- JULY 13, 1906 The ' Commoner. 9 The degree, of negligence is left fora jury to de cide. Was defeated In an effort to compel pay ment of allotted Indians of money deriyea" from the sale of' timber off their allotments, of -which, now, it is "said, they often are robbed. Introduced and forced the passage of a resolution directing the interstate commerce commission to investi gate the control which the .so-called grain eleva tor trust has over grain products, and the commu nity of interest apparent between the railroads and this combine. Secured the passage of a bill ceding to the state of Wisconsin 20,000 acres of public land for an extension of the forest pre serve. He was opposed in this by his colleague, Senator Spooner. Gained the enactment of a bill to permit the Menominee Indians in the north west to manufacture timber on their reservations, instead of being compelled to sell it. The Interior department opposed him in this instance. In troduced and spoke for a resolution to withdraw from entry and public sale all government lands covering coal or mineral deposits. This was smothered by the senate, but President Roose velt may recommend it in his next annual mes sage. Contended until the last hours of the ses sion for consideration and a vote on a bill to limit the hours of service of railroad employes in charge of the movement of trains to not more ., than sixteen hours of continuous service." Sen- ator LaFollette also introduced a separate bill requiring the use of the block system on all' rail roads. ' THE FOLLOWING fervent prayer appeared in the editorial, columns of the Omaha World-Herald, Friday, June 15: "We are .begin ning to need rain out .here in Nebraska. We have no complaints to make over republican man agement of the sunshine. It has been" all the most captious could desire and the spring show ers were fine. But we do Xeel that we are en titled to a few gentle summer rains. And so 3ve appeal to the republican party for rain. Give us rain; oh! great and good, republican party, source of all our blessings and bane of' all ills, give us rainli'. ' ' - ' ' TN-' ITS' ISSUE of June 20,. the Sioux City Jour i "naj' (republican) directed attention to the World-Herald's 'prayer and said: "There was nothing doing Friday or Saturday, but on Sun day .the rain came as per request. Ditto on , Monday. The interesting details are told in the news columns of the Omaha newspapers. The Omaha Bee on Tuesday morning printed a col umn and a half of special dispatches under the following cheerful headlines: ALL NEBRASKA IS SOAKED Rain Starts Sunday Night and Continues Through. . the Day Monday COMES JUST AT TIME WHEN -DEEDED Reports Indicate Dry Weather Had Done Little Damage, Oats Being the Only Crop Which Had Suffered to Any Extent Falls City, Leigh, Plattsmouth, Fremont, West Point, Stanton, Geneva, Columbus, Haskins, Ains worth, Nebawka, Wahoo, Battle Creek, Creigh ton, Brainard, Oakland, Wymore, Harvard, Wood River, Table Rock, Fullerton and Hartington all told the same pleasant story. The welcome rain had come and transacted every bit of business that could be expected of it".- THE ORIGINAL OF "Little Dorritt" lias, ac cording to the London correspondent for the Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin, been found at Southgate, a village nine miles by railway from King's ross. This correspondent says: "There, in a quiet old house in a quiet street, dwells Mrs. Cooper, who, as Mary Ann Mitton, was a play mate of Dickens and the sister of his closest school companion. She is now more than ninety years of age. In consequence of this discovery many persons have paid'a visit to Southgate, and accounts of interviews there show how keen is the pleasure it affords 'Little Dorrit' to talk of the faraway times when, as a girl, she attend ed St. Panoras church Nvith 'Charles,' and of the visits afterward paid by him to Manor Farm, Sunbury, where the Mittons lived later. Of the boy Dickens she retains the fondest recollections. One of her quaintest anecdotes tells how, as a girl, she teased him about his future wife. He declared that she must possess an intellectuality which would qualify her to take a keen interest in his work, and when the girl remarked, '.Then I wouldn't do for that, Charles,' he agreed, 'Then Dorrit, you wouldn't do for that How keen an interest both she and her brother took In the young writer's work' is shown from tho tales sho tells of how 'Charles' used to bring his man uscript and read it aloud to them. 'If we thought anything was not quite as it should be, we would toll him straight, No, no, Charles, that won't do, at alL' Of Dickens, tho man, the old lady says: 'There never was such a man. He was so gentlo and kind to every one, and clever, for he never really had much education, but he had a natural gift for noticing things and describing them.' Sho still has in her possession many relics of those old days, notably part of the bed upon which Dickens slept when he used to visit her brother during tho holidays at Sunbury. She is proud, too, of having recolVed many letters from tho great novelist in his younger days. She dearly loves to tell of the trouble she used to get into in the early days of young Dickens' sojourn in Camden Town (Mrs. Cooper was born In Hatton Garden), when, instead of returning straight homo after the service at St. Pancras church, she used to listen to 'Charles' ' persuasion and go to .see the 'beadle in his gorgeous dress,' or some other wonder of childhood. Speaking of life at Sunbury, sho said 'you could always find Charles lying out among tho hay, absorbed in some book.' "- THE CONTEST FOR tho republican nomina tion for governor in Iowa has been hotly waged and while both sides claim victory, it is clear Cummins has won. George D. Perkins has formally proposed to Governor Cummins that they submit the contest between themselves to arbitration In his letter Mr. Perkins said: "The preconvention contest has come down to the closing days without a clear settlement as to the choice of the party for the gubernatorial nomin ation. The balance of power Is with the delega tions that are contested and these contests, to my mind, should bo impartially and intelligently determined to the end that confidence may be es tablished in the integrity of the convention's de terminations. Would you be willing to join in a request to the chairman of the national commit tee that ho appoint from the membership of the committee jt commission of three, the choice to be made from states sufficiently separated from our state to secure impartiality and freedom from predetermination to hear and .determine the is sues that have arisen. My thought is that such a commission should be empowered to hear all contests and upon their finding make up a tem porary roll, to be binding upon all parties, and further that such commission be authorized to prescribe the parliamentary rules by which tho convention shall be governed in all its prelimi nary work." f ANEW YORK newspaper recently printed an editorial entitled "costly insects," which editorial referred to the apropriation by congress of $100,000 for the distribution of parasitical in-' sects to be used in the war on gypsy moths. Bv S. Bowdish, a member of the New York Audubon society, writing to the New York paper, says: "In conclusion you say that 'there are two ways to combat these insects,' spraying and the use of parasites. There is another check, equally natural and probably much more effective. If a little more attention were devoted to tho ade quate protection of our' native birds hundreds of ' thousands of dollars would be saved to agricul ture and horticulture. Out of some thousand forms of birds native to North America scarcely a half dozen have proved to be injurious Instead of beneficial. The cuckoos, warblers, chickadees and many of our other common birds have been proved to be invaluable as destroyers of gypsy moths. The roBe-breasted grosbeak eats great numbers of the potato beetles, and the scales are attacked most earnestly by the various tit mice. To protect our native birds costs' nothing and it can not fail to give marked results in the country's food production." AN EXTRACT FROM a London cablegram to ' the New York Sun follows: "It is difficult to give an adequate idea of the world-wide fury and horror created by Upton Sinclair's novel 'The Jungle' and the daily dispatches to the European newspapers. It is- frequently said here that American memories are short and the American public the most tolerant of abuses of any in the world, but the manufacturers of American food products will not find either of these character istics among European consumers. These revel ations have come as a climax to a long series of exposures with which American telegrams to Eng lish and European papers have teemed for many montlis. Tho old world has come to bellovo in gcnoral terms that American business methods arc rotten. It will tako moro than a paper re organization of tho groat llfo insurance compa nies and a cleaning of tho Augean stables at Chi cago to restore European belief In American hon esty and fair dealing. It will Jjo a long time be fore public opinion on this sido of tho Atlantic will have any confidoncq in American corporate reform. Ono thing, and one thing only, will havo any real effect in Europe. When America begins to sond its greatest criminals to jail, Europo will begin to believe that there is a real standard of morality In tho country. Tho administration of justice in the Unitod States is today tho subject of open ridicule and contempt throughout Europe. There Is nothing an Englishman resents moro than an Intimation that tho American judicial system Is similar to England's, and tho chief argument adduced against tho pending bill to create one court of vcrlmlnal appeal Is tho dangor that It will prove to be the opening wedgo for American evils.' V - " - AN APPRAISEMENT recently made of tho es tate of Daniel S. Lamont, who was private secretary to Grover Cleveland while" he was gov " ornor and later while ho was president, and who finally became secretary of war, showed that Mr. Lamont amassed a fortune of $4,458,047. Tho Now York Herald says: "Mr. Lamont at. tho time he died had on deposit in banks and trust companies $85,G93. Tho following are somo of the items of his personal estate: Shares: Value: , 7,'C50 Northern Pacific Railroad Co $1,537,050 6.G12 Great Northern .Railroad Co... a 1,897,044 1,000 American Tobacco .,..... - 285,000 1,410 Pacific Coast common ." 131,130 22,222 Granby Con. Min. & Mill 'Co 155,554 ' 150 First National Bank 111,000 G12 Northern Securities Co., (old)..... 104,958 210 Northern Securities Co., (now).... 57,750 375 National Bank of Commerce 7G,875 200 Commercial National Bank 08,000 975 Great Southern Lumber Co 97,500 1,500 Phenix National Bank ... 57,000 2,000 International Traction Cor....,':. 50,000 50 Astor National Bank ? 40,000 Mr.. Lamont also hold bonds of tho Northern Pacific railroad of the value of $100,000, He had in his city residence, No. 2 Wost Fifty-third street, furniture, rugs, bric-a-brac and paintings of tho value of $48,000. His gross pergonal estate is estimated at a valuation of $5,000,000. He was indebted to Mooro & Schley, bankers, as the time he died, for securities purchased for him, to tho amount of $1,420,000. The commission of the executors, Mrs. Lamont and Paul D. Cravath, amount to $120,99,3. Other Items reduce the per sonal estate to $4,028,079. In addition to the city residence, which is valued at $150,000, Mr. La mont owned the adjoining houso, valued at $140, 000, and No. 19 West Fifty-fifth street, estimated to be worth $130,000. Including his country resi dence, Millbrook, Dutchess county, his real estate holdings amount to $429,308. Tho total of tho bequests under his will, including those made to the widow and daughters irrespective of their shares in the residuary estate, amount to $31G, 329. There is a residuary estate of $4,058,503 to be held in trust for them after the deduction of $83,214 as commissions of tho trustees.' EVIDENTLY THE United States government has little faith In the Osier theory. Tho Louisville (Ky.) Herald says: "The civil ser vice commission has just reported that 1,587 government clerks at Washington are over sixty five. Of this number 189 hold places on account of their war record. The work done by these clerks is graded thus: Excellent, 374; good, 682; average, 229; fair, 251; poor, 90. This is, indeed, a mcrat satisfactory showing. The oldest man In the service is ninety-one. There is another of ninety. Three have seen eighty-six winters, four are eighty-five, while five are eighty ;f our, six, are eighty-three, twelve are eighty-two, fourteen are eighty-one, fifteen are seventy-nine, twenty five are seventy-eight, twenty-three are seventy seven and forty-four are seventy-six. Government clerks do not, as a rule, save money, so that dis missal would for many of these old officials mean severest hardship. There is a certain pride in serving the national government, which impels .these men to spend on, living practically all they . earn. Unwise, Indeed, but still a fact which no government should fail to consider." i 'V n.