- ' TWf T"W V"" J JULY 6. 1906 The Commoner. 13 S HflRTHANn Typewriting, Bookkoonltiff, nunnwnu roMnanshlp,otc.20teacnora! ., 1400 studonla, cheap board, uuu iw,uw ounuoi uunuinp, Graduates readily seenro altuatlons. Boautlful lllnatratcd catalog FHEB. Write for it today. I. 3L. MUSSEUHAST, Pros. Box 223, Qem Pity Badness College. Quinoy,IH. NORMAL COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY STUDENTS ENROLLED 961 Posltlins Sfcurod or Tuition Refunded CAR FARE PAID. En ter any time, .select stu dies. Send for free Cata log for full Information. Allen Moore, Pres., Cullllcothe, Mo. tSfPTSS PERSONALLY CONDUCTED HOMESEEKER'S EXCURSION To Sentinel Butte, Billings Coun ty, North Dakota, via. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD On Tuesday, July 10th. the ILLINOIS CEN TRAL will run a second personally conducted Homeseeker's excursion to Sentinel Butte, Blllincs County, North Dakota, where many fine homesteads arc still open for settlement. A very attractive circular will be sent free upon application. Round trip rate from Omaha $24.00; call on your nearest acent for rates from your homo town and join the excursion party at Omaha. Train leaves Union station at 8:30 p. m. Cheap rates to other North Dakota points every Tuesday during tho suminor months. Sleeping car reservations and tickets at City Tickot ofllco, 102 Farnam St., Omnha. SAMUEL NORTH. Plst.l'iMB. Agont. OKLAIIOJVSA Public Lands 505,000 acroB rich Govornmont lands, noar Lawton, oponod by Con gress to Homestead settlement ibis summer. Wo havo Statehood; lino cllmato, good Boasons, now tonus opened, bnslnoss opportunities. Maps, comploto information, description. Ilomostoadlng terms, oto., 50u. OATRON & CO., Lawton, Okla. TTU3JHORNET1 Domocratsl Bubscribo for tho Hornet, "tho Hottost Democratic Papor in Ameri ca." Its tomporatnrols redbotand still boating. It Ktlngs, bites, and fights for puro Jollorsonlan-Iiryan Democracy. 80 cents por year or ?1 for club of four. AddrossfTKIC HORNICT, Advanco, N. O. PATFNTQ SECURED OR FEE "" I CIl I 9 RETURNED Free report as to Patentability, Illustrated Guldo Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sont freo. EVANS, WILKINS & CO., Washington, D.O. Central Missouri Farms Writo for illustrated list of 100 farms: each doscrlbcd and priced. Full information. Hamilton & Son, Fulton, Mo. Foo PATENTS that PROTECT- Our 3 bou for IarcB torn mailed n naelpt of 0 ota. Uaaps H.5.& A. U.LflUhT, Washington, D.U. Estab. 18B! TPEES ARE FAMOUS hfrvirT)lnnted: are olnnted everywhere trees are grown. Free nfninif nt Qitnorh fruits Black Ben. King David, Delicious, etc.-SUrBfp's,lMblaM.M. 0F Catalog 0XOOaXOOOCKX)OOCODOOCXC00 ASSETS OF $1,327,179.94 is the Statement of THE OLD-LINE BANKERS LIFE of Lincoln. No Bonds, no Stocks, no Wall St. Socurltlos. Agents Wanted OCXXOOCX300CX)00000000000000 HOMES FOR THOUSANDS One and a quarter million acres to be opened to settlement on the SHOSHONE RESERVATION Dates Of registration July 16 to 31 EXCURSION RATES Less than one fare for the round trip, daily July 12 to 29 via 20.00 JP Round trip from Omaha, over the only all rail route from Omaha to Shos honi, Wyo., the reservation border. GEO. F. WEST, General Agent, Chicago & Northwestern Ry., -Omaha, Nebraska. Please send to my address pamph lets, mapB.and Information concerning the opening1 or; the Shoshone or Wind River reservation to settlement. :': .: (Cut but this Coupon) "Making Good" Tho fellow who hurries and worries and flurries, And rushes and gushes and rants; Who chases and races through all public places, With his eyes ever on the main chance, Will blunder, then wonder when ho has gone under, Why he all tho shocks never stood. But he failed, for he paled and he quivered and quailed, When it came to the test "Making good." The halter and trimmer may catch a faint glimmer Of smiles and of wile3 of Dame Chance. In his dreaming and scheming may catch a faint gleaming, Of a goal that his eyes will entrance. But he pales and he quails, and his energy fails, And he couldn't win out if he would; For he sighs and he cries at the van ishing prize When It comes to the test "Making good." The fellow who's ready and (sturdy and steady; Who hustles and rustles and learns; Acts honestly, fairly, uprightly and squarely That fellow success quickly earns. Let him win it that minute ho will be strictly in it, And meet every test as he should. He will work like a Turk, and a duty ne'er shirk, And go right ahead "Making good," Kismet As soon as July's hot sun glows There dawns upon our view, The fiend incarnate who doth ask: "I i h e f- y ?" To Be Sure Bimberly "I see that the beef packers are now begging for a square deal." Jumperly "Yes, they have been de tected in their square steal." A Seasonable Fabie Mr. Jimplecute, the eminent defend er of national honor and pro-ponent of the "Greater America" policy, had just finished his pleasant task of as sisting his children in their Fourth of July fireworks exhibition. Mr. Jimplecute was yery warm, very pa triotic and very happy. Had he not assisted in celebrating the natal day of the great republic that was-' dedi cated to human freedom, equal rights and representative government? Mr. Jimplecute walked down to the gate which adorned the fence sur rounding his fine mansion, thinking to catch a breath of fresh air before retiring to his slumbers. To his sur prise he noted a small, dark-complexioned man peer'ng through the orna mental Iron bars of the fence. "What are you doing there?' sharp ly queried Mr. Jimplecute. "L was merely watching the ex hibition," replied the stranger. "It was very fine." "Ah, you .enjoyed it, did you?" asked the grate; ;Mr. Jimplecute. "Very,, much,, sjr,' replied the stran ger, "ufc. might I make bold to ask you the occasion for such a demon stration?" ' ' "W-h-at," stuttered." the. surprised Mr. Jimplecute. "You don't mean to say that you do not know that this is tho glorious Fourth of July?" "I am well aware of the date," re plied the stranger courteously, "but what has that to do with this great display of fireworks?" Mr. Jimplecute was so astonished that for a few moments he was speechless. When he recovered the use of his tongue he proceeded to explain. "This is the anniversary of our na tion's birth; the natal day of this free and glorious republic; conceived in liberty and brought forth by the blood of our revolutionary sires. It marlcs tho striking of shackles from the limbs of free men. On this day the Declaration of Independence was signed, the document that set forth the incontrovertible fact that all men are born equal and entitled to life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness. It was, sir, the greatest document ever penned by the hands of mortal men. It gave representative govern ment to the world and sounded tho death knell of monarchical rule. Have you never heard of the Declaration of Independence?" "Only once, sir," replied the stranger. "Ah, you are an ignorant foreigner, eh?" "I'm not ignorant, if a university education dispels ignorance. But whether I'm a foreigner or not Is a disputed question. Your supreme court, as I believe you call it, has not settled that question beyond cavil. Yes, I heard of the Declaration o In dependence once." "And where was that, may I ask?" queried the puzzled Mr. Jim-plecute. "In Manila, sir. I heard an Amer ican soldier refer to is as a blanked incendiary document, and he prohib ited my people from reading it." Mr. Jimplecute wanted to say some thing, but before he could definitely decide on what to say the small man with the dark complexion bowed courteously and disappeared in the gloom of the evening of the glorious Fourth. "Aint no better flshin' placo in the country." "Thai's good." ' "You bet it's a good flshin' place." continued tho countryman. Tho shado'B mighty good, tho water's deep and clear nn' you can git all th' flsh worms you nood without diggin' a v minute." . "My, but I'm lucky to strike this spot," said Mr. Cityman. What kind " of fish do they mostly catch hero?" "They don't ketch no flsh, mister. There ain't no flsh in th' lake. But it's a mighty flno placo to flsh just the same." Packingtown Logic The great beef packer touched the electric bell push and summoned his confidential clerk before him. "Have you agreed with our compet itors as to the price we will pay for hogs, sheep and beef cattle tomorrow?" "Yes sir." "Have you ordered a new supply of formaldehyde?" "Yes sir." "Is our stock of salicylic acid large enough to last through the month?" "Yes sir."- "All the offal and scraps worked up for sausage and head cheese?" "Yes sir." "Did you discharge that bunch of anarchistic union men and fill their places with the imported laborers who will work longer hours for 50 per cent less wages?" 'Yes sir." "Got everything all right, eh?" "All your orders have been carried out sir." "That's good. You may go now. Send me in Mr. Spacewriter. I want tp give him a few pointers about that article he is going to write demanding a Square deal' for the great packing interests." Lots of Such Places "Is. this a good place to fish?" asked Mr. Cityman pf the countryman who sauntered by. Queries Pray tell mo what did Mary land? wnai uia connect! cut? What was it made Virginia reel Toward tho Terro hut? Who made that awful Illl noise? And why did Wiscon sin? And when old Massachu sets dowC Pray what does she "set" in? Who is it owns the bulk of stock In that New Moxi Co.? And when will Philadelphia, Pa.? How much does OhI 07 Brain Leaks Fail once, try twice. The friend easily made is usually easily lost. Childish hindrances are often a par ent's best help. Some men Imagine that their sur liness is scdatcness. The man who goes out looking for trouble usually meets It half way. Tho man who abuses his stomach Is the man who abuses modern cook cry. "The wagep of sin is death," and there is no use trying to have them reduced. Tho prayers of some people sound very much like a demand for a re duction in the gas bill. The proudest day in tho life of a boy's parents Is when he brings homo his first month's wages. Some men have never yet found ' cushioned pew as easy a seat as a wood-bottomed chair in the opera house. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVEN TIONS The democratic state convention for Pennsylvania met at Harrisburg and decided to endorse the candidate for governor nominated by what is known as the Lincoln party. Tho Lincoln party is composed of men who havo broken away from the republican party, in Pennsylvania and arc fight ing the republican machine, Tho candidate for governor nominated by tho Lincoln party and en dorsed by the democrats is Lewis Emory, Jr. The democratic convention also nominated for lieutenant gov ernor, Jere S. Black, who is a grand son of the famous Jere Black, who was attorney general in President Bu chanan's cabinet and the son of the late Chauncey F. Black, well known among the democrats of the country. William F. Creasy was nominated for auditor-general, and John J. Green for secretary of Internal affairs. Mr. Creasy Is the democratic leader of the house of representatives and waa recently nominated for auditor gen eral by the prohibition convention. r''he platform dwells on state is sues except where it congratulates the country upon the fact that "the only prominence which the present repub lican national administration has at tained has been achieved by the feeble and pretended application of the prin ciples enunciated in democratic plat forms." The platform declares Jn fa vor of the rule of the people as against domination by corporation; improved election laws; rigid regulation of all 4 'jf