The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 04, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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M&$A mm i
MAY 4, 1906
The Commoner.
A handsome 24-pngc Illustrated booklet of BrnlcCo.
and a map of 8. Dakota free; Farms and ranches In
tlio famous Missouri lllvor Valley, the corn bolt of
Bouth Dakota. Profits guaranteed. J. A. Stuanbky.
liox 662, l'ukwana, S. D.
SOCIALISM Is,tho ono Ho Issue
OVVIflkROni today. Study It for
yoursolf. A copy of tho International Socialist
Kovlow and a sixty-four-pago book on Socialism
rnaliod for 10 cents if you mention this paper.
CiiABM;sH.:KEnn& Co., 2G4 p. Kinzio St., Chicnco.
Is tho tltloof a pamphlet of 116 pages which tells
all about the success of tho Torrcns Brstom of land
transfers, Rovernmont telegraph and tolophono
linos, government railroads, postal savlDgs banks
sndothcr reforms. Prlco 25c postpaid. Address
T. F.TAYLOR.Baker Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, prominent in
W. C. T. U., died at her home in
Dorchester, Mass. She was seventy
six years of age.
AGENTS WANTED for tho true and complcto
Btory of San Francisco disaster. Tho terrible dovas
tatUm by oarthquakoandllro, graphically described
and photographed by survivors who witnessed tho
awful scones. Tho most thrilling and fastest soiling
booV in tho world, lly groat descrlptlvo writers, in
cluding JUishop Samuel Fallows, tho famous Chicago
Dlvlno. Nearly BOO pages. Profusely illustrated.
Prlco Sl.fiO. Send 8 cents for postage on Our Wk Out
fit full of startling pictures and special Instructions,
and oarn amazing profits. Got tho best. Extra Big
terras. Shipments on credit. Tremendous Dcmund.
Wrlto quick. C. Wr Stanton Co., 818 Dearborn Bt.,
Chicago, 111.
5 Year SOLID GOLD Filled Watch $5
An lloncftt Watch at an Ilonent Price.
Madt of plitt oftolM gold sTtrUjInt pUU of ooip
ittlon metal, and li warranted to wr At jar. Thty art
doublt buntluc eait, baaoUfullj tDfraTtd en both ildti,
mm wina ana item mi, vita o jaar guarantM in tain
ut, Fitted with an tltjant itrtn jtwtltd Amtrlca
ltnr motemtnt, ooraptatallon balanet, Bnaly adjoit
d, guaranteed lotnp torrtcttlm for20jnri, with
long f aid plated ahaln for Ladlti or vtit thitn for
OiaU. 8tnd jour nam and addrni and wt "111 lend
them to jour ntartit tiprtu offict for frtt anmlna.
tlon btfort itiloi a ttnti Jf jou conaldtr thtin tho
i rcatatt barrain trtr oOorad par txsrtu anal $5.00
only and tjpreu ohargoo aad tbt wateb and chain art
j our i. Ordtr at ontt, tbli li a tptclal prlot for a ibort
Umt oilr. Mtatloa If jou vast Ladlti or Oeatt wateh.
addrni M. C FARBEU, A84, 836 DiarbornSt., CHICAGO, ILL.
Manlovc Self-Opening Gate
This gate can be placed at any driveway en
trance, attached to ordinai'y posts and soon
pays for itself in time saved. It is opened or
closed without assistance or slopping. Having
full control of reins and team, accidents are
It adds to the beauty, value, safety and con
venience of any home.
ManloveGate Co.,272E. Huron St., Ohicago,Hl.
Six companies of the Missouri na
tional guard that have been on duty
at Springfield, Missouri, since the
lynching in that town, have been
ordered home. Newspapers say that
more than three hundred blacks have
lefc town since the recent disturb
Governor Cummins appears to be
getting the upper hand of George D.
Perkins in the contest for the nomina
tion for governor of Iowa. The
county conventions already held give
Cummins 264 and Perkins 94. .
Insurance authorities estimate that
insurance companies will have to pay
in "the neighborhood of $200,000,000
for the San Francisco losses. News
paper dispatches also announce that
in order to make up these losses
there will be a general advance
throughout the country in the price
of fire insurance.
An earthquake shock was felt in
several portions of Oregon at 1:11
a. m., April 23. Nf, .
The remains of John 4 PaulMtmes
were placed in a temporary tomb at
Annapolis, with elaborate ceremonies.
President Roosevelt delivered an im
pressive address.
Richard P. Hobson has been, nom
inated for congress -over John H.
Bankhead in the Birmingham, Ala
bama, district.
A dispatch from Pittsburg to the
Chicago Record-Herald follows: "Ac
cording to a cablegram received here
today from Porto Rico, the resigna
tion of Federal Judge Charles F.
McKenna was caused by a report that
Judge McKenna had borrowed $800
Steel Roofing $1.75 per 100 Sq. Feet
Painted rod both sides, most durablo and economical roofing. , siding or celling for tans, abeda
houses , stores, cr bB, poultry houses, etc. Easier to lay anu cneapcr wmuj y uvu -
No oxDorlenco noccssiry to lay it. A hammer or hatchet are the only tools you need.
M experience nwMryjr Colorado, except Oklahoma. Texas
WE PAY THE FREIGHT and Indian Territory. This Ifl our No. 16, scmi-hard-
ened. flat tcclroonncsixMineueB, per Bqua.ruoiivwBiiuatoj.uv i uk
orrucatcdV crimped or standing eoam, per equaro ................ y:'."i'',':a x'"
v ' For 25c per square more wo furnish this material In 6 and 8 ft. lengths.
Brick siding and beaded celling or elding, per 100 square foet jl,,,V "
Isk for Freo Cataloguo Nqd334 W0 pages of bargalns-ltooflng Furniture, &c&c.
OHIOAGO HOUSE WEEOKING CO., - - 3GtU ana Iron streets, wmiauu
5A ISm
aaR. -3- ,jnr
The Locomotive Special
anu tad a turfut Umiknif u will. Equall In appiutnta tbi lenuini S3
JiwilidwatSiiUiatitU for 115.00 to 50.00. Duibtr duit pnxifienw lolld
illf erini eu. ruaranteid for !0 jiari both eaai and worii. Bit; Jeuili in raliid
cold iittlnn with IomiboUti on dial and worki.. BtampidSajeiieUdadjuiUd.
SEEING IS BELIEVING. Cuttblioutandundntouiwlthjour
nami, pott oOct andtxpnu oSei addrni and wi will und thi wattb to jou lj
nprwi for izamlnatlon. Tou zamln 1 1 at jour txpreu effle and I f ai rtprtMM.
d par xpreil af mt oar bargain tali prlci f 4.6, and cxprtai cbarpi and it ii
jour. Ordir to-daj u tbli adTarUiimint will poiltlnlj not apptar acaln.
K. E. OUALMEU8 Si CO., 85G Ucarboru HU. Uhlcnco,
I Will Show You How To Cure Yours
I -was helpless and bed-ridden for years from a double rupture.
No truss could hold. Doctors said I would die if not operated on.
I fooled them all and cured myself by a simple discovery. I will
send the cure free by mail if you write for it. It curcdmo and has
sinco cured thousands. It will euro you. Write to-day. Capt. W. A.
Colllngs, Box 20 A, WotertowP. N. Y.
from one of he litigants in his court.
Judge McKenna loft San Juan yester
day, and on the same steamer was a
committee from the har association
of the island, bound for Washington,
to lay the facts before the president.
Judge McKenna, in an interview, ad
mitted that he had borrowed the
money, but declared that there was
nothing wrong about his act. He will
defend his action before the president,
wi'ch his opponents there to hear it.
Pittsburg friends of Judge McKenna
expressed the greatest surprise at his
A London cablegram follows: "A
dispatch from Aldershot to the Trib
une this morning reports that 'the
first division of General French's army
corps has been Instructed to prepare
to mobilize, in view of serious de
velopments in South Africa."
The pay of the vice-president of the
Cuban republic has been fixed at
$15,000 per year.
Bankruptcy proceedings have been
commenced at Chicago against John
Alexander Dowie.
The war department has approved
of General Greeley's equesL and. will
sent 2,500 'additional troops1 to San
A tornado swept a portion of Mon
tague and Clay counties, Texas. Great
damage was done to, several towns,
and a, number of people were in-jured.
Two hundred Italians and Poles
were recently excluded in one day
by the immigration inspectors at New
The republican convention for the
Tenth Iowa district met at Fort
Dodge. Representative J. P. Conner
was renominated. A resolution com
mending Secretary of the Treasury
Shaw was defeated in the resolutions
committee by a vote of nine to five.
The convention indorsed Governor
Cummins' administration.
A senate committee has reported
favorably the Tillman bill to prohibit
corporations from contributing to cam
paign funds. The bill applies to cor
porations of all kinds, and to all elec
tions for presidential and vice presi
dential electors, for legislatures where
United States senators are to be chos
en and for representatives in congress.
It makes offending corporations sub
ject to a fine of $5,000 and an em
ploye of corporations subject to a fine
of $1,000. The measure does not ap
ply to persons receiving such contributions.
General Greeley wires to the war
department from San Francisco that
the death list has been grossly ex
aggerated. It would not amount to
more than 300.
$50 if
if it
I ifiaHE. If
That' how wo noil oar SprH tlfakry Spcelsl Top
Buggy. Though it'a tho Dajtmr known for merit in
ororr section of tho country, und 70a know what
Ton buy, atlll 70m can hare one to sm for 80 days
beforo yon decide. Wo mnko good, flnrt-olnna Top
liufwloa 135.00 up toourfmon$C0.00HnlltIllckory
Special. And all othor klada of Yehlafon, and liar
It take liiO big page to nhow all theo In
nesa too.
oar new 1900 catalogue. We tell 70a thui book will
aavs you money ana we want to
Bnt we muat haroyoar name and addrriM, where
can we reaoh yon-Utua know today. Thlalahead.
qnartera. Wo maka vohlclea and harnoM and nhln
direct to you to try. You can't jjet a moro liberal
proposition and yon euro mlddlemnn'a profit of a
third to halt by dealing with headajinrtera. Onr
Ruarantce isaloKallylilndlngono botwoenyoaand
ua. Yon know tho ynara of oxperlonco and long
auocosflful bualnoaa behind it. Now wo wnnt to
end you that cataloguo bo you can pick oat what
yon want to try then it's up to tho good. Yoar
addrest, pleaso, at once.
n. O. PHKLP8, Pros.
Station la Clnolnaatl, O.
4ptS. Tills is a fircnuino offer II !
jna.uc 10 inirouuco tlio -
neighborhood. It is tho best and sim
plest In tho world. Wo ask that you
show it to your neighbors who have
cows. Send your name and tho nam
wi mo nearest ircicnt oiiico. Audrcsa
Oopt. 177 Kansas City, Mo
Hfutm Jj
r. ArcJnar.u'hbIe discovery that cuts down the
?u,t?fiPa,nt,,?K,75percent' " Is tho cement
principle applied to paint, and produces a flre-
SFi?n,,iatherpro,of; BVnproof ond sanitary
JSiSB whiQh 8Dr9ad3 looks and wears like oil
Sp PPA?03 Eas PJ10 WrIt0 to A. I. Rice.
JJii' i2E ort st-Adanw, K. Y. He will send
you free sample, color card and price delivered.
you can save a soodmany dollars. Write today.
en-iwut. om 10 tne Farmer at wfee.
MrrMu rrrrmU4. CaWk
rf iTnHaMi,
I ED. FnfcK Opinion
Bend for Qnlde Book and Tntattolnenrineai
Publication Issued for FnitB Diatribatlon. Patents
secured by na Adyertlaea at onr Rxpenae. Xrana.
"VYIlkona k Co., CIS F St.. Yf aahlngton. D. 0.
Handsome Guide Book Fres
1 BV,nIS!lSy,Jl,lLr? ,mo , I'ntent Hxperl.
IS. K. VJIOOIIAN, Box 68, Wasblnffton. D. C
15 Jowol, Klffln. Wnlthnra, IllinoiH
und Uainpdon Nlckol movements
Jlttod lit a twonty year gold filled
chso for t!U9. Hend forourCat
nloKiio. Address, ii. IIj.4;OOD
AVJN COMPANr, Uril, St.,
Trucy, Minn.
A statue of Benjamin Franklin was
unveiled at Paris April 27. The statue
was presented to the city by John H.
Harges, the American banker at tho
French capital.
A warrant has been Issued on the
charge of murdering his wife for the
arrest of Erich Munter, instructor in
German at Harvard University.
Particularly Desirable for Ladies anci
Leaves Chicago 5:30 p. m., arrives
New York 5:30 p. m. All modern
conveniences, including ladies' maid,
manicure, stenographer, electric
lights, dining car and observation
compartment car. '
Enquire of A. C. Burrows, T. P. A'v
10th and Walnut Sts Kansas City,
Mo., or Warren J. Lynch, Passenger
Traffic Manager, Chicago.
One fare plus one dollar for round
trip. Good going June 2, 3, 4 and 5,
return limit by extension June 30.
Write A. C. Burrows, T. P. A., 10th
and Walnut Sts., Kansas City, for
full particulars. Warren J. Lynch,
Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago.
- ni
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