JULY -13, 1906 tPhe Commoner. 11 same width and' double, made in- ,tlia name way, long enough to go around over the clothes and between the lit tle legs, and button on the waist piece at the back. The harness fast ens at the back. Then take two strips twenty inches long, double and Btitch, and sew at upper edge one end of each strip on the front side and one each on the back of where the arras will come, for suspenders. Next get a stout stick about twenty inches long, cut a notch Qn each end and one in the center;, tie one end o a etout cord or small rope at each end of the stick and the other end of cord in the center of the suspender; tie another cord around the center of the stick and fasten to the spring of the jumper. Be sure all ia strongly fas tened. Do not leave the baby in the jumper until fatigued. Ex. A "Baby Pen" During the hot weather, a mother will often wish to do her work on a cool porch, or under the trees, and baby must go with her. In order to have the baby perfectly safe, com fortable, and yet able to get about, get a piece of poultry fencing (not too wide), tack it onto a light frame of suitable size, lay a strip of car pet, or an old quilt, on the floor or grass and set the frame over this. Set the baby inside of this pen, pile his playthings about him, and he can see mamma, talk to her, and yet be safely out of the way of the often hurrying feet, and not able to stray away into trouble. "When tired, he can lie down and take his nap. To protect him from flies, a piece of mosquito netting can be draped about the frame; or a frame may be cov ered with screen wire, such as is used for doors and windows; but in that case, the frame should be high enough ho that a walking baby may stand up right without his head coming in contact' with the wire netting over head. Such a 'pen''.i5an' be used in- DOCTOR'S SHIFT Now Gets Along Without It A physician says'. "Until last fall I used to eat meat fcr my breakfast and suffered with indigestion until the meat had passed from the stom ach. "Last fall I began the use of Grape Nuts for breakfast and very soon found I could do without meat, for my body got all the nourishment necessary from the Grape-Nuts and eince then I have not had any indi gestion and am feeling better and have increased in weight. VSince finding the benefit I derived from Grape-Nuts I have prescribed the fqod for all of my patients suffering from indigestion or over-feeding and also for those recovering from disease where I want a food easy to take and certain to digest and which will not overtax the stomach. "I always find the results I look for when I prescribe Grape-Nuts. For ethical reasons please omit my name." Name given by mail by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. The reason for the wonderful amount of nutriment, and the easy di gestion of Grape-Nuts is not hard to find. In the first place, the starchy part of the. wheat and barley goes through various processes of cooking, to per fectly change the starch into Dext- rose or Post Sugar, in which state it is ready to be easily absorbed by the blood. The parts in the wheat and barley which Nature can make use of for rebuilding brain and nerve cen ters are retained in this remarkable food, , and thus the human body is sunnlied with the powerful strength producers so easily noticed after one has eaten Grape-Nuts each day for a week or ten days. "There's a reason." .Get, the little book, "The Road to Wollville," in pltgs, doors; to the great comfort of the mother, as well as of the baby. Canning Without Cooking It is claimed that rhubarb, goose berries, and several other kinds of tart fruits may be readily kept by canning them in cold water. Fill the sterilized jars with the fruit, pressing in well, then set under a spout of running water, letting the water fill In until every air-bubble" is expelled, then seal perfectly air-tight, as in other canning. Rhubarb may be put into a wooden or earthenware vessel and mashed with a pestle, and canned in its own juice, being sure to press the solid parts well about the liquid. Have the can absolutely full, so there will bo no air-bubbles, and then can as you would in other methods. Sour fruits, such as gooseberries and rhu barb keeps better in glass, but they, as all other fruits, must have the light excluded by wrapping the jar, or setting in a very, dark place. Many women work very hard to put up fruits and vegetables, and lose their work as well as their fruit by not giving strict attention to these details. Buttermilk The "summer .girl" will find that buttermilk," taken internally, as well as used externally, will do wonders for her compexion, as the beauty it imparts goes much deeper than the skin. There is no end to the good things doctors are saying about a buttermilk diet, and now is the season when, in most country homes at least, it is most plentiful and can be taken without any stomach qualms which afflict the dwellers in the city, at thoughts of partaking of the "dairy" article offered them. The "sure" ar ticle is a true milk peptone, and of superior digestibility; a decided lax ative; valuable in kidney troubles; in request for diabetes, and in cases of gastric derangements, being often re tained when nothing else will stay with the stomach. For the complex ion, and for removing "those brown spots," internal and outward applica tion are ntrongly advised. For rheu matism, there is nothing better! for removing gall-stones, it is highly recommended, and it should be largely used where it can be obtained. It should be sipped slowly; not "gulped down" iiTlarge quantities at once. For Packing Shirtwaists To prevent clean shirtwaists from getting rumpled or crushed, get a pasteboard box such as tailors use, or any large box from the drygoods store. Cover it smoothly with figured wall paper, if it is a wooden box (a cracker box is fine). Samples of wall paper, or odd ends of rolls may be had for little or nothing at the wall paper dealer's. Line the box with tissue, or soft paper, that has been crushed in the hands. Put some cot ton batting (not wadding) under the paper,;and sprinkle lightly with sachet powder. In this the waists can be laid without damaging them. Is on them, are excellent for dyspep tics. They should bo oaten without seasoning, except maybe a little salt. Lettuce and spinach are excellent summer foods, easily prepared. Many things may be prepared while the breakfast fire lasts, and thus avoid so much heat in the middle or after part of the day. A good substitute for cream for coffee or fruits may bo prepared in this way: Beat the whites of two eggs very stiff, add a tablespoonful of sugar and one of corn starch, beat ing well. Then add gradually a cup ful of cold milk beating steadily until the milk is all used. Heat another cupful of milk with a piece of butter the size of a hickory nut in it, and when at the boiling point, set on back of stove and pour in the egg mixture, beating until smooth, or until the milk thickens to the consistency of cream. Strain through a fine sieve and let cool. Making Mayonnaise Dressing For some unexplained reason, the mayonnaise dressing turned out by many women fails to bo of the creamy consistency required by epicures, and after a few attempts, they give up and buy the "ready made" article, which is never half so good as the home ar ticle, properly preparod. The cause of most of these failures is due to the fact that a woman becomes tired of dropping the oil slowly, drop by drop, and too much is turned in at one time. To remedy this, use one of the little medicine droppers which can be had at any drug store for five cents, which will drop the oil with regularity and precision, while the cook goes on with the beating. Hot Weather Hints Don't use any meats that can be done without, during the hot months, unless it be home-grown poultry ana firm-fleshed fish. Any leftovers -should be used in chilled salads, and nothing should be eaten cold, or with out re-heating, but not necessarily re cooking. Plan to have as few left overs' as possible, as foods spoil so soon when the weather Is hot. If soups are used, let them be thin. Let pie, cake, and rich puddings give way to fresh, ripe fruits, ices and delicate jellies. Fresh tomatoes' are anti-billious, and thus wholesome and healthful, being used to advantage in many cases of fever. Fresh tomatoes, gath ered from the vines before the sun Query Box M. S. The book can be had of any dealer. "Order of your nearest; if not in stock, he will -get It for you. Mrs. J. Olive oil is said to be an excellent frying medium, improving flavor, and not scorching so readily. Eddie. For the sting of bees and hornets, bathe the parts stung witli equal parts of salt and soda moistened with water. "Use plentifully. Tourist. The Mammoth cave ex tends nine miles underground, with avenues and chambers involving a journey of over 100 miles, The- cave is lighted artificially. You might like the trip. Barefoot. 1Fov the rusty nail wound, scrape a fresh red beet and bind the pulp on the wound; when this dries, bind on another. It will stop the pain and cure the hurt. Arborette C. Wholesale druggists in several large cities tell mo there are no such chemicals as "formate of silver" or "urate of gold." Either the words are a misprint, or the story is a "fairy-tale." Sufferer. Sour cream is an excell ent remedy for sunburn; apply at any time and let dry on the skin. It is a silly custom to go without a bon net or hat, and one that quickly ruins the complexion permanently. S. W. C. For information regard ing the making of cheese, write to Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, asking for printed matter on the subject. Cheese can be made from the milk of even one cow, if there is enough of it. Erlie. The "unsightly lines about the eyes" are doubtless caused by the glare of too strong sunlight; You should wear either a veil, or a large sun hat; or better, a pair of shaded glasses, when you go out into the sun shine. The glasses should not mag nify, and will cost ten to twenty cents. Housewife. To sweeten rancid lard heat the lard to the same tem perature as you would use for frying crullers, and to each gallon of lard, put ,in three or four raw potatoes, peeled and sliced. Let the potatoes cook until brown and brittlo, and your lord will bo swoot. ft. L. This is claimed to be an in fallible remedy for Ivy poisoning you, might try it; Stir a small lump of blue vitriol about In a saucer of thick cream until tho mixturo assumes a greenish Hugo; this forms a kiud of salve, and, applied to tho parts af fected, is said to cure tho most ag gravat'ng case of ivy poisoning. , Poultry Fancier. Tho wn'r ",rts should not cost you moro than fifty cents a gallon and one gallon should preserve about flfcy dozen eggb. The eggs should be put into the solution as soon as gathered, which should bo at least once a day. A very low per cent of the solution will koop tho eggs fresh for months. Any druggist can supply you. Beginner. A vessel which has had the contents burned in it, unless cleaned very carefully and thorough ly, will burn again very easily. An iron cooking vessel is tho most eco nomical, and is best for some things, lasting for years; but is not suitable for all cooking, and, unless very thin, takes much heat until started. Porcelain-lined, agate, or granite waro are ruined if cracked, roughened by scraping, or burned, and this Is tho result of caroless handling. Aluminum does not find favor with all. Economy Write to tho department of agriculture, Washington, D. C for Farmer's Bulletins Nos. 249 and 255. They aro botli free. Mother There are picture books for children which are practicably indestructable. Pictures can now' be had photographed or printed on strong cloth, and may bo washed and ironed without damage. The colors, when any are used, are said to bo non-poisonous. Photographs aro skill fully printed on cloth, and may bo washed and ironed 'without damage. SHORTHAND Typewriting, Bookkoonintr, nun I rmlali l'onmanHhlp.cto.aHeacliorri; jff rr ; ituv niuuemn, viivuu 1'Miiri.i, ana iue,uw onooi lmmnnK, Graduates readily soonro altnatlotiM. .Beautiful uiuatnueu cutaiotf vuvis. vvnto ior it touuy. I. X,. MUSSULMAN, I'rofl. Boa 223, Ocm City BiulnerjJ College, Qufncy, III. NORMAL COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY STUDENTS ENROLLED 961 Positions Secured or Tuition Refunded CAR FARE PAID. En ter any time, welect stu dies. Send for freeCuta loit ior full Information Alton Moore, Pros., Chlllloothc. Mo. NURSING Graduate Nurses are in constant demand at GOOD PAY. Young ladies desirous of en'ertng a Training School Address GERMAN AMERICAN HOSPITAL 1619 DIVERSEY BOULEVARD, Chicago, 111. IBMm S&'fflK&fcm&f&iW 33&i7 D VSvSIS' a?' as bTA.NIUKD flOTJON CO., Vtpt C, Vtnx.tr, Mien. WflTGH and CHfllH hm- mhw fm " - OtoulM Aiarieu wttcfa. Full uita nty !! tnoTtcuot. DoulU tnjntloj rxblj tspT4 (ld tlit4 cm. OrrtUrt UrjUo tm fftrtl. Winum a p fwki ura. isr 20 YEARS Cot tfal ont nd m&I it U ci with your cunt, pwt effic uA nfttitf tfic iddxtM u4 w "III iJ tl wiub ul x Uuitiful UIa to jeu ty iprtt rvr !ualatlca. If reptrnnUl pj ctM tent JXT6 Ld iicnU tbuttt tsd th r jcar. Xntieo i! nct4 LADY'S GENT'S, .- iim itn tirr un. Atattui R.E.CHALMERS & CO. 350 Uerbora&U, UJUUAUV. SHIRT WAISTS, 47C, ! unaerBKins. vie ruroj,inon iiana kerchlof h 5c. Lace Curtains per pair, $1.12.FulllIneof ladle' furnishings. We soil retail at wholesale prices. We pay all postage or ox press. Wo guarantee to uivoyou 33& per contr and every article to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. A postal brlngi our illustrated cata logue free. It Js worn looking over if you never use n. senu ior n loaay. bTAJf I 1 -Trj 4 I f 1