The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 22, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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- "
The Commoner.
o old frionds will appear the faces
or new ones made during Iho homo
coming visit. When you return to
your slorn dutios you feel better and
stronger for tho visit and determine
" that it will not bo so long next time
between visits to the scenes of youth
ful days.
After . ;,
"Did you catch anything on your
fishing trip?"
"No, but I stayed away three days
longer than I said I would and what
' I caught when I got back was a
"Has your son manueatod any par
ticular bent that will indicate his pro
fession in lifo?"
"Well, I should say he has, by heck!
He's going to be a great educator."
"How do you know?"
"I know It 'cause he is always
writin' stuff defendin' til' great trusts
an' corporations. He'll git the dona
'tions if anybody can."
After Langfellow
Big beef barons now remind us
To be careful what we eat,
For they now will try to blind us
To the stuff they sell for meat:
Wasted Effort f
The shade of Napoleon the Great
gazed thoughtfully into the mists
that arose above the Styx.
"Alas, that my foresight Was not
equal to my hindsight," he muttered.
"I tried to conquer the world by force
of arms."
-Once-more the shade of Nap gazed
into the mists.
"I might have won by engaging in
corporation enterprises. Or I might
have subdued the world by forming
a beef trust and selling poisoned
wore the blue and the grizzled grand
father who wore tho gray.
"Kentucky, which gavo Abraham
Lincoln to tho north and Jefferson
Davis -to tho south, contributing a
very nearly equal quota of soldiers
to each of the contending armies of
that great conflict in point of fact,
as many fighting men as had ever
voted in any election a larger per
contuni of the population than had
over been furnished in time of war
by any modern state Kentucky, thus
rent by civil feud, was first to know
the battle was ended and to draw to
gether in reunited brotherhood. Ken
tucky struck the earliest blow for free
dom, furnished the first martyrs to
liberty in Cuba. It was a Crittenden,
smiling before a file of Spanish mus
ketry, refusing to bo blindfolded or
to bend tho knee for the fatal volley,
who uttered the keynote of his race:
'A Kentuckian always faces his en
emy and kneejs only to his God.' It
was another Kentuckian, the gallant
Holman, who, undaunted by the dread
decimation, the cruel death-by-lot, hav
ing drawn a white bean for himself
brushed his friend aside and drew
another in his stead. Ah, yes; we
have humors along with our heroics,
and laugh anon at ourselves arid our
mishaps and our jokes; but we are
nowise a bloody-minded people; the
rather a sentimental, hospitable,
kindly people, caring, perhaps, too
much for the picturesque and
too little for consequences. Though
our jests be somewhat rough,
they are robimt and clean. We
are a provincial people and we
rejoice in our provincialism, We,have
always piqued ourselves upon doing
our love making and our law making
as we' do pur plowing, in a straight?
furrow; and yet it is true that Ken-
I tucky never encountered darker days
man came upon us wnen tno worst
that can befall a commonwealth
seemed passed and gone. The stub
born war between the old court party
and the new court party was bitter
enough; but it was not so implacable
as the strife which strangely began
lured us or duty torn, and the familiar
scenes rise up before us how small
these frictions seem, how small they
are, and how they perish from us!
"I have stood upon" the margin of
a distant sea and watched the ships
go by, envious that their prows were
westward bent. I have marked the
glad waves dancing to a setting sun,
heartsick with thoughts of home. And
thus wistful, yearning, ready to take
my dearest enemy by the hand and
forgive him, yea, to sop gravy with
him out of the selfsame dish, those
words of the vagabond poet, whose
sins the' recording angel long- ago
blotted out of his book, have come
to me and sung to me and cheered
mo even as a mother's lullaby:
skies they looH down upon us this
day; the immortal ones who built
this commonwealth; and left it con
secrate, a rich inheritance and high
responsibility to you and me; who,
like the father of Daniel Webster,
shrank from no danger, no toil, no
sacrifice, to serve their country and
raise their children to a condition bet.
ter than their own. In God's name
and in Kentucky's name, I bid yon
something more than welcome; I bid
you know and feel, and carry your
selves, as if you knew and felt that
you are no longer dreaming, that this
is actually .God's country, your nativo
soil, that, standing knee-deep in blue
grass, you stand full-length in all our
homes and all our hearts!"
Realizing wherein he had failed to witu the discussion of an honest differ
ence or, opinion touching a purely eco-
use the proper means, Nap shea
'some shadowy tears.
' . Brain Leaks '
Prayer is a petition, not a demand,
t It Is easier to laugh trouble away
,'than to cry It away. '
All tho world's a stage, and the
'press agents earn their money.
You can not down a man who uses
his failures for building stones.
4" Yesterday was a failure if you can
not recall it with pleasure today.
The easiest way out sometimes nro-
' vldes the shortest way In again.
' A lot of men have lost character
by striving to build up reputation.
You can not estimate the good a
church is doing by the height of its
God measures the gift by the heart
of the giver, and not by the size of
ue gut.
Wo are too apt to think about the
virtues of our friends and talk about
uiuir mints.
nomic question of national, not state
policy. Can there be one living Ken
tuckian who does not look back with
horror and amazement upon the pas
sions and incidents of those evil
"General Grant once said to me:
'You Kentuckians are a clannish set.
While I was in the White House if a
Kentuckian happened to get in harm's
way, or wanted an office, the Ken
tucky contingent began to pour in; In
case he was a republican, the demo
crats said ho was a perfect gentle
man; in case he was a democrat, the
republicans said the same thing; can
it be that you are all perfect gentle
men?' With unblushing candor I told
him that we were; that we fought our
battle as we washed our linen, at
home, but that outside, when trouble
came, it was Kentucky against the
universe. Mr. Tilden said of a lad
in the blue grass country, who had
fallen from a second story window
" 'In all my wanderings round this
world of care
In all my griefs and God has given
my share
I still had hopes my latest hours to
Amid these rural scenes to lay me
To husband out life's taper at the
And keep the flame from wasting by
I still had hopes for pride attends
us still
Among the swains to show my book
learned skill,
Around my fire an evening groiip to
And tell of all I felt and all I saw,
And as a hare whom hounds and
horns pursue,
Pants to the place from whence at
first he! flew,
I still" had hopes my lon vexations
past, . ,
Here to return and die at home at
' last.'
"Home! There may be words as
sweet, words as tender, words more
resonant and high, but, within our
language round, Is there one word so
all-embracing as that simple word
home? Home, 'be it ever so humble
there's no place like home' the Old
Kentucky Home; the home of your
fathers and of mine; of innocent child
hood,, of happy boyhood, of budding
manhood; when all the world seemed
bright and fair; and hearts were full
and strong; when life wag a fairy
tale, and the wind, as it breathed upon
the honeysuckle., about the door, whis
pered nought but of love and fame;
the glory strode the sunbeams, and
there was ho such music as the -low
of cattle,, the whir of the sjinning
wheel, the call of the dinner horn,- and
the creaking of.the barnyard ugate.
FISH BITE llko hungry
wolves any season of tlio
yoarlfyouuso Magic FiMi
Luro. Host bait over Invent
ed for all kinds of flsh. If
you llko to cntch a big string
ovory tlmo you go llshlng
"VVrltO tO mo nnd irnt nhnr nf
this wonderful bait to liolp Introduco It In your lo
cality. Hawk Specialty Co.,Dopt K32, DosMolnos.Iti.
Washing Made Easy!
A bar of Eureka that will do four wash
ings sent postpaid on receipt of 10c.
Guaranteed not to injure tho most deli
cate fabric Agents wanted in every
321 Division St., Spokane, Wash.
$50 To
Tickets on. sale June 18, 19, 20, 21
22, 1906, with final return limit 60
days from date of sale. VIA
Union Pacific
Inquire of
E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agent
Tho man who annnria nil np ui ti uPn a stone paving without hurt and
boasting of 'his ancestry is not etvinS lmd run away to hIs play' that ifc fur
his posterity an equal show. b nished conclusive proof that 'he was
Tf tho women ever strike for eight
hours a whole lot of men will go to
working overtime without pay. ,
Don't make tho mistake of think
ing the opportunity knocks but once.
Opportunity knocks every day.
(Continued from Page 7)
Speeds, the Harlans, the Frys and the
Murrays, clasped their hands acros3
the breach and made short shrift of
the work of reconstruction with the
Buckners, the Prestons and the Dukes
Thus is it that here at least tho per
plexed grnmMiijd can not distinguish
between the gXizzled grandfather who
destined for a great career in Ken
tucky politics.' Let me frankly con
fess that, peacemaker though I ain,
and at once the most amiable and
practical of men, there have been
times when I, even I, half wanted to
go down to the cross roads 'and swear
at the court.' That was when things
did not swing to suit me. That was
when the majority appeared to think
they knew more than I did. We grow
so used to blessings that we heed
them not and look beyond. Yet, when
trouble or danger assails us, or hu
miliation or sorrow or when leagues,
oceaus, continents lie between our
selves and tho vanished land from
whose sacred lintels
" 'Take the bright shell
From its home on the lea,
And wherever it goes
It will sing of the sea. ' ,
So take the fond heart .
From its home by the hearth,
'Twill sing of the loved ones
To the ends of the earth.'-'
"For it's 'Home, Homo, Home
sighs the exile on the beach and it's
'Home, Home, Home,' cries the hunter
from the. hills and the hero from the
wars: .
" 'Hame to my .ain countree'
always Home, whether it be tears or
trophies we bring; whether we come
with laurels crowned, or bent with an
guish and sorrow and -failure,, having
none other shelter in the wide, wide
world beside, the prodigal along with
the victor often in his dreams, yet
always in his hope turns him Home.
"You, too, friends and brothers
Kentuckians each and everyone
you, too, Home again; this your cas
tle, Kentucky's flag, not whollyiid be
neath the folds of .the nation's, above
it; this your cottage, Kentucky-like,
the latch string upon the outer side:
but whether castle or cottage, an al-
Liu uiiu u Biu-me ior iaitniiu Hearts
Subscribers' Advertising, Department
This department is for the exclu
sive use of Commoner subscribers,
and a special Tate of six cents a
word per insertion the lowest rato
has been made for them. Address
all communications to The Com
moner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
JLU movement, fltted'in 20 year open face
case, $9.40, send for our watch catalogue. Ad
dress, G. H. Goodwin Co., Tracy, Minn.
ambition has and- hallowed memories. Be sure from
sole manufacturers. To quickly intro
duce will give reduction on first order from
each community, Southern Oanner Co..
McKinney, Tex.
and Timber lands, Write Real Estate A. J.
Johnston, Houston, Texas Co., Mo for bw
large list sent
Swine Spring pigs now ready to ship.
Special prices during Juno. J. M. Dryden,
Phelps City. Mo., R. D. No. 1. ,
Indian Territory wants a Democratic
newspaper man with small capital. Good open
ing. Address "Mayor," care Commoner.
try, the Great Wealth Producer free for
the asking. W. L. Long, 1400 U.x B. Bldg., Day
ton, Ohio.
hyF.E. Van Horn, Wauheek, Iowa.
JD For particulars address Peroy Deano,
Tampa, Fla.