The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 06, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Commoner volume c, number 25
.TW '
Ij :".
j The Commoner
Editor and Proprietor.
Associate Editor.
OiiAiuaa W. Duyan
Editorial Rooms and Business
Office 224-330 So. 12th Street.
Entered at the postofllcc at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second
class mail matter.
One Year $1.00
Six Months 50o
In Clubs f 5 or mow
per Year 75c
Three Months 25o
Single Copy...... So
Sample Copies Froe
Fereijn Postage 52o Extra
SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo sent direct to Tho Com
moner. They can also bo sent through newspapers
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agents, whoro aub-agonts havo boon appolntca. aw
remlttancea should bo sent by poatofflco : money order,
express order, or by bank draft on Now York or
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DISCONTINUANCES.-It iqound that a larce maJort.
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IUCMEVALS.-Tho dato on your wrapper enowa
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ADVERTISING rates furnished upon application.
Address all communications to
THE COMMONER. Lincoln, Neb
Having decided oh a locki canal it is high
time to-grab the pick.
The packers might offer as a vindication that
theyhever manufactured limberger cheese.
Secretary Shaw favors smaller dollar bills.
T,he present ones-are hard enough to find.;'-
I M 1
It' is ' a' safe guess that the congressmenKwho
oppose a pure food bill are not eating everything
'offered them. ''
President Roosevelt might use part of that
$25,000 travel fund to follow up some of his
threats "against lawbreakers.
Mr. Jacob Gould Schurmann's compliments to
Mr. Chancellor Day, and will the chancellor please
put that in his pipe 'and smoke it?
Report Bays that Senator Depow is Improv
,. ing. If will be generally admitted that there is
,4 plenty of room for improvement in several direc-tTvktfons.
A part of that travel fund night be used
to good advantage following up Secretary Shaw,
and censoring his remarks before they aro ut
David R. Francis is going to -erect a fountain
in the Kentucky town where he was born. We
presume the bnsin will be of marble, with carved
mint leaves in bas relief.
A Kansas patriot advocates another inch on
the length of the tails of shirts as a means
of enhancing the demand for cotton. This is a
species of shirt waste that the average man will
not endorse.
Carping critics are complaining because- Mr.
Bryan had a suit of clothes made in Vienna. As
Mr. Bryan has been gone nearly a year it would
seem that the critics oxpect him to come home
in a barrel,
The St. Louis man who committed suicide be
cause tho fish would not bite seems to have-lacked
all tho essential characteritsics of the successful
"om-nuau. isvuus last act, however, ho land&d
a a 1 z- - w m a -j i i
.... 0vj UUV11U1,
A millionairoX stove manufacturer in Kala
!hnZnH,SUllr his1sV out of a 10'000 automobile
St? S?P (lay, anrt sqt Wm t0 worlc on tlie stets
? J n?iep (iay Every nmv and the" an Amer
ican millionaire shows evidence of not having
been spoiled by his money.
Commoner Readers Faithful Efforts
A special effort Is now being made to increase
The Commoner's circulation for the congressional
campaign now coming on. Many Commoner read
ers are earnestly co-operating in this effort. Tho
special offer provides a way whereby five an
nual subscriptions may be obtainod for $3.00,
and as a result of this offer many Commoners
are now going into homes where democratic doc
trine has heretofore been stranger.
Tho following subscribers have each sent In
five yearly subscriptions: A. F. Brown, E. Lake,
Tenn.; J. T. Hartzell, Portland, Ind.; J. W. Bays,
Walnut Grove, W. Va.; J. W. Hedrick, Dugger,
Ind.; John D. ChiBm, Princeton, Ind.; M. T. Ha
ley, Allen, Tex.; J. R. Harrington, New Straits
ville, Ohio; P. E. Parker, Bay City, Tex.; J. P.
Ickis, Afcon, la.; J. A. Rice, Burnham, Mo.; D.
W. Roush, Preston, Kan.; W. P. Stewart, Colum
bus, Ark.; T. A. Miller, Millersville, Mo.; J. L.
Snider, Glenville, W. Va.; Dr. H. W. Oyler, Mill
grove, Mo.; Milton Baker, Salineville, Ohio; E
G. Castner, Glen Gardner, N.,J.; J. H. Cooper,
Opolis, Kan.; G. P. Williams, Hinsdale, N. Y.;
John Morrow, Denver, Colo.; S. M. Fowler, White
Pigeon, Mich.; W. A. Roush, Jonesboro, Ind.; L.
A. Jennings, Star, Va.; T. S. Collier, Dearborn,
Mo.; Joseph Allen, Potomac, 111.; M. E. Currle,
Paluxy, Tex.; J. N. Hodge, Bremen, Ohio; Elisha
W. Pike, Eastport, Me.; W. H. Barlow, Bowen,
111.; D. S" Lipscomb, Visalia, Cal.; E. G. Sackett,
Crescent City, Fla.; Zack Lyerla, Sr., Alto Pass,
111.; C. A. Judd, Minneapolis, Minn.; Geo. W.
Allen, E. Bridgewater, Mass.; Mark H. Fen
nelly, Haverhill, Mass.; S. B. Bivin, N. Middle
town, Ky.; W. W. McCoy, P. M., Dubberly, La.;
John R. Turner, Adams, Ind.; F. J. McCluskey,
Hornellsville, N. Y.; P. B. Lankford, Spartan
burg, S. C; J. Thomas Clarke, Clarkesville, Md.;
W. T. Conner, Guthrie Center, la.; N. G. Coder,
Letts, la.; Chas. Fertig, Fertigs, Pa.; J. Jacobs,
Henley, Cal.; Conrad T. Shear, Fairfax, Va.;
B. A Kirchner, Nichols, la.; S. C. Pettus, Rich
Hill, Mo.; Wm. M, Wettig, Philadelphia, Pa.;
John Barton, Shreve, Ohio; James Byard, Decker,
Ind.; J. A. Erikson, Fertile, Minn.; N. R. Tucker,
Fremont, Ohio; John R. Boddie, St. Louis, Mo,;
John E. Jones, Springfield, Ohio; M. M. Smyth,
Buffalo, N. Y.; . R. H. Beauchamp, Santa Cruz,
Cal.; P. C. Schlutter, Wittenberg, Wis.; Newton
L. Marlow, Walkers, W. Va.; Thos. Jones, Hurd
land, Mo.; F. P. Marshall, Great Falls, Mont.-;
Albert Albertsen, Carey, Idaho; J. N. Walker,
M. D., Bland, Va.; Harry Morris, Sulphur, Ky.;
A. H. Clark, Sullivan, Mo.; H. H. Foard, Eunice,
Mo.; H. H. Snyder, Massillon, Ohio; V. H. Gang
war, Schnecksville, Pa.; F. P. Emerson, Misha
waka, Ind.; D. Battln, Phoenix, Ariz.; J.TT. Lowry,
Pine Grove, Cal.; H. Bender, Wisdom, Mont.;
Thos. C. Kelley, Hallwood, Va.; J. B. Wood, Gang,
Mo.; J. M. Head, Boston, Mass.; T. E. Moore,
Lexington, Ky.; A. H. Newton, Sagano, Fla.;
N. B. Harrison, Ravenna, Mich.; S. A. Huddles-
. tun, Advance, 111.; David Beatte, Clarksville, la.;
Dr. E. S. Dawson, Chickasha, I. T.; A. T. Cloud,
Falmouth, Ind.; W. B. Crabtree, Weatherford,
Okla,; Harry J. Fasy, Philadelphia, Pa.; L. S.
Eddings, Fulton, Ky.; Peter Doyle, Perry, Me.;
S. F. Cleghon, Thacker Mines, W. Va.; J. B. Love,
Mesa, Cal.; D. Dougan, Smithfleld, W. Va.; F. M.
Hillman, Milan, Ind.; Patrick Mclnerney, Chi
cago, III.; N. M. Payne, Smith Center, Kan.;
F. A. Minter, Victor, W. Va.; M. V. Knoles, Ne
walla, Okla.; J. W. Jordan, Mason City, Iowa;
Joseph Bock, Cleveland, Ohio; James J. Powers,
Steubenville, Ohio; C. E. Etrhelm, Balaton,
Minn.; W. L. Baker, Clifton Hill, Mo.; T. Q.
Brown, Ashley, Mo.; John Lovell, Lake Arthur,
La.; J. A. Gepner, De Koven, Ky.; A. T. Swisher,
Marshall, Mo.; J. T. Hawkins, M. D., Mt. Holly,
Ark.; Geo. W. Brubaker, Sr,; Loudonville, Ohio;
Fred Witte, Fairville, la.; W. H. Palton, Canton,
S. D.; William Nusbaum, McComb, Ohio;
L. C. Harsh, Ponca City, Oklahoma; Wash
Smily, Bangor, Michigan; Isaac" E. Duisne
berre, Geneva, N. Y. R. B. Stilwell, Jamestown,
Mich.; John A .Volz, La Crosse, Wis.; R. Lee
Kelley, Deer Lodge, Mont.; D. M. Altizer, Cambria,
Va.; Dr. W. H. Stevenson, Cincinnati, Iowa; W.
F. Russell, Benton, Tenn.; Wm. Henden and Dr.
R. J. Thorntpn, Tuskegee, Ala.; M. C. Holt, Fal
mouth, Ky.; R. H. Perkins, Woodbine, Ky.; H.
Bender, Wisdom, Mont.; J. H. Hobson, Newport
:News, Va.; R. H. Russell, Knox, N. D.; John H.
Blose, Tremoat City, Ohio; M. J. Steele, Steele,
Idaho; "T. E. Hughes, Siboney, Okla.; Wm.1 Jor
dan, Carthage, Mo.; W. E. Phipps, Medford, Ore.;,
C. L. Cahall, Philadelphia, Pa.; 'Peter Hahn, Bour
bon, Ind.; A. S. Beardsley, Dillon, Mont.; W. H.
Morgan, Carrollton, .Ohio.
The following named subscribers have sent
in subscriptions in number as follows: O. Oswald
Beaumont, Tex., 105; E. J. Hadley, Grinnell, la.!
6; Peter Van Lennen, Cincinnati, Ohio, 10; Ira
W. Houseman, Marietta, Ohio, 7; Z. p. East,
Worthington, Ind., 7; J. W. Wells, M. D., Jeffer
sontown, Ky., 6; Fenton Keenan, Madison, s. D.,
6; Jas. Barret, Shellor, 111., 6; Cyrus Nelson, Nel
son, Mont, 6; S. S. Henne, Marietta, Ohio, 7; A. B.
Baker, Convoy, Ohio, 8; E. L. White, Bidwell,
Ohio, 6; J. E. Downing, Dayton, Ohio, 15;; E. T.
Figgins-, Dover, Ky., 6;E. J. Hall, Marion, Intl.,
24; Harry Litzinger, Somerset, Ohio, 7; L. H.
Hosier, Pioneer, Ohio, 7; Lr. W. Rulon, Farns
worth, S. D. 6; D. H. Davis, Sunbury, Ohio, C;
James H. Carroll, Ina, 111., 10; W. T. Potter,
Sharpsville, Pa., 6; H. W. Stockes, Waynesileld,
Ohio, 7; A. L. Moreland, Iowa City, la., 8; G. W.
Sager, Athens, Ind., 6; George W. Warner, S.
Dayton, N. Y., 6; W. L. Rigney, Paola, Kan., 8;
John Grubbs, Sioux City, Iowa, 7) Jerome Byard,
Decker, Ind., 9; J. E. Blattner, Mexico, Mo., 7;
P. B. Shinn, Logansport, Indiana, 6; A.
D. Bawley, State'sville, N. C, 41; I. W.
McClary, Huntington, W. "Va., 33; A. IT. Taylor,
Rutherford, Tenn., 23; Chas. B. Stilwell, Bryan,
Texas, 15;. P. Walsh, McCook, Nebr., 17; J. D.
McClure, Albany, Mo., 11; Geo. W. Finnup, Gar
den City, Kans.,10; Jos. F. Cuddy, Menominee,
Mich., 11; H. R. Thomas, Logan, Ohio, 10; W.
Askins, Union City, Tenn., 11; D. G. Stevenson,
Tuskegee, Ala., 11; Owen King, Spring Green,
Wis., 14; Wade Hunt, Front Royal, Va 10; Eli
Holland, Deer Lodge, Mont., 6; J. H. Donnelly,
Vergennes, Vt., 7; W. S. Scott, San Francisco,
6; H. H. Russell, Warrensburg, Mo., 9; Mrs. Mary
L. Smith, Pueblo, Colo., 7; Wm. B. Ice, Jr., Fair
mont, W. Va,, 9; D. A. Jones, Abingdon, Va., 6;
D. C. Shaffer, White Cloud, Ind., 7; J. Q. Martin,
Ash Grove, Mo. 6; A. T. Adams, Union City,
Tenn., 8; W. B. Fleming, Chicago, 111., 7; F. H.
Jackson, Winchester, Kentucky, 6; G. B.
Chancellor, Parkersburg, West Virginia, G;
J. S. Wheatley, Sardis, Kentucky, G; J. M.
Snider, Jackson, Mo., 6; J. D. F. Smith,
Cherokee, la. 6; Joseph Beattey, Roanoke, Ind.,
7; J. C. Van Allen, Olney, 111., 11; R. G. Galbrath,
West Plains, Mo., 7; George Boyd, Uhrichsville,
Ohio, 7; W. H. Pelton, Canton, S. D., 34; A. Os
wald, Beaumont, Tex., 10; A. P. Hanson, Elliott,
111., G; T. M. Traughber, Owensboro, Ky., 7.
Everyone who approves the work The Com
moner is doing is invited to co-operate along
the" lines of the special subscription offdr. Ac
cording to the terms of this offer cards each good
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It to THE COMMONER., Llnoolq. Nob.