liPWlMIMpWPni' ' in '" WijD5;fiii'wrH W Hfl ' "I'l'WSi j e t Tfr' "(41 - V fv ''.& .'vi The Commoner. 16 " yOLTTMH , NT7MBEH OOO0OOO0OCKXXX)000O00OO fe it V f fc Keep in Touch With the World For the benefit of Commoner readers who desire to arail themselves of a general line of reading 10 far ai nflWHrmnera and neriodicals ar concerned. The Commoner h( arranged a number of special clubbing offm. This plan has proven to be very popular and thousands of Commoner reader! have taken advantage of th low ratei tnus maae poasiuie. Tht Commoner is prtpared to make tome verj tempting offers in th way of "subscription bargains.1' Be low will be found a list o clubbing offers which are the best terms that can bt obtained anywhere. The char acter of the newspapers and periodicals, the arrangement of the clubs and the really low prices all combine to provide an extraordinary opportunity to those who are anxious to obtain at a reasonable price a line of reading that will keep them ever in touch with all phases of life. SUBSCRIPTION BARGAINS Combination Offers CLASS A Regular Price Commercial Appeal, Memphis, (wk) ' $ .50 American, Nnshvlllo,(wk) 50 Southern Fruit Grower, Chattanooga, (mo) 50 Farm, Stock A. Home, Minneapolis, (seinl-mo).. .50 Homo & Farm, Louisville, (semi-mo) 50 Mo. Valley Farmer, Toieka,(mo) 50 The Homo & State. Dallas, (mo) 50 Modern Farmer, St. Joseph, (mo) 50 Pralrln TPiirmnr. vr 1.0ft Neb. Farm Journal, Lincoln, (mo).... 1.00 l Trnntifia TPnYint fIV-rlrii f r 1 Art f Reliable Poultry Journal, Qulncy,(mo) 1.00 Agricultural Epltomlst, Spencer, Ind.(mo) 25 Farmer's Wife, St. Paul, (mo V......' 50 Metropolitan & Rurnl Home, Nevr York.(mo).. .25 Viek's Family Magazine, Rochester, (mo)...'... .50 Farm News, Springfield, O., (mo) 50 Poultry Success, Springfield. O., (mo) 50. CLASS B World, Now York,(thricea-wcck) ..$1.00 .uonstituuon, Atlanta. luirice-u-wu) 1.00 Enquirer, Cincinnati, (wk).., 1,00 Farm. Field & Fireside. Ohicuiro.fwk) i.ftft Michigan Fanner, Detroit, (wk) 1,00 L Prfllflnnl 1?(ipmAp 1ili f .i1w 1 ff a" Windlo'sGatlingGun. Ohlciigo.dno) 1.00 Cosmopolitan, New York City, (mo) 1.00 Poaieon'n. Now "York Oltv. (inn) inn Times, Seattle, Wash, (wit) ,ooJ " - The Commoner And any one in Class A $1.00 The Commoner And any two In Class A $1.35 The Commoner And any ONE In Ci 2C Class 13 VUOD The Commoner $1.85 And any TWO In ClassU The Commoner and The Commoner J and I The Commoner J and ( Any ONE in Clasa A with any ONE in Clnss B Any ONE in Class A with any TWO in Class B Any TWO in Class A with any ONE in Class B $1.60 $240 $1.85 ini Ei . . i mnyi s5nt t0 "Cerent addresses If desired. Your friends may wish to new TnSK.n SMnd,nK for ? combination. All subscriptions are for one yearand if S Sn? wai Jnm m? nu,"V;er unles,s otherwise directed. Present subscribers ?oerCa gSf Sfi eSrtlon driante0Qy " RfcDeWnlS reeelvcd no w wiU be entered Forolgn postage extra. World n7?nU,ibb offers ,n whlch theThrlce-a-Week World. tnfflJiJSIff&ofM00808010 Fann- Stock & Home appear, are not open to the residents of the respective cities in which the papers numed are published, Miscellaneous Offers Publisher's Price The Public. Chicago, (wk) . qq S&&lW' (tl'ricca-week) ............Vtw World, Kansas City, (daily except Sunday ).'.'.'.'. '.'.V.V. '.'.'.'. '.'.'."' 2 oo Rocky Mountain News-Times. Denver Twkj. ..'... 100 Live block Journal, Chicago, (wk) . i no Democrat. Jolmstown.fwk".. ;...... i'S nu u-nuruia, umaim, (seml-wk) i Poultry Success. Springfield. O. fco)... ...... ,.,.,.,.,. - ffi Literary D latent. Nim vri- ni; iL ' W '.!' 50 00 00 CO. 00 Success. Now York City "fmo .BTU' U'' mo) J-& The Pilgrim, Battle Oreelc, Mich., (mo).. ... ". on ,-..w.w iucMuomty 1'IKOat JL'UO ritbllC The Housekeeper. Minneapolis (moY ' The Paclllc MonthlV Portland i ' ' "" .'' Woman's HnmP f-lnr 'DUc.' .1;:", V" ' " ' .. 1. Our Price with The Commoner $1.00 1.35 1.45 2.00 1.60 1.50 1.25 1.25 a. 25 1.00 3.25 1.25 1.25 1.45 1.45 1.60 . 1.45 must bo now j wo cannot accept renewals Three Extraordinary Offers NUMBER ONE f M CO in yaIue THE COMMONER ftl.nn I VtiWU Review of "RavIawh Mow Vnrlr - . 9. Krt 1 Cosmopolitan, New York l.'oo ( OlXf price No Substitutes Pormittod In Above. 2.50 NUMBER TWO THE COMMONER $1.00 Prairie Farmer, Chicago 1 .00 Cosmopolitan, New York ; 1.00 NUMBER THREE the.commoner $1-00$3IO in value World, Thrice-a-Week, New York.... 1.00 VL . $3.00 in va,ue Our price I06O The Housekeeper, Minneapolis, (mo).. .60 MiSSOliri VallfiV FnrmAr Tn'nolfn (mn KO . w., o.wj.v, W .wu J Our Price jgg NOTE All subscriptions to Public Opinion must be new; we" can not accept renewals. The Housekeeper may be substituted for The Live Stock Journal in No. 2. In No. 3 The World-Herald, Cincinnati Enquirer, Seattle Times or Nebraska Independent may be substituted for The Thrlce-a-Week World. Suggested Combinations Tht Commoner $1.00 Farmer's Wife 50 Reliable Poultry Jnl. 1.00 Pearson's 1.00 The Commoner $1.00 Thrice-a-Wk World.. 1.00 Nebr. Independent.. 1. 00 PralrieFarmer 1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 The Commoner il.m Windle'sGatlinfirGun 1.00 The Housekeeper... .00 Modern Farmer. 50 Tlie Commoner $1.00 Farm, Field & Fire side 1,00 Pacific Monthly 1.00 Send us only $1.70 for the four Send us only $2.75 for the Ave Send us only $1.85 for the four Send us only $1.95 for the three The Commoner $1.00 World-Herald ........ 1 . 00 The Housekeeper... .60 The Commoner $1.00 Thrice-a-week World 1.00 Woman'sHome Com panion 1,00 The Commoner $1.00 so. Fruit Grower. Homo A: St.n.t Commercial Appeal. The Commoner J1.0C Cincinnati Enquirer. 1.0C Public l.oc Missouri Val. Farmer .59 Send us only $1.70 for the three Send us only $1.95 for the three Send us only $1.60 for the four Send us only $2.70 for the fou Changes Allowed in Combinations In the above offers, these periodicals may be substituted one for another: Com mercial Appeal, American, Southern Fruit Grower, Farm, Stock & Home Home & Farm, Missouri Valley Farmer, Home & Stale, Modern Farmer, Prairie Farmer, Farm & Home Sentinel, Central Farmer, Kansas Farmer, Reliable Poultry Journal, Agricultural Epitomist, Farmer's Wife, Metro politan & Rural Home. In the above offers,i7iese periodicals may be substituted one for another: Thrico a-Week New York World, Cincinnati Enquirer, Farm, Field & Fireside Michigan Farmer, Practical Farmer, Windle's Gatling Gun, Cosmopolitan Pearson fl, Seattle Times, Live Stock Journal, Johnstown Democrat, Omn. ha World-Herald, Poultry Success, Campbell's Illustrated Journal, Houses keeper, Thrico-a-wook Atlanta Constitution, PREMIUM OFFERS FOR NEW SUBSCRIPTION year'ssubs offer thvee months' subscription to THE COMMONER, or a THE COMMONER, VyeSs iubsSlStlon to ivS. an?Ual ?,?,bCrl?ti05S t0 THE COMMONER, we offer six months' subscription to one year's subscription ta H?lw Thrittk Sf JK K? ?' xt Forrrthree nw annual subscriptions to THE COMMONER, we offer COMMONER. (if you secure two wnuS I ,SlRClty Mountain News-Times, or Success, or Cosmopolitan, or nine months of THE tion price of THE commoner i to &00 ! Je? yea? payable In advance P " PlaCe f lhe thIrd neW ubscrIPtIon- The This premium offer does not apply to clubbinir or nnmhinntinn cnnrtnHc Tnn ,.., . . ... - -- ww.. Uuw...mwU0. Mva ciuiu iiiuiuiy wnat premium is aqsireu. All otr4ers must be addressed to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska f CXXXXXXX3OO0O0O CXXXXXX1