The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 06, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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William H. Hunter, editor o the
News-Advertiser, Chllllcotlio, Ohio, is
dead. Ho was born in Cadiz, Ohio, in
1852, and for twonty-flvo years con
ducted the Stoubenvillo Gazette.
Tho house passed the pure food bill
by a vote of 242 to 17.
The fight between the standpatters
and the Cummins republicans in Iowa
is growing moro bitter and the state
convention, which meets August 1,
will be the liveliest republican gath
ering held in Iowa for many years.
The Cummins men say tha they have
i the fight won, but fear tho oposition
may beat them unfairly through
trumped up contests for seats in the
The public building bill reported to
tho house, carried an appropriation
of $20,000,000.
Senator Tillman opposed thj pipe
line clause of the conference re
port on the rate bill in the sen
ate, saying that every senator vot.
ing for It, might as well bo branded
"S. O." as the hand of the Standard
Oil company was very plainly in the
provision as it stood.
himself, ho went home, entered by a
rear' door, turned on the electric light,
picked up a small wooden chair aB he
went through the kitchen, found tho
burglar in the dining room and
brought down the chair on his head.
The thief sank to the floor with
hands up, saying, 'I surrender.' The
parson turned him over to the city
marshal and resumed the services in
the editors of democratic newspapers
to serve upon a reception committee,
of which Governor Folk of Missouri
will bo tho chairman. Augustus
Thomas will welcome Mr. Bryan upon
behalf of the league." -
The Harvard university crew won
the boat race over Yale by two and
one-half lengths.
Judge Grosscup has decided a case
in favor of tho Chicago Union Trac
tion company, involving $1,700,000,
sought to be recovered by Samuel B.
Raymond, county tax collector.
There will probably be an addi
tional increaso on fire insurance rate3
throughout the country owing to the
severe losses in San Francisco. In
Chicago the underwriters committee
has recommended a ten per cent increase.
Upon his return from England J.
Ogden Armour issued a statement de
claring that the packers would wel
come any good laws and that they
have not been given fair play by their
The senate committee on judiciary
reported that the federal constitution
of the United StateB does not per
mit federal regulation of insurance.
. 1"
Harry Thaw, a member of the Pitts
burg family of millionaires, shot and
killed Stanford White, a prominent
-Naiy York architect. Thaw claims
that lie committed the deed in order
to protect his wife over whom White
exerted undue influence.
District Judge Sutton at Omaha
sentenced two men to be hanged on a
Monday. He declared that he thought
there should be a change in the day,
there being no reason why all execu
tions should take place on Friday.
Some one reported on the "east
side," New York City, that the chil.
dren of the public schools were to be
secretly murdered by the city physi.
clans. Because of this report, thou
sands of mothers stormed a dozen
school buildings and secured posses
sion of their children, greatly surpris
ing the teachers and creating a dis
turbance. The report grew out of the
fact that eighty-three pupils were
operated upon for minor throat
ejections by city physicians, and it
is said that other doctors, believing
this action an invasion of their busi
ness field, started the massacre rumor.
Senator Bailey delivered a speech
in the senate, in which he replied to
the charges made against himself and
Senator Gorman in a magazine article.
The dispatches say Senator Bailey
vigorously denied every accusation
and that at the conclusion of his ad
dress he was heartily applauded.
A railroad" wreck occurred near
Salisbury, England, Sunday morning,
July 1. Twenty Americans were
killed. They had just landed on Eng
lish soil.
William H. Taft, secretary of war,
has been elected a member of the
Yale University corporation to suc
ceed Chauncey M. Depew. Depew's
term expired June 26.
It is charged that contractors and
politicians of Philadelphia were paid
$5,000,000 in excess o the legitimate
price in the water filtering contract.
W. Ellis Corey, president of the
United States steel corporation, has
filed an answer to his wife's suit for
divorce. He denies that he abandoned
Justice Brewer of the United States
supremo court, speaking before the
Yale alumni suggested Secretary Taft
as Mr. Roosevelt's .successor in the
White House.
The republican state convention of
Maine nominated for governor, Wil
liam T. Cobb for a second term. The
convention declared in favor of reci
procity and opposed "such reciprocity
with Canada as would embarrass the
interests bf the state with articles of
lumber and farm products." Senator
Frye was chairman of the convention
and in his speech, referring to the
attitude of the republican party on
the tariff, said, "it will continue to
stand pat."
the present drift of the times. It takes
a long -while even in these days for
the people to' truly appreciate tho
good things they have and even ap
preciate good service, such as they
received from Gen. Miles. The peo'
pie are just awakening to the realiza
tion that instead of being "knockers"
the men who entered the protest
against embalmed beef were in reality
sincere in their condemnation of out
rages which decimated the rank and
file of the service. Every dog has his
day, so runs the old saw, and it seems
that the men under fire during the
late war are coming to their own as
the result of the awakening of the
American people at a later period.
Lincoln . (111.) Times-Courier.
Are we going to be a race of stoop
shouldered men? One would naturally
think so to look over almost any large
crowd, walk down any crowded street,
or glance at the average male human
being he meets. The man who walks
with his head erect, his shoulders
thrown back and his chest extended,
just as nature intended he should, is
a rarity and is remarked about wher
ever he goes. The average man, and,
more's the pity, the average young
man, walks as if he were very tired.
His chest is flat, his head leans for
ward, his shoulders stoop and he has
a decided tendency to "lop." How
different it would be if men walked
upright and more like the military
looking men of Europe. How much
better the whole race of males would
look if they carried themselves as
nature built them to carry themselves.
It Is healthier, too, to walk like a sol
dier, for there is ease in carrying the
body, there is a free circulation of air
in the lungs and there is a general,
all-around healthfulness in it that is
lacking in the loafing carriage of the
average man, whether he be farmer,
business inaji, professional man or
gentleman of leisure. Manson (la.)'
A Chicago Record-Herald dispatch
from Kendallville, Ind., follows: "Rev.
A. C. Ormunfl nnvshnv nP t-u. t..u,
terlan church, won distinction last
Xllcllt as n. thlnf tnlror ixrhiix
ducting services he was told that a
burglar was in his house. Excusing
Two Ways
Have you noticed a diflloulty in breathing
Wort, quick broath-when you are walking.
lnBl)9tttlrs. singing, or are angry or exclt
52L You,J?ay Qot "Jink what this moans, but
Son tollyou lt raeans weak heart c-
Take Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure at onoe. It
will strengthen and build up the weakened
nerves and muscles of tho heart, and make you
strong and healthy.
This Is ono way the right way.
Neglect it a little while, and you will then
notice Fluttering, Palpitation. Dizziness, Faint
ing Spells, Pain in Togion of hoart. side and
shoulders, Stomach and Kldnoy troubles. This
is serious.
It Is the other way the wrong way.
Dr. Miles5 Heart Cure
Is a safe, sure remedy, and Is curing Heart
Disease right along, as thousands will testify.
I had enlargement of the heart.Tho doctor
said I could live but a short time. ; tSok Dr!
Miles New Heart Ouro, which restored me to
perfect health." u
mi a A M. BASSET'A Wellington. Ohio
The first bottle will benefit if not, thS drug!
"" nunDium your money,
In accordance with President
Roosevelt's order, skilled mechanics
and laborers, and all employes in the
classified service in the navy yards
and naval stations and in the govern
ment printing offlce, will he given half
holidays 'on Saturdays during the
months of July, August and Septem
Captain R. F. Wynne of the ma
rine corps, recently found guilty of
insuDoruination and sentenced to dis
missal, was allowed to resign. Presi
dent Roosevelt modified the sentence
to that effect.
As a result of the stringent regula
tion adopted in France, the Mutual
Life Insurance company may decide
to withdraw from that country.
A Now York dispatch to the Chi
cago Record-Herald follows: "In pur
suance of resolutions adopted at a
meeting of the Commercial Travel
ers' Anti-trust league, held on June
11, William Hopre. head of the lefunifl
announced today the appointment of
the following committee on plan and
scope for the Bryan reception; Tom
u. uonnson, unio; Francis Burton Har
rison, Bird S. Coler, Augustus
rnomas, Lewis Nixon, New York;
Alexander Troun. Cannentfont a tt
Eastman and John H. O'Brien. This
COmlttee Will nil tlift dnmAnrnftn
members of congress, the chairman of
me democratic state committees of
various states, the mayors of the
democratic cities of the country and
President Roosevelt has signed the
naturalization bill and also the bill
for the construction oE a lock canal
across the Isthmus o Tanama.
Congress adjourned and the presi
dent issued a public statement, saying
it had discharged its duty faithfully.
The house aud senaie have agreed
in meat inspection. The house insist
ed that the government pay the cost
of the inspection and the senate
Franklin Lane of California has
been confirmed as a member of the
interstate commerce commission. He
was appointed to succeed John W.
FIfer of Illinois. There was opposi
tion to Mr. Lane's appointment on
the ground that he was a democrat.
Judge Kinkaid has reduced the fine
and imprisonment of each of the five
convicted ice dealers to $2,500, and
six months in the work bouse. He
says he will hoar no argument for
the further modification of prison sen
tence. Tho men are in Jail and are
not permitted to give bonds.
Mrs. James Tanner, wife of the
commander-in-chief cf the Grand
Army of the Republic, was Iviilcd in
an automobile accident that happened
at Helena, Moat, Juno 29.
Few people will forget how Gen.
Nelson A. Miles, the veteran of many
campaigns, came so near to losing his
official head over the condemnation
of the meat the soldiers were com
pelled to eat during the late Spanish
war, and few of these will fail to see
Graduate Nurses are in constant
demand at GOOD PAY. Young
ladies desirous of entering a
Training School Address
Chicago, 111.
I NEWSPArER Democratic newspaper
1 foraalo. Located in prosperous Nebraska
W county seat town, population 4,000. Daily
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