w v?wr"'yF,-'rwn J' MC ' "-'-ip'jHBr """ "' Jt t- JOLT 13, 1006 The Commoner. 15 Editorials By Commoner Readers Henry Haubens, Omaha, Nebr. I hope that a way may be found to place The Commoner to a greater ex tent in the handsof the general pub lic. A good many of the middle and working class would take the paper and enjoy and profit by reading it, if the men could be reached person ally. Perhaps those who have access to the list of .voters in each precinct could secure a list of the doubtful voters who should be supplied with The Commoner and if need be, paid for through the funds of those who are willing to make a little sacrifice for the good of the cause. I am al ready paying for six subscribers so that the paper may be read by certain parties whom I know to be partisan to such an extent that they would not pay for a paper representing views' opposite from those now entertained by them. . I am willing to pay for five more subscriptions to be sent where they "will do the most good. ' ' L. T. Johnson, Shenango Forks, N: Y. I have been a democrat all my life. At one time I thought a great deal of Grover Cleveland and David B. Hill. I discovered Grover would not do about the middle of his last administration. I cut David B. Hill's name out when he arose in the senate to oppose the income tax. I have a particularly high opinion of William Randolph Hearst and I want to say to you, in my opinion, he will be the next governor of New York by the largest majority ever given a gov ernor in that state. They are trying to prevent his nomination, but even if they succeed, he could run independent and be elected, for I do not think the people of New York would stand for another steal, as they did at the mayorality election last fall. Mr. Editor, you recently threw some bouquets at Mr. Roosevelt. Please do so no more. I am sixty two years of age and with the good Lord's permission, I hope to live long enough to see a democrat in the white house. Best wishes for The Common er8 success. L. W. Beaman, Sterling, Kansas I fully concur in the "Barber Shop Fund" suggested by Mr. G. W. Con rath of Bowling Green) Ohio. I ana ready and willing to place one year's subscription in one of our best shops here as soon as authorized to do so, and will consider I have done a good deed, and like bread cast upon the waters, it will return many days hence.. William Garrison, Pond Creek, Okla. I enclose copy of two clippings from an old scrap book that might bo read now with some interest. I have many more when you have room for them. One of these clippings is an extract from the speech delivered by William B Gladstone at Leeds in 1880. Mr. Gladstone said: "I will say this, as long as America adheres to its protective system your commercial supremacy is secure. Nothing in this world can take it from you while America fetters her own strong hands "and arms, and with those fettered arms is content to compete with you who are free in neutral markets." The other clipping refers to a speech de livered by William Lloyd Garrison at Hyannis. Referring to the fact that the civil war had been ended twenty five years, Mr. Garrison said: "Still, to the minds of many the war is not yet over, and the same excessive ARRANGE YOUR VACATION NOW Extremely Tow Rates for tho round trip to Canadian, Nortliorn Now York, and Now ISngland Points via MICIITGAN U1SN TRAL, "Tho Nlngnru Falls Iloutc." For comploto information, call oraddrnss C. 0. Morrill. Traveling PassonRor Agent, Tonlh & tt alnutSts., KansasClty, Mo. w. J. Lynch, Puss. Tronic Manager, Chicago. H. x. No. 11CJ taxation that only the most devoted patriotism could then bear for tho country's sake, sits fixed upon our shoulders like the old man of tho seas. The party whose noblest exemp lars deplored the burden which patriot ism willingly assumed, now makes it an article of faith that they shall be continued. At the expense of tho industries and labors of the people, an enormous and (angerous surplus threatens the welfare and the morals of the government. It invites the schemes of plunder and wastfulness. It demoralizes public sentiment and debauches public men. Its connection paralyzes the natural industries of the United States and prevents the existence of occupations that without itor -withering, touch Would ' spring up in the night like Jonah's gourd, fb system that produces this is o stress ed with defenses as hollow as they are plausible. They aro built to deceive. A protective tarif is simply a restrict ive' tax. It is paid by the people it especially t pretends to benefit. You are asked"' to bolieve that a tax en riches. Your good sense tells you that it has only the powers to impoverish. It may enrich a few; it certainly impoverishes many.'.' . Lerdy Miller, Albf a,. Iowa. After in vestigating the packers at Chicago, Mr. Garfield reported they were making ninety-nine cents on a steer and 2 per cent on the capital invested in their business. This was 'intended to si lence the "hayseeds" and grangers and the sporadic "bellowing" of the cattlemen about the awful exactions of the beef trust. And, remember, too, It was a close shave that they escaped an actual financial collapse, for one was impressed with the idea that the packers, after all, were in business simply for exercise and tho fun there is in it. They confided to Mr. Garfield that when they began operations on a steer he was very much gross, and it was only by diligently caring for all the odds and ends that they real ized a profit of ninety-nine cents. They wanted the public to under stand that by utilizing all the waste, by saving all the hide and horns, hair and hoofs, soap-grease and unassim ilated hay and cornfodder, they were just ninety-nine cents ahead, no more and no less. They divulged a secret no less startling that on the millions that they have invested in their plants, in their private car lines and private meat shops all over the coun. try, they realized a little, measley 2 per cent, and that only by saving everything but squeals, grunts and vacuums were they able to do that well, The people were thus made cog. nizant of the fact that the packing business was very much "run down at the heel." They were made aware of a very wretched state of afTairs and the charitably inclined were getting ready to pass the hat and to bring in some thing to temporarily allay a bread riot among the packers. But just then something happened. These suffering packers were indicted because they had a corner on insolvency. They claimed they werevimmune from pros ecution on evidence which they had voluntarily given, which showed that by scraping up all the hair and toe. nails they made ninety-nine cents on a steer. They also claimed immunity because they had confessed that they made "a profit of 2 per cent out of fertilizers, nitrogen and gristles. But Judge Humphrey dismissed the pack ers without a trial, and he did right. It would have been like striking a woman to have "punished them. It was the rankest kind of nonsense to attempt sending them to the peniten tiary on evidence that would send them to the poor house. A IB year bucccjs, with thousands In urn, Divides swath, docs not bunco, wad, tangle, pound or thresh tho liny, or knock heads off the clever. Work onhiu Eido or level, in wind or calm, does not wind or clog or elevate trash and manure with hay. Its adjustable elevating carrier raises as load enlarges. Pats en bs neMlike load. Easily detached from rack without getting oft load. Docs not kick itaolf to pieces in a season. Simple, easy to operate, compact and durable. Sandwich J& Rake Two In One a Tedder anaVRaka -Batter Than ElUwr. Tedders have seen their day. Tons tho hay Into light fluffy 'windrow ao hay "air cures" quickly. Avoids stirring a second Urns, trampling nnd destroying leaves and Kioang into cnair. luiucs cleaner than common rakes and requires no dumping. Ahoy or girl old enough to dilvo can handle- it. It does not rope the hay. Beat pair liayznakinsr nnd saving tools on the mar ket. Send for cataloguo and colored hangor. SANDWICH KFG. CO., IMMafeSL, , , Saaawfofc, IM. Zbt Omaha Wor1dfimM ABLY EDITED. NEWSY. DEMOCRATIC. OUR SPECIAL OFFER The Commoner and BfSTU M OK World Herald (Seml-wiekly) DU III dliZJ den ci duoacripuons nuwv to i nc isummwwin i v- 0 NEBRASKA 1 11 ' ' ' "-.,,.,.1 LINCOLN, THE NEW YORK WORLD T HIS is a Events..... Time of Great TIiricea-Week Edition Ohnncrea of a Htlrrlnrr ldnrl tirri innUHrtif .. r. -.., .. ww..M r notn -at home ana abroad. Tho Thrice-a-wcek World comes to you every otbor day, except Sunday, with all the news, fid'y-nnd. promptly told. The Thriec-a-wcek "World always has a serial story running. Special attention Is also given to markets, and there are muny other valuable features. Tho Thrice-o-week "World's regular subscrip tion price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 1C0 papers. We offer this unequalled news paper nnd The Commoner together one year for8l.35. The regularsubscription price of the two papers is $2.00. Address all orders to THE COMMONER LINCOLN, NEBKASKA. Get This Gold Pair Free! LISTEN! I want to prove to every spectacle wearer on earth that the Dr. Haux famous Perfect Vision spectacles are the finest made and that is the reason why I am making the following very extraordinary proposition, whereby you can get a handsome Rolled Gold pair absolutely free. HERE IS MY SPECIAL ADVERTISING OFFER: aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT&BBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBfe SEND me your name and address and I will mail you my Perfect Home Eye Tester, free. Then when you return me the Eye Tester with your test, I will send you a complete five dollar family set of the Dr. Haux famous Perfect Vision spectacles for only $1, and this will include., a hand some pair of Rolled Gold spec tacles absolutely free of charge. I also hereby positively agree to return you your dollar willingly if you yourself don't find them to be the finest you have ever bought anywhere, at any price. Send for my free Eye Tester today. Address, DR.HAUX SPECTACLE CO., Haux Building, St. Louis, Mo. Want Agent Almo nWsVwW"" jft' ' v fif ) 4 , iiMBM bm4MtoabiiiH --.n