraudulent. It means nothing more than a partisan cry to lure men from serious thoughts on public affairs and distract the attention of the people from the republican party's foul record. Wherever the phrase is used and it will be uBed in every dis trict where a corporation politician is running for congress Its real character should be ex posed. - With almost prohibitive prices placed on the necessities of life; with our food poisoned; with our insurance funds embezzled; with our con gress throwing away the people's money and truculently submitting to the dictates of the trust magnates; with the problem of maintaining life In a land of plonty becoming more and more difficult of solution -It Is mot with tho American: peoplo a question of "standing by Roosevelt," or any othor man whose record is not descrlptlvo of his principles. But tho question is: Shall tho American pooplo stand by thcmsolvcs and for thomselves, calling a halt to tho mediocre and un scrupulous men who Interpreted tho ropublican victory of 189G oa liconso to proy upon tho American peoplo, and a quit claim deed to tho American government? RICHARD L. METCALFE. "STAND BY R008EVELT" & & When you ask us to "stand by" our bold president & You will pardon, I'm sure, if I ask what & is meant; JC For it's hard to "stand by" one who's & Jumping about 5 A fact you'll admit if you aro honest, no doubt. $ Pray tell us how wo could "stand by' in 6 a case S Whore Loomis is praised, but where S Bowen lost place! 5 Or "stand by" when lib rails so hard at S rebates 6 Then honors a man who has mado special & rates? $ When you ask of us that, common fair & ness demands & That you clearly define where tho presl & dent stands. S When he talks of tho shackles we've put 5 upon force 6 We know what ho means while he's talk & ing, of course; $ But talking of cunning and-, shackles lt: S needs 5 A chasm yawns wide twixt his words and 6 his deeds. & Shall we boldly "stand by" as he hurls & his defl & At Aldrich and Foraker? Then with a & sigh & "Stand by" when surrender Is counselled, Jt because The trusts are too strong to bo hampered Jt by laws? & When you ask us "stand by" and to hold up his hands & You clearly should show where the presi- & & dent stands. Shall we "stand by" the man who gave Morton a place While asking "square deals" for all men in life's race? Or shall wo "stand by" when he says that campaigns Must never be fought with a trust's stolen gains? Or stand boldly by as the trusts march in view And yield up their "fat" to the bold Cortelyou? Shall we "stand by" the man who de nounced corporate loot Then gave a high place to a trust law yer named Root? Before we "stand by" common fairness demands You tell us exactly where Theodore stands. When we try to "stand by" it will fill us with doubt & If the president fidgets and jumps all & about; j One thing for a minute, then with a grave & frown & He boldly looks upward and backs slowly down. & One day cries "anarchy" because of 5 reports 6 That people have dared look askance at t the courts & And then on the next takes a Humphrey S to task J How can we "stand by?" is the question we ask. 5 We'll be glad to "stand by" if you will 6 heed our demands S And clearly define where the president JL stands. , WILL M. MAUPIN. S tu 5 5 3 w v 5 3 3 tJ s s s J & & -& & s & & & & & & & .mmm'Mmft , f, t . J -Hi J.'1-. 4 i-J- -jL.3tdeJo' sn- ' VtV , A,K .