The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 13, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner,
7 " : '' : mmmm ;.A
Mr. Bryan's Visit In London X.STIJT, relT cotnceptIollmore beautI th that
lns tUo IIgl4 of tho Master,, is gradu- which gave to the world the GrPPir
A cablGtrram under rlnto'of London.
i- ; ' w
July .5, and carried by tho Associated
Press says that Mr. Bryan gave to
newspaper correspondents tho follow
ing' statement:
"The first suggestion of a reception
for me at Now York came prior to
the action of any of the state con
ventions and before there was any
discussion of tho next campaign. It
came from tho Commercial Travelors'
league, of which ' Mr. Hoge is presi
dent. I assured him I should be
ploased to meet the members of the
league, suggesting that tho reception
be characterized by simplicity.
"Now that the actions, of some of
the state conventions have raised
a 'question as to tho political sig
nificance of tho reception, I am glad
to say that it must not bo regarded
"First Aid" to the
HEN Heartburn, Sour
Stomach. Heauacho. Rad
w r-.vf hW I
Breath, coated Tongue, j
in the light of an indorsement for
. 1
tho presidential nomination. While I
appreciate tho compliment paid by the
various stato conventions, I do not
regard their expressions as binding
upon them or upon the party of their
state. I shall not prosecute them for
bl'fiJlfih nf nrnmlflo If fhov ' lntioFai
their affections to another; I shall not;
wven puunsu uicir letters. To allow tne
reception to bo regarded as an In
dorsement would in the first place
be unjust to others who may be can
didates. "I have seen the names of several
mentioned as possible candidates,
among thorn v Congressman Hearst,
Senator Bailey and Governor Folk,
who have all rendered conspicuous
service to the party and the country,
and their. claims should be considered.
The party is entitled to its most
available man, and the question of
availability can not be detarmfnori an
far in advance. Circumstances and
issues may strengthen the claims of
auuiu vl me genuemen mentioned, and
the list should be an open one until
the time comes to choose.
1 may add that it would not be
V W Belchlns of Stomach. c,Z J4st to m to be put in the attitude
or any of these forerunners of Indigestion mifJS"0?!0 ndldacy or ad
aonear. Old Dr. CuacW want, , 12 ?" he painty of my being a
. 1 I V""1U1UUU" l am aavanclng in years
w.. iu vfw jruui jjuurusi.
Dr. Cascaret guarantees to cure tha
t i i i -. .
most obstinate cases of Constjpationand ' " s!ia11 G gIa(1 to return to Amer
Indlgestion, without discomfort or incon-! 1 ulU? ev,e,ry aW my trip
venlence. 1.
His medicine does not gripe noV.purgeT
but exercises naturally the muscles that
line the walls of the Intestines and Bowels.
Want of Exercise weakens and relaxes
the BoweN Muscles, Just as it weakens
Arm -rd Log muooles. : .
Old Dr. Cascaret goes directly after
these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes them up
Just as a cold bath would waRe up a lazy
' Then he works' them (through tha
nerves) till they get so strong from that
Exercise that they don't need any mora
help to do their duty.
. Heavy dinners, late suppers, Whiskey,
wine or beer drinking, nervous excitement,
sudden exposure to qold or heat and a dozen
other everyday- likelihoods tire the Bowel-Muscle3.'3i&.
. in suontcascs a little Cascaret in tirrs
ana can not twn vboi.0 -
my life just at this time.
x snail be glad to return to Amer-'
-w -. -.,, uivj ui AUJ 1.1 VIU
im3 been eniovahta. t sTmii , ij
to meet my friends 'in America, and
after I have met them they will be
just as free as before to do ''what
they think best on issues and candi-
Referring to the dinner given to
the American society at' London July
4th, on which occasion Mr. Bryan
.snolccv ffc Ajj?onlatflrl rrza aula: -
"Ambassador 'Whitelaw' Reid and
Mr. Bryan engaged in some sharp
but good-humored banter oyer polit
ical differences, the crowd evincing
its,enjoyment of the sport with cheers
and Shouts Of Ifnitrlilov tvtv TniA
responding to Sir W. B. RlchmoAd's
graceful proposal to his health, said
with reference to Mr., Bryan: 'Al
nome, as a citizen, I have openly and
squarely opposed him at every stage
of his conspicuius career. I am
reasonably sure that when I return
home I shall continue to do th j same.
I believe he tonight is as well satisfied
w fw'Mtll0llgh hy different reason-
mcr. thnt. Mitt nr.11r.fT.,, . i.i.. , .
frv i-X .wi.ij wo uutn iove and
fKT , ferve has not beon mined by
13 worth fifty dollars worth of Traf its gold
lator :say nothing of the suffering, ' JVA1)1'ad.' as -the official represen
discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and mir ,i lS Amei:Ican People, with
loss of Social Sunshine It save. I ?1 ?8iI.n?l.lon . . to. ty, I an
Little thin enamel Cascaret Box, half
as thick as your watch, round-cornered,
smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't
notice its presence in your purse or vest
Contains six Candy tabletsPrice Tea
Cents a Box at any Drugg'ist's. '
Be sure you get the genuine, made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold in bulk.. Every tablet stamped
CCC." y
6oLMifinranrf,0,,,to,,nM oo a
iSZZi" w"leh """ "& "oS'S
iS' i?.'i"l'J. .?"? to mention m3
Address Jr;;rf ress plainly.
ally reforming tho world.
"Society has passed through a per
iod of aggrandizement, nations taking
what they had the strength to take
and holding what they had the power
w uuiu. ijuc we are already en
tering upon a sqcond era an
era in which nations discuss
not merely what they can do,
but what they should do, considering
justice of greater importance than
Physical prowess, iri tribunals like
that instituted at the Hague the chosen
representatives of the nations weigh
questions of right and wrbng, give to
the small nation an equal hearing
Wjth the CTeat nnrl flenron noAnmiA.
to conscience. This marks an im
measurable advance, but there is an
other step yet to be taken. Justice.
iiu, ia a coia, pulseless, nega
tive virtue; the world needs some
thing warmer and more generous.
Harmlessness is better than harnlful
ness, but positive helpfulness is vastly
uvciiur lu mirmiessness, and we still
have before us the larger and higher
destiny of service.
"There are t?ven now signs of the
approach of this third era, not so much
in the action of governments as in
r - &ivYmfc louuuucy among I
men and women in many lands to I
wiimuuLts tueir meana and in some
cases their lives to the intellectual
and moral awakening of those who sit
in darkness. Nowhere are these signs
more abundant than in our own be
loved land. I have felt more proud
of my countrymen than ever before
since I have visited the circuit of
schools, hospitals and "churches which
American philanthropy has built
around the world.
"On the walls of the temple at
Karnak an ancient artist carved the
likeness of an Egyptian king; the
monarch is represented as holding a
SV.t f captives by the hair, and in
the other hand is raised a club as if to
strike a blow. What king would be
willing to confess himself- so
cruel today? in some of the cap
itals of Europe there are monu
ments built of, 6r ornamented
with, cannon taken in war; this
form of boasting, once popular, is still
tolerated though it must in" time give
way to some emblem of victory less
suggestive of slaughter. As wo are
gathered tonight in England's capital
and under England's flag permit me to
conclude with a sentiment suggested
by a piece of statuary which stands
in Windsor Castle. It represents the
late lamented Queen Victoria, lean
ing UPOn her l'OVnl nnnVnrf- ha.
one arm about her and with the other
hand iS nointinrr nnwnrl nuo, .. i
tor has told in marble an eloquent
which gave to the world the Greek
siave, tno Dying Gladiator or tho
Goddess of Athene, and it embodies
an idea which, owing to the expand
ing feeling of comradship, can be ap
plied to the assocfation of nations
as well as to the relations that exist
between husband -and wife. Let us
indulge the hope that our nation may
so measure up to its great opportu
nities, and so bear its share of tho
White Man's Burden as to earn tho
right to symbolize its progress by a
similar figure. If it has been lured by
Providence to higher ground, may it
lead the way, winning the confidence
of those who follow it and exhibiting
the spirit of Him who said, if I be
lifted up, will draw all men unto me ' ".
Opening of the Shoshone
. Reservation
Roglstor at Worltina for tho Government
dmwlng entitling you to draw ICO acres of
flno lrrlgablo lands intho8uoshonollesorva
tlon; only $1.60 on aero, ono-third caBh.
400,000 acres,- or 2,500 farms, to bo drawn for;
besides tbls.thoroaro 800,000 acres of tim
ber and mineral lands that may bo taken In
.the usual way; somo of theso lands aro sup
posed to bo of great value. Ono faro for tbo
round trip to Worland. with maximum of
$20.'0from Omaha, Lincoln and Nobraska
points. Tickets sold Jnlv I2. tn mm, i,i
limit August 15th. Take this grand trip
through tho rich Irrigated lands of tho Big
Horn Basin. This will bo ono of tho great
est ovonts In tho history of tho distribution
of Undo Sam's domain.
L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., C. B. & Q
Omaha, Nebraska.
Subscribers' Advertising Depariment
This department is for the exclu-f
sive use of Commoner subscribers;
and a special rate of six cents a
word per insertionthe lowest rato
has been made" for them. Address
all communications to Tho Com
moner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
. .; for domestic well-maklnff, cheapest by
naif, most practical of any, cutalogue free. v
Koger & Sons, Mooresburjj, Tcnn. v
dustry. the Great Wealth producer freo
Da t Ohingr' W,L,Lon? uo JJ' B Bids.,
eUA tr -m-i i , , WW, x um aiury oi StrengUl COUpled With tpndor
toeShaJ?i 25 !OT. wiThVuTtfo"
"ved in the davlishf nn, """ iT 71,.,"! ul!a uv pe, and he
and led Hi a wnv' Tf to 7. ,?, JLrJ Cents. Frames any roc
aua tea cne way. It was a beautiful! Box 1020, Lincoln, Nebraska.
such a ffreat hoVf m Z " wxlum "as uum uie story so Plainly that it
toY?.li5tSSSSLSSt,7,llfll1 SSTJSSS n-l Ichisel on
. "Mr. Bryan, rising nn,M ,.uM ; ? V?' .MUI" lo iana Deyond
and cheers, said: 'The temptation to
make a political speech is strong wit 1
ln me I have not had a chance to do
so for ten months. Howeyer, I will
restrain myself. With reference to
the ambassador's remarks on gold I
wish to say that when I see the pro-
fnL?y r111 Ims mto talking
on one leg 1 WOnder what it would
have done walking on two legs. It
Qe,M,nS to testify that the an
i Snn peJ oes more tJian I that he is.
3,000 miles from his base. While
I cans holding offlce and I only wish
there were enough ofllces abroad to
take all tho republicans out of the
Sr& 1Gn ,thG laustoer had sub
sided Mr. Bryan began his-speech."
follcw8ryan coucluded hIs sPeech as
"The example of.he .Christian
JL-U movement, fitted in 20 year open face
case, 50.49. send for our watch catalogue. Ad
dress, G. H. Goodwin Co., Tracy, Minn.
for particulars address Percy Deane.
Tampa, Fla.
Cents. Frames any roof. G. M. Oshnm.
nv Tl . T .- . f
nnwInPnre t0 attend a11 the primaries of my party to bo held between
V f Democratic Clonal Convention, unless unavoidably
prevented, and to use my influence to secure a clear, hbnest and (
straightforward declaration of tho party's position on every question '
upon which the voters of tho party desire to speak.
' " 'A '" :? I Postofflco .;..'... .-. .r. . r, . . .' . . U . '.
County ...... .,,;: state. Voting precinct or 'ward,; ."IWfi....
' ! .......
Fill out Blanks and mail to Commoner.Office, Lincoln; Nebraska.
'' iitWftrie.'
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