The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 20, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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'"IW T( f "P--
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The Commoner.
rBL.r JT f'mffYlHRites Hb j. iT .
Bite, Bite, Bite
(With no apologies b A. Tennyson)
JBIto, bite bito,
Oh my weary framo, O, flea,
And I would that my tongue could
Tho thoughts that arise in me.
Oh well for the others at rest,
That thoy snore undisturbed away.
1 And well for the fleas. At best
I'll ne'er go to sleep 'till day.
And the clock ticks merrily on
As it strikes in the same old way.
But oli, for the bed in my room at
Where I slept clear into the day.
'BILe, bite, bite,
I have you at last, O flea;
J3ut the tender joy of a nap that's
Will' never come back to me.
"In Summer Time"
Many of our readers will be enjoy
ing a much-needed vacation during
the months of July and August, but
not all. The major portion of us nsuBt
make the best of what fate brings
us, and if we try very hard we shall
find a "best" side to every condition
of life. Because we can not get out
of the treadmill need not dismay us.
Our heads can still be among the
clouds, and even a treadmill can be
stopped sometimes. These hot, mid
summer days bring a breathing spell
to most of us; the spring work is all
done, and Nature is perfecting lfer be
ginnings and preparing for her har
vest. Although the season of reap
ing is already at our door, there- are
yet many moments In which we may
environment of both earth and air.
For the Housewife
"uea m like emergoncy.
ANOLDAVnWTflt nm, -
ioth!nc. Ilsoftim. rn .. "!0?..for oWWrenwhliB
glna colic and I, tho best ramedV ?Mn'cr"
irvfouty-nvecontsa bottle! r8a,ed7
The "dish of welcome" is better than
tho most elaborate menu without it,
and an embarrassed hnntnoa aoiHnm
makes a satisfied gue3t. One is not
supposed to Tisit you for the sake of
tho food set before her. Give the "best
you have, cordially, cheerfully, and if
your guest is worth the trouble, she
will appreciate tho situation.
"A feast or a famine" describes
some housekeeping failures; too much
of one thing with too little of another;
and this is generally due to the lack
of harmony between the views of the
one who plans to provide the table
ana tne one who pays the bills. A
certain amount should bo appropriat
ed for table expenses, be It little or
milch, and bv this mpjinn tho 1irorr
wife will always know how to propor-
Durinc the hot m on the tw oil tvi
labor-saving appliances you can man-
t,c. xiy lu get me Heaviest cook
inir done earlv in th TMnT-tiino- nx
mui u-kub UUU U.1-
range matters so that the house will
not have to be heated up for the din
ger preparation, wnetner the dinner
is at twelve nr nl- r!v Tron,r -ui
are just as good cold, or re-ieated
o iuuujju just out or tne oven, and
these can be prepared in the cool of
the morning. Do not have pies or
iiuuuiugs, ir you can nave fresh fruits.
Salads can. in mn.nv inntn-nnov fov
the place of the accustomed meats,
and It would be better for both the
ueimu ana tne pocket-pook to ignore
the butcher.
ior hot weather drinks there is
nothing better than those made of
cold water and fruit juices, with ice
iL juu iiuve h, due as cool as possible,
If not. Acid fruit juices are "best with
which xto quench . thirst. Fruit
punches are easily made, if the house
wife Tememhovfl f -um i j. ..
fold our hands, trusting to the chem- frult iwces wneQ canning the fruits
uvY wi -", ".ii uuu auuanine to lui-
ill the promise of seed-time, and even
the busy house-mother, Intent on
.gatherlne: un th frarmmn'i
fccf floll .-, J. T""""3. "J- AUI--
;XeV T' "x KiU uu? si10U1(1 Have her
t,,i ,y SU0UJd. r it is as
much a woman's duty to plan for and
for thf ,reSt hour as for to Plan
and seasons, this may call for close
Plan,n?; but afc niP2T
mands iteven that of a sick-bed from
overworked and exhausted I nerv es ?t
L thner t0 talce rest as a Prevent
lye than as a onrntivn
NOW IS til A onnt-nn ,'l.-. n
liAn , ,", "r.ul ,"uu 1L Pays to
iiwT i , D"u, ilie t0 eliminate from
the day's duties every useless, burden
some thing. Look about you and see
5Seilat lcs; ret !he
hf TA t swi ana when tlie work
tinue to do so until all is used, .having
the last layer cheese; brown in a
quick oven and .serve in the .same dish
in which it was baked.
In most of recipes, macaroni is re
ferred to as "boiled macaroni." in
general, macaroni requires plenty of
water to cook it properly, as much as
nT18 f salted watei' being re
quired to cook one-fourth of a pound
WmnVnak8 a "iness" f"
persons. The paste may be put in
whole, or broken in short pieces; the
water must be boiling hard, and well
salted Twenty to forty minutes7as
one likes, is the length of time re-
quired for cooking it. Shake the ves-
2? i W? C? t Is C00kInS at Intervals
to keen it fmm ctri,i nn.. .. .
JSSff' .ft? l0"' taJ? a' co'r and
Watching Baby's Comfort
Even during the hot months, care
must be taken that the baby does not
suffer from changes of temperature.
Our hottest-days often begin with
a very cool morning; or, a breeze may
spring up at nightfall, giving us a
cool night. It is much easier to add
a light outer crarmfmt in th vr,o.
or put on a heavier gown at night
Tt t i. cure a cow which, however
slight, may bring on a hazardous
bowel trouble. As, the day advances
and the temperature rises, the outer
garment may be laid aside. It is a
real pain to one who is observant, and
who loves babies, to see the little
limhs roughen with "goose bumps"
and mottle with cold, to which ap
pearance the thoughtless mother gives
no heed, and yet wonders "how on
earth, the babv rnh tho cmni. -
what he has 'Eaten to derange his
little stomach. It is a pitiful thing
to see the erirl mothor'c cr-r.
to the meaning of the most glaring
symptoms of discomfort and threat
ened illness of the baby she so dearly
loves, yet exposes to such trying risks.
Before we cry out for more children,
let ns teach our girls and boys the
responsibilities of parenthood the in
telligent care of those given to them.
Better one live, healthy baby than
uuaeua or aiseased or dead ones. If
it is a truth that a baby has the right
to be "well-born' it Js of equal im
portance that the little body should
be intelligently cared for.
the army. There are a great ttnuv i
stltutlons of this character in an th;
great cities. Metropolitan Magazine!
Caring for Baby's Eyes
American Motherhood says: "Now
?5 ,i bby's, soro eyes BU some
old nen handkerchiefs; cut them into
small pieces an inch and a half
square; dissolve a teaspoonful of bor
acic acid in a pint of water, put this
solution into a bottle and cork it up
"7 iuui umg strain some of this
water into a teacup, then, with one
piece of the soft linen wash one eye
throw the linen away and take a new
piece of linen for the other eye; never
use the same piece for both eyes, but
burn the piece used immediately. Use
tepid water, and do not rub the eyes
if you are obliged to use hard water
for baby's baths, soften it with a pinch
of borax, or, if there is a breaking out
on any part of his body, add boiled
starch to his bath; or put a couple of
tablespoonfuls of oatmeal in a piece
Of Cheese Cloth n-nrl emiQQ-,o i,i. J-
the hath water until it loohs milky.
This is one of the "best things for erun
tions or chafing." l
The baby's bath towels should be
?n ?n? al?SDrPtive, and the tender
little body should be patted dry, rather
than rubbed. Only the purest soap
should be used, if any, in the bath. No
scented soap should be tolerated. If
the baby is kept clean, with close at-
P ,y LU 1LS clotning, it Has an aroma
of its own that is more agreeable than
any perfumery; but if you must use
nn odor, the scent of lavender is at
once refreshing and clean-smelling,
and it may be obtained by packing
dried lavender blossoms among the
baby's linen. There is nothing more
disappointing and disagreeable than a
"bad-smelling" baby, and, if even or
dinary care is given it and its belong
ings, there is nothing else necessary.
Even the Kmnii nv on ,jh. , .
) --" " w wwu-i JiJlllV JH 11UU
to be tolerated. Do keep the haby
m u evu-omemug,
"raS e SSJSlLr-j - ? -fife&5
shine or the shadow It iq tim C T in- t? iT 7 i p pes wn3Ie cook-
about us. Let t,s rG 7,- "? k I? " ."S preParati.
invigorate ,? f,08t " l..wid .Jaroni, a la Creme-Put two mm-
Z&XL Eb EVo -.sSSft
"- luuiiiun. i ji-i no .. iin nuiinrktii'ii j?i i. --.
"- """"i h, and add a dash
of pepper. Place alternate layers of
the sauce, boiled macaroni and
chopped American cheese in a bakmg
dish. RnWnlrla n, 4- ,,. Uttllmb
crumbs and brown. WKU Cracker"
. Macaroni with Cheese Melt two
tablespoonfuls of butter, grate &u?
ounces of cheese, use one-fourT pound
of boiled macaroni; grease a baking
dish, cover the bottom with macaroni
pour over a little of tho melted butter
and sprinkle with grated cheese; con-
Waifs of a Great City
Of the 36,000 children cared for by
the Juvenile asylum of New .York City
since its founding in 1851, onlytwenty
one per cent have been of American
P,arenTta the majority representing
the thickly populated immigrant dis
'fl se, where blacks,
mix with whites from many foreign
nations. This asylum seeks in a prac
tical way to save the youngsters from
their early training at as small an
expense as possible. Their fundamen
tal ideas are built on the manual
training school systems, which covet
the practical industries Over 1500
pairs of shoes were made during the
past year bv thA oi,.,i." " ? .e
, - - - Buuc-muivor ana nis
ten boys, and, after working hours
the Rami tennis- . x , : ?. UUUii'
drain; then pour cold tT?teougn he Z',' aer working lours:
in a -cornet hand txrhii, " s:
occasions, delights the audience. The
baker -and his ten boys make all the
bread and rolls used in the asylum
and the tailor, with his seventy boy'
make trousers, coats, caps and smaller
articles of wearing apparel. Some of
fnM'M1'6! traIne as waiters? whi?e
in the kitchen department exnert
trainimr is irivon t n uper
SS ZllTLls f' which come
i, ,, oui'pues are bung on th
walls, diagramed to show the prone?
SMS f00?' classified E2S
ing to dietary value, are memorized
"tL?E il0 whlchhave
wv,4Uu tlxcu recipes. ThesA lit.
tie maids are in great demanf and
11? ftG? ,TOOrG Proficient in binary
sdence than tho women who omploy
i.2fUfi& thG care md training given
ki 1U ucauonal lines in
business nmfaenu ,,,. lluva m.
For the Sewing Room
If you tvish to shirr a girdle or ruf
fles, it can readily be done on the
sewing machine by making the upper
tension thread quite loose, and stitch
where you want it gathered, then pull
the lower thread until it is shirred as
you want it. The end of the thread
must be fastened securely, or it will
pull out.
For protecting the edge of the skirt
bottom from wear, after hemming or
facing the skirt the length wanted,
baste inch-wide braid so It will come
about one-eighth of an inch below the
edge; the upper edge of the braid
must be "blind-stitched" to the inside
of the hem- or facing, and the lower
edge should be fastened with a run-
u,us auLuii oi very short stitches.
Before putting on any garment, be
sure that the tapes, buttons, button
holes, hooks or eyes are all in place
and securely attached. It may save
you some very mortifying experiences.
Do not get in the habit of depending
on pins, even the safety-pin, and be
especially careful if you depend on
taPeS. for fl XVnm rt lnni ton v,o..
- ..w vf iuuoo Livj0 may
Jail you just ut some critical moment,
in some situation where it will cause
much embarrassment to repair the dis
aster, t
The despised "Mother-Hubbard"
gown, or house-wrapper, is again in
use, and is. made as simply or as elab
orately as one wishes. If properly
made, it is not only comfortable, but
becoming. There is usually a flounce,
Tri?H?H1M?rloosn,?t.?.ur2 children of bed wottJn.
ir It did thero would too fow children that would do
It. Tboro Ib .a constitutional causo for this. Mrs.
M. Summors.JBox 118, Notro Dame, lnd., will send
horhomo treatment to nW mother. Sho nsks no
hnclnooo . - wuuttuuiuu lines, in l,rKfVwvi;l rxoauyir your children troublo
business, professions, politics, and in chanIo060Tckn'thSR;UbIftIUO th chm- '