'JS "HT, r ' i ii V 1 1 . The Commoner. 16 VOLTJME 6, NUMBER 28 -TUvyHt MT" " MWB k It U- i'i, ft: iw i fh i v '111 vlrrlr ii j DO YOU READ? Do You Want to Keep in Touch With the World? Are You Interested in Good Publications? Do You Want to Save Money on Your Reading Matter? For the benefit of Commoner readers who desirt to arail themselves of a general line of reading so far as newspapers and periodicals ar concerned, The Commoner has arranged a number of special clubbing offers; This plan has proven to be very popular and thousands of Commoner readers have taken advantage of the low rates thus made posiible. The Commoner is prepared to make some very tempting offers in the way of "subscription bargains." Be low will be found a list of clubbing offers which are the best terms that can be obtain edany where. The char acter of the newspapers and periodicals, the arrangement of the clubs and the really low prices all combine to provide an extraordinary opportunity to those who are anxious to obtain at a reasonable price a line of Teading that will keep them ever in touch with all phases of life. . SUBSCRIPTION BARGAINS Combination Offers CLASS A Itcnular Price f?nromrrr.fn1 AT)nrn.l. Mftmnhla. ftotrl ....C nt Amerieun, Nnshvillc,(wk) 7 .GO - Southern Pruit Grower, OhattanoocrMmo) 50" Farm, Stoclt &Homo, MinnettpollsJseml-mo).. ;50 Home & Farm, Louisville, (semi-mo) ,.V.50 Mo. Valley Farmer, fL1opekal(mo)..-ik ;, .50 The Home &State,Dallas,(mo)......'ii:i7t... .50 Modern Farmer, St. Joseplumo) ...4 ; .-..'. ,50 Prnlrln TT'n.vmo'n. Phlnarrn (wlr 1 Dft Neb Farm Journal,Lincoln.(mo)..., -.:..,. 1.00 V Trntieno 1?nmYiAM ros-trv1n S-tr1r 1.V1 I Reliable Poultry Journal, Quinoy.(mo) 1.00 Agricultural Epltomist, Spefacer, Ind.(mo) 25 Farmer's Wife, St.Paul.(mo) 50 Metropolitan & Rural Home, New Ydrlc,(mo).. .2$ Vick's Family Magazine, Rochester, (mo) 50 Farm News, Springfield, O., (mo) 50 Poultry Success, Springfield, O.. (mo) 50 J CLASS B World, New Yorls.(thrice-a-week) .' $1.00 , Constitution, Atlanta, (thrice-a-wU). l.oo 'Enquirer Oincinnati,(wl0 i.ob'u FarmyField & Fireside. Chicago, (wk) . . , f.db Michigan Fanner. Dotroit.(wk) l'oo" Wlndle's Qatling Gun. Ohlcago.(mo) iroo ' rnsmopolitan, New York City, (mo) l.oo Pearson's. Now York nitv.fmni -inn Times; Seattle, Wash. (wk)..., x.qq J The Commoner and The Commoner i and ( The Commoner j id ( The Commoner And any one In Class A $1.00 The Commoner And any two In Class A The Commoner And any ONE ii Ci oc ClawB Pl.OO Three Extraordinary Offers . NUMBER ONE ( A RH m ya,ue THE COMMONER $1.00j VT'iUU Review of Reviews, New York 2.50 ) . f KS Cosmopolitan, New York .- 1.00 ( Olir price fOJ No Substitutes Permitted In Above. $3,00 in va,ue Our price i60 $3.10 in va,ue Our Price f9QQ and $t.60 $2.10 $1-85 The Commoner AncL.'n. $i.85 Any ONE in Class A with any ONE in Class B Any ONE in Class A. wilh any TWO in Class B Any TWO in Glass A with any ONE in Class B Periodicals mny he sent to different ndaresEes if fesireO. Your friends may -wish to ForeiRn postURC extra. WoV.i?i iZ?ill!Jblnp,Polnbintlons or premium offers in which theThrice-n-Week World Miscellaneous Offers Publisher's Price Kansas City Dally Post ; m Constitution. Atlanta, (thrice-a-wcek) .V.'.'.V.'.'.V."."" l oo Good House-Keepinp 'm World Kansas City, (daily except Sunday) '.'..'. '.'.'.'. '.'.". o m Rocky Mountain News-Times. IJenverw k ....... V T m Wallace's Fanner. Des Rloines. (wlO. ........ .. "" . '$ Live Stock Journal, Chicnco, (ivk).. .... !........... m Democrat. Johnhtown,(wk).....V ' risi World-ITmnlii n,i. ll'V.iv:. ,4. . 1.00 Poultry Success, Spriniilleld. O. (mo).... lfffl Literary Digest, New York City (New) (wk). i m Nelrnskn Independent. T.innninVi7rMWIW ?9? - NUMBER TWO THE COM1VIONER $1.00 Prairie Farmer, Chicago V. 1 .00 Cosmopolitan, New York.....""....... 1.00 NUMBER THREE THE COMMONER ..; $1.00 World, Thrice-a-Week, New York.... 1.00 The HousekeeDor. MinnennnHn firing , fin Missouri Valley Farmer, Topeka, (mo) .50 J NOTE -AU subscriptions to Public Opinion must be new; we can not" accept renewals. The Housekeeper may be substitutes' for The Live- Stock Journal in No. 2. In- No. 3 The World-Herald, Cincinnati Enquirer, Seattle Times or Nebraska Independent may be substituted for The Thrice-a-Week World. Suggested Combinations Koirnslm Indcucnaenl. i n : coin.' (wk) .?. . '. 188 &KM a l:e I- Practical ;ih!)Jni, Tattle Cirrl, Mich., (mo).. , 'ffi icalVarmer, Philadelphia. (wlS........! .:.::; ""' - ' Our Price with The Commoner $2.35 ' 1.C0 1.35 1.45 2.00 1.C0 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 3.25 1.25 1.25 1.45 1.45 1.60 1.45 1.1. The .Commoner $1.00 Fanner's "Wtfc -.50 Reliable Poultry Jnl. 1.00 Pearson's... .., 1.00 The Commoner $1 .00 Thrice-a-Wk World,. 1.00 Nebr. Independent.. 1.00 PrairieFarmer 1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 The Commoner $1.00 Windle'sGatlinsGun 1.00 The Housekeeper... .00 Modern Farmer. 50 llie Commoner $1.00 Farm, Field & Fire side 1.00 PacillcMonthly 1.00 Send us only $1.70 for the" four Send us only $2.75 for the five Send us only $1.85 for thfc four Send us only $1.95 for the three The Commoner $1.00 World-Herald 1.00 The Housekeeper,.. .60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Thrice-a-week World 1.00 Woman,'sHome Com panion ,u 1.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 So. Fruit Grower 50 Home & State.. r 50 Commercial Appeal. .5T The Commoner $i.0C Cincinnati Enquirer 1.0C Public l.oc Missouri Val, Farmer .50 Send us only $1.70 for the three Send us only $1.95 for the three Send us only $1.60 for the four Send us only . $2.70 for the tou Noto-SubscriptJonstoaheLltc.arlBca; Changes Allowed in Combinations In the above offers, these periodicals may be substitvtcd one for another: Com mercial Appoal, American, Southern Fruit Grower,. Farm, Stock & Home, Home & Farm, Missouri Valley Fnrmer, Home & State, Modern Farmer, Prairie Farmer, Farm & Home Sentinel, Central Farmer, Kansas Farmer, Reliable Poultry Journal, Agricultural Epitomist, Farmer's Wifo, Metro politan & Rural Homo. In the above offers, these periodicals may be substituted one for another: Thrice a-Woek New York World, Cincinnati Enquirer, Farm, Field & Fireside Michigan Farmer, Practical Farmer, Windle's Gatling Gun, Cosmopolitan Pearson's, Seattle Times, Live Stock Journal, Johnstown Democrat, Oma ha World-Herald, Poultry Success, Campbell's Illustratod Journal, House keeper, Thrictfa-week Atlanta Constitution. PREMIUM OFFERS FOR NEW SUBSCRIPTION year'sSubL we ofer thrco months' subscription to THE COMMONER, or a THE COMMONER or Sonl??1 V ?SS For tWO new annual sljbscriPtions THE COMMONER, we offer six months' subscription to one year's sWrlJtten tn t ! b?CrIpti?n ,to any, PerIodIcal in class "B. For three new annual subscriptions to THE COMMONER, we offer COMMONER ? Vlf vn Ll Thrice-a-Week World, or Rocky Mountain News-Times, or Success, or Cosmopolitan, or nine months of THE tion price of We comSb. 2? subscriPtl0Qs, your own subscription may take the place of the third new subscription.) The subscript us premim offer does not apply to clubbing or combination subscriptions. Please state plainly what premium is desired Ail orders must be addressed to The Commoner, Lincoln Nebraska m j - . BBSWWBr sJSmum.it