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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1906)
The Commoner WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Vol.." 6. No. 26 Lincoln, Nebraska, July 13, 1906 Whole Number 286 CONTENTS .- 'Mb. Bbtau's ' Lkttkii wuat wlll the yi31dict bk? . Wobk oi? the 59th Con guess ' Republican Extravagance i "OPrORTUNlTY" . ' "Inpluencu" in Congress 5 - . ;, Me. Bryan in London '''.. "Washington City Letter Comment on Current Topics ". Home Department Whether Common or Not IJews oe tub Week NEARLY HALF A BILLION EXCESS The republican party promised to be econom ical in the administration' of -public affairs. Sen ator Culberson 'of Texas shows that this pledge, like other republican party pledges, has been vio lated. The showing made by Senator Culberson is amazing. Take a look at his figures: sS&ggS&lS 19066ur ryears. of Roosevelt aqminlstrauon- were $2,933,004,409. Deducting the Panama canal expenditures, it amounts to $2,866,421,890. The expenditures, for the years 1898, 1899, 1900 and 1901 four years of the McKinley ad ministrationwere $2,430,316,399. Exclusive of all expenses in the Panama canal for the four years of Roosevelt's admihis-' tration, the expenditures exceeded those of the four years of McKinley administration although he conducted the Spanish war by the extraor dinary sum of $434,104,099. Surely it costs money to "let well enough alone." J J " LAFOLLETTE AND "COURTESY" . It -is reported that Senator LaFollette will take part in the New Jersey campaign, giving assistance to those republicans who are opposed to the re-election of Senator Dryden. Senator LaFollette is accused of offending "Senatorial Courtesy." Senator LaFollette has not had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with "Sena torial Courtesy." His republican colleagues have subjected him to the grossest insults and he may well be pardoned for taking part in the campaign against one of his republican colleagues espec ially -when that particular colleague is believed to represent the very interests whose political domination LaFollette is combating. If LaFollette .succeeds in defeating Dryden republican leaders may consider that it Is the part of wisdom to take old "Senatorial Courtesy" aside and make, him acquainted with the senator from Wisconsin. ' FORGOTTEN? The St. Louis Globe-Democrat (republican) says: "After, studying the Declaration of Inde pendence for 130 years, the only thing connected, with the document that everybody can recall with readiness is John Hancock's signature." What a confession! But the preamble is quite as familiar as John Hancock's signature. Republican leaders would be gratified if men could forget everything connected with the De claration of Independence but the Hancock sig nature. The preamble which was called, by Mobcs Coit Tyler, "a passionate chant of human freedom" provides a stinging rebuke for present day republican policies, :- : : , Jlbl1 ' ' . .' ' ill" 1 wBBHl hi ''"-' r r" '" ' ii I ll Sail r-mtBtt WHW fflliUI C?ilf 11 D Hwr ZWmHi m Je&zzgEz' . ..... ... oration cwapam Ws&s3Nsa2z ',J1? COMC.RE15SIONAL CAM PAIGN -- .1 FACING THE COUNTRY ANCIENT EGYPT Mr. Bryan's Twenty-sixth Letter '.'!' We have been moving among the oldest mon uments reared by man, and they make the rest of the world seem young. In Japan a Buddhist temple, built' twelve hundred years ago, Impressed us with the yo.uthfulness of American institu tions; in China we were shown temples that had stood for twenty centuries and were told of cus toms and laws even older; in India we found a pagoda some twenty-five hundred years old, and visited the site of a city whose foundations were probably laid more than three thousand years ago; but here wo see the mummied forms of hu man beings who lived two thousand years before Christ was born, inspect the handiwork of men who laid down the chisel before Abraham ap peared upon the earth, look upon colors that have withstood the changes and defied the ele ments of forty centuries, and handle wheat that grew upon the banks of the Nile long before Joseph built granaries for Pharaoh. The guides count centuries as trippingly on the tongue as a treasury expert, or an insurance magnate, handles millions. They discuss dynasties that rose and fell when Europe was shrouded in dark ness, before the light of history dawned upon the Ganges and tho Yangtse; tuey uecipner mur ruler, united the two kingdoms, assumed the title, Lord of Both Lands, fashioned a double crown for himself, and adopted the lily, or lotus, and the papyrus as symbols of his consolidated empire. Wo are probably indebted to certain natural peculiarities of Egypt for the preserva tion of the unique evidences of ancient civiliza tion found hero. First, there Is but a small area of tillable land stretched along the most wonder ful of rivers and guarded on either side by a barren waste that offers greater protection than a wall. Second, the climate of Egypt is dry, and there are no drenching rains to defaco and no violent changes of temperature to disintegrate. Third, the temples and tombs are so massively Irullt as to discourage the vandal; and fourth, the sands of the desert have drifted in and con cealed for a hundred generations many of tho most 'valuable of these relics of a by-gone age. There is such a wealth of archeological treas ures here that one scarcely knows where to begin or how to condense tho most important things into the space allotted to a newspaper article. I shall not attempt to describe things chrono logically because some or tne temples nave Deen added to by different kings and dynasties until oSyphTcfthTt kept X secrets foT'ages and they represent tho art and life ot many hundred Ubiypuilb LUtti. ivw'u ""- xT.i tM ,rfln. mii amn n sit. TCnrnfllr fnr Instance, hfifirfl lead one among: ruins uiat aaiomau uy mu- im- ;-uio. t,. ' ,, . ' , . mSnsfty -as weU as by the artistic skill which the impress of Egypt's rulers from Thutmosis to thpv rpveal the Ramesos and from the Rameses to the Pto- Back in the misty past in the, prehistoric lemies, a period of some twelve hundred years, nprlnrl there were two Egyptian innguoms, one aim tuu uuimuig w u umwWuo x,j. , occupying upper, and the other lower Egypt. This was prior to 2,500 B. C, and from the stirring scenes engraved upon stone, one can imagine the conflicts which took place along the fertile valley of the Nile before Menes, the earliest known fivftti a loncer time. As the tourist usually begins a 'trip through Egypt with a visit to Cairo, he is likely to find the great Egyptian museum, the Museum of Gizeh, a fitting introduction to his, subsequent in- .f "i i $ I 4! 1 1 1 i v4a&tLtf f.'-